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SCAN:Ionic liquids under common and sometimes not-so-common conditions: Recent experimental results.

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José Esperança Assistant Researcher at Molecular Thermodynamics Laboratory

When 30 Mar, 2011 from
12:00 pm to 01:00 pm
Where Auditorium
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ITQB- SCAN Seminar

Title: Ionic liquids under common and sometimes not-so-common conditions: Recent experimental results.

Speaker: José Esperança


From: Molecular Thermodynamics Laboratory



Ionic liquids research boomed over the last decade. The number of publications using ionic liquids is still growing at an exponential rate. Their distinct characteristics, when compared with traditional organic solvents or molten salts, have driven the interest in this field. Moreover, they started to enter in a vast number of applied research areas that had not been foreseen a decade ago. This fact reinforces the need for the development and characterization of novel ionic liquids which can be adapted to specific processes.
In this seminar, recent experimental results on ionic liquids will be highlighted, with special emphasis for those achieved under not-so-common conditions. New results on unusual classes of ionic liquids will also be shown. More specifically I will illustrate part of the work done by our group in studies involving: i) gas-phase ionic liquids; ii) ionic liquids at absolute negative pressures; iii) high temperature density and surface tension; iv) alkyl-chain size effect on thermophysical properties; v) magnetic ionic liquids; and vi) liquid-liquid equilibria.


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