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SCAN: Functional Oils development – healthier edible oils

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Ana Matias, Nutraceuticals and Controlled Delivery Laboratory

When 26 Mar, 2008 from
12:00 pm to 01:00 pm
Where Auditorium, ITQB II
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Lipid oxidation is one of the major causes of quality deterioration of edible oils and is considered a major problem in many sectors of the food industry. Retarding lipid oxidation, not only extends product shelf-life but also increase the nutritive value of oils and reduce potentially toxic compounds formed.

One of the most promising ways to achieve stabilization of edible oils is the addition of natural antioxidants, more efficient and more easily accepted than synthetic ones. The desired level of stabilization, depends not only on the amount of antioxidants added but on several other factors like structural features, physical state of the system, temperature, light and presence, or absence, of synergetic effects between antioxidants and matrix compounds.

Moreover, many compounds present in oils already have proven nutritional benefits. Different blends of specific types of lipid matrices associated with antioxidants addition can lead to new functional vegetable oils. This methods combination is part of a product engineering that is responsible for the development of edible oils, healthier, nutritive and with a higher shelf-life.


Short CV

1995-2002 – Degree in Chemical Engineering by Faculdade Ciências e Tecnologia – Universidade Nova Lisboa

2001-2002 – Undergraduate training at the Supercritical Fluids group at Faculdade Ciências e Tecnologia, UNL, Lisboa

2002-2005 - Researcher at IBET in an EU financed project – PRIME - "Antioxidantes Naturais".

2005-2008 – PhD fellowship by Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia and Sovena, Comércio e Indústria de Produtos Alimentares SA, since April of 2005, on "Bioproducts development from natural sources", under supervision of Dr. Catarina Duarte, at Nutraceuticals and Controlled Delivery Lab, ITQB/IBET.



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