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The Selective Cause of an Ancient Adaptation
Antony Michael Dean, University of Minnesota
Located in Events / Seminars
Technology Transfer for ITQB/IBET
Francisco Pereira do Valle, RAND Project Management
Located in Events / Seminars
Viral Vectors in Gene Therapy: Special Emphasis on Alphaviruses
Kenneth Lundstrom PanTherapeutics, Lausanne, Switzerland
Located in Events / Seminars
Structural membrane proteomics- Respiratory chain complex I from thermophilic bacteria
Guohong Peng Max Planck Institut fur Biophysics, Frankfurt, Germany
Located in Events / Seminars
Expression of GPCRs in Drug Discovery and Structural Biology
Kenneth Lundstrom PanTherapeutics, Lausanne, Switzerland
Located in Events / Seminars
EMBO - the idea, the achievements and future perspectives
Hermann Bujard Executive Director of the European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO)
Located in Events / Seminars
Studying gene functions via tetracycline controlled transcription activation: principles, advances and applications
Hermann Bujard, EMBO
Located in Events / Seminars
Mitochondrial targets for chemotherapy
Catherine Brenner-Jan University Versailles/St Quentin (CNRS UMR 8159)
Located in Events / Seminars
Protein glycosylation, LPS, and peptidoglycan: three pathways, many possibilities
Mario F. Feldman University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Located in Events / Seminars
AVX Seminar: What, if anything, is an extremophile?
Milton Costa, U. Coimbra
Located in Events / Seminars