Master in Science Communication
The Master in Science Communication is the result of a partnership between ITQB NOVA and Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, both from Universidade Nova de Lisboa.
This MsC degree focuses on the communication of science in an essentially practical perspective, considering three main channels of communication: research institutions, educational institutions and the media.
During the curricular part of the masters students have the opportunity to discuss the relationship between science and society and the responsibility of scientists in this relationship, to understand the evolution of the concept of science communication, to learn and train tools of strategic communication and journalism and to contact examples of successful communication projects.
In addition to those responsible for the different curricular units, the Master in Science Communication counts on the participation of Portuguese scientists and communicators of science .
Coordinators: Ana Sanchez (ITQB NOVA) and António Granado (FCSH NOVA)
1. To raise awareness of the importance of science communication , in a society increasingly dependent on science and technology;
2. Educate and promote enthusiasm in future communication and education professionals through the communication of science in its various forms;
3. Establish communication of science as an integral part of the reality of Portuguese institutions, endowing them with specialized professionals in this area.
Course units
Science and Scientists
1st semester | Ana Sanchez, ITQB NOVA
To communicate science it is important to understand what science is - who does it, what it consists of, how it is financed, what is its validity, what challenges and responsibilities lie with scientists. In this seminar the students contact with different aspects and phases of the practice of science. By the end of the semester students should understand the way scientific knowledge progresses and the constraints to which it is subject.
Focusing in particular on the exact and natural sciences, the seminar looks into the research methods; the importance of the validity of the results (statistical concepts); peer review; fundamental and applied research; the scientist's responsibilities in the scientific process; and its role in communicating science.
The seminar also includes the participation of researchers from different areas who will be invited to discuss specific aspects of their area of research.
Science Journalism
1st semester | António Granado, FCSH NOVA
In this seminar students will be able to communicate with the different genres of journalism (news, report and profile) in the specific area of science journalism, and they will learn to produce texts with quality to be published in newspapers/news sites nationwide.
It is intended that the students:
Perceive and internalize the differences between the various journalistic genres;
Be able to carry out a correct collection of information for the publication of journalistic texts in the area of science;
Get to know deeply the working methods and constraints of the science journalist profession;
Be aware of the profound transformations of this field with the advent of the Internet;
Try some of the new tools that have helped to change the role of journalists in newsrooms, both in producing new content and in getting closer to sources and readers.
Techniques and Practices in Science Communication
1st semester | Joana Lobo Antunes (ITQB NOVA) and Paulo Nuno Vicente (FCSH NOVA)
Discussion of principles, techniques, examples and cases of study of Science Communication in Museums and Science Centers and in research institutes. Use of Social Networks and multimedia content for Science Communication (Joana Lobo Antunes).
Multimedia Communication of Science; concepts, techniques and practices (Paulo Nuno Vicente).
Design, development and production of multimedia content for the communication of science in the context of research institute or museum / science center.
Communication of Science and Education
2nd semester | Carlos Catalão (Ciência Viva, invited professor at FCSH NOVA)
Principles and techniques of science communication in an educational environment: implications for scientific education and for the interaction between the scientific and educational communities. History of ideas in science education from the twentieth century - current trends in science teaching.
The experimental teaching of sciences and scientific communication - involvement of the public in direct interaction with the physical and natural world. Observation and experimentation in the communication of science in an educational environment.
The communication of science in non-formal educational environments: museums and science centers; libraries, foundations, agencies and other organizations with educational mission.
Communication of science and education in scientific organizations. Networks of cooperation between the scientific community and the school community. Communication of science and lifelong learning - the publics of science.
Design, development and production of scientific communication resources for education.
Science and Society
2nd semester | Maria Inês Queiroz (FCSH NOVA)
The aim of this unit is to characterize and understand the implications of knowledge and scientific production in society starting from a culture of historical basis that allows a critical analysis of current reality and perspectives of future challenges of science to society.
