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SCAN: ‘Fandango’: Long Term Adaptation of Exotic Germplasm to a Portuguese On-Farm-Conservation and Breeding Project
Pedro Moreira, ESA Coimbra and ITQB
Located in Events / PhD Seminars
SCAN: In vitro models for bioavailability: evaluation of drug-drug interactions
Hugo Serra, Pharmacokinetics and Biopharmaceutical Analysis Laboratory
Located in Events / PhD Seminars
SCAN: Insights into the ATP-hydrolysis mechanism of an ABC transporter
Ana Sofia Oliveira, Protein Modelling Lab
Located in Events / PhD Seminars
SCAN: The homophilic interaction of the L1 cell adhesion molecule: kinetic analysis and the functional role of the Ig1-Ig4 domains.
Ricardo Gouveia, Glycobiology Lab.
Located in Events / PhD Seminars
SCAN: Udp-glucose dehydrogenases from S. elodea and B. cenocepacia - one function different outcomes
Joana Raquel Rocha, Structural Biology Lab.
Located in Events / PhD Seminars
SCAN: Fungal commmunities on cork
Maria do Carmo Basílio, Physiology of Environmentally Conditioned Microbiota Lab.
Located in Events / PhD Seminars
SCAN: Formate metabolism in Desulfovibrio vulgaris Hildenborough
Sofia Silva, Microbial Biochemistry Lab.
Located in Events / PhD Seminars
SCAN: Virulence of Enterococcus faecalis dairy strains in an insect model: Role of fsrB and gelE genes
Frederic Gaspar, Microbiology of Man-Made Environments Lab.
Located in Events / PhD Seminars
SCAN: Studies on methicillin-resistance chromosomal cassette in Staphylococcus aureus
Catarina Milheiriço, Molecular Genetics Laboratory
Located in Events / PhD Seminars
SCAN: Molecular recognition of anions and neutral molecules by heteroditopic receptors
Nicolas Bernier, Coordination and Supramolecular Chemistry Lab
Located in Events / PhD Seminars