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Micro-evolution, transmission and clonal replacement in MRSA - HOUR CHANGE

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Edward Feil University of Bath, UK

When 08 May, 2013 from
03:00 pm to 04:30 pm
Where Auditorium
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ITQB Seminar


Title: Micro-evolution, transmission and clonal replacement in MRSA.

Speaker: Edward Feil

Affiliation: Department of Biology and Biochemistry, University of Bath, UK

 Host: Maria Miragaia PhD, Auxiliary Researcher
Laboratory of Molecular Genetics-ITQB


Next-generation sequencing (NGS) is providing detailed insights into the localised epidemiology of single clones and is set to dramatically improve our capacity at detecting and managing outbreaks. These data are also providing evidence concerning short term genetic changes and how these might relate to shifts in epidemiology.  I will discuss recent work on NGS data for MRSA which illustrates how genetic changes are productively considered within epidemiological and phylogeographic contexts, and how genetic changes can be identified which lead to the emergence, and possible subsequent decline, of clinically relevant clones.




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