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SCAN: Molecular recognition of anions and neutral molecules by heteroditopic receptors
Nicolas Bernier, Coordination and Supramolecular Chemistry Lab
Located in Events / PhD Seminars
SCAN: Conformational analysis in a multidimensional energy landscape
Sara Campos - Molecular Simulation Lab
Located in Events / PhD Seminars
SCAN: The use of molecular typing to optimize epidemiology studies
Nuno Faria - Molecular Genetics Lab
Located in Events / PhD Seminars
SCAN: Selection of autochthonous Oenococcus oeni strains to be used as malolactic starters in the wine industry
Ana Paula Marques - Physiology of Environmentally Conditioned Microbiota Lab
Located in Events / PhD Seminars
SCAN: Biochemical and stability studies of hyperthermophilic multicopper oxidases
André Fernandes - Microbial & Enzyme Technology Lab
Located in Events / PhD Seminars
Anion Recognition by Synthetic Receptors
Pedro Mateus, Coordination and Supramolecular Chemistry Lab
Located in Events / PhD Seminars
SCAN:The alternative complex III from Rhodothermus marinus - a prototype of a new family of quinol:electron acceptor oxidoreductases
Ana Patrícia Refojo, Metalloproteins and Bioenergetics Lab
Located in Events / PhD Seminars
SCAN:Role of the transcription factor Cited2 in embryonic stem cells
José Bragança, Animal Cell Technology Lab
Located in Events / PhD Seminars
SCAN: The biosynthesis of di-myo-inositol-phosphate and related osmolytes involves genes and enzymes unique to hyperthermophiles
Marta Viseu Rodrigues, Cell Physiology and NMR Lab
Located in Events / PhD Seminars
SCAN: Cp*-Functionalized N-Heterocyclic Carbenes: Synthesis, Coordination and Catalytic Applications
André Pontes da Costa, Homogeneous Catalysis Lab
Located in Events / PhD Seminars