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Structure, dynamics and function of proteins

Workshop UniCat: 17-19 September
Structure, dynamics and function of proteins

Unifying Concepts in Catalysis

From September 17, ITQB will host a workshop jointly organized with the Technical University of Berlin on the topic of "Structure, dynamics and function of proteins". This workshop is organized under the framework of UniCat, the acronym for a new initiative to unify concepts in catalysis and a German cluster of excellence. ITQB's involvement in this cluster is mainly focused on biological catalysis, a key research topic at ITQB.

For three days, researchers in this area will discuss topics such as Metalloenzymes, Respiratory enzymes, Metalloproteins, Photoreceptors, Voltage-clamp / spectroscopy and ion transport, Electron Transfer of cytochromes, and the Experimental & Theoretical Methods used in the area of catalysis.

This workshop is open to the public.


> Download detailed programme [.pdf]

> Access slide presentations
[available from ITQB only]


UniCat is a Cluster of Excellence developed within the Excellence Initiative started by the German Federal and State Governments, under the supervision of the German Research Foundation.  (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft , DFG). The Cluster operation started in November 2007 and is a Consortium of the three Berlin Universities, two Max-Planck Insti tutes and the University of Postdam, being coordinated by the Technische Universität Berlin. As External Partners, it includes several large companies, and several Foreigner Academic Partners: besides ITQB, the Boreskov Institute of Catalysis, Novosibirsk, Russia, and Departments/ Research Centers from Cardiff University, UK, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel, Northwestern University, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, Evanvston, USA, Pennsylvania Sate University, USA, University of Messina, Italy, University of Oxford, UK, Upsalla University, Sewden and Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands.


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