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A novel respiratory complex in Desulfovibrio vulgaris
PhD Seminar: Sofia Venceslau, Microbial Biochemistry
Located in Events / PhD Seminars
Massive shift in the composition of the nasopharyngeal flora after vaccination
PhD Seminar: Nelson Frazão, Molecular Genetics
Located in Events / PhD Seminars
Isolation and characterization of almond genes involved in flowering time
PhD Seminar: Milene Costa, Plant Genetic Engineering
Located in Events / PhD Seminars
Enterococci isolated from Portuguese pig facilities, a cause of concern?
PhD Seminar: Teresa Braga, Antibiotic Stress and Virulence of Enterococci
Located in Events / PhD Seminars
Modifications of the cell surface that allow bacteria to evade the host immune system
PhD Seminar: Magda Atilano, Bacterial Cell Surfaces and Pathogenesis Lab
Located in Events / PhD Seminars
Study of the pH-dependent misfolding of human prion protein by constant-pH molecular dynamics simulations
PhD Seminar: Sara Campos, Molecular Simulation Lab
Located in Events / PhD Seminars
PhD Seminar: Increased activity of the phosphorelay triggers sporulation during growth in a gut strain of Bacillus subtilis
Cláudia Serra, Microbial Development Lab
Located in Events / PhD Seminars
Exploring fungal activity in the presence of ionic liquids
Marija Petkovic, Applied and Environmental Mycology Lab
Located in Events / PhD Seminars
Response to arsenic stress in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Catarina Amaral, Genomics and Stress Lab
Located in Events / PhD Seminars
Engineering Lactococcus lactis for the production of trehalose, a strategy to improve stress resistance
Ana Lúcia Carvalho, Cell Physiology and NMR
Located in Events / PhD Seminars