To stimulate the ability to identify and analyze processes of knowledge construction, its transmission and appropriation by society, taking into account the demands and problems that arise in this field.
Identify the diversity of mechanisms and interactions between science and society, in the historical and present perspective, covering areas such as ethics and risk, but also the mechanisms of apprehension and transmission of scientific knowledge, namely: the means and channels of diffusion of this knowledge, forms of dissemination (scientific literature, "popularization of science", museums) and other ways such as the institutionalization of science.
Strategic Communication of Science
2nd semester | Luis Veríssimo (Manhattan Project, invited professor at FCSH NOVA)
Amidst the deafening noise of available information, communicating any message to the public becomes a challenge. Science communication can no longer be a hobby of some scientists to become a specialized activity in institutions. This unit aims to reflect on the reality of communication in other domains of society and from that draw a new paradigm for science communication. The main topics of this curricular unit are:
- Marketing and communication;
- Science, the brand, communication in science and the public;
- Strategic planning of communication in science;
- The new trends in Marketing and Communication;
- The creativity, means and media of communication, events applied to the communication of science;
- The internal and external relations of a scientific institution
This unit also includes a laboratory with examples, exercises, analysis of actions of communication in science, development of an integrated project of communication in science.
Useful informations
Number of vacancies 2024/2025: 25
Duration: 3 semesters
The schedule is always after working hours - Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays, from 6 PM to 9 PM.
Total credits: 93 credits (60 in curricular units + 33 in the non-teaching component)
For applications see Mestrado em Comunicação de Ciência
The MSc in Science Communication can end in three distinct ways:
- Internship with report: experience the communication of science in a research institute, in a media body, in a museum, or in another institution dedicated to the communication of science.
- Project Work: concept of science communication project that could be implemented.
- Thesis: research to answer a specific, relevant question in the field of science communication.
The non-teaching component must be accompanied by an internal supervisor from FCSH NOVA or from ITQB NOVA.
For more detailed informations contact
ITQB NOVA Academic Services
Ana Portocarrero (+351) 21 446 92 30
Ana Almada (+351) 21 446 92 33
The Master in Science Communication has been accredited by the Portuguese Agency for Higher Education, Agência de Avaliação e Acreditação do Ensino Superior A3ES.
- Decisão do CA
- Decisão de Apresentação de Pronúncia
- Relatório Preliminar da CAE
- N.º de registo na Direção-Geral do Ensino Superior: R/A-Cr 153/2011
Ana M. Sanchez holds a degree in Plant Biology by the University of Lisbon and a PhD in Biology from Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen (The Netherlands). From 2005 to 2016, she coordinated the communication office of ITQB NOVA, promoting various science dissemination actions and science communication training for researchers. Between 2016 and 2019, she integrated the Board of Directors at Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia. She is currently assistant professor at ITQB NOVA in the areas of science communication and other transversal skills. She also coordinates ITQB's Advanced Training.
António Granado is associate professor at FCSH NOVA, was a science journalist for more than 22 years. He was the science editor of Público newspaper, publisher of and multimedia editor at RTP. Graduated in Modern Languages and Literatures from Universidade de Lisboa, he holds a Master's Degree in Science Journalism from Boston University (USA) and a PhD in Communication Sciences from the University of Leeds (UK). He is currently teaching journalism, science journalism and science communication.
Carlos Catalão is a professor of secondary education, a graduate in History from the University of Lisbon and a Doctorate in Education from the University of Cambridge (UK), works with Ciência Viva in the development of programs for the experimental teaching of sciences and scientific communication, especially in articulation with elementary and secondary schools.
Joana Lobo Antunes coordinated the Communication Office of ITQB NOVA between 2016 and 2019. Previously she was Director of Centro Ciência Viva de Sintra, postdoctoral researcher in Promotion and Administration of Science and Technology at ITQB NOVA, she teaches Science Communication and Social Media for Scientists at the NOVA Doctoral School since 2013. She has a degree in Pharmaceutical Sciences, Universidade de Lisboa, and a PhD in Organic Chemistry, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela.
