Fundamentals of light microscopy and image processing course 2023

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Fundamentals of light microscopy and image processing is a 2 weeks course (18th to 29th of September) focused on the application of fluorescence microscopy in molecular and cellular microbiology and infection biology. 

This course will pass on basic concepts and practical training in conventional epifluorescence,  confocal microscopy and super-resolution microscopy. Trainees will learn principles of sample preparation and advanced applications in fluorescence microscopy (FRET, FLIM and FRAP). 

The first week will consist of lectures followed by hands-on activities and microscopy experimentation in the second week. 

Through a combination of theoretical presentations and interactive coding sessions, trainees will learn methods of image analysis and machine learning. These concepts and tools will be applied in small group projects in interaction with the trainers.

Target audience

Anyone interested in fluorescence microscopy with a background in life sciences-related disciplines, including MSc or PhD students, PhD researchers, scientific research technicians, etc.

Number of participants



Applications will be accepted until July 28, 2023. 

Notification of acceptance will follow by August 18th, 2023.  

Before applying, ensure you have

  1. Copy of ID document (with tax number);

  2. Photograph;

  3. Curriculum vitae;

  4. Motivation letter;

  5. Proof of residence in Portugal or a valid residence permit, either temporary or permanent (only required if applying for PRR scholarships).


Pedro Matos Pereira [Bacterial Imaging Cluster (BIC)]

Mónica Serrano [Bacterial Imaging Cluster (BIC)]

Carolina A. Feliciano [Bacterial Imaging Cluster (BIC)]

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Zeiss LSM 880 w/ Fast Airyscan

Zeiss Axio Zoom.V16

Zeiss Axio Observer 

Zeiss Celldiscoverer 7

PRR Support

This course is supported by European funds under the Recovery and Resilience Plan (PRR) of the Portuguese Republic, following the appr

oval of the "CIVIC and GLOBAL" project of Universidade NOVA de Lisboa (RE - C06.i03.03 - Impulso Ad


The Recovery and Resilience Plan is a nationally applicable programme. The Plan will implement a set of reforms and investments aimed at restoring sustained economic growth, supporting the goal of convergence with Europe over the next decade.

The European Union, faced with the seriou

s impacts of the pandemic on European economies, has created Next Generation EU, a strategic instrument to mitigate the economic and social impact of the crisis; this is capable of promoting economic convergence and resilience, helping to ensure long-term sustainable growth and meeting the challenges of the transition to a greener and more digital society. The Recovery and Resilience Mechanism has been developed on the basis of this instrument, and the RRP fits into this framework.

The RRP is an investment plan for all Portuguese people, based on three structuring dimensions: Resilience; Climate Change; Digital Transition.

For more information visit 


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For more information about EU-LAC and the RI-HUB project visit