Closed Fellowships 2023
Closed Fellowships 2023 click in titles to expand |
Bolsa de Investigação - Mestre
Reference: 089/BI/2023
Start Date: 2023/11/30 00:00:00 GMT+0 End Date: 2023/01/04 00:00:00 GMT+0 Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica António Xavier – ITQB NOVA Anúncio para atribuição de Uma Bolsa de Investigação para Mestre No âmbito do projeto 2022.01678.PTDC
Encontra-se aberta candidatura a uma bolsa de investigação para Mestre no âmbito do projeto “Nucleoid dynamics in the bacterial pathogen Staphylococcus aureus”, Ref. 2022.01678.PTDC, financiado pela Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia I.P./MCTES, através de fundos nacionais (PIDDAC).
Área Científica: Biologia
Formação Académica: Licenciatura e mestrado, ou mestrado integrado em Microbiologia, Biologia, Biologia Molecular, Química Aplicada, Bioquímica, ou áreas afins, com média final de licenciatura igual ou superior a 14 valores e mestrado igual ou superior a 16 valores.
Outros Requisitos: Forte motivação para a investigação científica; vontade de prosseguir para doutoramento; dá-se preferencia a candidatos com experiência em Biologia Molecular ou Microbiologia; domínio do Inglês, falado e escrito; estar inscrito, ou inscrever-se até à data de inicio do contrato, num curso não conferente de grau académico (ex pós graduação) ou num curso de doutoramento, conforme o Artº 6º do Regulamento de Bolsas de Investigação da Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P., em vigor.
Plano de Trabalhos: O candidato fará parte de uma equipa dinâmica e internacional e irá estudar a segregação de cromossomas utilizando Staphylococcus aureus resistentes à meticilina (MRSA) como organismo modelo. Esta bactéria patogénica é actualmente uma das principais causas de infeções resistentes a antibióticos nos hospitais. O/A candidato/a irá caracterizar proteínas com um papel na conformação e segregação de cromossomas em células de MRSA, usando uma combinação de técnicas de microscopia de super-resolução, microbiologia, genética e biologia molecular já estabelecidas no laboratório.
Legislação e regulamentação aplicável: Estatuto do Bolseiro de Investigação Científica, aprovado pela Lei nº 40/2004, de 18 de agosto, alterado e republicado pelo Decreto-Lei nº 202/2012, de 27 de agosto e alterado pelo Decreto-Lei nº 233/2012, de 29 de Outubro e pela Lei nº 12/2013, de 29 de Janeiro e pelo Decreto-Lei n.º 89/2013, de 9 de Julho, e pelo Decreto-Lei nº 123/2019, de 28 de Agosto; Regulamento de Bolsas de Investigação da Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P. em vigor (
Local de trabalho: O trabalho será desenvolvido no Laboratório de Biologia Celular e Molecular do Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica António Xavier (ITQB NOVA), sob a orientação científica da Professora Doutora Mariana Gomes de Pinho e do Doutor Simon Schäper.
Duração da bolsa: A bolsa terá a duração de 6 meses, eventualmente renovável, com início previsto em Fevereiro de 2024, em regime de exclusividade, conforme Regulamento de Bolsas de Investigação da Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P.
Valor do subsídio de manutenção mensal: O montante da bolsa corresponde a 1199,64, conforme tabela de valores das bolsas atribuídas diretamente pela FCT, I.P. no País ( O pagamento será efectuado, mensalmente, por transferência bancária.
Métodos de seleção: Os métodos de seleção a utilizar serão os seguintes: avaliação curricular (70%) e entrevista, caso considerada necessária pelo júri (30%).
Composição do Júri de Seleção: Professora Doutora Mariana Gomes de Pinho (Presidente do Júri), Doutor Simon Schäper e Doutora Helena Veiga (vogais efetivos) e Doutor Pedro Matos Pereira (vogal suplente)
Documentos de candidatura: As candidaturas devem ser formalizadas por email, acompanhadas dos seguintes documentos: Curriculum Vitae, carta de motivação, certificado de licenciatura e de mestrado (caso o certificado final de mestrado ainda não esteja disponível, uma declaração da universidade é suficiente) e contactos de duas referencias. Caso o grau tenha sido conferido por instituição de ensino superior estrangeira, o candidato tem de apresentar o certificado de reconhecimento do grau, passado pela Direção Geral do Ensino Superior (DGES) ou por uma universidade pública Portuguesa, até à assinatura do contrato. Sobre este assunto poderá ser consultada a página da DGES:
Forma de notificação dos resultados: Todos os candidatos serão notificados do resultado final através de e-mail.
Prazos e procedimentos de reclamação e recurso: Caso o resultado seja desfavorável à concessão da bolsa requerida, os candidatos têm um prazo de 10 dias úteis, após a divulgação dos resultados, para se pronunciarem, querendo, em sede de audiência prévia de interessados, nos termos previstos no Código do Procedimento Administrativo
Prazo de candidatura: O concurso encontra-se aberto no período de 30 de novembro de 2023 e 4 de janeiro de 2024.
As candidaturas devem ser remetidas, por email, para: Professora Doutora Mariana G. Pinho Anúncio Ref. 089/BI/2023 ITQB NOVA Laboratório de Biologia Celular e Molecular 2780-157 OEIRAS Bolsa de Investigação
Reference: 028/BI/2023
Start Date: 2023/03/07 00:00:00 GMT+0 End Date: 2023/03/20 00:00:00 GMT+0 Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica António Xavier – ITQB NOVA Application for a Bachelor Fellowship within the ICV4831- PUNA BIO CORPARATION
Applications are invited for a Bachelor Fellowship in the scope of the intern project entitled “Preparing a new bioformulation to enhance biostimulant strains effect and to improve their tracking in the plant” with the ICV4831- PUNA BIO CORPARATION.
Scientific Area: Agricultural Sciences.
Academic degree: Degree in Biotechnology, or similar area.
Other requisites: - Proficiency in microbiology techniques; - Previous lab experience in microbiology and/or plant-microbe interactions; - Molecular biology, biochemistry and phenotyping skills, both with plant and microbes, will be highly valued; moreover, proficiency with new materials and formulations will be as well considered; - Being enrolled in a PhD, a master or in a non-academic degree course before contract signature, in accordance with number 2 of the Article 6th of “Regulamento de Bolsas de Investigação da Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P. from FCT”, law in force.
Working Plan: The objective of this project is to generate a new bioformulation as carrier for well-defined biostimulants. We aim to achieve an efficient layer-by-layer dispersion system, to ensure the presence of the strains in soil in a controlled manner. Moreover, we will analyze which characteristics of the strains are needed to be considered for such a formulation, like drought resistance, salt resistance, sporulation and so on. We will also prepare a tracking for the bacteria based on a fluorescent protein system. Finally, a quality assessment of the formulation will be performed throughout fluorescent protein (FP) labelled strains, survival rate in formulation and other similar tests.
Applicable Law and Regulations: Status of Scientific Research Fellow, approved by Law number 40/2004, of August 18th, changed and republished by Ordinance 202/2012 of August 27th and changed by Ordinance 233/2012 of October 29th and by Law 12/2013 of January 29th and by Ordinance 89/2013 of July 9th and by the Ordinance 123/2019 of August 28th; Regulations for Research Fellowships from Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P., in force (
Working Place: The work will be carried out in the iPlantMicro Lab at ITQB NOVA, under supervision of Dr. Juan Ignacio Vílchez.
Duration of the fellowship: The fellowship will have the duration of 6 months, renewable in case, expected to start in April 2023, on a full-time basis, according to Fellowship Regulations of Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, I.P.
Stipend amount: 930,98€, according to the table of values of grants awarded directly by the FCT, I.P. in the Country ( and payment will be made, monthly, through bank transfer.
Selection procedure: The evaluation procedures will be based on the analysis of the candidates´ CV and, if needed, an interview for the selected candidates may take place. In this case, the curriculum evaluation and the interview will have a weight of 80% and 20% each.
Jury composition: Doctor Juan Ignacio Vílchez (president), Doctor Ruben Vicente, and Doctor Tiago Lourenço. As substitute member, Professor Margarida Oliveira.
Application documents: The application should be formalized in a motivation letter indicating the corresponding fellowship reference together with the following documents: detailed Curriculum Vitae, degree certificate. All documents should be preferably sent by email in a single pdf file. If the degree has been conferred by a non-Portuguese higher education institution, the selected candidate must obtain the certificate of the degree recognition, issued by the Portuguese Directorate General for Higher Education or by a Portuguese Public Higher Education Institution, until the signature of the contract. Regarding this issue, please consult the website of the Portuguese Directorate General for Higher Education:
Notification of candidates: All the candidates will be informed of the final result by e-mail.
Deadlines and procedures for complaints and appeals: If the result is not favorable, the candidates have a period of 10 working days, after the disclosure of the results, to comment, if desired, in a prior hearing of interested parties, in the terms provided for in the Code of Administrative Procedure.
Application period: From 7 March until 20 March, 2023.
Applications should be sent to: Doctor Juan Ignacio Vílchez Email: Ref. 028/BI/2023 ITQB NOVA OEIRAS Bolsa de Investigação - Mestre
Reference: 064/BI/2023
Start Date: 2023/07/27 00:00:00 GMT+0 End Date: 2023/08/09 00:00:00 GMT+0 Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica António Xavier Application for a Master Fellowship within the 2022.08266.PTDC
Applications are invited for a Master Fellowship in the scope of the project entitled “Durable resistance against the causal agent of powdery mildew (Erysiphe pisi) in grass pea (Lathyrus sativus L.): Exploring transcriptomic variation to develop molecular breeding tools for legumes” with the Ref. 2022.08266.PTDC, funded by Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia.
Scientific Area: Biological Sciences, Agricultural Sciences or related areas.
Academic degree: Master’s in Biology, Bioinformatics, Agronomy, or related areas with a classification of 16 (or higher).
Other requisites: - Bachelor’s degree with a classification of 15 or higher; - Experience in RNA-sequencing data analysis; - Extensive experience in molecular biology, including DNA and RNA extraction, PCR and quantitative PCR; - Highly motivated and passionate about research; - Good organizational and teamwork skills; - Fluency in spoken and written English. - Being enrolled in a PhD, or in a non-academic degree course, in accordance with the Article 6th of “Regulamento de Bolsas de Investigação da Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P. from FCT”, law in force.
Working Plan: Powdery mildew caused by Erysiphe pisi is one of the most severe foliar diseases in grass pea (Lathyrus sativus). In this project, an RNA-sequencing experiment was conducted to reveal the transcriptome of four grass pea accessions showing different phenotypes to E. pisi infection. The selected candidate will be involved in the 1) gene expression analysis of grass pea candidate resistance genes to E. pisi 2) functional validation of those genes using Medicago truncatula model and 3) development of molecular tools that target grass pea resistance genes against E. pisi identified and validated in the previous tasks.
Applicable Law and Regulations: Status of Scientific Research Fellow, approved by Law number 40/2004, of August 18th, changed and republished by Ordinance 202/2012 of August 27th and changed by Ordinance 233/2012 of October 29th and by Law 12/2013 of January 29th and by Ordinance 89/2013 of July 9th and by the Ordinance 123/2019 of August 28th; Regulations for Research Fellowships from Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P., in force (
Working Place: The work will be carried out in the Genetics and Genomics of Plant Complex Traits (PlantX) lab at ITQB NOVA, under supervision of Doctor Carmen Santos.
Duration of the fellowship: The fellowship will have the duration of 10 months, expected to start in October 2023, on a full-time basis, according to Fellowship Regulations of Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, I.P.
Stipend amount: 1199,64 €, according to the table of values of grants awarded directly by the FCT, I.P. in the Country ( and payment will be made, monthly, through bank transfer.
Selection procedure: The evaluation procedures will be based on the analysis of the candidates´ CV and if needed an interview for the selected candidates may take place. In this case, the curriculum evaluation and the interview will have a weight of 50% each.
Juri composition: Doctor Carmen Santos (president of the jury), Doctor Maria Carlota Vaz Patto (effective member), Doctor Susana Leitão (effective member) and Doctor Pedro Barros (substitute member).
Application documents: The application should be formalized in a cover/motivation letter indicating the corresponding fellowship reference together with the following documents: - Curriculum Vitae; - Certificates of bachelor’s and master’s degrees (with classification marks); - Names and email addresses of two references.
All documents should be preferably sent by email in a single pdf file. If the degree has been conferred by a non-Portuguese higher education institution, the selected candidate must obtain the certificate of the degree recognition, issued by the Portuguese Directorate General for Higher Education or by a Portuguese Public Higher Education Institution, until the signature of the contract. Regarding this issue, please consult the website of the Portuguese Directorate General for Higher Education:
Notification of candidates: All the candidates will be informed of the final result by e-mail.
Deadlines and procedures for complaints and appeals: If the result is not favorable, the candidates have a period of 10 working days, after the disclosure of the results, to comment, if desired, in a prior hearing of interested parties, in the terms provided for in the Code of Administrative Procedure.
Application period: From July 27 to August 9, 2023
Applications should be sent to: Doctor Carmen Santos Ref. 064/BI/2023 ITQB NOVA OEIRAS Bolsa de Investigação - Mestre
Reference: 081/BI/2023
Start Date: 2023/10/23 00:00:00 GMT+0 End Date: 2023/11/21 00:00:00 GMT+0 Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica António Xavier Application for a Master Fellowship within the project UIDB/04612/2020
Applications are invited for a Master Fellowship in the project MOSTMICRO, Ref. UIDB/04612/2020 funded by Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia I.P./MCTES, through national funding (PIDDAC).
Scientific Area: Biological Sciences or related fields.
Academic degree: Master´s in Biology or related fields.
Requisites: - Master´s degree with a classification of 15 or higher; - Experience in protein biochemistry, including protein isolation and characterization. - Strong motivation and passion for research; - Good organizational and teamwork skills; - Fluency in spoken and written English. - Currently enrolled in a PhD or a non-academic degree course, in accordance with Article 6th of the \"Regulamento de Bolsas de Investigação da Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P. from FCT\", law in force.
Desirables: - Experience in crystallization and structure determination; - Previous Research or Coursework in Photosynthesis; - Knowledge of Computational Tools for Protein Analysis;
Working Plan: The project aimed to explore the architecture of Violaxanthin de-epoxidase (VDE), a crucial enzyme in photosynthetic processes. Mission: Utilize state-of-the-art cryo-EM techniques to unlock VDE´s hidden structure and catalytic mechanisms. Why? Understanding VDE is key to unraveling how violaxanthin transforms into zeaxanthin, especially during non-photochemical quenching (NPQ). Impact: Our discoveries will shed light on VDE´s vital role and could revolutionize photosynthesis and photoprotection studies, aligning with the sustainability goals of Agenda 2030.
Applicable Law and Regulations: The position follows the regulations for Scientific Research Fellow status as approved by Law number 40/2004, dated August 18th, amended and republished by Ordinance 202/2012 of August 27th, further amended by Ordinance 233/2012 of October 29th, Law 12/2013 of January 29th, and Ordinance 123/2019 of August 28th; Regulations for Research Fellowships from Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P., currently in force (
Working Place: The research will be conducted at the cryo-EM lab of the MX crystallography unit at ITQB NOVA under the guidance of Doctor Dmitry Semchonok.
Fellowship Duration: The fellowship will span 12 months, eventually renewable, expecting to start in November 2023, on a full-time basis, according to the Fellowship Regulations of Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P.
Stipend Amount: A stipend of €1199.64 will be provided in accordance with the grant values set by FCT, I.P. ( Payment will be made monthly via bank transfer.
Selection Procedure: Candidates will be evaluated based on their CVs, with selected candidates potentially undergoing an interview. The curriculum evaluation and the interview will hold an equal weight of 50%.
Jury Composition: Doctor Dmitry A. Semchonok (President of the Jury) Prof. Dr. Cláudio M. Soares (Effective member) Doctor Pedro Matias (Effective member) Doctor Célia Romão (Effective member) Doctor Diana Lousa (Substitute member)
Application Documents: Interested applicants should submit a cover/motivation letter referencing the fellowship, along with the following documents: - Curriculum Vitae - Bachelor´s and master´s degree certificates (with classification marks) - Names and email addresses of two references All documents should be compiled into a single PDF file sent via email.
Degree Recognition: If the degree was obtained from a non-Portuguese higher education institution, the selected candidate must obtain degree recognition from the Portuguese Directorate General for Higher Education or a Portuguese Public Higher Education Institution before the contract is signed. For more information, refer to the Portuguese Directorate General for Higher Education website (
Candidate Notification: All candidates will receive notifications regarding the final results via email.
Deadlines and Procedures for Complaints and Appeals: In case of an unfavorable result, candidates have a period of 10 working days, post result disclosure, to provide comments if desired, following the procedures outlined in the Code of Administrative Procedure.
Application Period: Applications will be accepted from October 23 to November 21, 2023.
Application Submission: Applications should be sent to: Doctor Dmitry A. Semchonok Ref. 081/BI/2023 ITQB NOVA OEIRAS Bolsa de Investigação - Mestre
Reference: 031/BI/2023
Start Date: 2023/03/21 00:00:00 GMT+0 End Date: 2023/04/03 00:00:00 GMT+0 Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica António Xavier Application for a Master Fellowship within the project UIDP/04612/2020
Applications are invited for a Master Fellowship in the scope of the project entitled “Stressing Out: Promoting Antifungal Activity by Fostering Reductive Stress with Metal Complexes” (Internal reference ICA35433), through MOSTMICRO, Ref. UIDP/04612/2020, financed by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia I.P./MCTES, under national funding (PIDDAC).
Scientific Area: Chemistry, biochemistry and related areas.
Academic degree: We are seeking candidates with a Master degree in Chemistry, Biochemistry or related areas.
Other requisites: - Motivation for research and good work capacity; - High capacity for independent planning, organization, communication and teamwork; - Motivation to work in synthesis of organic, organometallic compounds and click chemistry approaches; - Good knowledge of the English language; - Being enrolled in a PhD, or in a non-academic degree course by the time of the signature of the contract, in accordance with number 2 of the Article 6th of “Regulamento de Bolsas de Investigação da Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P. from FCT”, law in force. Any doubts regarding the point please contact Dr. Petronilho
Working Plan: The researcher will work on the development of a new class of antifungal agents based on metal complexes. The work comprises the synthesis of triazoles and the corresponding metal complexes. Evaluation of the antifungal activity of the compounds will be performed using Candida sp as a model compound.
Applicable Law and Regulations: Status of Scientific Research Fellow, approved by Law number 40/2004, of August 18th, changed and republished by Ordinance 202/2012 of August 27th and changed by Ordinance 233/2012 of October 29th and by Law 12/2013 of January 29th and by Ordinance 89/2013 of July 9th and by the Ordinance 123/2019 of August 28th; Regulations for Research Fellowships from Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P., in force (
Working Place: The work will be carried out in the Bioorganometallic Lab at ITQB NOVA, under supervision of Ana Petronilho.
Duration of the fellowship: The fellowship will have the duration of 6 months, eventually renewable, expected to start in April 2023, on a full-time basis, according to Fellowship Regulations of Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, I.P.
Stipend amount: 1199,64 €, according to the table of values of grants awarded directly by the FCT, I.P. in the Country ( and payment will be made, monthly, through bank transfer.
Selection procedure: The evaluation procedures will be based on the analysis of the candidates´ CV and if needed an interview for the selected candidates may take place. In this case, the curriculum evaluation and the interview will have a weight of 70% and 30% respectively.
Juri composition: Doctor Ana Petronilho (president) Doctor Catarina Pimentel Doctor Ana Pina Doctor Rita Ventura (substitute)
Application documents: The application should be formalized in a cover letter indicating the corresponding fellowship reference together with the following documents: detailed Curriculum Vitae, degree certificate. All documents should be preferably sent by email in a single pdf file. If the degree has been conferred by a non-Portuguese higher education institution, the selected candidate must obtain the certificate of the degree recognition, issued by the Portuguese Directorate General for Higher Education or by a Portuguese Public Higher Education Institution, until the signature of the contract. Regarding this issue, please consult the website of the Portuguese Directorate General for Higher Education:
Notification of candidates: All the candidates will be informed of the final result by e-mail.
Deadlines and procedures for complaints and appeals: If the result is not favorable, the candidates have a period of 10 working days, after the disclosure of the results, to comment, if desired, in a prior hearing of interested parties, in the terms provided for in the Code of Administrative Procedure.
