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Development driven by enzymes: Gecco Biotech

Dr. Nikola Lončаr

When 19 Apr, 2022 from
11:00 am to 12:00 pm
Where Room 2.13
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Title: Development driven by enzymes: Gecco Biotech 

Speaker: Dr. Nikola Lončаr 

Gecco Biotech is a Netherlands based company and a partner in the RISE B-Ligzymes project. Dr. Nikola Lončаr first-hand experience in the field will give great insights in the bridge between fundamental research and biotechnological industries

GECCO is a research-driven company in a unique position on the enzyme market with deep insight of current needs and developments. GECCO is bridging the gap between fundamental research on enzyme structure and function and enzyme application. Tailor made biocatalysts and new processes are developed to meet the needs of customers. Founded by a group of enthusiastic enzymologists, GECCO faced various challenges in its journey. In this talk Dr. Nikola Lončаr, CEO of GECCO will talk about what is needed to start a biotech company and also about the R&D work done on redox enzymes in the context of the RISE B-Ligzymes project.   

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