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[Frontier Leaders] Synthetic Tools for Chemical Biology: Methods, Binders and Sensors
Jose Luis Mascareñas, University of Santiago, Spain
Located in Events / Seminars
[Seminar] Iron catalysis with hydrosilanes and hydroboranes.
Jean-Baptiste Sortais, Centre of Catalysis and Green Chemistry, University of Rennes, France
Located in Events / Seminars
[Seminar] Impartial Assessment and Bounded Engagement
David Cope, Foundation Fellow of Clare Hall, University of Cambridge, UK
Located in Events / Seminars
[Seminar] How to make a living in the human host: survival strategies of Acinetobacter baumannii
Beate Averhoff, Molecular Bioscience Institute, Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt
Located in Events / Seminars
[Frontier Leaders] The evolutionary significance of gene and genome duplications
Yves Van de Peer, Bioinformatics & Systems Biology, Ghent University, Belgium
Located in Events / Seminars
[Summer School] Host-microbe symbiosis: old friends and foes
Summer School for PhD students - REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN
Located in Events / Seminars
[Seminar] Making sense of science in contemporary societies
Pierre Delvenne, University of Liège, SPIRAL Research Centre
Located in Events / Seminars
[SCAN] Biocatalysis for industrial biotechnology
Ligia Martins, Microbial & Enzyme Technology Lab, ITQB
Located in Events / Seminars
[SCAN] Elucidation of the electron transfer processes in exoelectrogens
Catarina Paquete, Inorganic Biochemistry and NMR Lab, ITQB
Located in Events / Seminars
[SCAN] Identification of vaccine candidate antigens of Staphylococcus pseudintermedius by serological proteomic analyses
Natacha Couto, Mass Spectrometry Lab, ITQB
Located in Events / Seminars