Application period: From 21 of March to 3 of April, 2023.
Applications should be sent to: Doctor Ana Petronilho Email: Ref. 031/BI/2023 ITQB NOVA OEIRAS Bolsa de Investigação - Mestre
Reference: 044/BI/2023
Start Date: 2023/04/14 00:00:00 GMT+0 End Date: 2023/05/12 00:00:00 GMT+0 Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica António Xavier Application for a Master Fellowship within the project 2022.10980.PTDC
Applications are invited for a Master Fellowship in the scope of the project entitled “The role of intra-species interactions in Streptococcus pneumoniae colonization” with the Ref. 2022.10980.PTDC, funded by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P. MCTES.
Scientific Area: Biological Sciences/Microbial Biology
Academic degree: Bachelor and Master degree in Biology, Microbiology, Molecular Biology, Genetics, or related areas, with minimum grades of 14 and 17 values (out of 20), respectively.
Other requisites: The following requisites will be valued but are not mandatory as training will be provided to the selected candidate in all fields specified below: - Laboratory experience in Microbiology and Bacterial Molecular Genetics - Laboratory experience in manipulation of pathogenic bacteria - Strong motivation for scientific research and ability to work autonomously - Experience in bioinformatic analysis of bacterial genomes will be valued but is not mandatory - Being enrolled in a PhD, or in a non-academic degree course, in accordance the Article 6th of “Regulamento de Bolsas de Investigação da Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P. from FCT”, law in force.
Working Plan: The aim of this project is to identify mechanisms underlying competitive and cooperative intra-species interactions occurring between naturally colonizing pneumococci in biofilms. The selected candidate will construct a promoter-trap library in S. pneumoniae to identify putative mechanisms involved in intra-species interactions and validate those mechanisms using a combination of genetics and cell biology-based approaches.
Applicable Law and Regulations: Status of Scientific Research Fellow, approved by Law number 40/2004, of August 18th, changed and republished by Ordinance 202/2012 of August 27th and changed by Ordinance 233/2012 of October 29th and by Law 12/2013 of January 29th and by Ordinance 89/2013 of July 9th and by the Ordinance 123/2019 of August 28th; Regulations for Research Fellowships from Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P., in force (
Working Place: The work will be carried out in the Laboratory of Molecular Microbiology of Human Pathogens (PI Doctor Raquel Sá- Leão) at ITQB NOVA, under supervision of Doctor Carina Valente.
Duration of the fellowship: The fellowship will have the duration of 6 months, eventually renewable up to 12 months, and is expected to start in May 2023, on a full-time basis, according to Fellowship Regulations of Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, I.P.
Stipend amount: 1199,64€, according to the table of values of grants awarded directly by the FCT, I.P. in the Country ( and payment will be made, monthly, through bank transfer.
Selection procedure: The evaluation procedures will be based on the analysis of the candidates´ CV, motivation letter and contacts of two references. An interview of the selected candidates may take place. In this case, the curriculum evaluation and the interview will have a weight of 50% each.
Juri composition: Doctor Carina Valente (president of the jury), Doctor Raquel Sá-Leão (effective member), Doctor Adriano Henriques (effective member), and Doctor Alexandra Simões (substitute member)
Application documents: The application should be formalized in a cover letter indicating the corresponding fellowship reference together with the following documents: detailed Curriculum vitae, degree certificate. All documents should be preferably sent by email in a single pdf file. If the degree has been conferred by a non-Portuguese higher education institution, the selected candidate must obtain the certificate of the degree recognition, issued by the Portuguese Directorate General for Higher Education or by a Portuguese Public Higher Education Institution, until the signature of the contract. Regarding this issue, please consult the website of the Portuguese Directorate General for Higher Education:
Notification of candidates: All candidates will be informed of the final result by e-mail.
Deadlines and procedures for complaints and appeals: If the result is not favorable, the candidates have a period of 10 working days, after the disclosure of the results, to comment, if desired, in a prior hearing of interested parties, in the terms provided for in the Code of Administrative Procedure.
Application period: From 14 April to 12 May 2023.
Applications should be sent by e-mail to: Doctor Carina Valente, PhD Ref. 044/BI/2023 ITQB NOVA OEIRAS Bolsa de Investigação - Mestre
Reference: 042/BI/2023
Start Date: 2023/04/11 00:00:00 GMT+0 End Date: 2023/04/24 00:00:00 GMT+0 Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica António Xavier Application for a Master Fellowship within the project UIDP/04612/2020
Applications are invited for a Master Fellowship in the scope of the project entitled “Description of the bacteriome of the human fungal pathogen Aspergillus fumigatus“(Internal reference ICA35393) through MOSTMICRO, Ref. UIDP/04612/2020, financed by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia I.P./MCTES, through national funding (PIDDAC).
Scientific Area: Biological Sciences / Biology.
Academic degree: Master in Biotechnology, Microbiology or Molecular Biology, and related areas. The Master´s average must be equal to or greater than 17 points (0-20 scale).
Other requisites: • At least two years of laboratory experience in microbiology; • Experience in microscopy and molecular biology; • Good planning and organization skills; • Proficient in spoken and written English; • Motivation for scientific research; • Being enrolled in a PhD, or in a non-academic degree course, by the time of the signature of the contract, in accordance with number 2 of the Article 6th of “Regulamento de Bolsas de Investigação da Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P. from FCT”, law in force
Working Plan: The work plan is part of a project that aims at characterizing the bacteriome associated with Aspergillus fumigatus strains having from a clinical or environmental origin. The grantee will use metagenomic profiling tools, microscopy, isolation and cultivation procedures, and de novo genome assembly methods, as core techniques to identify a representative bacteria-fungal partnership for subsequent studies. Depending on the progress the grantee can proceed to PhD studies.
Applicable Law and Regulations: Status of Scientific Research Fellow, approved by Law number 40/2004, of August 18th, changed and republished by Ordinance 202/2012 of August 27th and changed by Ordinance 233/2012 of October 29th and by Law 12/2013 of January 29th and by Ordinance 89/2013 of July 9th and by the Ordinance 123/2019 of August 28th; Regulations for Research Fellowships from Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P., in force (
Working Place: The work will be mostly carried out in the laboratory of Applied and Environmental Mycology at ITQB NOVA, under the supervision of Professor Cristina Silva Pereira, with continuous liaison with the laboratory of the Molecular Microbiology of Human Pathogens, under the supervision of Doctor Raquel Sá Leão.
Duration of the fellowship: The fellowship will have the duration of 3 months, eventually renovated for a total of 12 months, expected to start in May 2023, on a full-time basis, according to according to Fellowship Regulations of Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, I.P.
Stipend amount: 1199,64 €, according to the table of values of grants awarded directly by the FCT, I.P. in the Country ( and payment will be made, monthly, through bank transfer.
Selection procedure: The evaluation procedures will be based on the analysis of the candidates´ CV and if needed an interview for the selected candidates may take place. In this case, the curriculum evaluation and the interview will have a weight of insert the 50% each.
Jury composition: Professor Cristina Silva Pereira (president of the jury), Doctor Raquel Sá Leão (effective member), Doctor Patrícia Gonçalves (effective member), Doctor João Jorge (substitute member).
Application documents: The application should be formalized in a cover letter indicating the corresponding fellowship reference together with the following documents: motivation letter, detailed Curriculum Vitae (including master degree certificate) and the name of two references. All documents should be sent by email in a single pdf file. If the degree has been conferred by a non-Portuguese higher education institution, the selected candidate must obtain the certificate of the degree recognition, issued by the Portuguese Directorate General for Higher Education or by a Portuguese Public Higher Education Institution, until the signature of the contract. Regarding this issue, please consult the website of the Portuguese Directorate General for Higher Education:
Notification of candidates: All the candidates will be informed of the final result by e-mail.
Deadlines and procedures for complaints and appeals: If the result is not favorable, the candidates have a period of 10 working days, after the disclosure of the results, to comment, if desired, in a prior hearing of interested parties, in the terms provided for in the Code of Administrative Procedure.
Application period: From 11 to 24 of April, 2023.
Applications should be sent to: Doctor Patrícia Gonçalves Ref. 042/BI/2023 ITQB NOVA OEIRAS Bolsa de Investigação
Reference: 002/BI/2023
Start Date: 2023/01/03 00:00:00 GMT+0 End Date: 2023/01/16 00:00:00 GMT+0 Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica António Xavier – ITQB NOVA Anúncio para atribuição de uma Bolsa de Investigação para Licenciado no âmbito do projecto “Move2LowC – Combustíveis de Base Biológica”, Ref. POCI-01-0247-FEDER-046117
Encontra-se aberta candidatura a uma bolsa de investigação para Licenciado, no âmbito do projecto intitulado “Move2LowC – Combustíveis de Base Biológica”, Ref. POCI-01-0247-FEDER-046117, financiado pelo Programa Operacional Competitividade e Internacionalização (POCI), Programa Operacional Regional de Lisboa, Portugal 2020 e pela União Europeia, através do FEDER - Fundo Europeu de Desenvolvimento Regional.
Área Científica: Biotecnologia
Formação Académica: Licenciatura na área das Ciências Biológicas, Bioquímica, Bioinformática ou áreas afins. Média de Licenciatura igual ou superior a 14 valores.
Outros requisitos: - Conhecimentos de biologia molecular e/ou bioinformática; - Forte motivação para a investigação científica; - Boa capacidade de organização e de trabalho em equipa; - Bons conhecimentos de língua inglesa, falada e escrita; - Estar inscrito num doutoramento, mestrado, ou num curso não conferente de grau académico (à data da assinatura do contrato), conforme o nº 2 do Artº 6º do Regulamento de Bolsas de Investigação da Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P.
Plano de Trabalhos: O candidato selecionado será responsável pelas tarefas alocadas ao ITQB NOVA relacionadas com a engenharia metabólica racional de espécies de leveduras para a produção de biocombustíveis. O trabalho envolve a construção e/ou utilização de modelos metabólicos relacionados com a produção de lípidos em leveduras, e a alteração genética de leveduras de modo a aumentar essa produção. O candidato terá treino nas áreas de modelação metabólica e biologia molecular de leveduras.
Legislação e regulamentação aplicável: Estatuto do Bolseiro de Investigação Científica, aprovado pela Lei nº 40/2004, de 18 de agosto, alterado e republicado pelo Decreto-Lei nº 202/2012, de 27 de agosto e alterado pelo Decreto-Lei nº 233/2012, de 29 de Outubro e pela Lei nº 12/2013, de 29 de Janeiro e pelo Decreto-Lei n.º 89/2013, de 9 de Julho, e pelo Decreto-Lei nº 123/2019, de 28 de Agosto; Regulamento de Bolsas de Investigação da Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P., em vigor (
Local de trabalho: O trabalho será desenvolvido no grupo “Laboratório de Biologia Sintética e de Sistemas”, do Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica António Xavier da Universidade Nova de Lisboa (ITQB NOVA), sob a orientação científica da Professora Isabel Rocha e da Doutora Maria José Leandro.
Duração da bolsa: A bolsa terá a duração de 5 meses, eventualmente renovável até ao final do projeto, com início previsto em Fevereiro de 2023, em regime de exclusividade, conforme Regulamento de Bolsas de Investigação da Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P.
Valor do subsídio de manutenção mensal: O montante da bolsa corresponde a 875,98 Euros, conforme tabela de valores das bolsas atribuídas directamente pela FCT, I.P. no País ( O pagamento será efectuado, mensalmente, por transferência bancária.
Métodos de selecção: A selecção será efectuada por análise curricular de acordo com os critérios solicitados, da experiência na área (50%) e carta de motivação (20%). Os três candidatos com nota mais elevada e uma classificação minima de 50% na parte curricular serão selecionados para entrevista (30%).
Composição do Júri de Selecção: Professora Isabel Rocha (Presidente do Júri), Doutora Maria José Leandro (vogal efectivo), Doutora Ana Sofia Ferreira (vogal efectivo), e Doutora Diana Lousa (vogal suplente).
Documentos de candidatura: As candidaturas devem ser formalizadas, obrigatoriamente, através do envio dos seguintes documentos: Carta de motivação indicando a Ref. da bolsa, Curriculum Vitae detalhado, Cópia dos certificados de habilitações e nome e contacto de duas referências. Toda a documentação deve ser compilada num único ficheiro pdf. Caso o grau tenha sido conferido por instituição de ensino superior estrangeira, o candidato tem de apresentar o certificado de reconhecimento do mesmo, passado pela Direcção Geral do Ensino Superior (DGES) ou por uma universidade pública Portuguesa, até á assinatura do contrato. Sobre este assunto poderá ser consultada a página da DGES:
Forma de notificação dos resultados: Todos os candidatos serão notificados do resultado final através de e-mail.
Prazos e procedimentos de reclamação e recurso: Caso o resultado seja desfavorável à concessão da bolsa requerida, os candidatos têm um prazo de 10 dias úteis, após a divulgação dos resultados, para se pronunciarem, querendo, em sede de audiência prévia de interessados, nos termos previstos no Código do Procedimento Administrativo
Prazo de candidatura: O concurso encontra-se aberto no período de 3 a 16 Janeiro de 2023.
As candidaturas devem ser remetidas exclusivamente por via electrónica (indicar no \"subject” o nome do candidato e Referência do anúncio) para: Doutora Maria José Leandro Anúncio Ref. 002/BI/2023 ITQB NOVA OEIRAS Bolsa de Investigação - Mestre
Reference: 004/BI/2023
Start Date: 2023/01/09 00:00:00 GMT+0 End Date: 2023/01/27 00:00:00 GMT+0 Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica António Xavier - ITQB NOVA Anúncio para atribuição de uma Bolsa de Investigação para Mestre no âmbito de projeto financiado pela Pfizer
Encontra-se aberta candidatura para uma Bolsa de Investigação para detentor de grau de Mestre no âmbito do projecto “High resolution imaging of streptococcal capsules using multiple approaches” financiado pela Pfizer.
Área Científica: Ciências Biológicas / Biologia Microbiana
Formação Académica: Licenciatura e Mestrado em Biologia, Microbiologia, Biologia Molecular, Genética ou áreas afins com média de licenciatura igual ou superior a 14 valores e média de mestrado igual ou superior a 16 valores.
Outros requisitos: - Experiência em investigação laboratorial em Microbiologia e Genética Molecular; - Experiência na manipulação de organismos patogénicos humanos Gram positivos; - Conhecimentos de microscopia de fluorescência convencional e de super resolução de células bacterianas; - Domínio do português e do inglês, falado e escrito; - Excelente capacidade de planeamento e organização; - Resiliência, espírito crítico e capacidade de trabalhar autonomamente; - Forte motivação para a investigação científica; - Estar inscrito, ou inscrever-se até à data do início do contracto, num programa de doutoramento ou num curso não conferente de grau académico, conforme o noº2 do Artº 6 do Regulamento da Formação Avançada e Qualificação de Recursos Humanos da FCT, em vigor.
Plano de Trabalhos: O candidato selecionado irá estar envolvido na caracterização da cápsula de estirpes de estreptococos e irá receber formação nessa área e na análise quantitativa de imagens de microscopia de fluorescência de alta resolução.
Legislação e regulamentação aplicável: Estatuto do Bolseiro de Investigação Científica, aprovado pela Lei nº 40/2004, de 18 de agosto, alterado e republicado pelo Decreto-Lei nº 202/2012, de 27 de agosto e alterado pelo Decreto-Lei nº 233/2012, de 29 de Outubro e pela Lei nº 12/2013, de 29 de Janeiro e pelo Decreto-Lei n.º 89/2013, de 9 de Julho, e pelo Decreto-Lei nº ; 123/2019, de 28 de Agosto; Regulamento da Formação Avançada e Qualificação de Recursos Humanos da FCT em vigor (
Local de trabalho: O trabalho será desenvolvido no ITQB-NOVA, sob a orientação da Doutora Raquel Sá-Leão e do Professor Adriano Henriques.
Duração da bolsa: A bolsa terá a duração de 4 meses, com início previsto em Fevereiro de 2023 em regime de exclusividade, conforme Regulamento de Bolsas de Investigação da Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P. e regulamento de bolsas do ITQB.
Valor do subsídio de manutenção mensal: O montante da bolsa corresponde a 1144,64€ conforme tabela de valores das bolsas atribuídas directamente pela FCT, I.P. no País ( O pagamento será efectuado, mensalmente, por transferência bancária.
Métodos de selecção: A selecção será feita com base na avaliação curricular. Em caso de empate poder-se-á recorrer a entrevista.
Composição do Júri de Selecção: Doutora Raquel Sá-Leão (ITQB NOVA, Presidente do Júri); Professor Doutor Adriano Henriques (ITQB NOVA, vogal); Doutora Mónica Serrano (ITQB NOVA, vogal); Doutora Alexandra Simões (ITQB NOVA, vogal suplente).
Documentos de candidatura: As candidaturas devem ser formalizada, obrigatoriamente, por correio electrónico indicando a referência da bolsa a que concorre e acompanhado dos seguintes documentos compilados num único ficheiro pdf: Carta de motivação com identificação da bolsa a concurso; Curriculum vitae; Cópias de Certificados de Habilitações; Contactos de duas referências. Caso o grau tenha sido conferido por instituição de ensino superior estrangeira, o candidato tem de apresentar o certificado de reconhecimento do mesmo, passado pela Direcção Geral do Ensino Superior (DGES) ou por uma universidade pública Portuguesa, até á assinatura do contrato. Sobre este assunto poderá ser consultada a página da DGES:
Forma de notificação dos resultados: Todos os candidatos serão notificados do resultado final através de e-mail.
Prazos e procedimentos de reclamação e recurso: Caso o resultado seja desfavorável à concessão da bolsa requerida, os candidatos têm um prazo de 10 dias úteis, após a divulgação dos resultados, para se pronunciarem, querendo, em sede de audiência prévia de interessados, nos termos previstos no Código do Procedimento Administrativo.
Prazo de candidatura: O concurso encontra-se aberto no período de 9 a 27 de janeiro de 2023.
As candidaturas devem ser remetidas para: Doutora Raquel Sá-Leão Email: Anúncio Ref. 004/BI/2023 Bolsa de Investigação - Mestre
Reference: 006/BI/2023
Start Date: 2023/01/13 00:00:00 GMT+0 End Date: 2023/01/26 00:00:00 GMT+0 Universidade Nova de Lisboa Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica António Xavier Anúncio para atribuição de Uma Bolsa de Investigação para Mestre no âmbito do projecto SMARTBOX
Encontra-se aberta candidatura a uma bolsa de investigação para Mestre no âmbito do projecto “SMARTBOX - Selective Modifications of ARomatics through Biocatalytic Oxidations”, grant agreement 837890, financiado por fundos europeus H2020-BBI-JTI-2018.
Área Científica: Ciências Biológicas.
Formação Académica: Mestres nas áreas de Bioquímica, Biotecnologia, Engenharia Biológica, Microbiologia e similares.
Outros Requisitos: Forte motivação para prosseguir para doutoramento; Proficiência em Inglês, falado e escrito; Nota integrada de licenciatura e mestrado igual ou superior a 16; Experiência em biologia molecular, microbiologia, bioquímica ou enzimologia; Estar inscrito, à data da assinatura do contrato, num doutoramento ou num curso não conferente de grau académico, conforme o nº 2 do Artº 6º do do Regulamento de Bolsas de Investigação da Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P. em vigor. Plano de Trabalhos: Investigação focada na aplicação de metodologias de engenharia enzimática para aumentar a eficiência catalítica de oxidoreductases bacterianas. O trabalho envolve a aplicação de técnicas computacionais e laboratoriais; caracterização bioquímica e biofísica dos mutantes seleccionados. Estas abordagens permitirão identificar mecanismos enzimáticos e determinantes estruturais de especificidade e estabilidade enzimática. O objetivo final é ampliar o número de biocatalisadores disponíveis para valorização de biomassa e que apoiam a visão de economia de base biológica do século XXI.
