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Put the blame on BolA
ITQB NOVA researchers unveil a new factor involved in Salmonella virulence
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Reducing “noise” in gene expression
New system for producing proteins in bacteria
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Regulating the regulators
Novel silencing enzyme acts on double and single-stranded RNAs with important consequences for host-microbe interactions
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Regulating the terminator
ITQB NOVA researchers unveil a new mechanism for transcription termination
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Ricardo Henriques elected as EMBO Member
The new PI becomes the 5th ITQB NOVA researcher to join the EMBO community
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Roadmap for Climate Neutrality and Resilience of NOVA University Lisbon
Located in Events / Meetings
Round and round we go
Mariana Pinho Lab unveiled mechanism for elongation of cocci
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Saúl Silva awarded with Best PhD Thesis in Organic Chemistry 2017
ITQB NOVA PhD thesis presented in October 2017
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SCAN: The Multiverse of Glycoprotein Glycans
Júlia Costa, ITQB NOVA
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SCAN: The Multiverse of Glycoprotein Glycans
Júlia Costa, ITQB NOVA
Located in Events / Seminars