Luís Veríssimo has over 20 years of professional experience linked to communication, having as clients recognized brands in the market. He is Senior Partner of the Manhattan Project, the first strategic planning, communication and marketing center in Portugal. Graduated in Public Relations and Advertising and master in Curatorship of Modern Art, he is currently finishing his PhD in Strategic Communication at FCSH. He is currently a lecturer in the MBA / Executive Master's degree from the Faculty of Economics of the University of Coimbra.
Maria Inês Queiroz holds a PhD in Contemporary History from FCSH NOVA, is an integrated researcher at the Instituto de História Contemporânea. Among the main research areas are the History of Science and Technology, Business History and Telecommunications. She participated in research projects on History and Heritage of the Portugal Telecom Group, Marconi in Lisbon and History of the Camões Institute (Science, Culture and Language in Portugal in the 20th Century). She has also dedicated research to the areas of organization of science and scientific research and scientific policies in Portugal throughout the twentieth century.
Paulo Nuno VIcente is an assistant professor at FCSH NOVA, where he coordinates iNOVA Media Lab, an experimental space dedicated to research, development and production in the field of digital narrative, technology and innovation. Over the last decade, as a journalist and documentary filmmaker, he has carried out projects in the so-called "Global South". He holds a PhD in Digital Media with a thesis on the work of international correspondents in Sub-Saharan Africa.
Previous members
Ana Correia Moutinho holds a degree in Applied Plant Biology and a PhD in Cell Biology from the University of Lisbon. He did postdoctoral studies in Science Policy at ISEG / Technical University of Lisbon and at the University of Sussex. He was a science journalist at Público, Visão and JL, coordinated the Research Support Office at the University of Lisbon, and was Managing Director at the Foundation for National Scientific Computation. She is currently a Science Manager at the University of Lisbon.
José Vitor Malheiros was one of the first science journalists in Portugal. He was the science editor of the weekly newspaper Expresso, publisher of Science and Technology of the newspaper Público, editor of the site, executive director of Público newspaper, and executive director of the Harvard Medical School-Portugal Program. He currently works as a science communication consultant.
Invited lecturers
- Ana Godinho, Head of Communications and Education, CERN
- Ana Jorge, FCSH NOVA
- António Gomes da Costa, Science Communication Consultant
- David Marçal, Science Communicator
- Fernanda Llussá, FCT NOVA
- João Retrê, Instituto de Astrofísica e Ciências do Espaço
- Jorge Correia, Roche
- José Vítor Malheiros, consultant
- Júlio Borlido Santos, IBMC
- Leonel Alegre, Science Communicator
- Lidia Marôpo, FCSH NOVA
- Maria João Leão, Maratona da Saúde
- Maria Vlachou, Communication Consultant
- Patricia Ávila, ISCTE
- Patrícia Filipe, Oceanário de Lisboa
- Pedro Russo, Universidade de Leiden
- Romeu Costa, Actor
- Sérgio Pereira, PubhD Lisboa
- Sofia Rodrigues, Health Marathon
- Teresa Firmino, Journalist at Público
- Vasco Trigo, Professor of Journalism
- Vera Novais, journalist at Observador
We thank the generosity of researchers who have made known the diversity of Science:
Adriano O. Henriques, ITQB NOVA
Ana Delicado, ICS
António Coutinho, Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation
Baudouin Jurdant, Université Paris 7
Catarina Brito, iBET
Carlos Romão, ITQB NOVA
Jorge Romão, IST
José Tavares, NOVA SBE
Luisa M. Figueiredo, IMM
Margarida Oliveira, ITQB NOVA
Maria Vicente, CNP
Megan Carey, CNP
Paula Alves, ITQB NOVA / iBET
Pedro Figueira, CAUP
Rosário Oliveira Martins, ISEGI
Rui Agostinho, CAUL / FCUL
Students final work already completed
Neuronautas: uma academia de exploradores do cérebro - cérebro - ano piloto, Rita Gomes Baptista. Scientific Supervision: Ana Sanchez.
