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SCAN: Novel cryopreservation strategies for cell-based therapies and pharmacological applications
Rita Malpique, Laboratory of Animal Cell Technology
Located in Events / PhD Seminars
SCAN: Photoprotection systems in Quercus ilex L. and the application of the Near-Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy (NIRS) as an ecophysiological tool to detect oxidative stress
Marta Pintó-Marijuan Post-Doctoral
Located in Events / Seminars
SCAN: Protein Modelling Laboratory @ ITQB-UNL. (Recent) Past, present and (near) future
Cláudio M. Soares, Protein Modeling Laboratory
Located in Events / Seminars
SCAN: Recognition of anionic substrates by artificial polyammonium receptors
Rita Delgado, Head of the Coordination and Supramolecular Chemistry Laboratory
Located in Events / PhD Seminars
SCAN: Science Communication at ITQB
Ana M. Sanchez, External Affairs Office
Located in Events / PhD Seminars
SCAN: Selection of autochthonous Oenococcus oeni strains to be used as malolactic starters in the wine industry
Ana Paula Marques - Physiology of Environmentally Conditioned Microbiota Lab
Located in Events / PhD Seminars
SCAN: Single Molecule Chemistry
Yann Astier - Head of Single Molecular Processes Laboratory
Located in Events / PhD Seminars
SCAN: Streptococcus pneumoniae under fire: impact of vaccines and antibiotics
Raquel Sá Leão, Molecular Genetics Laboratory
Located in Events / PhD Seminars
SCAN: Structure-Function studies in recombinant CotA-laccase from B. subtilis
Paulo Durão, Microbial & Enzyme Technology Lab.
Located in Events / PhD Seminars
SCAN: Studies on methicillin-resistance chromosomal cassette in Staphylococcus aureus
Catarina Milheiriço, Molecular Genetics Laboratory
Located in Events / PhD Seminars