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[SCAN] In search of molecular markers for graft (in)compatibility
Pedro Fevereiro, Plant Cell Biotechnology Lab, ITQB
Located in Events / Seminars
SCAN:"Phage display as a useful tool for drug discovery"
Ana Barbas From Bayer Healthcare satellite laboratory @IBET
Located in Events / Seminars
SCAN:Population genomics of Medicago truncatula to identify mechanisms of salinity adaptation
Matilde Cordeiro PhD student at Plant Cell Biotechnology Laboratory
Located in Events / Seminars
SCAN: New strategies to prevent brain damage due to hypoxia-ischemia and reperfusion
Helena Vieira Animal Cell Technology Laboratory
Located in Events / Seminars
SCAN:Primary Cultures and Stem Cells for Drug Discovery and Cell Therapy: Bioprocessing Challenges
Paula M. Alves Head of Cell Bioprocesses Laboratory
Located in Events / Seminars
[SCAN] New cyclam based chelator for RIT and PET imaging. Synthesis, coordination chemistry and 64Cu radiolabeling
Raphaël Tripier, Université de Bretagne Occidentale, Brest, France
Located in Events / Seminars
CANCELLED [SCAN] Impact of the conjugate vaccines on the pneumococci community
Ana Cristina Paulo, Molecular Microbiology of Human Pathogens Laboratory, ITQB
Located in Events / Seminars
[SCAN] Portuguese tales of a misbehaved commensal
Raquel Sá-Leão, Molecular Microbiology of Human Pathogens Lab, ITQB
Located in Events / Seminars
SCAN:Recent findings on antibiotic resistance and virulence of an old companion
Fátima Lopes Head of Stress by Antibiotics and Virulence of Enterococci Laboratory
Located in Events / Seminars
SCAN:Reductive elimination of Reactive Oxygen Species: Structural and Functional Insights
Miguel Sepúlveda Teixeira Head of Metalloenzymes and Molecular Bioenergetics Laboratory
Located in Events / Seminars