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The Power of cryoSTEM Tomography

IMpaCT Seminar

When 26 Jul, 2022 from
02:00 pm to 03:00 pm
Where Room 2.13 & Webinar
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Title: The Power of cryoSTEM Tomography

Speaker: Sharon Wolf, Weizmann Institute of Science (Israel)

Abstract: Cryo-electron microscopy has evolved to be a powerful method for solving the structures of macromolecules without the need for crystallization, and also for imaging ultrastructure in vitrified, close-to-native-state cells and tissues. However, today's modern electron microscopes are capable of other imaging modes than the wide-field transmission mode that is most associated with the field. IndeedScanning Transmission Electron Microscopy (STEM) is the standard imaging modality for high resolution studies in Materials Sciences, but is underutilized for biological specimens, and in particular for tomography.  I will introduce STEM tomography, and present the advantages this modality offers for studying cellular ultrastructure, chemical characterization and other unique benefits of the method.


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