Legislação e regulamentação aplicável: Estatuto do Bolseiro de Investigação Científica, aprovado pela Lei nº 40/2004, de 18 de agosto, alterado e republicado pelo Decreto-Lei nº 202/2012, de 27 de agosto e alterado pelo Decreto-Lei nº 233/2012, de 29 de Outubro e pela Lei nº 12/2013, de 29 de Janeiro e pelo Decreto-Lei n.º 89/2013, de 9 de Julho, e pelo Decreto-Lei nº 123/2019, de 28 de Agosto; Regulamento de Bolsas de Investigação da Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P. em vigor
Local de trabalho: O trabalho será desenvolvido no Laboratório de Tecnologia Microbiana e Enzimática do Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica António Xavier.
Duração da bolsa: A bolsa terá a duração de 3 meses, eventualmente renovável, com início previsto em Fevereiro de 2023, em regime de exclusividade, conforme Regulamento de Bolsas de Investigação da Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P.
Valor do subsídio de manutenção mensal: O montante da bolsa corresponde a € 1144.64, conforme tabela de valores das bolsas atribuídas directamente pela FCT, I.P. no País ( O pagamento será efectuado, mensalmente, por transferência bancária.
Métodos de selecção: Os métodos de seleção a utilizar serão os seguintes: avaliação curricular e eventual entrevista, que, caso seja realizada, terá a valoração de 50%.
Composição do Júri de Selecção: Presidente do Júri: Professora Doutora Lígia O. Martins. Vogais: Doutora Vânia Brissos e Doutora Patrícia Borges. Suplente: Doutora Smilja Todorovic.
Documentos de candidatura: As candidaturas devem ser formalizadas por meio dos seguintes documentos: Curriculum vitae, carta de motivação, cópias dos certificados de habilitações e uma ou duas cartas de recomendação. Caso o grau tenha sido conferido por instituição de ensino superior estrangeira, o candidato tem de apresentar o certificado de reconhecimento do mesmo, passado pela Direcção Geral do Ensino Superior (DGES) ou por uma universidade pública Portuguesa, até à assinatura do contrato. Sobre este assunto poderá ser consultada a página da DGES:
Forma de notificação dos resultados: Todos os candidatos serão notificados do resultado final através de e-mail.
Prazos e procedimentos de reclamação e recurso: Caso o resultado seja desfavorável à concessão da bolsa requerida, os candidatos têm um prazo de 10 dias úteis, após a divulgação dos resultados, para se pronunciarem, querendo, em sede de audiência prévia de interessados, nos termos previstos no Código do Procedimento Administrativo.
Prazo de candidatura: O concurso encontra-se aberto no período de 13 a 26 de Janeiro de 2023.
As candidaturas devem ser remetidas para: Professora Doutora Lígia O Martins e-mail: Anúncio Ref. 006/BI/2023 ITQB NOVA Laboratório de Tecnologia Microbiana e Enzimática Bolsa de Investigação - Mestre
Reference: 073/BI/2022
Start Date: 2023/01/01 00:00:00 GMT+0 End Date: 2023/02/27 00:00:00 GMT+0 Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica António Xavier – ITQB NOVA Applications for a Research Fellowship for Masters within the project EXPL/BIA-BQM/0473/2021
ITQB NOVA opens a call for one research grant for Master, within the scope of the project entitled “Unravel structure-function relationships for enhanced biocatalysts”, Ref. EXPL/BIA-BQM/0473/2021, funded by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia I.P./MCTES, through national funding (PIDDAC).
Scientific Area: Biological Sciences
Academic degree: Bachelor and Master in the areas of Biochemistry, Biotechnology, Biological Sciences and similar, with a final score equal or higher than 16.
Other requisites: Proficiency in English, written and spoken and strong motivation to pursue post-graduation studies at the doctoral level. Preference will be given to candidates with an interest or experience in enzymology, protein crystallography or protein molecular modeling methodologies; Being enrolled in a PhD or in a non-academic degree course before contract signature, in accordance with number 2 of the Article 6th of “Regulamento de Bolsas de Investigação da Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P. from FCT”, law in force.
Working Plan: Structural studies using X-ray crystallography and molecular dynamic (MD) simulations to investigate enzymes that have potential for biotechnological applications, namely in the conversion of plant biomass into value-added bio-products and bio-materials. Structural information is essential for the characterization of variants obtained by protein engineering tools and that present enhanced stability and specificity for the substrates of interest. The generated results represent knowledge beyond the state of the art, and will be very helpful for future design of new enzymes to be applied in Industrial Biotechnology field.
Applicable Law and Regulations: Status of Scientific Research Fellow, approved by Law number 40/2004, of August 18th, changed and republished by Ordinance 202/2012 of August 27th and changed by Ordinance 233/2012 of October 29th and by Law 12/2013 of January 29th and by Ordinance 89/2013 of July 9th and by the Ordinance 123/2019 of August 28th; Regulations for Research Fellowships from Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P., in force (
Working Place: The work will be developed in the Microbial Enzyme Technology and in Macromolecular Crystallography Unit at ITQB NOVA under the supervision of Doctor Patrícia Borges and Professor Lígia O. Martins. Short stays are also planned at ZYMVOL (Barcelona, Spain), a company at the forefront of emerging computational tools for enzyme engineering, under the supervision of Doctor Laura Masgrau.
Duration of the fellowship: The fellowship will have the duration of four months, eventually renewable if the project has an extension, and expected to start in March 2023, on a full-time basis, accordingly the Fellowship Regulations of Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, I.P.
Stipend amount: € 1.144,64 according to the table of values of grants awarded directly by the FCT, I.P. in the Country ( and payment will be made, monthly, through bank transfer.
Selection procedure: The evaluation procedures will be based on the analysis of the candidates CV and an eventual interview for the selected candidates. The CV evaluation and the interview will have a weight of 50 % each.
Jury composition: Doctor Patrícia Borges, Professor Lígia O. Martins and Doctor Vânia Brissos. Substitute: Doctor Carlos Frazão.
Application documents: The application should be formalized through a 1) motivation letter, 2) detailed Curriculum vitae, 3) Degree certificates, 4) One or two reference letters.
Notification of candidates: All the candidates will be informed of the final result by e-mail.
Deadlines and procedures for complaints and appeals: If the result is not favorable, the candidates have a period of 10 working days, after the disclosure of the results, to comment, if desired, in a prior hearing of interested parties, in the terms provided for in the Code of Administrative Procedure.
Application period: January 1 to February 27, 2023.
Applications should be sent to: Doctor Patrícia Borges e-mail: Anúncio Ref. 073/BI/2022 ITQB NOVA Bolsa de Investigação - Mestre
Reference: 003/BI/2023
Start Date: 2023/01/09 00:00:00 GMT+0 End Date: 2023/01/20 00:00:00 GMT+0 Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica António Xavier Application for Master Fellowship within internal project ICV4621.
Applications are invited for a Master Fellowship in the scope of the project entitled “Investigation of the maturation of c-type cytochromes”, funded by the internal project ICV4621.
Scientific Area: Biological Sciences (Biology); Chemistry (Biochemistry)
Academic degree: Master degree in Marine Biology and related areas. The Master´s final grade must be equal to or greater than 16 on a scale of 0 to 20.
Other requisites: - Research work experience of more than 5 years; - Experience in Genetics and Molecular Biology techniques, in particular in gene cloning and knock-out strategies; - Experience in biomolecular NMR spectroscopy; - Experience in experimental handling of anaerobic bacteria; - Experience in heterologous protein production and purification is valued; - Experience in student supervision; - Presentations at national or international conferences; - Experience in outreach activities; - Being enrolled in a PhD or in a non-academic degree course, by the date of the contract signature, in accordance with number 2 of the Article 6th of “Regulations for Research Fellowships from Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P.”, law in force.
Working Plan: The research project aims to elucidate how cytochrome c maturation system I handles differently cytochromes c of different classes. The research fellow will be involved in the expression of apocytochromes c (task1) and characterization of their interactions with heme and components of maturation system I (task 2).
Applicable Law and Regulations: Status of Scientific Research Fellow, approved by Law number 40/2004, of August 18th, changed and republished by Ordinance 202/2012 of August 27th and changed by Ordinance 233/2012 of October 29th and by Law 12/2013 of January 29th and by Ordinance 89/2013 of July 9th and by the Ordinance 123/2019 of August 28th; Regulations for Research Fellowships from Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P., in force (
Working Place: The work will be carried out in the Inorganic Biochemistry and NMR (IBN) laboratory at ITQB NOVA, under supervision of Dr Ricardo Louro.
Duration of the fellowship: The fellowship will have the duration of 3 months, eventually renewable, expected to start in February 2023, on a full-time basis, according to Fellowship Regulations of Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, I.P.
Stipend amount: 1144,64 €, according to the table of values of grants awarded directly by the FCT, I.P. in the Country ( and payment will be made, monthly, through bank transfer.
Selection procedure: The evaluation procedures will be based on the analysis of the candidates´ CV and if needed an interview for the selected candidates may take place. In this case, the curriculum evaluation and the interview will have a weight of 50 % each.
Juri composition: Dr Ricardo Louro (president of the juri), Dr Catarina PAquete (effective member), Dr Bruno Fonseca (effective member) and Dr Alexandra Alves (substitute member).
Application documents: The application should be formalized in a cover letter indicating the corresponding fellowship reference together with the following documents: detailed Curriculum Vitae, degree certificate. All documents should be preferably sent by email in a single pdf file. If the degree has been conferred by a non-Portuguese higher education institution, the selected candidate must obtain the certificate of the degree recognition, issued by the Portuguese Directorate General for Higher Education or by a Portuguese Public Higher Education Institution, until the signature of the contract. Regarding this issue, please consult the website of the Portuguese Directorate General for Higher Education:
Notification of candidates: All the candidates will be informed of the final result by e-mail.
Deadlines and procedures for complaints and appeals: If the result is not favorable, the candidates have a period of 10 working days, after the disclosure of the results, to comment, if desired, in a prior hearing of interested parties, in the terms provided for in the Code of Administrative Procedure.
Application period: 9 to 20 of January, 2023
Applications should be sent to: Doctor Ricardo Louro Email: Ref. 003/BI/2023 ITQB NOVA Bolsa de Investigação - Mestre
Reference: 001/BI/2023
Start Date: 2023/01/03 00:00:00 GMT+0 End Date: 2023/01/16 00:00:00 GMT+0 Universidade Nova de Lisboa (UNL) Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica António Xavier (ITQB NOVA) Application for a Master Fellowship within the project HR22-00722
Applications are invited for a Master Fellowship in the scope of the project entitled “The BioPlaTTAR Platform for the Tailored and Rapid Development of Antiviral Biopharmaceuticals”, reference HR22-00722, funded by “La Caixa” Foundation and by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia I.P./MCTES, through national funding (PIDDAC).
Main Scientific Areas & Sub Research Fields: Biology Sciences – Biochemistry
Academic degree: We are seeking candidates with a Master degree in Biochemistry or related areas (i.e., Biology, Biomedicine, Biophysics, Chemistry etc.) with bachelor’s degree classification of 16 (or higher) and a master’s degree classification of 18 (or higher).
Other requisites: • Experience in protein expression and purification; • Experience with protein biophysical characterization, including methods to analyze protein stability and protein-protein interactions; • Some experience with low-resolution structural biology methods. • Being enrolled in a non-academic degree course (by the time of the contract signature) or in a PhD, in accordance with number 2 of the Article 6th of “Regulamento de Bolsas de Investigação da Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P.”, law in force (Mandatory).
Working Plan: The successful candidate will participate in the expression and purification of computationally designed proteins and characterize them through biophysical techniques, namely evaluating their ability to interact with target viral proteins. In addition, the interaction between the designed proteins and their targets will be evaluated from a structural viewpoint.
Applicable Law and Regulations: Status of Scientific Research Fellow, approved by Law number 40/2004, of August 18th, changed and republished by Ordinance 202/2012 of August 27th and changed by Ordinance 233/2012 of October 29th and by Law 12/2013 of January 29th and by Ordinance 89/2013 of July 9th and by the Ordinance 123/2019 of August 28th; Regulations for Research Fellowships from Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P., in force (
Working Place: The work will be carried out in the Applied Protein Biochemistry Lab at ITQB NOVA under supervision of Doctor João B. Vicente.
Duration of the fellowship: The fellowship will have the duration of 6 months, eventually renewable, expected to start in February 2023, on a full-time basis, according to according to Fellowship Regulations of Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, I.P.
Stipend amount: EUR 1144,64 €,, according to the table of values of grants awarded directly by the FCT, I.P. in the Country ( and payment will be made, monthly, through bank transfer.
Selection procedure: The evaluation procedure will be primarily based on the analysis of the candidates´ CVs and, if necessary, an interview with the selected candidates may take place. In this case, the CV evaluation and the interview will have weights of 70% and 30% respectively.
Jury composition: Doctor João B. Vicente (President), Doctor Diana Lousa (effective member), Professor Cláudio Soares (effective member); Doctor Isabel Abreu (substitute member).
Application documents: The application should be formalized by sending by e-mail (to as a single PDF file containing the following documents: i) cover letter indicating the corresponding fellowship reference; ii) motivation letter including the names and e-mail addresses of two possible references; iii) detailed Curriculum Vitae; iv) degree certificate. If the degree has been conferred by a non-Portuguese higher education institution, the selected candidate must obtain the certificate of the degree recognition, issued by the Portuguese Directorate General for Higher Education or by a Portuguese Public Higher Education Institution, until the signature of the contract. Regarding this issue, please consult the website of the Portuguese Directorate General for Higher Education:
Notification of candidates: All the candidates will be informed of the final result by e-mail.
Deadlines and procedures for complaints and appeals: The candidates that were not selected have a period of 10 working days, after the disclosure of the results, to comment, if desired, in a prior hearing of interested parties, in the terms provided for in the Code of Administrative Procedure.
Application period: From 3 to 16 of January 2023,
Applications should be sent to: Doctor João B. Vicente Email: Ref. 001/BI/2023 OEIRAS
Bolsa de Investigação - Mestre
Reference: 016/BI/2023
Start Date: 2023/02/01 00:00:00 GMT+0 End Date: 2023/03/10 00:00:00 GMT+0 Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica António Xavier Application for a Master Fellowship within the project 2022.10980.PTDC
Applications are invited for a Master Fellowship in the scope of the project entitled “The role of intra-species interactions in Streptococcus pneumoniae colonization” with the Ref. 2022.10980.PTDC, funded by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia I.P./MCTES.
Scientific Area: Biological Sciences/Microbial Biology
Academic degree: Bachelor and Master degree in Biology, Microbiology, Molecular Biology, Genetics, or related areas, with minimum grades of 14 and 17 values (out of 20), respectively.
Other requisites: - Laboratory experience in Microbiology and Bacterial Molecular Genetics; - Laboratory experience in manipulation of pathogenic bacteria; - Strong motivation for scientific research and ability to work autonomously; - Experience in bioinformatic analysis of bacterial genomes will be valued but is not mandatory; - Being enrolled in a PhD, or in a non-academic degree course, in accordance with number 2 of the Article 6th of “Regulamento de Bolsas de Investigação da Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P. from FCT”, law in force.
Working Plan: The aim of this project is to identify mechanisms underlying competitive and cooperative intra-species interactions occurring between naturally colonizing pneumococci in biofilms. The selected candidate will construct a promoter-trap library in S. pneumoniae to identify putative mechanisms involved in intra-species interactions and validate those mechanisms using a combination of genetics and cell biology-based approaches.
Applicable Law and Regulations: Status of Scientific Research Fellow, approved by Law number 40/2004, of August 18th, changed and republished by Ordinance 202/2012 of August 27th and changed by Ordinance 233/2012 of October 29th and by Law 12/2013 of January 29th and by Ordinance 89/2013 of July 9th and by the Ordinance 123/2019 of August 28th; Regulations for Research Fellowships from Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P., in force (
Working Place: The work will be carried out in the Laboratory of Molecular Microbiology of Human Pathogens (PI Doctor Raquel Sá- Leão) at ITQB NOVA, under supervision of Doctor Carina Valente.
Duration of the fellowship: The fellowship will have the duration of 3 months, eventually renewable up to 12 months, and is expected to start in March 2023, on a full-time basis, according to Fellowship Regulations of Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, I.P.
Stipend amount: 1144,64€, according to the table of values of grants awarded directly by the FCT, I.P. in the Country ( and payment will be made, monthly, through bank transfer.
Selection procedure: The evaluation procedures will be based on the analysis of the candidates´ CV and an interview for the selected candidates may take place. In this case, the curriculum evaluation and the interview will have a weight of 50% each.
Juri composition: Doctor Carina Valente (president of the jury), Doctor Raquel Sá-Leão (effective member), Professor Adriano Henriques (effective member), and Doctor Alexandra Simões (substitute member)
Application documents: The application should be formalized in a cover letter indicating the corresponding fellowship reference together with the following documents: detailed Curriculum vitae, degree certificate. All documents should be preferably sent by email in a single pdf file. If the degree has been conferred by a non-Portuguese higher education institution, the selected candidate must obtain the certificate of the degree recognition, issued by the Portuguese Directorate General for Higher Education or by a Portuguese Public Higher Education Institution, until the signature of the contract. Regarding this issue, please consult the website of the Portuguese Directorate General for Higher Education:
Notification of candidates: All candidates will be informed of the final result by e-mail.
Deadlines and procedures for complaints and appeals: If the result is not favorable, the candidates have a period of 10 working days, after the disclosure of the results, to comment, if desired, in a prior hearing of interested parties, in the terms provided for in the Code of Administrative Procedure.
Application period: 10 February to 10 March, 2023.
Applications should be sent by e-mail to: Doctor Carina Valente Ref. 016/BI/2023 ITQB NOVA OEIRAS Bolsa de Investigação - Mestre
Reference: 014/BI/2023
Start Date: 2023/02/07 00:00:00 GMT+0 End Date: 2023/03/15 00:00:00 GMT+0 Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica António Xavier Application for a Master Fellowship within the 2022.03561.PTDC
Applications are invited for a Master Fellowship in the scope of the project entitled “Glycofoldamers as bacterial toxin inhibitors” with the Ref. 2022.03561.PTDC, funded by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia I.P./MCTES - OE).
Scientific Area: Chemistry
Academic degree: We seek candidates with a Master’s degree in Master’s degree in Chemistry, Biochemistry, Pharmaceutical Sciences or related areas, with bachelor’s degree classification of 14 (or higher) and a Master’s degree classification of 16 (or higher).
Other requisites: - Experience in organic synthesis - Experience in solid-phase synthesis and know-how in analytical and preparative HPLC will be valued; - Good English language knowledge, spoken and written; - Motivation to pursue PhD studies - Being enrolled in a PhD, or in a non-academic degree course, until the signature of the contract, in accordance with number 2 of the Article 6th of “Regulamento de Bolsas de Investigação da Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P. from FCT”, law in force.
Working Plan: We seek to explore a new class of multivalent glycoconjugates for bacterial toxin/adhesin inhibition. The selected candidate will prepare and purify oligomeric multivalent scaffolds; conjugate them with carbohydrate ligands; characterize the interaction between the glycoconjugates and toxins/adhesins by biophysical techniques; elucidate the structure of the complexes formed and evaluate the inhibition of adhesion to host cells.
Applicable Law and Regulations: Status of Scientific Research Fellow, approved by Law number 40/2004, of August 18th, changed and republished by Ordinance 202/2012 of August 27th and changed by Ordinance 233/2012 of October 29th and by Law 12/2013 of January 29th and by Ordinance 89/2013 of July 9th and by the Ordinance 123/2019 of August 28th; Regulations for Research Fellowships from Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P., in force (
Working Place: The work will be carried out in the Bio-oriented Supramolecular Chemistry laboratory at ITQB NOVA, under supervision of Doctor Pedro Mateus.
Duration of the fellowship: The fellowship will have the duration of 6 months, eventually renewable, expected to start in April 2023, on a full-time basis, according to Fellowship Regulations of Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, I.P.
Stipend amount: 1 144,64 €, according to the table of values of grants awarded directly by the FCT, I.P. in the Country ( and payment will be made, monthly, through bank transfer.
Selection procedure: The evaluation procedures will be based on the analysis of the candidates´ CV and an interview for the selected candidates. The curriculum evaluation and the interview will have a weight of 70 and 30% each, respectively.
Juri composition: Doctor Pedro Mateus (president), Doctor Rita Ventura, Doctor Luís Lima (efective members) and Doctor Adriano Henriques (substitute member).
