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POSTPONED - [SCAN] Catarina Brito
Postponed to March 20th
Located in Events / Seminars
[SEMINAR] Plant proteins from agro-industrial residues: insights for food and other applications
Prof. Annalisa Tassoni
Located in Events / Seminars
[SEMINAR] Isolation and characterization of a novel sulfur-disproportionating bacterium for advancing biochemical research
Tomohiro Watanabe, Hokkaido University, Japan
Located in Events / Seminars
[SEMINAR] Tailoring DELLA repressors for increased salt tolerance
Salomé Prat, Centre for Research in Agricultural Genomics (CRAG)
Located in Events / Seminars
[Seminar] Molecular Dynamics simulations: from model systems to biotechnological applications
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[Seminar] Bioengineering of Cancer Stem Cells for Improved 3D Cell Models and Disease Modeling
iNOVA4Health Seminar
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[Seminar] Origin and evolution of gibberellin signaling in plants
PhD program Plants for Life
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[Seminar] Semi-artificial Carbon Dioxide Fixation Using Enzymes
Prof. Erwin Reisner
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[PhD Seminar] Structure and Dynamics of Pathogenic Scaffold Proteins; Metalloenzymes in microbial defense mechanisms against oxygen and nitric oxide & A targeted approach to control Streptococcus pneumoniae infection
Guillem Hernandez, Maria Carlos Martins & Catarina Candeias
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[Seminar] The genus Neurachne: Key to Understanding the Evolution of C4 Photosynthesis
Prof. Martha Ludwig
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