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Clostridium difficile ribotypes - interaction with hosts and environments

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Maja Rupnik, University of Maribor, Faculty of Medicine, Maribor, Slovenia

When 17 May, 2013 from
02:00 pm to 03:00 pm
Where Room 2.13
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Title: Clostridium difficile ribotypes - interaction with hosts and environments

Speaker: Maja Rupnik

Affiliation: University of Maribor, Faculty of Medicine, Maribor, Slovenia

Host: Adriano O. Henriques - Microbial Development Lab



C. difficile was known mainly as nosocomial human pathogen. However, it is emerging also as important community associated pathogen and as an animal pathogen. This indicates other important possible reservoirs outside the hospital. Results on epidemiological approaches in Slovenia (where and how to look for C. difficile),international animal C. difficile collection, and studies on human and animal microbiota will be presented.

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