Application documents: The application should be formalized in a cover letter indicating the corresponding fellowship reference together with the following documents: detailed Curriculum Vitae, degree certificate, transcript detailing the courses taken and the contact of 2 references. All documents should be preferably sent by email in a single pdf file. If the degree has been conferred by a non-Portuguese higher education institution, the selected candidate must obtain the certificate of the degree recognition, issued by the Portuguese Directorate General for Higher Education or by a Portuguese Public Higher Education Institution, until the signature of the contract. Regarding this issue, please consult the website of the Portuguese Directorate General for Higher Education:
Notification of candidates: All the candidates will be informed of the final result by e-mail.
Deadlines and procedures for complaints and appeals: If the result is not favorable, the candidates have a period of 10 working days, after the disclosure of the results, to comment, if desired, in a prior hearing of interested parties, in the terms provided for in the Code of Administrative Procedure.
Application period: 7 February to 15 March, 2023
Applications should be sent to: Doctor Pedro Mateus Email: Ref. 014/BI/2023 ITQB NOVA OEIRAS
Bolsa de Investigação - Mestre
Reference: 008/BI/2023
Start Date: 2023/01/31 00:00:00 GMT+0 End Date: 2023/03/31 00:00:00 GMT+0 Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica António Xavier Application for a Master Fellowship Within the Project 2022.02027.PTDC
Applications for a Master Fellowship in the project’s scope “Biocat4Suschem: Broadening the spectrum of biocatalysts, bioprocesses, and bio-products in industrial biotechnology” with Ref. 2022.02027.PTDC, funded by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia I.P./MCTES - OE).
Scientific Area: Organic Chemistry
Academic degree: Master in Chemistry, Biochemistry, Pharmaceutical Sciences, or related areas.
Other requisites: - Highly motivated and passionate Master researcher; - Interested in bridging enzymology and organic chemistry; - Previous experience in enzymology and/or organic synthesis; - Good organizational and teamwork skills; - Fluency in spoken and written English; - Bachelor’s degree classification of 15 (or higher) and a master’s degree classification of 18 (or higher). - Strongly motivated for Ph.D.; - Being enrolled in a Ph.D. or a non-academic degree course until the signature of the contract, in accordance with number 2 of the Article 6th of “Regulamento de Bolsas de Investigação da Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P. from FCT” law in force.
Working Plan: Biocat4Suschem aims to generate cheap, efficient, and robust bacterial ligninolytic and other carbohydrate oxidase auxiliary enzymes taking advantage of laboratory-based enzyme engineering and emerging computational approaches. The engineered biocatalysts will be used to set up enzymatic processes for producing high-value biomass-derived compounds. The selected candidate will be responsible for i) enzyme production and purification and ii) enzymatic bioconversions and compound identification using NMR. This fellow will establish a key profitable liaison between the Microbial & Enzyme Technology, Bioorganic Chemistry Labs at ITQB. The B-Ligzymes H2020-RISE project will fund up to 6 months’ stays at METGEN.
Applicable Law and Regulations: Status of Scientific Research Fellow, approved by Law number 40/2004, of August 18th, changed and republished by Ordinance 202/2012 of August 27th and changed by Ordinance 233/2012 of October 29th and by Law 12/2013 of January 29th and by Ordinance 89/2013 of July 9th and by the Ordinance 123/2019 of August 28th. Regulations for Research Fellowships from Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P., in force (
Working Place: The work will be done in the Microbial & Enzyme Technology lab (Supervisor: Lígia O. Martins) and Bioorganic Chemistry (Supervisor: Dr. Rita Ventura) at ITQB NOVA.
Duration of the fellowship: The fellowship will have a duration of 3 months, eventually renewable up to 24 months, expected to start in April 2023, on a full-time basis, according to Fellowship Regulations of Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, I.P.
Stipend amount: € 1144,64, according to the table of values of grants awarded directly by the FCT, I.P. in the Country ( and payment will be made, monthly, through bank transfer.
Selection procedure: Applications will be evaluated according to the analysis of the documents presented - Curriculum (60%), motivation letter (10%), references (10%), and interview, if considered necessary by the jury, of the selected candidates (20%). The final results will be presented on a scale from 0 to 100.
Juri composition: Presidente do Júri: Professora Doutora Lígia O. Martins. Vogais: Doutora Rita Ventura e Doutor Peter Kis. Suplente: Doutora Vânia Brissos.
Application documents: i) Full Curriculum Vitae; ii) A motivation letter detailing previous work experiences related to the project; iii) Degree certificate*; iv) Contacts information or letter of recommendation of two referees.
All documents should preferably be sent by email in a single pdf file.
*If the degree has been conferred by a non-Portuguese higher education institution, the selected candidate must obtain the certificate of degree recognition issued by the Portuguese Directorate General for Higher Education or by a Portuguese Public Higher Education Institution until the signature of the contract. Regarding this issue, please consult the Portuguese Directorate General for Higher Education website:
Notification of candidates: All the candidates will be informed of the final result by e-mail.
Deadlines and procedures for complaints and appeals: If the result is not favorable, the candidates have a period of 10 working days after the disclosure of the results, to comment, if desired, in a prior hearing of interested parties, in the terms provided for in the Code of Administrative Procedure.
Application period: From January 31 to March 31, 2023.
Applications should be sent to: Doctor Lígia Martins Email: Ref. 008/BI/2023 ITQB NOVA OEIRAS Bolsa de Investigação Pós-Doutoramento
Reference: 010/BIPD/2023
Start Date: 2023/02/02 00:00:00 GMT+0 End Date: 2023/03/24 00:00:00 GMT+0 Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica António Xavier Application for a Post-Doctoral Fellowship within the Project 2022.02027.PTDC
Applications for a Post-Doctoral Fellowship in the project’s scope entitled “Biocat4Suschem: Broadening the spectrum of biocatalysts, bioprocesses, and bio-products in industrial biotechnology” with Ref. 2022.02027.PTDC, funded by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia I.P./MCTES - OE).
Scientific Area: Biochemistry / Computational Structural Biology
Academic degree: Recent Ph.D. in Biochemistry, Biophysics, Computational Biology, Bioinformatics, Structural Biology, or related areas.
Other requisites: - Highly motivated and passionate Ph.D. holder; - Interested in bridging experimental and computational enzyme engineering; - Previous experience in enzyme design/protein modeling/molecular dynamics simulations/quantum mechanics/ comparative modeling methods/molecular docking/structural biology analysis; - Capable of working independently; - Good organizational and teamwork skills; - Fluency in spoken and written English.
Working Plan: Biocat4Suschem aims to generate efficient and robust bacterial ligninolytic and other carbohydrate oxidase auxiliary enzymes taking advantage of laboratory-based enzyme engineering and emerging computational approaches. Understanding the structure and function of new oxidoreductive enzymes and obtaining molecular insights into their mechanisms will facilitate their future engineering and application for enzymatic lignocellulose valorization. The selected candidate will work on computational tools for evaluating laboratory-engineered biocatalysts, including molecular modeling, and developing and applying algorithms for computational enzyme engineering. This fellow will establish a key profitable liaison between ITQB, ZYMVOL, and FCUL. The B-Ligzymes H2020-RISE project will fund up to 12 months’ stays at ZYMVOL, Barcelona, Spain. The candidate will be trained in experimental and computational protein engineering techniques.
Applicable Law and Regulations: Status of Scientific Research Fellow, approved by Law number 40/2004, of August 18th, changed and republished by Ordinance 202/2012 of August 27th and changed by Ordinance 233/2012 of October 29th and by Law 12/2013 of January 29th and by Ordinance 89/2013 of July 9th and by the Ordinance 123/2019 of August 28th. Regulations for Research Fellowships from Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P., in force (
Working Place: The work will be carried out in the Microbial & Enzyme Technology Lab at ITQB NOVA, headed by Dr. Lígia Martins, MMS Lab at FCUL, headed by Dr. Miguel Machuqueiro, and Zymvol Biomodeling (SP).
Duration of the fellowship: The fellowship will have a duration of 6 months (with the possibility of renewal) and is expected to start in April 2023, on a full-time basis, according to Fellowship Regulations of Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, I.P.
Stipend amount: 1686,00 €, according to the table of values of grants awarded directly by the FCT, I.P. in the Country ( and payment will be made, monthly, through bank transfer.
Selection procedure: Applications will be evaluated according to the analysis of the documents presented - Curriculum (60%), motivation letter (10%), references (10%), and interview, if considered necessary by the jury, of the selected candidates (20%). The results will be presented on a scale from 0 to 100.
Juri composition: Presidente do Júri: Professora Doutora Lígia O. Martins. Vogais: Dr. Patrícia Borges, Dr. Miguel Machuqueiro, Suplente: Dr. Vânia Brissos.
Application documents: i) Full Curriculum Vitae, ii) A motivation letter detailing previous work experiences related to the project; iii) Degree certificate*, iv) Contacts information or recommendation letters of two referees.
All documents should preferably be sent by email in a single pdf file.
*If the degree has been conferred by a non-Portuguese higher education institution, the selected candidate must obtain the certificate of degree recognition issued by the Portuguese Directorate General for Higher Education or by a Portuguese Public Higher Education Institution until the signature of the contract. Regarding this issue, please consult the Portuguese Directorate General for Higher Education website:
Notification of candidates: All the candidates will be informed of the result by e-mail.
Deadlines and procedures for complaints and appeals: If the result is not favorable, the candidates have a period of 10 working days after the disclosure of the results, to comment, if desired, in a prior hearing of interested parties, in the terms provided for in the Code of Administrative Procedure.
Application period: From February 2 to March 24, 2023.
Applications should be sent to: Professor Lígia Martins Email: Ref. 010/BIPD/2023 ITQB NOVA OEIRAS Bolsa de Investigação - Mestre
Reference: 007/BI/2023
Start Date: 2023/01/20 00:00:00 GMT+0 End Date: 2023/02/02 00:00:00 GMT+0 Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica António Xavier – ITQB NOVA Anúncio para atribuição de uma Bolsa de Investigação para Mestre no âmbito do projecto PoC Ref IOVPoC-2021-09
Encontra-se aberta candidatura a uma bolsa de investigação para Mestre, no âmbito do programa Prova de Conceito InnoValley 2021 intitulado “Biofactories for high value natural pigments: the production of carotenoids in plant cell cultures”, Ref. IOVPoC-2021-09, financiado pela Câmara Municipal de Oeiras e ITQB NOVA.
Área Científica: Ciências Biológicas
Formação Académica: Mestrado em Biologia, Bioquímica, Biotecnologia, Bioengenharia ou áreas afins com média superior ou igual a 16 valores. Experiência prévia em sistemas vegetais.
Outros requisitos: - Experiência laboratorial em biologia molecular, em particular extração e processamento de RNA; - Experiência em sistemas vegetais e capacidade de trabalhar em ambiente de esterilidade e manipulação de culturas celulares; - Excelente capacidade de planeamento e organização; - Resiliência, espírito crítico e capacidade de trabalhar autonomamente; - Estar inscrito num doutoramento ou num curso não conferente de grau académico (à data da assinatura do contrato), conforme o nº 2 do Artº 6º do Regulamento de Bolsas de Investigação da Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P.
Plano de Trabalhos: O candidato selecionado irá desenvolver trabalho no âmbito da produção de metabolitos secundários em sistemas vegetais, nomeadamente em culturas de células em suspensão de tabaco e Medicago. Irá manter e selecionar linhas de produção já existentes no laboratório, e proceder à sua optimização e caracterização.
Legislação e regulamentação aplicável: Estatuto do Bolseiro de Investigação Científica, aprovado pela Lei nº 40/2004, de 18 de agosto, alterado e republicado pelo Decreto-Lei nº 202/2012, de 27 de agosto e alterado pelo Decreto-Lei nº 233/2012, de 29 de Outubro e pela Lei nº 12/2013, de 29 de Janeiro e pelo Decreto-Lei n.º 89/2013, de 9 de Julho, e pelo Decreto-Lei nº 123/2019, de 28 de Agosto; Regulamento de Bolsas de Investigação da Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P., em vigor (
Local de trabalho: O trabalho será desenvolvido no grupo “Plant Cell Biology” do Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica António Xavier da Universidade Nova de Lisboa, sob a orientação científica da Doutora Rita Abranches.
Duração da bolsa: A bolsa terá a duração de 6 meses, eventualmente renovável, com início previsto em Fevereiro de 2023, em regime de exclusividade, conforme Regulamento de Bolsas de Investigação da Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P.
Valor do subsídio de manutenção mensal: O montante da bolsa corresponde a 1144,64 Euros acrescido do valor correspondente ao seguro social voluntário, conforme tabela de valores das bolsas atribuídas directamente pela FCT, I.P. no País ( O pagamento será efectuado, mensalmente, por transferência bancária.
Métodos de selecção: A seleção será efectuada por análise curricular de acordo com os critérios solicitados. Incluirá entrevista aos candidatos melhor posicionados, caso tal se justifique. A fase de análise curricular terá ponderação de 100% caso não haja lugar a entrevista. No caso de haver candidatos com classificação próxima, o júri entrevistará no mínimo dois candidatos e a entrevista terá ponderação de 50% do total da classificação.
Composição do Júri de Selecção: Doutora Rita Abranches (presidente do júri), Doutora Carlota Vaz Patto (vogal efectiva), Doutora Inês Chaves (vogal efectiva), Doutora Ana Paula Santos (vogal suplente).
Documentos de candidatura: As candidaturas devem ser formalizadas, obrigatoriamente, através do envio dos seguintes documentos: Carta de motivação, Curriculum Vitae detalhado, Cópia dos certificados de habilitações, e nome e contacto de duas referências. Toda a documentação deve ser compilada num único ficheiro pdf. Caso o grau tenha sido conferido por instituição de ensino superior estrangeira, o candidato tem de apresentar o certificado de reconhecimento do mesmo, passado pela Direcção Geral do Ensino Superior (DGES) ou por uma universidade pública Portuguesa, até á assinatura do contrato. Sobre este assunto poderá ser consultada a página da DGES:
Forma de notificação dos resultados: Todos os candidatos serão notificados do resultado final através de e-mail.
Prazos e procedimentos de reclamação e recurso: Caso o resultado seja desfavorável à concessão da bolsa requerida, os candidatos têm um prazo de 10 dias úteis, após a divulgação dos resultados, para se pronunciarem, querendo, em sede de audiência prévia de interessados, nos termos previstos no Código do Procedimento Administrativo
Prazo de candidatura: O concurso encontra-se aberto no período de 20 de Janeiro a 2 de Fevereiro de 2023.
As candidaturas devem ser remetidas exclusivamente por via electrónica (indicar no \"subject” o nome do candidato e Referência do anúncio) para: Doutora Rita Abranches Email: Anúncio Ref. 007/BI/2023 ITQB NOVA OEIRAS Bolsa de Investigação - Mestre
Reference: 013/BI/2023
Start Date: 2023/02/07 00:00:00 GMT+0 End Date: 2023/02/20 00:00:00 GMT+0 Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica António Xavier Application for a Master Fellowship within the project PTDC/BIA-BFS/0391/2021
Applications are invited for a Master Fellowship in the scope of the project entitled “HUBs – The architecture of a pathogen-driven signaling Hub” with the Ref. PTDC/BIA-BFS/0391/2021, funded by FCT- Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia I.P./MCTES, through national funding (PIDDAC).
Main Scientific Areas & Sub Research Fields: Biology Sciences – Biology; Chemistry – Biochemistry; Physics – Biophysics
Academic degree: We seek candidates with a Master’s degree in Life Science or related areas (i.e., Biochemistry, Biology, Biomedicine, Biophysics, Chemistry etc.) to participate in a multidisciplinary research program focused on signaling and host-pathogen interactions.
Other requisites: • Research interests should lie at the interface between chemistry and biology; • Eager to dissect molecular mechanisms at the host-pathogen interface; • Highly motivated and passionate junior researcher; • Willing to progress in the project potentially as a PhD student; • Prior experience with protein biophysics will be a plus; • Good organizational and teamwork skills; • Fluency in spoken and written English • Bachelor’s degree classification of 15 (or higher) and a master’s degree classification of 17 (or higher) • Being enrolled in a PhD or a non-academic degree course (by the time of the contract signature), in accordance with number 2 of the Article 6th of “Regulations for Research Fellowships from Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P.”, law in force.
Working Plan: Pathogenic microbes that invade a human host have developed sophisticated strategies to rewire host-signaling pathways and down-regulate host immune responses. Bacterial pathogens use a plethora of secreted effectors and cell-associated proteins to achieve this goal during infection. The HUBs project aims to illuminate how pathogen-encoded proteins hijack host cells from an integrative structural biophysics perspective. Within this framework, we offer an opportunity to study multiple pathogen-host interactions mediated by type III secretion system (T3SS) disordered effectors produced by life-threatening human pathogens. To this end, the selected candidate will be engaged in protein expression and purification and experimental and computational approaches, receiving training in fluorescence microscopy, small-angle scattering, and NMR hybrid applications. The project will be performed in the context of a broader collaboration between several groups at the ITQB-NOVA, aiming to decipher the structural bases of pathogen-driven host subversion. As such, mentorship and knowledge transfer will occur through distinct channels, expertise, and point-of-views.
Applicable Law and Regulations: Status of Scientific Research Fellow, approved by Law number 40/2004, of August 18th, changed and republished by Ordinance 202/2012 of August 27th and changed by Ordinance 233/2012 of October 29th and by Law 12/2013 of January 29th and by Ordinance 89/2013 of July 9th and by the Ordinance 123/2019 of August 28th; Regulations for Research Fellowships from Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P., in force (
Working Place: The work will be done in the Dynamic Structural Biology Lab (Supervisor: Doctor Tiago N Cordeiro) and the Single Molecule Microbiology Lab (Supervisor: Zach Hensel)
Duration of the fellowship: The fellowship will have the duration of 6 months, eventually renewable, expected to start in April 2023, on a full-time basis, according to according to Fellowship Regulations of Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, I.P.
Stipend amount: EUR 1144,64 €, according to the table of values of grants awarded directly by the FCT, I.P. in the Country ( and payment will be made, monthly, through bank transfer.
Selection procedure: Applications will be evaluated according to the analysis of the documents presented - Curriculum (60%), motivation letter (10%), references (10%), and interview, if considered necessary by the jury, of the selected candidates (20%). The final results will be presented on a scale from 0 to 100.
Jury composition: Doctor Tiago N. Cordeiro (President); Doctor Ligia O. Martins (member); Doctor Zach Hensel (member); Doctor Tiago Gomes (substitute member).
Application documents: • Full Curriculum Vitae; • A motivation letter detailing previous work experiences related to the project; • Degree certificate*; • Contacts information or letter of recommendation of two referees. All documents should preferably be sent by email in a single pdf file. *If the degree has been conferred by a non-Portuguese higher education institution, the selected candidate must obtain the certificate of degree recognition issued by the Portuguese Directorate General for Higher Education or by a Portuguese Public Higher Education Institution until the signature of the contract. Regarding this issue, please consult the Portuguese Directorate General for Higher Education website: Notification of candidates: All the candidates will be informed of the final result by e-mail.
Deadlines and procedures for complaints and appeals: If the result is not favorable, the candidates have a period of 10 working days, after the disclosure of the results, to comment, if desired, in a prior hearing of interested parties, in the terms provided for in the Code of Administrative Procedure.
Application period: From 7 to 20 of February 2023
Applications should be sent to: Doctor Tiago N Cordeiro Ref. 013/BI/2023 OEIRAS Bolsa de Investigação - Mestre
Reference: 015/BI/2023
Start Date: 2023/02/07 00:00:00 GMT+0 End Date: 2023/03/15 00:00:00 GMT+0 Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica António Xavier Application for a Master Fellowship within the 2022.03561.PTDC
Applications are invited for a Master Fellowship in the scope of the project entitled “Glycofoldamers as bacterial toxin inhibitors” with the Ref. 2022.03561.PTDC, funded by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia I.P./MCTES - OE).
Scientific Area: Chemistry
Academic degree: We seek candidates with a Master’s degree in Chemistry, Biochemistry, Pharmaceutical Sciences or related areas, with bachelor’s degree classification of 14 (or higher) and a Master’s degree classification of 16 (or higher).
Other requisites: - Experience in organic synthesis; - Experience in carbohydrate synthesis; - Good English language knowledge, spoken and written; - Motivation to pursue PhD studies - Being enrolled in a PhD, or in a non-academic degree course, until the signature of the contract, in accordance with number 2 of the Article 6th of “Regulamento de Bolsas de Investigação da Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P.” from FCT, law in force.