Um Podcast de Ciência(s Médicas), Nuno Miguel Loureiro Goncalves. Scientific supervision: Joana Lobo Antunes.
Todos os Caminhos levam ao Espaço, José Rafael Mota Marques. Scientific supervision: Carlos Alves.
Design and Management of Science Enrichment Programmes: connecting scientists With children, Joana Maria Bordalo Fernandes. Scientific supervision: Carlos Henrique Catalão Alves.
Conceção e desenvolvimento de instrumentos de Comunicação para a criação de uma rede de de doentes de melanoma em Portugal, Natacha Lopes Vaz Liti. Scientific supervision: António Granado.
Comunicação entre entre cientistas de diferentes áreas: Gui de auxilio à Comunicação entre Cientistas, Natalício Tiago Teodoro Robalo. Scientific supervision: Ana Sanchez and Mário Rodrigues.
A Comunidade de Ciência em Tempos de COVID - 19: estudo de caso do Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica António Xavier (ITQB NOVA), Rita Maria de Ceia Hasse Ferreira. Scientific supervision: Ana Sanchez.
As comunidades temáticas e os discursos em torno da contracepção: análise qualitativa e de big data em ciências sociais, Maria Catarina Mateus de Azevedo do Nascimento Teixeira. Scientific supervision: Carlos Alves.
Conceção de um plano de comunicação para o Instituto Superior Técnico, Deisy Diana Lopes de Pina. Scientific supervision: Joana Lobo Antunes.
Mafalda Sofia Augusto Pedro. Scientific supervision: Joana Lobo Antunes.
Estudo de públicos num museu de ciência: o caso do Museu Nacional de Arqueologia, Diogo Alexandre De Almeida Barradas. Scientific supervision: Joana Lobo Antunes and Maria Barata.
Importância de um plano de comunicação e disseminação coeso para sucesso dos projetos europeus H2020, Ana Luisa Rodrigues Gomes. Scientific supervision: Ana Sanchez.
Influência dos "media" portugueses na perceção pública do autismo, Joana Maria de Carvalho Sancho. Scientific supervision: Maria Inês da Costa Queiroz.
Programa BioEscola - adaptação e transformação em tempos de pandemia, Pedro Vasco Soares Dias de Sá. Scientific supervision: Carlos Alves and Milena dos Santos Matos
Preparação e Análise de Eventos de Ciência numa Unidade de Investigação, Pedro Nuno Morgado da Rosa Novo. Scientific supervision: Joana Lobo Antunes.
Comunicação estratégia de ciência na área da saúde: um diagnóstico, Ricardo Sílvio Reis Dos Santos. Scientific supervision: António Granado and Luís Filipe Veríssimo dos Santos.
Influência e Caracterização do Movimento Antivacinação nas Redes Sociais em Portugal, Filipa Saraiva e Silva Rodrigues Branco. Scientific supervision: Maria Inês da Costa Queiroz.
Oportunidades para comunicar ciência num centro de investigação em ciências da vida e do ambiente, Maria Castanheira. Scientific supervision: Ana Sanchez.
Ecology Day: Caso de estudo na comunicação de Ecologia, Sara Maria Vaz Antunes Mendes Franco. Scientific supervision: Ana Sanchez and Maria Martins.
Estágio Curricular no IA - Comunicação de Ciência e Promoção da Cultura Cientifica, Afonso Domingues Amaral Pais. Scientific supervision: Maria Inês da Costa Queiroz.
Produção de conteúdos educativos de Astronomia - vantagens e desafios da aposta no digital, Diana Margarida Martins Pedro Ferreira Tavares. Scientific supervision: António Granado.
