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1st LS4Future General Meeting
The Associate Laboratory 1st General Meeting takes place at Palácio Flor da Murta
2nd LS4FUTURE PI Retreat
The retreat deepened scientific collaborations and strengthened alliances
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[Mini Symposium] NIMSB LS4FUTURE
Located in Events / Meetings
[Workshop] Identifying Skills, CV & Cover Letter Writing
Located in Events / Seminars
Advancing towards a sustainable and cleaner environment
Recent work from the Bacterial Energy Metabolism lab highlights how microbes and their proteins can help us move towards a more sustainable future.
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Cecília Arraiano honoured with FEBS Diplôme d’Honneur
The prize was created in 1974, on the 10th anniversary of Federation of European Biochemical Societies, to honour biochemists and molecular biologists who have given outstanding service to the Federation.
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CollDatabase Presentation - LS4F Informative Session
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ERC PoC Grant for Cristina Silva Pereira
The project will focus on a plant derived biopolymer to improve encapsulation technologies
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In Memory of Professor Joan Guinovart (1947–2024)
ITQB NOVA joins the Life Sciences community in mourning the loss of Professor Joan Guinovart, a pioneering biochemist and cherished member of the Scientific Advisory Boards for MOSTMICRO and LS4FUTURE.
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LS4FUTURE Online Informative Session
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