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SCAN: NMR studies of proteins involved in anaerobic respiration of metal reducing organisms
Ricardo Louro, Head of Inorganic Biochemistry and NMR Lab
Located in Events / PhD Seminars
SCAN: Structure-Function studies in recombinant CotA-laccase from B. subtilis
Paulo Durão, Microbial & Enzyme Technology Lab.
Located in Events / PhD Seminars
SCAN: Development of new tetraaza macrocyclic chelators: a search for more efficient lanthanide complexes
Luís M. P. Lima, Coordination and Supramolecular Chemistry Lab
Located in Events / PhD Seminars
SCAN: Recognition of anionic substrates by artificial polyammonium receptors
Rita Delgado, Head of the Coordination and Supramolecular Chemistry Laboratory
Located in Events / PhD Seminars
To be or not to be?? The dilemma of an enzyme’s Life…
José Artur Brito, Membrane Protein Crystallography
Located in Events / PhD Seminars
SCAN: In vitro models for intestinal absorption: application to pharmacologically active flavonoids
Hugo Serra, Pharmacokinetics and Biopharmaceutical Analysis
Located in Events / PhD Seminars
SCAN: Genetically modified organisms - potential allergies and potential pleiotropic alterations
Rita Batista, Plant Genetic Engeneering Lab
Located in Events / PhD Seminars
SCAN: Transfer NMR methods for the ITQB researcher
Patrick Groves, Head of Molecular Interactions and NMR Laboratory
Located in Events / PhD Seminars
New tetraaza macrocyclic ligands with acetate pendant arms: Synthesis and studies of transition metal and lanthanide ion complexes
Luís M. P. Lima, Coordination and Supramolecular Chemistry Lab
Located in Events / PhD Seminars
SCAN: Exploring the Nanostructured Nature of Ionic Liquids
Luis Paulo Rebelo, Head of Molecular Thermodynamics, and Margarida Costa Gomes
Located in Events / PhD Seminars