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Over 40 new ITQB NOVA PhDs Honored on NOVA Day
The new PhDs from Universidade Nova de Lisboa received their insignia during the NOVA Day Ceremony, under the theme “Inspire and Build”
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PhD Fellowships for PTNMR PhD Program
Call for applications at the Doctoral Programme in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Applied to Chemistry, Materials and Biosciences
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PhD Fellowships for PTNMR PhD Program
Call for applications at the Doctoral Programme in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Applied to Chemistry, Materials and Biosciences
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PhD Fellowships for PTNMR PhD Program
Call for applications at the Doctoral Programme in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Applied to Chemistry, Materials and Biosciences
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Postdoc Appreciation Week at ITQB NOVA
A special occasion to acknowledge the significant contributions of postdocs to research, discovery, and outreach activities.
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POSTPONED - [SCAN] Catarina Brito
Postponed to March 20th
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Postponed [SCAN] Manuela Pereira
Manuela Pereira, Biological Energy Transduction Lab
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Prémio António Xavier 2017
Call for proposals
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Proteins always find a way
New paper on spore surface protein assembly
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Proteins partner for crucial cellular quality control system
Severe human genetic diseases are related to malfunctioning ribosomes. The surveillance system of this protein collaboration was previously unknown.
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