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[COURSE] Metals in biology: their importance and tools to study them
FEBS Advanced Course
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Inês Cardoso Pereira awarded "Prémio Alberto Romão Dias"
The award recognizes her contributions to the advancement of Bioinorganic Chemistry.
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(Des)Conversas – Knowledge and Freedom
ITQB NOVA celebrates the 50 years of the Carnation Revolution with a new series of talks on knowledge and freedom
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[SCAN] Metalloenzymes - from biophysics to biosensors
Célia Silveira
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[SCAN] Microbial symbiosis and interactions in the honey bee gut
Waldan Kwong
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[SCAN] My perspective on pivotal role of NMR metabolomics for ITQB NOVA
Luis Gafeira
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[SCAN] Staphylococcus aureus break on through to the other (in)side
Raquel Portela
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Nuno Maulide receives ERC Advanced Grant
After a Starting Grant, a Consolidator Grant and two Proof of Concept Grants, the researcher secures its 5th ERC Grant.
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Cracking bacterial tactics for infection
Researchers at ITQB NOVA uncovered a new way in which bacteria hijack host behavior to promote infection. The discovery could contribute to the development of new drugs for diarrheal diseases.
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Hermínia de Lencastre elected for Academia das Ciências
The election recognizes the scientific reputation of the ITQB NOVA's PI and Professor
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