Working Plan: We seek to explore a new class of multivalent glycoconjugates for bacterial toxin/adhesin inhibition. The selected candidate will prepare and purify oligosaccharides known to bind toxin/adhesin (e.g. Galili, Lewis X and Y epitopes) featuring linkers of different sizes; conjugate them with multivalent scaffolds; characterize the interaction between the glycoconjugates and toxins/adhesins by biophysical techniques; elucidate the structure of the complexes formed and evaluate the inhibition of adhesion to host cells.
Applicable Law and Regulations: Status of Scientific Research Fellow, approved by Law number 40/2004, of August 18th, changed and republished by Ordinance 202/2012 of August 27th and changed by Ordinance 233/2012 of October 29th and by Law 12/2013 of January 29th and by Ordinance 89/2013 of July 9th and by the Ordinance 123/2019 of August 28th; Regulations for Research Fellowships from Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P., in force (
Working Place: The work will be carried out in the Bioorganic Chemistry and in the Bio-oriented Supramolecular Chemistry labs at ITQB NOVA, under supervision of Dr. Rita Ventura and Doctor Pedro Mateus.
Duration of the fellowship: The fellowship will have the duration of 6 months, eventually renewable, expected to start in April 2023, on a full-time basis, according to Fellowship Regulations of Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, I.P.
Stipend amount: 1 144,64 €, according to the table of values of grants awarded directly by the FCT, I.P. in the Country ( and payment will be made, monthly, through bank transfer.
Selection procedure: The evaluation procedures will be based on the analysis of the candidates ́ CV and if needed an interview for the selected candidates may take place. In this case, the curriculum evaluation and the interview will have a weight of 70% and 30% respectively.
Juri composition: Doctor Pedro Mateus (president), Doctor Rita Ventura, Doctor Peter Kis (efective members) and Doctor Luís Lima (substitute member).
Application documents: The application should be formalized in a cover letter indicating the corresponding fellowship reference together with the following documents: detailed Curriculum Vitae, degree certificate, transcript detailing the courses taken and the contact of 2 references. All documents should be preferably sent by email in a single pdf file. If the degree has been conferred by a non-Portuguese higher education institution, the selected candidate must obtain the certificate of the degree recognition, issued by the Portuguese Directorate General for Higher Education or by a Portuguese Public Higher Education Institution, until the signature of the contract. Regarding this issue, please consult the website of the Portuguese Directorate General for Higher Education:
Notification of candidates: All the candidates will be informed of the final result by e-mail.
Deadlines and procedures for complaints and appeals: If the result is not favorable, the candidates have a period of 10 working days, after the disclosure of the results, to comment, if desired, in a prior hearing of interested parties, in the terms provided for in the Code of Administrative Procedure.
Application period: 7 February to 15 March, 2023
Applications should be sent to: Doctor Pedro Mateus Email: Ref. 015/BI/2023 ITQB NOVA OEIRAS Bolsa de Investigação - Mestre
Reference: 011/BI/2023
Start Date: 2023/02/02 00:00:00 GMT+0 End Date: 2023/02/22 00:00:00 GMT+0 Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica António Xavier Application for a Master Fellowship within the project 2022.04565.PTDC
Applications are invited for a Master Fellowship in the scope of the project entitled “Azole metal complexes as a promising source for new antifungals” with the project with the reference 2022.04565.PTDC, funded by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia I.P./MCTES - OE).
Scientific Area: Chemistry (Inorganic Chemistry).
Academic degree: Master degree in Chemistry or related fields including Biochemistry, Pharmaceutical Sciences, or Chemical Engineering, with a final grade higher than 16.
Other requisites: - Strong background of chemical studies at the Master and/or Bachelor level; - Bachelor degree with a final score higher than 14; - Preference will be given to candidates with previous laboratory experience in organic synthesis and/or inorganic synthesis; - Strong motivation to pursue post-graduation studies at the doctoral level; - Proficiency in English, written and spoken; - Being enrolled in a PhD, or in a non-academic degree course, in accordance with number 2 of the Article 6th of “Regulamento de Bolsas de Investigação da Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P. from FCT”, law in force.
Working Plan: The planned work consists in developing new metal complexes based on novel azole scaffolds as potential antifungal agents. The selected candidate will (i) synthesize new metal chelators derived from bioactive azole fragments, (ii) synthesize complexes of the new chelators with a range of transition and post-transition metal cations, (iii) study the structural properties of the developed complexes, and (iv) screen the antifungal and antibacterial activity of the complexes against a panel of key pathogens.
Applicable Law and Regulations: Status of Scientific Research Fellow, approved by Law number 40/2004, of August 18th, changed and republished by Ordinance 202/2012 of August 27th and changed by Ordinance 233/2012 of October 29th and by Law 12/2013 of January 29th and by Ordinance 89/2013 of July 9th and by the Ordinance 123/2019 of August 28th; Regulations for Research Fellowships from Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P., in force (
Working Place: The work will be carried out in the Organometallic Catalysis laboratory at ITQB NOVA, under supervision of Doctor Luís Lima.
Duration of the fellowship: The fellowship will have the duration of 6 months, eventually renewable, expected to start in April 2023, on a full-time basis, according to Fellowship Regulations of Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, I.P.
Stipend amount: 1144,64 €, according to the table of values of grants awarded directly by the FCT, I.P. in the Country ( and payment will be made, monthly, through bank transfer.
Selection procedure: The evaluation procedures will be based on the analysis of the candidates´ CV and if needed an interview for the selected candidates may take place. In this case, the curriculum evaluation and the interview will have a weight of 50 % each.
Juri composition: Doctor Luís Lima (president of the jury), Doctor Beatriz Royo (effective member), Doctor Pedro Mateus (effective member) and Doctor Oscar Rojas (substitute member).
Application documents: The application should be formalized in a cover letter indicating the corresponding fellowship reference together with the following documents: detailed Curriculum Vitae, certificates of Bachelor and Master degrees, and names and contacts of 2 reference persons. All documents should be preferably sent by email in a single pdf file. If the degree has been conferred by a non-Portuguese higher education institution, the selected candidate must obtain the certificate of the degree recognition, issued by the Portuguese Directorate General for Higher Education or by a Portuguese Public Higher Education Institution, until the signature of the contract. Regarding this issue, please consult the website of the Portuguese Directorate General for Higher Education:
Notification of candidates: All the candidates will be informed of the final result by e-mail.
Deadlines and procedures for complaints and appeals: If the result is not favorable, the candidates have a period of 10 working days, after the disclosure of the results, to comment, if desired, in a prior hearing of interested parties, in the terms provided for in the Code of Administrative Procedure.
Application period: From February 2 to February 22, 2023.
Applications should be sent to: Doctor Luís Lima Email: Ref. 011/BI/2023 ITQB NOVA OEIRAS Bolsa de Investigação - Mestre
Reference: 009/BI/2023
Start Date: 2023/01/31 00:00:00 GMT+0 End Date: 2023/03/17 00:00:00 GMT+0 Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica António Xavier Application for a Master Fellowship within the Project 2022.07024.PTDC
Applications are invited for a Master Fellowship in the scope of the project entitled “Electrochemical valorization of CO2 powered by engineered microbial cells” with the Ref. 2022.07024.PTDC, Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia I.P./MCTES - OE).
Scientific Area: Biological Chemistry
Academic degree: Degree and Master or integrated master in Biochemistry, Biology, Microbiology, Applied Chemistry, Biotechnology or similar areas, with a weighted or final classification higher than 15.
Other requisites: - Preference will be given to candidates with experience in the field of electrochemistry, biochemistry and molecular biology; - Strong motivation for scientific research; - Motivation to pursue a PhD; - Good organizational and team work skills; - Fluency in spoken and written English; - Being enrolled in a PhD, or in a non-academic degree course, in accordance with number 2 of the Article 6th of “Regulamento de Bolsas de Investigação da Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P. from FCT”, law in force.
Working Plan: The project aims on the implementation of a highly efficient microbial electrochemical system for CO2 conversion making use of genetically modified bacterial strains to promote superior conversion rates. We will design electrochemical devices that will explore engineered gas-diffusion electrodes to effectively scavenge CO2 and couple them with a semiconductor-based photoanode that will perform water oxidation powered by light. The specific tasks to be performed by the selected candidate will involve the genetic manipulation of anaerobic bacterial strains (Desulfovibrio vulgaris) and the optimization of their communication with the electrode, the fabrication of gas-diffusion microbial bioelectrodes, and the integration of mixed cultures for product upgrade, leading to the development of a hybrid electrosynthesis system for CO2 valorization.
Applicable Law and Regulations: Status of Scientific Research Fellow, approved by Law number 40/2004, of August 18th, changed and republished by Ordinance 202/2012 of August 27th and changed by Ordinance 233/2012 of October 29th and by Law 12/2013 of January 29th and by Ordinance 89/2013 of July 9th and by the Ordinance 123/2019 of August 28th; Regulations for Research Fellowships from Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P., in force (
Working Place: The work will be carried out in the “Bioelectrochemistry and Electrobiotechnology Lab” and the “Bacterial Energy Metabolism Lab” at ITQB NOVA, under supervision of Doctor Felipe Conzuelo and Doctor Américo G. Duarte, respectively.
Duration of the fellowship: The fellowship will have a duration of 6 months, renewable, and expected to start in April 2023, on a full-time basis, according to Fellowship Regulations of Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, I.P.
Stipend amount: 1144,64€, according to the table of values of grants awarded directly by the FCT, I.P. in the Country ( and payment will be made, monthly, through bank transfer.
Selection procedure: The candidates will be evaluated with classification from 1 to 10, based on the analysis of the candidates’ CV and motivation letter, according to the admission requisites. An interview will be considered for the top five selected candidates (only if their curricular evaluation scores higher than 7). Final classification will be the ponderation of curricular evaluation (60%) and interview (40%) when applicable, and 100% for the curriculum evaluation for the remaining candidates.
Juri composition: President of the juri: Doctor Felipe Conzuelo, effective members: Doctor Américo G. Duarte, Professor Inês Cardoso Pereira; substitute member: Professor Maria Teresa Catarino.
Application documents: The application should be formalized in a cover letter indicating the corresponding fellowship reference and the candidate motivation, together with the following documents: detailed Curriculum Vitae with degree classifications, degree certificates, and two recommendation letters. All documents should be preferably sent by e-mail in a single pdf file. If the degree has been conferred by a non-Portuguese higher education institution, the selected candidate must obtain the certificate of the degree recognition, issued by the Portuguese Directorate General for Higher Education or by a Portuguese Public Higher Education Institution, until the signature of the contract. Regarding this issue, please consult the website of the Portuguese Directorate General for Higher Education:
Notification of candidates: All the candidates will be informed of the final result by e-mail.
Deadlines and procedures for complaints and appeals: If the result is not favorable, the candidates have a period of 10 working days, after the disclosure of the results, to comment, if desired, in a prior hearing of interested parties, in the terms provided for in the Code of Administrative Procedure.
Application period: From January 31 to March 17, 2023.
Applications should be sent to: Doctor Felipe Conzuelo Email: Ref. 009/BI/2023 ITQB NOVA OEIRAS Bolsas de Investigação
Reference: 012/BI/2023
Start Date: 2023/02/06 00:00:00 GMT+0 End Date: 2023/02/17 00:00:00 GMT+0 Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica António Xavier Application for two Fellowships within the project ELIXIR
Applications are invited for two BSc. or MSc. Fellowships (attributed accordingly, depending on CV assessment) in the scope of the project entitled “Increasing Plant data findability and reuse beyond ELIXIR”, financed by the European Molecular Biology Laboratory.
Scientific Area: Biological Sciences.
Academic degree: Candidates with a BSc. or MSc. degree in Bioinformatics, Computational Biology, Biology, Biochemistry, or similar areas.
Other requisites: - Knowledge of Bioinformatics and acquainted with the potential of \"big data\"; - Knowledge of analyzing high-throughput biological data and data management; - Experience with programming languages in the context of data analysis, web development and data management (e.g. Python, R, SQL); - Proficiency in spoken and written English; - Availability to start in March 2023; - Being enrolled in a MSc course, or in a non-academic degree course, in accordance with number 2 of the Article 6th of “Regulamento de Bolsas de Investigação da Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P. from FCT”, law in force.
Working Plan: The work to be performed by the selected candidate(s) will be aligned with the project plan “Increasing Plant data findability and reuse beyond ELIXIR”. The first part of the work plan will be (1) implementation data management services to increase data findability; (2) prepare training materials to improve the accessibility to the service and verify their metadata completeness. The workplan will also include data annotation using controlled vocabularies and ontologies, as well as the curation and submission of datasets to predefined databases. This part of the workplan will be performed using data sets produced by the group and using the standards like MIAPPE (Minimal Information About Plant Phenotyping Experiment).
Applicable Law and Regulations: Status of Scientific Research Fellow, approved by Law number 40/2004, of August 18th, changed and republished by Ordinance 202/2012 of August 27th and changed by Ordinance 233/2012 of October 29th and by Law 12/2013 of January 29th and by Ordinance 89/2013 of July 9th and by the Ordinance 123/2019 of August 28th; Regulations for Research Fellowships from Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P., in force (
Working Place: The work will be carried out in the Genomics of Plant Stress Unit (GPlantS) at ITQB NOVA, under the supervision of Doctor Inês Chaves and Doctor Pedro Barros.
Duration of the fellowship: The fellowships will have the duration of three months, eventually renewable up to the maximum duration of the project, expected to start in March 2023, on a full-time basis, according to Fellowship Regulations of Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, I.P.
Stipend amount: 875,98 € or 1144,64 €, according to the academic level of the selected candidates and according to the table of values of grants awarded directly by the FCT, I.P. in the Country ( and payment will be made, monthly, through bank transfer.
Selection procedure: The evaluation procedures will be based on the analysis of the candidates´ CV and if needed an interview for the selected candidates may take place. In this case, the curriculum evaluation and the interview will have a weight of 50 % each. Applicants with academic degrees obtained abroad will be required to present a Certificate of Recognition in accordance with applicable law. This document is mandatory only in the contractualization phase.
Jury composition: Applications will be evaluated by a jury composed of Doctor Inês Chaves (president), and Doctor Pedro Barros; Doctor Nelson Saibo; Doctor Célia Miguel and Professor Doctor Margarida Oliveira will act as substitute members.
Application documents: The application should be formalized in a cover letter indicating the corresponding fellowship reference together with the following documents: detailed Curriculum Vitae, degree certificate. All documents should be preferably sent by email in a single pdf file. If the degree has been conferred by a non-Portuguese higher education institution, the selected candidate must obtain the certificate of the degree recognition, issued by the Portuguese Directorate General for Higher Education or by a Portuguese Public Higher Education Institution, until the signature of the contract. Regarding this issue, please consult the website of the Portuguese Directorate General for Higher Education:
Notification of candidates: All the candidates will be informed of the final result by e-mail.
Deadlines and procedures for complaints and appeals: If the result is not favorable, the candidates have a period of 10 working days, after the disclosure of the results, to comment, if desired, in a prior hearing of interested parties, in the terms provided for in the Code of Administrative Procedure.
Application period: February 6 to February 17, 2023.
Applications should be sent by email to: Doctor Inês Chaves, e-mail: Ref. 012/BI/2023 ITQB NOVA OEIRAS Bolsa de Investigação
Reference: 020/BI/2023
Start Date: 2023/02/14 00:00:00 GMT+0 End Date: 2023/02/27 00:00:00 GMT+0 Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica António Xavier Application for a Master Fellowship within the project PRIMA/0014/2020
Applications are invited for a Master Fellowship in the scope of the project entitled “DROMAMED - Capitalization of Mediterranean maize germplasm for improving stress tolerance” with the reference PRIMA/0014/2020, funded by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia I.P./MCTES.
Scientific Area: Biology
Academic degree: Master degree in Biology, Agronomy, Biotechnology or related fields, with a final grade equal or higher than 16.
Other requisites: - Bachelor degree with a final score higher than 14; - Previous laboratory experience in plant phenotyping under water stress using gas exchange, thermal imaging, and chlorophyll a fluorescence; - Proficiency in English, written and spoken; - Being enrolled in a PhD, or in a non-academic degree course (by the time of the signature of the contract), in accordance with number 2 of the Article 6th of “Regulamento de Bolsas de Investigação da Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P. from FCT”, law in force.
Working Plan: The fellow will have as main objectives the phenotyping of water deficit response of a collection of maize inbred lines through different physiological parameters, followed by data analysis integration of the obtained phenotypic data with previously acquired molecular data. To attain these objectives the following tasks will be performed: 1) Acquirement and management of experimental data in the Lab and growth chamber conditions; 2) Statistical data analysis of acquired data; 3) Report development of all the performed activities.
Applicable Law and Regulations: Status of Scientific Research Fellow, approved by Law number 40/2004, of August 18th, changed and republished by Ordinance 202/2012 of August 27th and changed by Ordinance 233/2012 of October 29th and by Law 12/2013 of January 29th and by Ordinance 89/2013 of July 9th and by the Ordinance 123/2019 of August 28th; Regulations for Research Fellowships from Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P., in force (
Working Place: The work will be carried out in the Genetics and Genomics of Plant Complex Traits – PlantX laboratory at ITQB NOVA, under supervision of Doctor Maria Carlota Vaz Patto.
Duration of the fellowship: The fellowship will have the duration of 3 months, eventually renewable, expected to start in April 2023, on a full-time basis, according to Fellowship Regulations of Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, I.P.
Stipend amount: 1144,64 €, according to the table of values of grants awarded directly by the FCT, I.P. in the Country ( and payment will be made, monthly, through bank transfer.
Selection procedure: The evaluation procedures will be based on the analysis of the candidates´ CV and if needed an interview for the selected candidates may take place. In this case, the curriculum evaluation and the interview will have a weight of 50 % each.
Juri composition: Doctor Maria Carlota Vaz Patto (president of the jury), Doctor Estefanía Uberegui (effective member), Doctor Susana Leitão (effective member) and Doctor Carmen Santos (substitute member).
Application documents: The application should be formalized in a cover/motivation letter indicating the corresponding fellowship reference together with the following documents: detailed Curriculum Vitae, certificates of Bachelor and Master degrees (with classification marks), and names and contacts of 2 reference persons. All documents should be preferably sent by email in a single pdf file. If the degree has been conferred by a non-Portuguese higher education institution, the selected candidate must obtain the certificate of the degree recognition, issued by the Portuguese Directorate General for Higher Education or by a Portuguese Public Higher Education Institution, until the signature of the contract. Regarding this issue, please consult the website of the Portuguese Directorate General for Higher Education:
Notification of candidates: All the candidates will be informed of the final result by e-mail.
Deadlines and procedures for complaints and appeals: If the result is not favorable, the candidates have a period of 10 working days, after the disclosure of the results, to comment, if desired, in a prior hearing of interested parties, in the terms provided for in the Code of Administrative Procedure.
Application period: From February 14 to February 27, 2023.
Applications should be sent to: Doctor Maria Carlota Vaz Patto Email: Ref. 020/BI/2023 ITQB NOVA OEIRAS Bolsa de Investigação - Mestre
Reference: 022/BI/2023
Start Date: 2023/02/16 00:00:00 GMT+0 End Date: 2023/03/01 00:00:00 GMT+0 Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica António Xavier – ITQB NOVA Anúncio para atribuição de uma Bolsa de Investigação para Mestre No âmbito do Projecto “STOP-COVID”
Encontra-se aberta candidatura a uma bolsa de investigação para Mestre, no âmbito do projecto intitulado “STOP-COVID - Strategies to prevent COVID-19 by early detection of asymptomatic carriers at increased risk: epidemiological studies and validation of a rapid in-house diagnostic test” financiado pelos fundos europeus estruturais e de investimento (FEEI) à Comissão Diretiva do Programa Operacional Regional de Lisboa.
Área Científica: Ciências Biológicas
Formação Académica: Mestrado em Ciências Farmacêuticas, Bioquímica ou áreas afins com média de igual ou superior a 17 valores.
Outros requisitos: - Experiência na área da Biologia Molecular, - Experiência em RT-PCR e RT-LAMP; - Domínio do português e do inglês, falado e escrito; - Forte motivação para prosseguir estudos de doutoramento; - Estar inscrito num doutoramento ou num curso não conferente de grau académico (à data da assinatura do contrato), conforme o nº 2 do Artº 6º do Regulamento de Bolsas de Investigação da Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P.; - Experiência prévia na manipulação do vírus SARS-CoV-2 será valorizada.
