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[Seminar] Insights from molecular modeling and dynamics into dendrimers as drug delivery carriers

When 29 Jul, 2019 at 03:00 pm
Where Room 2.13
Contact Name Nuno Melo
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Title: Insights from molecular modeling and dynamics into dendrimers as drug delivery carriers

Speaker: Nuno Martinho

Afilliation:iBB (Instituto Superior Técnico

Abstract: The versatility of dendrimer chemistry can be demanding when designing novel polymers and understanding their interaction with drugs. Therefore, the optimization of these macromolecules using molecular modeling is a promising approach for the future of novel drug delivery systems, allowing a rational probing of the polymer's behaviour.

Bio: Nuno Martinho obtained his Masters in Pharmaceutical Sciences at Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Técnologias where he developed novel polymers for the delivery of nitric oxide for his masters thesis. He then obtained his PhD in Pharmaceutical Technology (2018), from his work on the design of peptide dendrimers using a combination of in silico methods, synthesis and biophysics studies. He is currently a researcher at iBB (Instituto Superior Técnico) working with Dr. Vasco Bonifácio on the synthesis of novel dendrimers for different human health applications.

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