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[SCAN - new schedule] Sampling in the Midle Atlantic Ridge: diving at 2000 meters
Luís Gafeira Gonçalves, Cell Physiology & NMR Lab, ITQB
Located in Events / Seminars
[SCAN] AI-driven Optical Biology
Ricardo Henriques
Located in Events
[SCAN] A Journey into the New RNA World
Cecília Arraiano, Control of Gene Expression Lab, ITQB
Located in Events / Seminars
[SCAN] ABCC proteins: molecular and biochemical aspects of their involvement in vacuolar anthocyanin transport
Rita Francisco, Plant Molecular Ecophysiology Lab
Located in Events / Seminars
[SCAN] About and around Streptococcus pneumoniae
Ana Cristina Paulo
Located in Events / Seminars
[SCAN] Amazing Extremophiles: the Journey from Basic Microbial Physiology to Applications
Helena Santos, Cell Physiology & NMR Lab, ITQB
Located in Events / Seminars
[SCAN] Ana Paula Santos
Ana Paula Santos, GPlantS Lab, ITQB
Located in Events / Seminars
[SCAN] Ana Petronilho - Postponed
Postponed to 6 November
Located in Events
[SCAN] BioMimetx: Beyond the Petri dish
Patrick Freire
Located in Events / Seminars
[SCAN] Bioprocess Engineering for Vaccines Production
António Roldão, Cell Bioprocesses Lab, ITQB
Located in Events / Seminars