Plano de Trabalhos: O trabalho terá como objetivo optimizar um teste de saliva para a detecção de SARS-CoV-2 baseado em RT-LAMP e RT-PCR.
Legislação e regulamentação aplicável: Estatuto do Bolseiro de Investigação Científica, aprovado pela Lei nº 40/2004, de 18 de agosto, alterado e republicado pelo Decreto-Lei nº 202/2012, de 27 de agosto e alterado pelo Decreto-Lei nº 233/2012, de 29 de Outubro e pela Lei nº 12/2013, de 29 de Janeiro e pelo Decreto-Lei n.º 89/2013, de 9 de Julho, e pelo Decreto-Lei nº 123/2019, de 28 de Agosto; Regulamento de Bolsas de Investigação da Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P., em vigor (
Local de trabalho: O trabalho será desenvolvido no laboratório Yeast Molecular Biology do Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica António Xavier da Universidade Nova de Lisboa, sob a orientação científica da Doutora Catarina Pimentel.
Duração da bolsa: A bolsa terá a duração de 4 meses com início previsto em março de 2023, em regime de exclusividade, conforme Regulamento de Bolsas de Investigação da Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P.
Valor do subsídio de manutenção mensal: 1144, 64 € mensais, conforme tabela de valores das bolsas atribuídas directamente pela FCT, I.P. no País ( O pagamento será efectuado, mensalmente, por transferência bancária.
Métodos de selecção: A selecção será efectuada através da análise curricular e da carta de motivação (valoração de 80% e 20 %, respectivamente). Em caso de empate será realizada uma entrevista.
Composição do Júri de Selecção: Doutora Catarina Pimentel (presidente de júri), Doutora Mónica Serrano e Doutora Catarina Amaral (vogais efetivos) e Doutora Sofia da Silva (vogal suplente).
Documentos de candidatura: As candidaturas devem ser formalizadas, obrigatoriamente, através do envio dos seguintes documentos: Carta de motivação, Curriculum Vitae detalhado, Cópia dos certificados de habilitações, Caso a licenciatura tenha sido conferida por instituição de ensino superior estrangeira, o candidato tem de apresentar o certificado de reconhecimento do grau, passado pela Direcção Geral do Ensino Superior (DGES) ou por uma universidade pública Portuguesa, até à assinatura do contrato. Sobre este assunto poderá ser consultada a página da DGES:
Forma de notificação dos resultados: Todos os candidatos serão notificados do resultado final através de e-mail.
Prazos e procedimentos de reclamação e recurso: Caso o resultado seja desfavorável à concessão da bolsa requerida, os candidatos têm um prazo de 10 dias úteis, após a divulgação dos resultados, para se pronunciarem, querendo, em sede de audiência prévia de interessados, nos termos previstos no Código do Procedimento Administrativo
Prazo de candidatura: O concurso encontra-se aberto no período de 16 de fevereiro a 1 de março de 2023.
As candidaturas devem ser remetidas exclusivamente por via electrónica (indicar no \"subject” o nome do candidato e Referência do anúncio) para: Doutora Catarina Pimentel Anúncio Ref. 022/BI/2023 ITQB NOVA OEIRAS Bolsa de Investigação - Mestre
Reference: 005/BI/2023
Start Date: 2023/01/13 00:00:00 GMT+0 End Date: 2023/02/16 00:00:00 GMT+0 Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica António Xavier – ITQB NOVA Anúncio para atribuição de uma Bolsa de Investigação para Mestre no âmbito do projecto PTDC/QUI-QOR/0712/2020
Encontra-se aberta candidatura a uma bolsa de investigação para Mestre, no âmbito do projeto intitulado “1Pot2Cat: Catálise bimetálica one-pot para a síntese de compostos N-heterocíclicos”, Ref. PTDC/QUI-QOR/0712/2020, financiado pela Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia I.P./MCTES, através de fundos nacionais (PIDDAC).
Área Científica: química, química inorgânica, química orgânica, catálise homogénea.
Formação Académica: Serão considerados Mestres em Química, com média superior a 15 valores na licenciatura e 16 valores no mestrado.
Outros requisitos: - Motivação para investigação e boa capacidade de trabalho; - Motivação para trabalhar na área de química organometálica; - Experiência laboratorial na área de química orgânica ou/e organometálica - Bons conhecimentos de língua inglesa; - Estar inscrito, à data da assinatura do contrato, num doutoramento ou num curso não conferente de grau académico, conforme o nº 2 do Artº 6º do Regulamento da Formação Avançada e Qualificação de Recursos Humanos da FCT em vigor.
Plano de Trabalhos: O candidato selecionado irá desenvolver trabalho na área da química organometálica, tendo em vista a síntese de a síntese de compostos organometálicos de ferro, manganês e níquel, e a sua aplicação como catalisadores em reações de transferência de hidrogênio.
Legislação e regulamentação aplicável: Estatuto do Bolseiro de Investigação Científica, aprovado pela Lei nº 40/2004, de 18 de agosto, alterado e republicado pelo Decreto-Lei nº 202/2012, de 27 de agosto e alterado pelo Decreto-Lei nº 233/2012, de 29 de Outubro e pela Lei nº 12/2013, de 29 de Janeiro e pelo Decreto-Lei n.º 89/2013, de 9 de Julho, e pelo Decreto-Lei nº 123/2019, de 28 de Agosto; Regulamento da Formação Avançada e Qualificação de Recursos Humanos da FCT em vigor (
Local de trabalho: O trabalho será desenvolvido no grupo “Grupo de Catalise Organometálica do ITQB NOVA” do Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica António Xavier da Universidade Nova de Lisboa, sob a orientação científica da Doutora Beatriz Royo.
Duração da bolsa: A bolsa terá a duração de 6 meses, com início previsto em Abril de 2023, em regime de exclusividade, conforme Regulamento de Bolsas de Investigação da Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P.
Valor do subsídio de manutenção mensal: O montante da bolsa corresponde a € 1144.64, conforme tabela de valores das bolsas atribuídas directamente pela FCT, I.P. no País ( O pagamento será efectuado, mensalmente, por transferência bancária.
Métodos de selecção: A selecção será efectuada por avaliação curricular e experiência laboratorial nas áreas pretendidas. Mérito científico (40%), a adequação do perfil do candidato para o projeto (30%), a motivação e a experiência profissional relevante para o desenvolvimento do projeto (30%). Caso se justifique, os três melhores candidatos selecionados na primeira seriação serão chamados para efetuar entrevista, sendo depois classificados com a ponderação 50% (classificação primeira seriação) e 50% (classificação entrevista).
Composição do Júri de Selecção: Presidente de júri: Doutora Beatriz Royo, vogais efetivos: Doutora Maria Manuel Marques e Doutor Pedro Góis, e vogal suplente: Doutor Luís Lima.
Documentos de candidatura: As candidaturas devem ser formalizadas, obrigatoriamente, através do envio dos seguintes documentos: Carta de motivação, Curriculum Vitae detalhado, Cópia dos certificados de habilitações, Caso o grau tenha sido conferido por instituição de ensino superior estrangeira, o candidato tem de apresentar o certificado de reconhecimento do grau, passado pela Direcção Geral do Ensino Superior (DGES) ou por uma universidade pública Portuguesa, até á assinatura do contrato. Sobre este assunto poderá ser consultada a página da DGES:
Forma de notificação dos resultados: Todos os candidatos serão notificados do resultado final através de e-mail.
Prazos e procedimentos de reclamação e recurso: Caso o resultado seja desfavorável à concessão da bolsa requerida, os candidatos têm um prazo de 10 dias úteis, após a divulgação dos resultados, para se pronunciarem, querendo, em sede de audiência prévia de interessados, nos termos previstos no Código do Procedimento Administrativo
Prazo de candidatura: O concurso encontra-se aberto no período de 13 de Janeiro a 16 de Fevereiro de 2023.
As candidaturas devem ser remetidas exclusivamente por via electrónica (indicar no \"subject” o nome do candidato e Referência do anúncio) para: Doutora Beatriz Royo E-mail: Anúncio Ref. 005/BI/2023 ITQB NOVA OEIRAS Bolsa de Iniciação à Investigação
Reference: 018/BII/2023
Start Date: 2023/02/14 00:00:00 GMT+0 End Date: 2023/02/27 00:00:00 GMT+0 Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica António Xavier – ITQB NOVA Anúncio para atribuição de uma Bolsa de iniciação à Investigação no âmbito do projecto UIDP/04612/2020
Encontra-se aberta candidatura a uma bolsa de iniciação à investigação no âmbito do projecto intitulado “Bioinspired Peptide Systems”, através da MOSTMICRO, Ref. UIDP/04612/2020, financiado pela Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia I.P./MCTES, através de fundos nacionais (PIDDAC).
Área Científica: Física, Engenharia Física
Formação Académica: Prova de Matrícula numa licenciatura na área de Engenharia Física ou similares
Outros requisitos: Será dada preferência a candidatos com: - Experiência em computação e bioinformática em particular no desenvolvimento de programas escritos em python para análise de dados envolvendo proteínas intrinsicamente desordenadas; - Entusiasmo pela investigação científica; - Boa capacidade de organização e de trabalho em equipa; - Bons conhecimentos de língua inglesa (falada e escrita).
O requisito colocado abaixo é obrigatório. - Estar inscrito numa licenciatura, conforme o nº 2 do Artº 6º do Regulamento de Bolsas de Investigação da Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P.
Plano de Trabalhos: As células organizam as suas reações bioquímicas em compartimentos sem membrana, que são um resultado direto de separação macromolecular de fase líquido-líquido (LLPS). Este tipo de separação é frequentemente conduzido por proteínas intrinsecamente desordenadas através de interações consigo próprias, através de regiões peptídicas mínimas de baixa complexidade (LCRs). A composição química destas sequências e a sua distribuição na sequência apresenta ser um factor chave na condução destas proteínas para separação de fase. Assim sendo, este projeto tem como objetivo compreender a composição das regiões peptídicas mínimas de baixa complexidade. Para isso as propriedades físico-químicas das LCRs vão ser estudas através de computação das mesmas utilizando uma linguagem de programação em Pynthon.
Legislação e regulamentação aplicável: Estatuto do Bolseiro de Investigação Científica, aprovado pela Lei nº 40/2004, de 18 de agosto, alterado e republicado pelo Decreto-Lei nº 202/2012, de 27 de agosto e alterado pelo Decreto-Lei nº 233/2012, de 29 de Outubro e pela Lei nº 12/2013, de 29 de Janeiro e pelo Decreto-Lei n.º 89/2013, de 9 de Julho, e pelo Decreto-Lei nº 123/2019, de 28 de Agosto; Regulamento de Bolsas de Investigação da Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P., em vigor (
Local de trabalho: O trabalho será desenvolvido no grupo “Bioinspired Peptide Systems” do Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica António Xavier da Universidade Nova de Lisboa, sob a orientação científica da Doutora Ana Sofia Pina.
Duração da bolsa: A bolsa terá a duração de 2 meses, com início previsto em Abril de 2023, em regime de exclusividade, conforme Regulamento de Bolsas de Investigação da Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P.
Valor do subsídio de manutenção mensal: O montante da bolsa corresponde a 486,12 conforme tabela de valores das bolsas atribuídas directamente pela FCT, I.P. no País ( O pagamento será efectuado, mensalmente, por transferência bancária.
Métodos de selecção: A selecção será efectuada por análise curricular de acordo com os critérios solicitados.
Composição do Júri de Selecção: Doutora Ana Sofia Pina (presidente), Doutora Sarela Garcia-Santamarina (vogal), Doutor Pedro Matos Pereira (vogal), Doutora Leonor Morgado (vogal suplente).
Documentos de candidatura: As candidaturas devem ser formalizadas, obrigatoriamente, através do envio dos seguintes documentos: Carta de motivação, Curriculum Vitae detalhado, Cópia dos certificados de habilitações, Caso o grau tenha sido conferido por instituição de ensino superior estrangeira, o candidato tem de apresentar o certificado de reconhecimento do mesmo, passado pela Direcção Geral do Ensino Superior (DGES) ou por uma universidade pública Portuguesa, até á assinatura do contrato. Sobre este assunto poderá ser consultada a página da DGES:
Forma de notificação dos resultados: Todos os candidatos serão notificados do resultado final através de e-mail.
Prazos e procedimentos de reclamação e recurso: Caso o resultado seja desfavorável à concessão da bolsa requerida, os candidatos têm um prazo de 10 dias úteis, após a divulgação dos resultados, para se pronunciarem, querendo, em sede de audiência prévia de interessados, nos termos previstos no Código do Procedimento Administrativo
Prazo de candidatura: O concurso encontra-se aberto no período de 14 a 27 de Fevereiro de 2023.
As candidaturas devem ser remetidas exclusivamente por via electrónica (indicar no \"subject” o nome do candidato e Referência do anúncio) para: Doutora Ana Sofia Pina Anúncio Ref. 018/BII/2023 ITQB NOVA OEIRAS Bolsa de Investigação
Reference: 019/BI/2023
Start Date: 2023/02/14 00:00:00 GMT+0 End Date: 2023/02/27 00:00:00 GMT+0 Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica António Xavier – ITQB NOVA Anúncio para atribuição de uma Bolsa de Investigação para Licenciado no âmbito do projecto Refª UIDP/04612/2020
Encontra-se aberta candidatura a uma bolsa de investigação para Licenciado, no âmbito do projecto intitulado “Bioinspired Peptide Systems”, através da MOSTMICRO, Ref. UIDP/04612/2020, financiado pela Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia I.P./MCTES, através de fundos nacionais (PIDDAC).
Área Científica: Bioquímica, Química, Biotecnologia
Formação Académica: Bioquímica com uma média de curso de 14 valores (ou superior)
Outros requisitos: Será dada preferência a candidatos com: - Experiência laboratorial na área de biomateriais baseados em péptidos e na biologia química de péptidos; - Experiência na utilização de técnicas de microscopia óptica; - Experiência em ensaios de turbidez e formação de coacervados usando péptidos como sistemas modelo; - Entusiasmo pela investigação científica; - Boa capacidade de organização e de trabalho em equipa; - Bons conhecimentos de língua inglesa (falada e escrita); - Estar inscrito num doutoramento, mestrado, ou num curso não conferente de grau académico (à data da assinatura do contrato), conforme o nº 2 do Artº 6º do Regulamento de Bolsas de Investigação da Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P.
Plano de Trabalhos: Os oligopéptidos estão envolvidos em muitas funções de elevada relevância biológica (molecular self-assembly, reconhecimento molecular e catálise), que podem ser utilizados no design de componentes de interesse nas áreas de investigação de biomateriais biomiméticos e biotecnologia molecular Este projeto pretende desenvolver novas estruturas funcionais baseadas em péptido, tais como, coacervados formados à base de péptidos e versões minimalistas de proteínas com o objetivo de incorporar função (ex. capacidade de ligação, atividade de fosfatase, etc.) e assim obter biomateriais funcionais. Informações importantes relativamente à relação sequência-estrutura-ordem serão elucidadas para compreender como estes scaffolds peptídicos podem evoluir, levando à criação da próxima geração de materiais adaptativos, como compartimentos à escala micro e nanométrica.
Legislação e regulamentação aplicável: Estatuto do Bolseiro de Investigação Científica, aprovado pela Lei nº 40/2004, de 18 de agosto, alterado e republicado pelo Decreto-Lei nº 202/2012, de 27 de agosto e alterado pelo Decreto-Lei nº 233/2012, de 29 de Outubro e pela Lei nº 12/2013, de 29 de Janeiro e pelo Decreto-Lei n.º 89/2013, de 9 de Julho, e pelo Decreto-Lei nº 123/2019, de 28 de Agosto; Regulamento de Bolsas de Investigação da Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P., em vigor (
Local de trabalho: O trabalho será desenvolvido no grupo “Bioinspired Peptide Systems” do Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica António Xavier da Universidade Nova de Lisboa, sob a orientação científica da Doutora Ana Sofia Pina.
Duração da bolsa: A bolsa terá a duração de 4 meses, com início previsto a 1 de Abril de 2023, em regime de exclusividade, conforme Regulamento de Bolsas de Investigação da Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P.
Valor do subsídio de manutenção mensal: O montante da bolsa corresponde a 875.98 € conforme tabela de valores das bolsas atribuídas directamente pela FCT, I.P. no País ( O pagamento será efectuado, mensalmente, por transferência bancária.
Métodos de selecção: A selecção será efectuada por análise curricular de acordo com os critérios solicitados.
Composição do Júri de Selecção: Doutora Ana Sofia Pina (presidente), Doutora Sarela Garcia-Santamarina (vogal), Doutor Pedro Matos Pereira (vogal), Doutora Leonor Morgado (vogal suplente).
Documentos de candidatura: As candidaturas devem ser formalizadas, obrigatoriamente, através do envio dos seguintes documentos: Carta de motivação, Curriculum Vitae detalhado, Cópia dos certificados de habilitações, Caso o grau tenha sido conferido por instituição de ensino superior estrangeira, o candidato tem de apresentar o certificado de reconhecimento do mesmo, passado pela Direcção Geral do Ensino Superior (DGES) ou por uma universidade pública Portuguesa, até á assinatura do contrato. Sobre este assunto poderá ser consultada a página da DGES:
Forma de notificação dos resultados: Todos os candidatos serão notificados do resultado final através de e-mail.
Prazos e procedimentos de reclamação e recurso: Caso o resultado seja desfavorável à concessão da bolsa requerida, os candidatos têm um prazo de 10 dias úteis, após a divulgação dos resultados, para se pronunciarem, querendo, em sede de audiência prévia de interessados, nos termos previstos no Código do Procedimento Administrativo
Prazo de candidatura: O concurso encontra-se aberto no período de 14 a 27 de Fevereiro de 2023.
As candidaturas devem ser remetidas exclusivamente por via electrónica (indicar no \"subject” o nome do candidato e Referência do anúncio) para: Doutora Ana Sofia Pina Anúncio Ref. 019/BI/2023 ITQB NOVA OEIRAS Bolsa de Investigação
Reference: 024/BI/2023
Start Date: 2023/03/01 00:00:00 GMT+0 End Date: 2023/03/16 00:00:00 GMT+0 Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica António Xavier Application for a Bachelor Fellowship within the project PRR Vertical-Algas, Sub-Project 6-Agriculture
Applications are open for a Bachelor Fellowship in the scope of the project: “PRR Vertical-Algas, Sub-Project 6-Agriculture, funded by Plano de Recuperação e Resiliência - - Agendas/Alianças mobilizadoras para a reindustrialização.
Scientific Areas: Plant Biology and soil microbiology
Academic degree: We are seeking candidates with a bachelor degree in Biology, Agronomy or related areas.
Other requisites: • Some training in plant biology, molecular biology; • Preference will be given to candidates with additional training in basic microbiology; • Fluency in English (spoken and written) • Being enrolled in a Master of Science or non-academic degree course (by the time of the signature of the contract), in accordance with number 2 of the Article 6th of “Regulamento de Bolsas de Investigação da Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P.”, law in force (Mandatory).
Working Plan: The candidate will work with rice and tomato and test several algae extracts along plant developmental stages. The selected candidate will also work to grow soil bacteria in pure cultures and characterize them morphologically.
Applicable Law and Regulations: Status of Scientific Research Fellow, approved by Law number 40/2004, of August 18th, changed and republished by Ordinance 202/2012 of August 27th and changed by Ordinance 233/2012 of October 29th and by Law 12/2013 of January 29th and by Ordinance 89/2013 of July 9th and by the Ordinance 123/2019 of August 28th; Regulations for Research Fellowships from Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P., in force (
Working Place: The work will be carried out in the Plant Functional Genomics Laboratory, and iPlantMicro at ITQB NOVA under the supervision of Doctor Ana Paula Santos, Doctor Juan Ignacio Vílchez and Professor M. Margarida Oliveira.
Duration of the fellowship: The fellowship will have the duration of 6 months, eventually renewable, expected to start in April 2023, on a full-time basis, according to Fellowship Regulations of Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P..
Stipend amount: EUR 930,98 €, according to the table of values of grants awarded directly by the FCT, I.P. in the Country ( and payment will be made, monthly, through bank transfer.
