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  • Disease and Stress Biology Lab, ITQB-UNL/IBET (Cláudia Santos)
  • IICT, Oeiras (Dora Batista, Jorge Paiva, Leonor Guimarães)
  • Plant Genetic Engineering Lab, ITQB-UNL/IBET (Margarida Oliveira)
  • Plant Biochemistry Lab, ITQB-UNL/IBET (C. Pinto Ricardo)
  • IBMC, Porto (Ana Campilho) 
  • ISPA, Lisboa (João Maroco) 
  • INIAV, Lisboa (Isabel Carrasquinho, Carolina Varela)
  • CEBAL, Beja (Sónia Gonçalves)
  • Universidade do Algarve, Faro (José Leitão)
  • Escola Superior de Biotecnologia Univ. Católica (Marta Vasconcelos)
  • INESC-ID/IST, Lisboa (Mário Silva, Ana Teresa Freitas)


  • Warnell School of Forest Resources, University of Georgia, USA (Jeffrey Dean)
  • University of Malaga, Spain (Francisco Cánovas)
  • Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), Uppsala, Sweden (Sara von Arnold)
  • Umea Plant Science Centre (UPSC), Sweden (Hannele Tuominen)
  • FCBA (Institut Technologique Forêt Cellulose Bois-construction Ameublement), France (Luc Harvengt)
  • University of Sydney, Australia (Brian Jones)
  • Institute of Molecular and Cellular Plant Biology (IBMCP), Polytechnical University of Valencia, Spain (Miguel Blazquez)
  • VIB Department of Plant Systems Biology, UGent, Belgium (Yves Van de Peer)
  • INIA-CIFOR (Madrid), Spain (M. Teresa Cervera)
  • Universidad de Alcalá, Spain (Carmen Díaz-Sala)
  • University of Tubingen, Germany (Laura Ragni)


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