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Simbolo.png Yeast Strains

Saccharomyces cerevisiae


Simbolo.png Animal Cell Line

 sk-n-mcSK-N-MC.jpght29 10x.JPG
Human neuroblastoma cell line (SK-N-MC)Human colon adenocarcinoma cell line (HT-29)CHME-5 Microglial cell line (CHME-5)


Simbolo.png Plant Material

lemna_minor.jpggrapewine.jpgJuniperus sp.crop_pru.jpgcrop_rum.jpgcrop_ule.jpg
Lemna minorVitis sp.Juniperus sp.Prunus sp.Rumex sp.Ulex sp.


crop_app.jpgcrop_plant.jpgcrop_oco.jpgSantolina semidentata.jpgDigitalis amandiana2324.JPGAntirrhinum lopesianum.jpg
Appolonia sp.Plantago sp.Ocotea sp.Santolina SemidentataDigitalis amandianaAnthirrinum lopesianum


rubus.jpgIMG_5965.JPG    IMG_5994.JPG 
Rubus sp.  Vaccinium myrtillus 


strawberry tree  corema 
Arbutus unedo (strawberry tree) 

Corema album (Portuguese Crowberry)



Simbolo.png Techniques

Molecular BiologyProtein AnalysesFlow cytometry
RNA and DNA extractionProtein extraction and purification (FPLC)Cell sorting
Sorthern blottingElectrophoresis (SDS-PAGE, 2-DE) 
Semi-quantitative RT-PCRImmunodetectionMicroscopy
Differential display Enzymatic activity assaysImmunocytochemistry


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