Selection Methodology: Selection of the candidates will be done by curricular analyses in agreement with the criteria defined. In case it is considered justified, an interview will be requested and will account for 20%.
Composition of the Jury: President of the Jury: Professor M. Margarida Oliveira; Other members: Doctor Ana Paula Santos and Doctor Juan Ignacio Vílchez. Substitute: Doctor Tiago Lourenço
Documents to submit for application: It is mandatory that all applications include a Motivation letter, a Detailed CV, Copies of degree certificate. If the degree has been conferred by a non-Portuguese higher education institution, the selected candidate must obtain the certificate of degree recognition, issued by the Portuguese Directorate General for Higher Education or by a Portuguese Public Higher Education Institution, until the signature of the contract. Regarding this issue, please consult the website of the Portuguese Directorate General for Higher Education:
Notification of results: All candidates will be notified of the final results through e-mail.
Deadlines and procedures: The candidates that were not selected have a period of 10 working days, after the disclosure Applicable Law and Regulations: Status of Scientific Research Fellow, approved by Law number 40/2004, of August 18th, changed and republished by Ordinance 202/2012 of August 27th and changed by Ordinance 233/2012 of October 29th and by Law 12/2013 of January 29th and by Ordinance 89/2013 of July 9th and by the Ordinance 123/2019 of August 28th.
Application period: The application period is open from 1 March until 16 March 2023.
Applications should be sent as one PDF, and indicating in the subject the name of the candidate and the reference of the announcement, exclusively by electronic means to: Professor M. Margarida Oliveira Announcement Ref. 024/BI/2023 ITQB NOVA Oeiras Bolsa de Investigação
Reference: 017/BI/2023
Start Date: 2023/02/20 00:00:00 GMT+0 End Date: 2023/03/31 00:00:00 GMT+0 Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica António Xavier Application for a Bachelor Fellowship within an internal project from ITQB NOVA
Applications are invited for a Fellowship for a BSc holder, under the scope of an internal project from ITQB NOVA, reference ICV3823.
Main Scientific Areas: Plant Biology.
Academic degree: We are seeking candidates with a Bachelor in Biology, Biochemistry, or related areas.
General requisites: - BSc degree in Biology, Biochemistry, or related areas with a classification of 13 (or higher); - Experience in Plant Biology; - Strong desire to pursue a scientific career.
Specific requisites: - Knowledge of plant metabolism, in specific with Oryza sativa; - Experience with Oryza sativa transformation using CRISPR-Cas; - General laboratory experience in molecular biology; - Laboratory experience with protein-protein interactions; - Laboratory experience with enzymatic assays; - Experience with mass-spectrometry-based techniques will be valued; - Being enrolled in a Master, PhD or a non-academic degree course (by the time of the signature of the contract), in accordance with number 2 of the Article 6th of “Regulamento de Bolsas de Investigação da Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P.”, law in force (Mandatory).
Working Plan: The successful candidate will do bench work to test a working model for the response of rice to cold/salt stress, including cloning, protein-protein interactions, enzymatic assays, and, eventually, rice transformation.
Applicable Law and Regulations: Status of Scientific Research Fellow, approved by Law number 40/2004, of August 18th, changed and republished by Ordinance 202/2012 of August 27th and changed by Ordinance 233/2012 of October 29th and by Law 12/2013 of January 29th and by Ordinance 89/2013 of July 9th and by the Ordinance 123/2019 of August 28th; Regulations for Research Fellowships from Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P., in force (
Working Place: The work will be carried out in the Proteome Regulation in Plants Lab at ITQB NOVA under supervision of Doctor Isabel Abreu.
Duration of the fellowship: The fellowship will have the duration of 6 months, eventually renewable, expected to start in June 2023, on a full-time basis, according to according to Fellowship Regulations of Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, I.P.
Stipend amount: EUR 875,98 €, according to the table of values of grants awarded directly by the FCT, I.P. in the Country ( and payment will be made, monthly, through bank transfer.
Selection procedure: The evaluation procedures will be based on the analysis of the candidates´ CVs, and if needed, an interview for the selected candidates may take place. In this case, the CV evaluation and the interview will weigh of 50% each.
Jury composition: Doctor Isabel Abreu (President); Doctor Cleverson Matiolli (effective member); Doctor Ana Fortunato (effective member); Doctor Nelson Saibo (substitute member).
Application documents: The application should be formalized in a cover letter indicating the corresponding fellowship reference together with the following documents: detailed Curriculum Vitae, degree certificate. All documents should be preferably sent by email in a single pdf file. If the degree has been conferred by a non-Portuguese higher education institution, the selected candidate must obtain the certificate of the degree recognition, issued by the Portuguese Directorate General for Higher Education or by a Portuguese Public Higher Education Institution, until the signature of the contract. Regarding this issue, please consult the website of the Portuguese Directorate General for Higher Education:
Notification of candidates: All the candidates will be informed of the final result by e-mail.
Deadlines and procedures for complaints and appeals: If the result is not favorable, the candidates have a period of 10 working days, after the disclosure of the results, to comment, if desired, in a prior hearing of interested parties, in the terms provided for in the Code of Administrative Procedure.
Application period: From February 20th to March 31st, 2023
Applications should be sent to: Doctor Isabel Abreu Email: Ref. 017/BI/2023 OEIRAS Bolsa de Investigação - Mestre
Reference: 023/BI/2023
Start Date: 2023/03/01 00:00:00 GMT+0 End Date: 2023/03/16 00:00:00 GMT+0 Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica António Xavier Application for a Master Fellowship within the project PRR Vertical-Algas, Sub-Project 6-Agriculture
Applications are open for a Master Fellowship in the scope of the project: “PRR Vertical-Algas, Sub-Project 6-Agriculture, funded by Plano de Recuperação e Resiliência - Agendas/Alianças mobilizadoras para a reindustrialização.
Scientific Areas: Plant Stress Biology and soil microbiology
Academic degree: We are seeking candidates with a Diploma degree in Biology, Agronomy or related areas and a MSc degree in Biology, Agronomy or related areas.
Other requisites: • Previous experience in plant biology, molecular biology and biochemistry; • Preference will be given to candidates with additional experience in basic microbiology • Fluency in English (spoken and written); • Being enrolled in a PhD or a non-academic degree course (e.g., plant phenotyping) (by the time of the signature of the contract), in accordance with number 2 of the Article 6th of “Regulamento de Bolsas de Investigação da Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P.”, law in force (Mandatory).
Working Plan: The candidate will work with rice and tomato and test several algae extracts along plant developmental stages (seed-to-seed) and response to abiotic stresses. Work will also be conducted to identify culturable soil bacteria, analyse population changes depending on external factors and characterize the cultures at biochemical level.
Applicable Law and Regulations: Status of Scientific Research Fellow, approved by Law number 40/2004, of August 18th, changed and republished by Ordinance 202/2012 of August 27th and changed by Ordinance 233/2012 of October 29th and by Law 12/2013 of January 29th and by Ordinance 89/2013 of July 9th and by the Ordinance 123/2019 of August 28th; Regulations for Research Fellowships from Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P., in force (
Working Place: The work will be carried out in the Plant Functional Genomics Laboratory, and iPlantMicro at ITQB NOVA under the supervision of Doctor Ana Paula Santos, Doctor Juan Ignacio Vílchez and Professor M. Margarida Oliveira.
Duration of the fellowship: The fellowship will have the duration of 12 months, eventually renewable, expected to start in April 2023, on a full-time basis, according to Fellowship Regulations of Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P..
Stipend amount: EUR 1199,64 €, according to the table of values of grants awarded directly by the FCT, I.P. in the Country ( and payment will be made, monthly, through bank transfer.
Selection Methodology: Selection of the candidates will be done by curricular analyses in agreement with the criteria defined. In case it is considered justified, an interview will be requested and will account for 20%.
Composition of the Jury: President of the Jury: Professor M. Margarida Oliveira; Other members: Doctor Ana Paula Santos and Doctor Juan Ignacio Vílchez. Substitute: Doctor Tiago Lourenço
Documents to submit for application: It is mandatory that all applications include a Motivation letter, a Detailed CV, Copies of degree certificates. If the degree has been conferred by a non-Portuguese higher education institution, the selected candidate must obtain the certificate of degree recognition, issued by the Portuguese Directorate General for Higher Education or by a Portuguese Public Higher Education Institution, until the signature of the contract. Regarding this issue, please consult the website of the Portuguese Directorate General for Higher Education:
Notification of results: All candidates will be notified of the final results through e-mail.
Deadlines and procedures for complaints and appeals: The candidates that were not selected have a period of 10 working days, after the disclosure Applicable Law and Regulations: Status of Scientific Research Fellow, approved by Law number 40/2004, of August 18th, changed and republished by Ordinance 202/2012 of August 27th and changed by Ordinance 233/2012 of October 29th and by Law 12/2013 of January 29th and by Ordinance 89/2013 of July 9th and by the Ordinance 123/2019 of August 28th.
Application period: The application period is open from 1 March until 16 March 2023.
Applications should be sent as one PDF, and indicating in the subject the name of the candidate and the reference of the announcement, exclusively by electronic means to: Professor M. Margarida Oliveira Announcement Ref. 023/BI/2023 ITQB NOVA Oeiras Bolsa de Investigação - Mestre
Reference: 025/BI/2023
Start Date: 2023/03/07 00:00:00 GMT+0 End Date: 2023/03/20 00:00:00 GMT+0 Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica António Xavier – ITQB NOVA Application for a Master Fellowship within the project HR22-00722
Applications are invited for a Master Fellowship in the scope of the project entitled “The BioPlaTTAR Platform for the Tailored and Rapid Development of Antiviral Biopharmaceuticals”, reference HR22-00722, funded by “La Caixa” Foundation and by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia I.P./MCTES, through national funding (PIDDAC).
Main Scientific Areas & Sub-Research Fields: Biology Sciences – Biochemistry
Academic degree: We are seeking candidates with a Master´s degree in Biochemistry, Biology or related areas (i.e., Biology, Microbiology, Biomedicine, Biophysics, Chemistry etc.) with a bachelor´s degree classification of 15 (or higher) and a master´s degree classification of 19 (or higher).
Other requirements: • Experience in cloning, protein expression and purification. • Experience with proteins from SARS-CoV-2. • Experience with enzymatic characterization and testing of chemical compounds • Being enrolled in a PhD or a non-academic degree course (by the time of the signature of the contract), in accordance with number 2 of the Article 6th of “Regulamento de Bolsas de Investigação da Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P.”, law in force (Mandatory).
Working Plan: The successful candidate will clone, express and purify proteins from SARS-CoV-2, characterize its enzymatic activity and test different compounds predicted to inhibit the activity of these proteins.
Applicable Law and Regulations: Status of Scientific Research Fellow, approved by Law number 40/2004, of August 18th, changed and republished by Ordinance 202/2012 of August 27th and changed by Ordinance 233/2012 of October 29th and by Law 12/2013 of January 29th and by Ordinance 89/2013 of July 9th and by the Ordinance 123/2019 of August 28th; Regulations for Research Fellowships from Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P., in force (
Working Place: The work will be carried out in the Proteome Regulation in Plants Lab at ITQB NOVA under supervision of Doctor Isabel Abreu.
Duration of the fellowship: The fellowship will have a duration of 6 months, eventually renewable, expected to start in May 2023, on a full-time basis, according to Fellowship Regulations of Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, I.P.
Stipend amount: EUR 1199,64 €, according to the table of values of grants awarded directly by the FCT, I.P. in the Country ( and payment will be made, monthly, through bank transfer.
Selection procedure: The evaluation procedure will be primarily based on analyzing the candidates´ CVs and, if necessary, an interview with the selected candidates may occur. In this case, the CV evaluation and the interview will have weights of 50% each.
Jury composition: Doctor Diana Lousa (President); Doctor Rute Matos (effective member); Doctor Margarida Saramago (effective member); Doctor Isabel Abreu (substitute member).
Application documents: The application should be formalized by sending by e-mail (to as a single PDF file containing the following documents: i) a cover letter indicating the corresponding fellowship reference; ii) motivation letter including the names and e-mail addresses of two possible references; iii) detailed Curriculum Vitae; iv) degree certificate. If the degree has been conferred by a non-Portuguese higher education institution, the selected candidate must obtain the certificate of degree recognition, issued by the Portuguese Directorate General for Higher Education or by a Portuguese Public Higher Education Institution, until the signature of the contract. Regarding this issue, please consult the website of the Portuguese Directorate General for Higher Education:
Notification of candidates: All the candidates will be informed of the final result by e-mail.
Deadlines and procedures for complaints and appeals: If the result is not favorable, the candidates have a period of 10 working days, after the disclosure of the results, to comment, if desired, in a prior hearing of interested parties, in the terms provided for in the Code of Administrative Procedure.
Application period: From 7 to 20 of March 2023
Applications should be sent to: Doctor Rute Matos Email: Ref. 025/BI/2023 OEIRAS Bolsa de Iniciação Científica
Reference: 026/BIC/2023
Start Date: 2023/03/07 00:00:00 GMT+0 End Date: 2023/03/20 00:00:00 GMT+0 Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica António Xavier – ITQB NOVA Application for a Scientific Initiation Fellowship within the PRR Project “Vertical Algas”, Sub-Project 3-Alto Valor: Desenvolvimento de aplicações inovadoras e de alto valor para os mercados da Nutracêutica e Cosmecêutica
Applications are invited for a Scientific Initiation Fellowship Fellowship in the scope of the project “PRR Vertical-Algas, Sub-Project 3-Alto Valor: Desenvolvimento de aplicações inovadoras e de alto valor para os mercados da Nutracêutica e Cosmecêutica, funded by Plano de Recuperação e Resiliência - Agendas/Alianças mobilizadoras para a reindustrialização.
Scientific Area: Biological Sciences / Biology
Academic degree: Secondary Education (12th grade) or equivalent in science and technology
Other requisites: • Relevant laboratory experience namely in mycology, analytical chemistry and microscopy; • Planning and organization skills; • Proficient in spoken and written English; • Being enrolled in Bachelor or a Master Course, in accordance with Regulamento de Bolsas de Investigação da Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia from FCT, law in force.
Working Plan: The fellow will provide technical support in the work plan that aims at screening the production of bioactive compounds in macroalgae.
Applicable Law and Regulations: Status of Scientific Research Fellow, approved by Law number 40/2004, of August 18th, changed and republished by Ordinance 202/2012 of August 27th and changed by Ordinance 233/2012 of October 29th and by Law 12/2013 of January 29th and by Ordinance 89/2013 of July 9th and by the Ordinance 123/2019 of August 28th; Regulations for Research Fellowships from Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P., in force (
Working Place: The work will be carried out in the Applied and Environmental Mycology laboratory at ITQB NOVA, under supervision of Professor Cristina Silva Pereira.
Duration of the fellowship: The fellowship will have the duration of 6 months, eventually renewable, expected to start in April 2023, on a full-time basis, according to according to Fellowship Regulations of Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, I.P.
Stipend amount: 541,12 €, according to the table of values of grants awarded directly by the FCT, I.P. in the Country ( and payment will be made, monthly, through bank transfer.
Selection procedure: The evaluation procedures will be based on the analysis of the candidates´ Motivation Letter and CV, and if needed an interview for the selected candidates may take place. In this case, the curriculum evaluation and the interview will have a weight of insert the 50% each.
Jury composition: Professor Cristina Silva Pereira (president of the jury), Doctor Patrícia Gonçalves (effective member), Doctor Isabel Martins (effective member), Doctor Vanessa Correia (substitute member).
Application documents: The application should be formalized in a cover letter indicating the corresponding fellowship reference together with the following documents: Motivation Letter, detailed Curriculum Vitae, and scholar certificates. All documents should be sent by email in a single pdf file. If the degree has been conferred by a non-Portuguese higher education institution, the selected candidate must obtain the certificate of the degree recognition, issued by the Portuguese Directorate General for Higher Education or by a Portuguese Public Higher Education Institution, until the signature of the contract. Regarding this issue, please consult the website of the Portuguese Directorate General for Higher Education:
Notification of candidates: All the candidates will be informed of the final result by e-mail.
Deadlines and procedures for complaints and appeals: If the result is not favorable, the candidates have a period of 10 working days, after the disclosure of the results, to comment, if desired, in a prior hearing of interested parties, in the terms provided for in the Code of Administrative Procedure.
Application period: From 7 March until 20 March, 2023.
Applications should be sent to: Doctor Patricia Gonçalves Email: Ref. 026/BIC/2023 ITQB NOVA OEIRAS Bolsa de Investigação - Mestre
Reference: 027/BI/2023
Start Date: 2023/03/07 00:00:00 GMT+0 End Date: 2023/03/20 00:00:00 GMT+0 Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica António Xavier – ITQB NOVA Application for a Master Fellowship within the PRR Project “Vertical Algas”, Sub-Project 3-Alto Valor: Desenvolvimento de aplicações inovadoras e de alto valor para os mercados da Nutracêutica e Cosmecêutica
Applications are invited for a Master Fellowship in the scope of the project “PRR Vertical-Algas”, Sub-Project 3-Alto Valor: Desenvolvimento de aplicações inovadoras e de alto valor para os mercados da Nutracêutica e Cosmecêutica, funded by Plano de Recuperação e Resiliência - Agendas/Alianças mobilizadoras para a reindustrialização.
Scientific Area: Biological Sciences / Biology.
Academic degree: Master in Biotechnology and related areas. The Master´s average must be equal to or greater than 17 points (0-20 scale).
Other requisites: • Relevant experience in mycology, analytical methods (TLC, HPLC, NMR) and molecular biology; • Experience in the extraction and evaluation of the antimicrobial activity of extracts derived from macroalgae; • At least two years of laboratory experience in the work field of the grant; • Very good planning and organization skills; • Proficient in spoken and written English; • Being enrolled in a PhD, or in a non-academic degree course, in accordance with number 2 of the Article 6th of Regulamento de Bolsas de Investigação da Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia from FCT, law in force.
Working Plan: The work plan is part of a project that aims at developing new antimicrobial therapies focused on the production and isolation of bioactive compounds extracted from macroalgae.
Applicable Law and Regulations: Status of Scientific Research Fellow, approved by Law number 40/2004, of August 18th, changed and republished by Ordinance 202/2012 of August 27th and changed by Ordinance 233/2012 of October 29th and by Law 12/2013 of January 29th and by Ordinance 89/2013 of July 9th and by the Ordinance 123/2019 of August 28th; Regulations for Research Fellowships from Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P., in force (
Working Place: The work will be carried out in the Applied and Environmental Mycology laboratory at ITQB NOVA, under supervision of Professor Cristina Silva Pereira.
Duration of the fellowship: The fellowship will have the duration of 12 months, eventually renewable, expected to start in April 2023, on a full-time basis, according to according to Fellowship Regulations of Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, I.P.
Stipend amount: 1199.64 €, according to the table of values of grants awarded directly by the FCT, I.P. in the Country ( and payment will be made, monthly, through bank transfer.
Selection procedure: The evaluation procedures will be based on the analysis of the candidates´ Motivation letter and CV, and if needed an interview for the selected candidates may take place. In this case, the curriculum evaluation and the interview will have a weight of insert the 50% each.
Jury composition: Professor Cristina Silva Pereira (president of the jury), Doctor Patrícia Gonçalves (effective member), Doctor Isabel Martins (effective member), Doctor Vanessa Correia (substitute member).
Application documents: The application should be formalized in a cover letter indicating the corresponding fellowship reference together with the following documents: Motivation Letter, a detailed Curriculum Vitae, and the degree/master certificates. All documents should be sent by email in a single pdf file. If the degree has been conferred by a non-Portuguese higher education institution, the selected candidate must obtain the certificate of the degree recognition, issued by the Portuguese Directorate General for Higher Education or by a Portuguese Public Higher Education Institution, until the signature of the contract. Regarding this issue, please consult the website of the Portuguese Directorate General for Higher Education:
Notification of candidates: All the candidates will be informed of the final result by e-mail.
Deadlines and procedures for complaints and appeals: If the result is not favorable, the candidates have a period of 10 working days, after the disclosure of the results, to comment, if desired, in a prior hearing of interested parties, in the terms provided for in the Code of Administrative Procedure.
Application period: From 7 March until 20 March, 2023.
