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SCAN: The Multiverse of Glycoprotein Glycans

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Júlia Costa, ITQB NOVA

When 04 Oct, 2023 from
12:00 pm to 01:00 pm
Where ITQB NOVA Auditorium
Contact Name Sandra Viegas
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Title: The Multiverse of Glycoprotein Glycans

Speaker: Júlia Costa 

Affiliation: Glycobiology lab, ITQB NOVA

Abstract: Glycosylation is a common post-translational modification of proteins with multiple and diverse biological roles. Structures of glycans displayed by glycoproteins provide with functional information known as the glyco-code, which is translated by glycan-binding proteins. In this context, glycans play key roles as modulators of physiological and pathogenic processes and constitute important prophylactic and therapeutic targets. Protein glycosylation is also species specific, reflects organism homeostasis and is deregulated in disease, such as cancer or brain disorders, thus providing with useful biomarkers. In this talk, examples of glycan structures and functions relevant in human health are presented, as well as the importance of comprehensive databases to store and integrate information on protein glycosylation.

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