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Novel and useful organic compounds, how do we find them?

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Olov Sterner Organic Chemistry, Lund University, Sweden

When 19 Nov, 2009 from
11:00 am to 12:00 pm
Where Auditorium
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ITQB- Seminar


Title: Novel and useful organic compounds, how do we find them?

Speaker: Olov Sterner

Affiliation: Professor, Organic Chemistry, Lund University, Sweden

Host: Cristina Silva Pereira -Applied and Environmental Mycology Laboratory 



In spite of the general chemophobia that we have lived with during the last decades, the need for novel organic compounds with specific properties is colossal. As an example, the present battery of antibiotics that are used to treat infectious diseases is constantly getting less efficient as resistance against them develops and spreads. This year it is calculated that 25.000 will die in Europe from infections that we can not treat, and the number is increasing rapidly. How do we find novel antibiotics, and other useful compounds? 
Design or screening? The lecture will discuss some traditional and unorthodox ways, and give examples from ongoing research in the group of the speaker.

Bibliography and Short CV:

«Professional preparation
Lund University, Master of Chemical Engineering 1978 Lund University (Organic Chemistry) Ph. D. 1985 Post doctoral Fellow, Bonn University, natural product chemistry 1986-87 Lund University, Docent in organic chemistry 1988

Professor, Organic Chemistry, LU 1999-

«Commissions of trust
Member of editorial board of several journals.
Associate editor of Natural Product Letters/Research 1992- Member of the chemical committee of the Sw. Research Council 1997- Head, division of Organic Chemistry, LU (65 employees) 2004- Head, department of Chemistry, LU (400 employees) 2006- Head of the building complex the Chemical Center 2009-

More than 330 Publications in scientific journals More than 100 Conference abstracts
18 Conference publications
21 Patents/patent applications
5 Textbooks in chemical toxicology and organic chemistry

«International networks
Conidiogenesis factors, Univ. San Sebastian Semisynthesis and synthesis of natural compounds, Univ. of Novara and Milano Pharmacophore modelling and molecular design, DFU Copenhagen Combinatorial semisynthesis with plant metabolites, UNAM Mexico City and CICY Merida Plant metabolites, UMSA La Paz and UMSS Cochabamba

«Supervisor PhD
22 PhD students in the past and currently 9 PhD students

«Enterpreneurial achievements
Cofounder and chairman of DeNovaStella AB, developing remedies based on natural products. Sold to Natumin Pharma AB in 2005.
Cofounder and board member of P.U.L.S. AB ( Board member of Respiratorius AB, developing pharmaceutical agents against asthma and COPD (
Cofounder and board member of Laccure AB, developing pharmaceuticals against bacterial vaginosis.
Cofounder and board member of Oncorel AB, developing pharmaceuticals against cancer.


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