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SCAN: Protein Modelling Laboratory @ ITQB-UNL. (Recent) Past, present and (near) future

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Cláudio M. Soares, Protein Modeling Laboratory

When 14 Apr, 2010 from
12:00 pm to 01:00 pm
Where Auditorium
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SCAN Seminar

Title: Protein Modelling Laboratory @ ITQB-UNL. (Recent) Past, present and (near) future

Speaker: Cláudio M. Soares

Afilliation: Protein Modelling Laboratory


An overview of the recent activities of the Protein Modelling Laboratory will be presented, trying to cover, in a simplified way, the main areas of research and their relation with the state of the art. The subjects covered will range from modeling and simulation work in redox proteins and processes, in biotechnologically relevant systems and in biomedically relevant subjects. When relevant, the simulation work will be placed into the context of the collaboration with experimentalist groups.

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