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[Workshop] NOVASAÚDE envelhecimento
4º Workshop
Located in Events / Seminars
[Course] 11th Basic course on NMR spectroscopy
Located in Events / Courses
ITQB NOVA researcher wins €1M CaixaResearch Health Grant
The project will develop a tool for the early detection of neurodegenerative diseases
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Ricardo Henriques elected as EMBO Member
The new PI becomes the 5th ITQB NOVA researcher to join the EMBO community
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Over 40 new ITQB NOVA PhDs Honored on NOVA Day
The new PhDs from Universidade Nova de Lisboa received their insignia during the NOVA Day Ceremony, under the theme “Inspire and Build”
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[SCAN] How can Instruct-ERIC infrastructure boost my work?
Margarida Archer
Located in Events / Seminars
"90 Segundos de Ciência": eight years and almost 2000 scientists
The programme has been showcasing Portuguese science on the radio every weekday.
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ITQB NOVA at the NOVA Science & Innovation Day 2024
Several ITQB NOVA researchers will present their work at the NOVA Science & Innovation Day, on December 3rd, at the NOVA University Lisbon Rectorate Building.
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[SEMINAR] Conformational mechanism of CO2 fixation in the bifunctional complex carbon monoxide dehydrogenase / acetyl-CoA synthase
Bonnie Murphy
Located in Events / Seminars
Dia Aberto do ITQB NOVA - Missão Ciência: Perguntar é o primeiro passo
Located in Events