Comunicação Institucional no Instituto de Saúde Ambiental, Mariana Coutinho Nogueira Souto. Scientific supervision: Ana Sanchez and Ricardo dos Santos.
A Comunicação Online das Instituições Científicas Internacionais: Uma proposta para o AIR Centre, Inês Manuel Dinis Correia Silva Mesquita. Scientific supervision: Ana Sanchez.
- A comunicação online nos laboratórios de investigação experimental: o caso iNOVA Media Lab, Débora De Jesus Oliveira Alves. Scientific supervision: Paulo Nuno Vicente.
- Plano de comunicação para o IELT - Instituto de Estudos de Literatura e Tradição, Carolina Vilardouro Bravo. Scientific supervision: António Granado and Paulo Duarte Silveira.
- A cobertura da produção científica portuguesa no Jornal Público, André Martinho Abreu Nóbrega. Scientific supervision: António Granado.
- Como explorar as diferentes dimensões de eventos de outreach: o exemplo dos Horizontes iMM: Uma pergunta a três, Maria Alexandra D´Abreu Pinto Sanfins. Scientific supervision: Ana M Sanchez.
- A fuga do universo - uma aprendizagem participativa para adolescentes fora da sala de aula, Jessica De Lima Trasfi. Scientific supervision: Joana Lobo Antunes.
- Comunicação estratégica de ciência numa unidade de investigação: plano de comunicação para o IELT, Carolina Vilardouro Bravo. Scientific supervision: António Granado.
Relatório de estágio em jornalismo de ciência no jornal Público, André Martinho Abreu Nóbrega. Scientific supervision: António Granado.
A comunicação online nos laboratórios de investigação experimental: o caso iNOVA Media Lab, Débora de Jesus Oliveira Alves. Scientific supervision: Paulo Vicente.
- Comunicação de Ciência na NOVA Medical School, Inês Rodrigues Da Silva Zêzere. Scientific supervision: Joana Lobo Antunes.
- Um modelo para uma comunicação de ciência dirigida a séniores - estudo de caso com duas escolas séniores da cidade de Coimbra, Maria Inês Almeida Ramos. Scientific supervision: Maria Inês Queiroz.
- Poster cientifico: uma exploração, José Henrique Vieira Fernandes De Aguiar. Scientific supervision: Paulo Nuno Vicente.
- Comunicação de Ciência Revolucionária?, Teresa Freire Mendes. Scientific supervision: Carlos Catalão Alves.
- Engaging socially-vulnerable communities in science: exploring Science&Art approaches, Ana Margarida De Almeida Matias. Scientific supervision: Paulo Nuno Vicente and Ana Lucia Mena.
- Não Só Ciência: planeamento de um festival de Astronomia com outros elementos culturais, Carolina Lobão De Jesus Figueira. Scientific supervision: Joana Lobo Antunes.
- Conversas À Volta De Uma Vela, João Miguel Pires Ventura. Scientific supervision: António Granado.
