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Nuno Maulide elected Scientist of the year in Austria

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ITQB NOVA-invited professor was distinguished by the Austrian Club of Education and Science Journalists

Oeiras, 7.1.2019

Nuno Maulide, Full Professor and Chair of Organic Synthesis at the University of Vienna and Invited Professor at ITQB NOVA, was elected as “Scientist of the year” by the Austrian Club of Education and Science Journalists. The announcement was made today in Vienna, and it has recognized Nuno Maulide for his outstanding contributions in communicating his research to different audiences and thus promoting scientific culture in Austria.

The Austrian Club of Education and Science Journalists has awarded this distinction annually since 1994, and the election is made among its 150 members representing the main media outlets in Austria. It is the first time that a chemist and a Portuguese are in this list.

"I am honored by this distinction, especially to have been recognised by the role as communicator of the science we have been doing in our laboratory. Chemistry is often depicted as a difficult subject for the media and general audiences - but everytime I explain Chemistry to audiences young and old, people find it surprisingly accessible and intuitive. I am proud to have been able to contribute to its understanding among the broader public” said Nuno Maulide. “It is my hope that this award will further raise awareness for the value and countless benefits of Chemistry, or as I call it, ‘the enabling science’. I believe it is our duty as scientists to disseminate our findings and work in ways that allow non-experts to understand and, more importantly, relate to.”

“Since 1994, the "Scientist of the Year" award has been presented annually by the Austrian Club of Education and Science Journalists to researchers working in Austria who "have rendered outstanding services to the comprehensible communication of their work and have thus raised the image of research among the general public". Nuno Maulide is a scientist who dedicates himself strongly and with great commitment to this communication work”, says Eva Stanzl, president of the club.


About Nuno Maulide

Nuno Maulide’s research has mostly focused on unusual or "unconventional" reactivity profiles of organic compounds. He has taken particular interest in high-energy reactive intermediates that can be generated under mild conditions and subsequently engaged in useful transformations. His broad research encompasses the invention of numerous chemical reactions that can be used to make the molecules on which modern society relies in more efficient and sustainable ways.

Nuno Maulide is Full Professor of Organic Synthesis at University of Vienna (Austria) since 2013 and is Invited Professor at ITQB NOVA since 2018. He has been awarded three European Research Council (ERC) Grants: in 2011 (starting grant), 2016 (consolidator grant) and 2018 (proof of concept) and is Corresponding Member of the Austrian Academy of Sciences.




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