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[SCAN] Healthy plants, healthy animals, healthy people
Carlota Vaz Patto
Located in Events
[SCAN] Staphylococcus epidermidis biofilm metabolism and matrix remodelling promotes resistance to nitrosative stress
Sandra Carvalho
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[SCAN] The insect Galleria mellonella as a powerful and highly versatile model
Dalila Mil-Homens
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International Microorganism Day 2023
Microrganismos na Praia da Torre
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13th PhD Meeting
The 13th ITQB NOVA PhD Students' Meeting is coming soon!
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TEDx NOVA 2023
Into the Unknown: Embracing Discomfort and Pursuing New Paths
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[Event] European Researchers' Night 2023
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New coordinators of the PhD Program in Plant Biology
Carlota Vaz Patto and Jörg Becker step in as the new Coordinator and Co-Coordinator of the PhD Programme in Plant Biology
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Two CaixaImpulse Innovation Projects to bring Science to Industry
ITQB NOVA receives €98K to transfer the results of its cutting-edge research from the laboratory to patients
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[Mini Symposium] NIMSB LS4FUTURE
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