- A comunicação numa instituição científica: Escola de Ciências da Universidade do Minho, Sara Daniela Pinheiro Martins. Scientific supervision: Paulo Nuno Vicente (FCSH NOVA). PDF
- A construção do gabinete de comunicação do LIP: da estratégia aos resultados, Maria Catarina Ferreira do Espírito Santo. Scientific supervision: António Granado (FCSH NOVA). PDF
- Collaborative research: a case study between Biomedical community of NOVA Medical School and elderly community of Arroios, Ana Rodrigues Barros. Scientific supervision: Maria Inês Queiróz (FCSH NOVA). PDF
- Comunicação de Ciência interdisciplinar: Um plano de comunicação para as Unidades de Investigação do ISCTE-IUL, Andreia Filipa de Jesus Garcia. Scientific supervision: Maria Inês Queiróz (FCSH NOVA). PDF
- Era uma vez o Espaço:Jornalismo de ciência e o lugar das Ciências do Espaço no Jornal Público, Raquel Alexandra Gonçalves Dias da Silva. Scientific supervision: António Granado (FCSH NOVA). PDF
- Estratégias e desafios de um Gabinete de Comunicação numa Escola Médica, Ana Carolina de Oliveira Marques. Scientific supervision: António Granado (FCSH NOVA). PDF
- Exploring interactive narrative for science communication: a design approach using interactive documentary as a proposal XploreDesign4SciComm, Maria João Horta Parreira. Scientific supervision: Paulo Nuno Vicente (FCSH NOVA). PDF
- Inclusão Social através da Comunicação Intergeracional de Ciência - Uma análise exploratória, Daniela Maria Cardoso da Silva António. Scientific supervision: Maria Inês Queiroz (FCSH NOVA). PDF
- International Cooperation on Science Engagement Activities: Internship at Ecsite, European Network of Science Centres and Museums, Bárbara Dias Teixeira. Scientific supervision: Carlos Catalão (FCSH NOVA/Ciência Viva) e Julie Becker (Ecsite). PDF
- O papel dos comunicados de imprensa no sensacionalismo em notícias de ciência, Ana Rita de Heaton Ayres Ponce. Scientific supervision: António Granado (FCSH NOVA). PDF
- O Parque da Pena na rota do turismo científico em Portugal: Um plano de comunicação para o turismo de conhecimento, Ana Raquel Rebelo Mendes Bastardo. Scientific supervision: Carlos Catalão (FCSH NOVA/Ciência Viva). PDF
- Produção de conteúdo para comunicação online no gabinete de comunicação de ciência do Champalimaud Research, João Gonçalo Teixeira Ferreira Camilo. Scientific supervision: Ana Sanchez (ITQB NOVA) and Catarina Ramos (Champalimaud Research). PDF
- Renovação museográfica das exposições do Museu Municipal de Arqueologia da Câmara Municipal da Amadora, Ana Margarida Matos Pereira. Scientific supervision: Maria Inês Queiroz (FCSH NOVA). PDF
- Science communication with alma: #WAWUA and the role of animation video in science outreach, Maria Gentil Berger Corrêa Mendes. Scientific supervision: Paulo Nuno Vicente (FCSH NOVA). PDF
- Signage in the Science Centers. Case study at Centro Ciência Viva de Guimarães, Daniel José da Costa Ribeiro - traineeship report. Scientific supervision: Joana Lobo Antunes (ITQB NOVA).
- MAAT | Central Tejo: Diagnosis and Evaluation of the Communication of the Exhibition Circuit , Helena João Gonçalves - internship report. Scientific supervision: António Granado (NOVA FCSH).
- Exhibit development in a science center: internship at Glasgow Science Center , Ana Isabel Sousa. Scientific supervision: Joana Lobo Antunes (ITQB NOVA) and Robin Hoyle (Glasgow Science Center).
- Communicating (neuro) science: from the street to the laboratory and from the laboratory to the street , Rita Filipa de Almeida Neves. Scientific supervision: Catarina Esteves Lopes Ramos (FChampalimaud) and Ana Sanchez (ITQB NOVA).
- Public Communication of Science - A Guide for Scientists, Manuel Leite Valença - project work. Scientific supervision: Ana Sanchez (ITQB NOVA).
- The VISÃO Magazine: The process of restructuring and the challenges facing the social media, Sara Teixeira Saraiva. Scientific supervision: António Granado (NOVA FCSH).
- Mind and brain: science communication in the senior community , Rita Isabel Pedro Aroeira- project work. Scientific supervision: Carlos Catalão Alves (Ciência Viva).
- Interactive game about experimentation in biological models - construction of a script , Rita de Sousa Caré - project work. Scientific supervision: Ana Lúcia Mena (IGC) and Ana Sanchez (ITQB NOVA).
- Evaluation of science dissemination events at a scientific research center , Patrícia Miguel Marques Pires - internship report. Scientific supervision: Ana Sanchez (ITQB NOVA).
