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Research Projects



Project PTDC/QUI/67175/2006, 2009-2012, "Development of new macrocyclic bifunctional chelators for metalloradiopharmaceuticals". Coordinator: Rita Delgado, with participation of Prof. Petr Hermann, Charles University and Prof. Přemysl Lubal, Masaryk University, Czech Republic.


Project PTDC/QUI/68582/2006, 2008-2011, "Molecular design of novel aza-bridged calixarene receptors for medicinal chemistry: encapsulation of lanthanide ions and chiral resolution of drugs". Coordinator: Vítor Félix, Universidade de Aveiro


Project POCI/QUI/56569/2004, 2005-2008, "Molecular recognition of phthalate and phthalic acid esters pollutants by ditopic receptors or by cascade dicopper systems". Coordinator: Rita Delgado, with participation of Prof. Vítor Félix, Universidade de Aveiro.


Project POCTI/2002/QUI/49114, 2003-2008, "Macrocyclic Compounds Selective for Heavy Metals: Cd(II), Hg(II) e Pb(II)". Coordinator: Judite Costa, Departamento de Química da Universidade de Farmácia de Lisboa


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