- Communication of science and responsible research and innovation: the European project RRI TOOLS , Nuno Miguel Passarinho Trindade - internship report. Scientific supervision: Carlos Catalão Alves (Ciência Viva).
- Science in fiction: discussing science through literature , Marta Daniela de Almeida Santos - internship report. Scientific supervision: Baudouin Jurdant and Ana Sanchez (ITQB NOVA).
- The Gravitão Website - Report on Astrophysics and Gravitation , Margarida Milheiro - internship report. Scientific supervision: Ana Sanchez (ITQB NOVA) and Vitor Cardoso (IST).
- Mental Health and Neuroscience: a perspective from a magazine market, Sérgio Pereira- project work. Scientific supervision: António Granado (NOVA FCSH).
- QEAT: Question, Answer and Interact - Nutrition Communication Project on the Web , Cristina Cruz - project work. Scientific supervision: Ana Sanchez (ITQB NOVA).
- What science subjects readers prefer, Vera Novais - internship report. Scientific supervision: António Granado (NOVA FCSH).
- The Scientific Journalism Printed in Brazil and in Portugal, Yanna Guimarães - Dissertation. Scientific supervision: António Granado (NOVA FCSH).
- What do Portuguese scientists around the world , Suely Costa - project work. Scientific supervision: António Granado (FCSH NOVA).
- Nitrogene: From Science to Society, Maria Amélia Martins Loução - project work. Scientific supervision: Carlos Catalão Alves (Ciência Viva).
- The importance of experimental activities in science centers , Débora Belarmino - internship report. Scientific supervision: Ana Sanchez (ITQB NOVA).
- Capture and affiliation of audiences in science centers: the case of the Alviela-Carsoscopio Centro Ciência Viva, João Pedro Lopes - internship report.
- Disseminating Science for Different Publics: an experience in the STOL project , Marina Maciel - internship report. Scientific supervision: Ana Sanchez (ITQB NOVA) and Maria Judite Almeida (STOL / CBMA / ECUM).
- The Sounds of Science , Sílvio Mendes - project work. Scientific supervision: Ana Sanchez (ITQB NOVA) and Joana Barros.
- The Nuclipédia , Carmo Nunes - project work. Scientific supervision: Ana Sanchéz (ITQB NOVA).
- Design of a Website for Follow-up of a Scientific Project in School Context , Fátima Guerra - project work. Scientific supervision: Ana Sanchez (ITQB NOVA) and Pedro Terrinha (IPMA).
- Tools to Improve the Relationship between a Science Center and the Public School , Idalina Lourenço - internship report. Scientific supervision: Ana Sanchez (ITQB NOVA)
- Communicate and spread the science that is done in Portugal, Catarina Ramos - project work. Scientific supervision: Carlos Catalão Alves (Ciência Viva) and Ana Sanchez (ITQB NOVA).
- Development and Implementation of Different Strategies for Communication and Scientific Dissemination - a project for the School of Sciences of the University of Minho, Ana Isabel Pinheiro - internship report. Scientific supervision: Ana Sanchez (ITQB NOVA), Estelita Vaz (ECUM) and Sandra Paiva (ECUM).
- The use of expositions in the dissemination of astronomy: the case "An awesome Universe", Silvana Araújo Cunha - report of internship. Scientific supervision: Ana Sanchez (ITQB NOVA)
- Science Communication at the Lisbon Astronomical Observatory and at the Astronomy and Astrophysics Center of the University of Lisbon , Adalberto Fernandes - internship report. Scientific supervision: Ana Sanchez (ITQB NOVA).
- Science News Agency , Lúcia Vinheira Alves - project work. Scientific supervision: António Granado (FCSH NOVA).
- Climate change: communication plan for the National Museum of Natural History and Science, Gisela Alexandra Gaio de Oliveira - project work. Scientific supervision: Ana Sanchez (ITQB NOVA) and Ireneia Melo.