Applications should be sent to: Doctor Patricia Gonçalves Email: Ref. 027/BI/2023 ITQB NOVA OEIRAS Bolsa de Investigação - Mestre
Reference: 034/BI/2023
Start Date: 2023/03/22 00:00:00 GMT+0 End Date: 2023/04/04 00:00:00 GMT+0 Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica António Xavier – ITQB NOVA Anúncio para atribuição de uma Bolsa de Investigação para Mestre no âmbito do projecto PRR Project “Vertical Algas”, Sub-Project 3-Alto Valor: Desenvolvimento de aplicações inovadoras e de alto valor para os mercados da Nutracêutica e Cosmecêutica Encontra-se aberta candidatura a uma bolsa de investigação para Mestre, no âmbito do projecto intitulado ““Vertical Algas”, Sub-Project 3-Alto Valor: Desenvolvimento de aplicações inovadoras e de alto valor para os mercados da Nutracêutica e Cosmecêutica”, financiado pelo Plano de Recuperação e Resiliência - Agendas/Alianças mobilizadoras para a reindustrialização. Área Científica: Ciências Biológicas; Biologia.
Formação Académica: grau de Mestre, em Microbiologia, Microbiologia Médica ou áreas afins, com a média igual ou superior a 16 valores.
Outros requisitos: - Experiência laboratorial superior a dois anos em biologia celular e genética bacteriana; - Experiência laboratorial na manipulação de organismos de Gram(+) aeróbicos e anaeróbicos, incluindo microscopia de fluorescência; - Capacidade de desenvolver trabalho independente; - Grande motivação para o trabalho; - Bom domínio do inglês falado e escrito; - Estar inscrito num doutoramento ou num curso não conferente de grau académico, à data da assinatura do contrato, conforme o nº 2 do Artº 6º do Regulamento de Bolsas de Investigação da Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P., em vigor.
Plano de Trabalhos: O trabalho consiste em avaliar o efeito de diferentes compostos ou frações em células de Bacillus subtilis e de Clostridioides difficile. Será utilizada microscopia de contraste de fase e de fluorescência para avaliar parâmetros citológicos tais como a morfologia e a divisão celular, a morfologia e a segregação do nucleoide, e a estrutura da membrana celular estudo. O efeito de diferentes compostos ou frações será estimado por comparação com compostos com efeitos conhecidos.
Legislação e regulamentação aplicável: Estatuto do Bolseiro de Investigação Científica, aprovado pela Lei nº 40/2004, de 18 de agosto, alterado e republicado pelo Decreto-Lei nº 202/2012, de 27 de agosto e alterado pelo Decreto-Lei nº 233/2012, de 29 de Outubro e pela Lei nº 12/2013, de 29 de Janeiro e pelo Decreto-Lei n.º 89/2013, de 9 de Julho, e pelo Decreto-Lei nº 123/2019, de 28 de Agosto; Regulamento da Formação Avançada e Qualificação de Recursos Humanos da FCT em vigor (
Local de trabalho: O trabalho será desenvolvido no grupo de Desenvolvimento Microbiano do ITQB NOVA” do Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica António Xavier da Universidade Nova de Lisboa, sob a orientação científica do Professor Adriano O. Henriques.
Duração da bolsa: A bolsa terá a duração de 6 meses, eventualmente renovável, com início previsto em Maio de 2023, em regime de exclusividade, conforme Regulamento de Bolsas de Investigação da Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P.
Valor do subsídio de manutenção mensal: O montante da bolsa corresponde a 1199,64€, conforme tabela de valores das bolsas atribuídas directamente pela FCT, I.P. no País ( O pagamento será efectuado, mensalmente, por transferência bancária.
Métodos de selecção: A selecção será efectuada por análise curricular de acordo com os critérios solicitados. Em caso de necessidade, será conduzida uma entrevista e nesses caso, a ponderação final é de 50% para a avaliação curricular e 50% para a entrevista.
Composição do Júri de Selecção: Presidente: Professor Adriano O. Henriques; vogais: Professora Lígia Martins; Professora Mariana G. Pinho; vogal suplente: Doutora Mónica Serrano.
Documentos de candidatura: As candidaturas devem ser formalizadas, obrigatoriamente, através do envio dos seguintes documentos: Carta de motivação, Curriculum Vitae detalhado, Cópia dos certificados de habilitações, Caso o grau tenha sido conferido por instituição de ensino superior estrangeira, o candidato tem de apresentar o certificado de reconhecimento do grau, passado pela Direcção Geral do Ensino Superior (DGES) ou por uma universidade pública Portuguesa, até á assinatura do contrato. Sobre este assunto poderá ser consultada a página da DGES:
Forma de notificação dos resultados: Todos os candidatos serão notificados do resultado final através de e-mail.
Prazos e procedimentos de reclamação e recurso: Caso o resultado seja desfavorável à concessão da bolsa requerida, os candidatos têm um prazo de 10 dias úteis, após a divulgação dos resultados, para se pronunciarem, querendo, em sede de audiência prévia de interessados, nos termos previstos no Código do Procedimento Administrativo.
Prazo de candidatura: O concurso encontra-se aberto no período de 22 de março a 4 de abril de 2023.
As candidaturas devem ser remetidas exclusivamente por via electrónica (indicar no \\\"subject” o nome do candidato e Referência do anúncio) para: Professor Adriano O. Henriques Anúncio Ref. 034/BI/2023 (NB: o email deverá incluir a referência acima no assunto) ITQB NOVA OEIRAS Bolsa de Investigação Pós-Doutoramento
Reference: 030/BIPD/2023
Start Date: 2023/03/14 00:00:00 GMT+0 End Date: 2023/03/27 00:00:00 GMT+0 Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica António Xavier – ITQB NOVA Application for a Post-Doctoral Fellowship within the PRR Project “Vertical Algas”, Sub-Project 3-Alto Valor: Desenvolvimento de aplicações inovadoras e de alto valor para os mercados da Nutracêutica e Cosmecêutica
Applications are invited for a Post-Doctoral Fellowship in the scope of the project “PRR Vertical-Algas”, Sub-Project 3-Alto Valor: Desenvolvimento de aplicações inovadoras e de alto valor para os mercados da Nutracêutica e Cosmecêutica, funded by Plano de Recuperação e Resiliência - Agendas/Alianças mobilizadoras para a reindustrialização.
Scientific Area: Biological Sciences / Biochemistry.
Academic degree: PhD in Biochemistry, Biotechnology and related areas.
Other requisites: • Less than 1 year after completion of the PhD in Biochemistry, Biotechnology and related areas; • Experience in microbiology documented in first authored, peer-reviewed, publications; • Experience in sample preparation and analytical methods (e.g. HPLC, GC-MS, NMR); • Experience in molecular biology, especially in fungi, will be valorised; • Biostatistics and bioinformatics autonomy will be valorised; • At least 3 scientific co-authored, peer-reviewed, publications; • Excellent planning and organization skills; • Oral presentations at scientific meetings/workshops/congresses is valorised; • Highly proficient in spoken and written English.
Working Plan: The work plan is part of a project that aims at developing new antimicrobial therapies focused on bioactive compounds extracted from macroalgae. The Selected candidate will receive training in extraction methodologies and evaluation of the antimicrobial activity of these extracts.
Applicable Law and Regulations: Status of Scientific Research Fellow, approved by Law number 40/2004, of August 18th, changed and republished by Ordinance 202/2012 of August 27th and changed by Ordinance 233/2012 of October 29th and by Law 12/2013 of January 29th and by Ordinance 89/2013 of July 9th and by the Ordinance 123/2019 of August 28th. Regulations for Research Fellowships from Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P., in force (
Working Place: The work will be carried out in the Applied and Environmental Mycology laboratory at ITQB NOVA, under supervision of Professor Cristina Silva Pereira.
Duration of the fellowship: The fellowship will have the duration of 12 months, eventually renewable, expected to start in May 2023, on a full-time basis, according to according to Fellowship Regulations of Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, I.P.
Stipend amount: 1741 €, according to the table of values of grants awarded directly by the FCT, I.P. in the Country ( and payment will be made, monthly, through bank transfer.
Selection procedure: The evaluation procedures will be based on the analysis of the candidates´ Motivation Letter (1), detailed CV (2), short description (half a page) of the main findings of the 3 more relevant peer reviewed publications (3), and indication of the contact of three references (4). Short-listed candidates (top ranked) will be interviewed. The curriculum evaluation and the interview will weight 50% each.
Jury composition: Professor Cristina Silva Pereira (president of the jury), Professor Ricardo Louro (effective member), Doctor Diego Hartmann (effective member), Doctor Patrícia Gonçalves (effective member), Doctor Vanessa Correia (substitute member).
Application documents: The application should be formalized in a cover letter indicating the corresponding fellowship reference together with the following documents: detailed Curriculum Vitae, degree certificates. All documents should be preferably sent by email in a single pdf file. If the degree has been conferred by a non-Portuguese higher education institution, the selected candidate must obtain the certificate of the degree recognition, issued by the Portuguese Directorate General for Higher Education or by a Portuguese Public Higher Education Institution, until the signature of the contract. Regarding this issue, please consult the website of the Portuguese Directorate General for Higher Education:
Notification of candidates: All the candidates will be informed of the final result by e-mail.
Deadlines and procedures for complaints and appeals: If the result is not favorable, the candidates have a period of 10 working days, after the disclosure of the results, to comment, if desired, in a prior hearing of interested parties, in the terms provided for in the Code of Administrative Procedure.
Application period: From 14 March until 27 March, 2023.
Applications should be sent to: Doctor Patricia Gonçalves Email: Ref. 030/BIPD/2023 ITQB NOVA OEIRAS Bolsa de Investigação - Mestre
Reference: 032/BI/2023
Start Date: 2023/03/21 00:00:00 GMT+0 End Date: 2023/04/06 00:00:00 GMT+0 Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica António Xavier – ITQB NOVA Anúncio para atribuição de Uma Bolsa de Investigação para Mestre No âmbito do projeto ERC-2017-CoG-771709
Encontra-se aberta candidatura a uma bolsa de investigação no âmbito do projeto “Exploring the bacterial cell cycle to re-sensitize antibiotic-resistant bacteria”, Ref. ERC-2017-CoG- 771709 financiado pelo European Research Council.
Área Científica: Biologia
Formação Académica: Licenciatura e mestrado, ou mestrado integrado em Microbiologia, Biologia, Biologia Molecular, Química Aplicada, Bioquímica, ou áreas afins, com média final de licenciatura igual ou superior a 15 valores e mestrado igual ou superior a 17 valores (ou equivalente para graus não portugueses).
Outros Requisitos: Forte motivação para a investigação científica; vontade de prosseguir para doutoramento; dá-se preferencia a candidatos com experiência em Biologia Molecular, Microbiologia de bactérias patogénicas Gram-positivas e microscopia de fluorescência, particularmente FLIM-FRET; domínio do Inglês, falado e escrito; estar inscrito, ou inscrever-se até à data de inicio do contrato, num curso não conferente de grau académico ou num curso de doutoramento, conforme o nº 2 do Artº 6º do Regulamento de Bolsas de Investigação da Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P, em vigor.
Plano de Trabalhos: O candidato irá integrar uma equipa dinâmica e internacional, financiada por um projeto do European Research Council (ERC), que tem como objetivo estudar a divisão da bactéria patogénica Staphylococcus aureus. Especificamente, o candidato irá caracterizar interações proteína-proteína em células vivas de S. aureus utilizando a técnica de FLIM-FRET.
Legislação e regulamentação aplicável: Estatuto do Bolseiro de Investigação Científica, aprovado pela Lei nº 40/2004, de 18 de agosto, alterado e republicado pelo Decreto-Lei nº 202/2012, de 27 de agosto e alterado pelo Decreto-Lei nº 233/2012, de 29 de Outubro e pela Lei nº 12/2013, de 29 de Janeiro e pelo Decreto-Lei n.º 89/2013, de 9 de Julho, e pelo Decreto-Lei nº 123/2019, de 28 de Agosto; Regulamento de Bolsas de Investigação da Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P., em vigor (
Local de trabalho: O trabalho será desenvolvido no Laboratório de Biologia Celular e Molecular do Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica António Xavier (ITQB NOVA), sob a orientação científica da Professora Doutora Mariana Gomes de Pinho.
Duração da bolsa: A bolsa terá a duração de 6 meses, eventualmente renovável, com início previsto em julho de 2023, em regime de exclusividade, conforme Regulamento de Bolsas de Investigação da Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P. e regulamento de bolsas do ITQB.
Valor do subsídio de manutenção mensal: De acordo com a tabela de valores das bolsas atribuídas directamente pela FCT, I.P. no País ( O pagamento será efectuado, mensalmente, por transferência bancária.
Métodos de seleção: Os métodos de seleção a utilizar serão os seguintes: avaliação curricular (70%) e entrevista, caso considerada necessária pelo júri (30%).
Composição do Júri de Seleção: Professora Doutora Mariana Gomes de Pinho (Presidente do Júri), Doutor Pedro Matos Pereira e Doutora Helena Veiga (vogais efetivos) e Professor Doutor Sérgio Filipe (vogal suplente).
Documentos de candidatura: As candidaturas devem ser formalizadas preferencialmente por email, acompanhadas dos seguintes documentos: Curriculum Vitae, carta de motivação e contactos de duas referencias. Caso o grau tenha sido conferido por instituição de ensino superior estrangeira, o candidato tem de apresentar o certificado de reconhecimento do mesmo, passado pela Direcção Geral do Ensino Superior (DGES) ou por uma universidade pública Portuguesa, até á assinatura do contrato. Sobre este assunto poderá ser consultada a página da DGES:
Forma de notificação dos resultados: Todos os candidatos serão notificados do resultado final através de e-mail.
Prazos e procedimentos de reclamação e recurso: Caso o resultado seja desfavorável à concessão da bolsa requerida, os candidatos têm um prazo de 10 dias úteis, após a divulgação dos resultados, para se pronunciarem, querendo, em sede de audiência prévia de interessados, nos termos previstos no Código do Procedimento Administrativo
Prazo de candidatura: O concurso encontra-se aberto no período de 21 de Março a 6 de Abril de 2023.
As candidaturas devem ser remetidas, por email, para: Professora Doutora Mariana G. Pinho Anúncio Ref. 032/BI/2023 ITQB NOVA Laboratório de Biologia Celular e Molecular OEIRAS Bolsa de Investigação - Mestre
Reference: 033/BI/2023
Start Date: 2023/03/21 00:00:00 GMT+0 End Date: 2023/04/03 00:00:00 GMT+0 Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica António Xavier Application for a Master Fellowship within the project UIDP/04612/2020 Applications are invited for a Master Fellowship in the scope of the project entitled \\\"Description of the bacteriome of the human fungal pathogen Aspergillus fumigatus\\\"(Internal reference ICA35393) through MOSTMICRO, Ref. UIDP/04612/2020, financed by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia I.P./MCTES, through national funding (PIDDAC).
Scientific Area: Biological Sciences / Biology.
Academic degree: Master in Biotechnology, Microbiology or Molecular Biology, and related areas. The Master average must be equal to or greater than 17 points (0-20 scale).
Other requisites: • At least two years of laboratory experience in microbiology; • Experience in microscopy and molecular biology; • Good planning and organization skills; • Proficient in spoken and written English; • Motivation for scientific research; • Being enrolled in a PhD, or in a non-academic degree course, by the time of the signature of the contract, in accordance with number 2 of the Article 6th of \\\"Regulamento de Bolsas de Investigação da Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P. from FCT\\\", law in force
Working Plan: The work plan is part of a project that aims at characterizing the bacteriome associated with Aspergillus fumigatus strains having from a clinical or environmental origin. The grantee will use metagenomic profiling tools, microscopy, isolation and cultivation procedures, and de novo genome assembly methods, as core techniques to identify a representative bacteria-fungal partnership for subsequent studies. Depending on the progress the grantee can proceed to PhD studies.
Applicable Law and Regulations: Status of Scientific Research Fellow, approved by Law number 40/2004, of August 18th, changed and republished by Ordinance 202/2012 of August 27th and changed by Ordinance 233/2012 of October 29th and by Law 12/2013 of January 29th and by Ordinance 89/2013 of July 9th and by the Ordinance 123/2019 of August 28th; Regulations for Research Fellowships from Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P., in force (
Working Place: The work will be mostly carried out in the laboratory of Applied and Environmental Mycology at ITQB NOVA, under the supervision of Professor Cristina Silva Pereira, with continuous liaison with the laboratory of the Molecular Microbiology of Human Pathogens, under the supervision of Doctor Raquel Sá Leão.
Duration of the fellowship: The fellowship will have the duration of 3 months, eventually renovated for a total of 12 months, expected to start in May 2023, on a full-time basis, according to according to Fellowship Regulations of Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, I.P.
Stipend amount: 1199,64 €, according to the table of values of grants awarded directly by the FCT, I.P. in the Country ( and payment will be made, monthly, through bank transfer.
Selection procedure: The evaluation procedures will be based on the analysis of the candidates CV and if needed an interview for the selected candidates may take place. In this case, the curriculum evaluation and the interview will have a weight of insert the 50% each.
Jury composition: Professor Cristina Silva Pereira (president of the jury), Doctor Raquel Sá Leão (effective member), Doctor Patrícia Gonçalves (effective member), Doctor João Jorge (substitute member).
Application documents: The application should be formalized in a cover letter indicating the corresponding fellowship reference together with the following documents: motivation letter, detailed Curriculum Vitae (including master degree certificate) and the name of two references. All documents should be sent by email in a single pdf file. If the degree has been conferred by a non-Portuguese higher education institution, the selected candidate must obtain the certificate of the degree recognition, issued by the Portuguese Directorate General for Higher Education or by a Portuguese Public Higher Education Institution, until the signature of the contract. Regarding this issue, please consult the website of the Portuguese Directorate General for Higher Education:
Notification of candidates: All the candidates will be informed of the final result by e-mail.
Deadlines and procedures for complaints and appeals: If the result is not favorable, the candidates have a period of 10 working days, after the disclosure of the results, to comment, if desired, in a prior hearing of interested parties, in the terms provided for in the Code of Administrative Procedure.
Application period: From 21 of March to 3 of April, 2023.
Applications should be sent to: Doctor Patrícia Gonçalves Ref. 033/BI/2023 ITQB NOVA OEIRAS Bolsa de Investigação - Mestre
Reference: 037/BI/2023
Start Date: 2023/03/27 00:00:00 GMT+0 End Date: 2023/04/10 00:00:00 GMT+0 Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica António Xavier - ITQB NOVA Anúncio para atribuição de uma Bolsa de Investigação para Mestre no âmbito de projeto financiado pela Pfizer
Encontra-se aberta candidatura para uma Bolsa de Investigação para detentor de grau de Mestre no âmbito do projecto ““PneumoY3 – Effect of universal use of the 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine on pneumococcal colonization: a study following several years of use of PCVs in the private market in Portugal” financiado pela Pfizer.
Área Científica: Ciências Biológicas / Biologia Microbiana
Formação Académica: Licenciatura e Mestrado em Biologia, Microbiologia, Biologia Molecular, Genética ou áreas afins com média de licenciatura igual ou superior a 16 valores e média de mestrado igual ou superior a 18 valores.
Outros requisitos: • Experiência em investigação laboratorial em Microbiologia; • Experiência na manipulação de organismos patogénicos do trato respiratório humano, em especial Streptococcus pneumoniae; • Experiência em técnicas biologia molecular de genotipagem de bactérias; • Conhecimentos em análise de dados de “next generation sequencing”; • Domínio do português e do inglês, falado e escrito; • Excelente capacidade de planeamento e organização; • Resiliência, espírito crítico e capacidade de trabalhar autonomamente; • Estar inscrito, ou inscrever-se até à data do início do contracto, num programa de doutoramento ou num curso não conferente de grau académico, conforme o noº2 do Artº 6 do Regulamento de Bolsas de Investigação da Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P., em vigor.
Plano de Trabalhos: O candidato selecionado irá estar envolvido no estudo de estirpes de Streptococcus pneumoniae com o objetivo de avaliar o impacto da utilização de vacinas conjugadas na estrutura populacional desta espécie. O candidato irá receber formação avançada em epidemiologia molecular com ênfase na análise de resultados de sequenciação de alto débito e a sua integração com dados epidemiológicos.
Legislação e regulamentação aplicável: Estatuto do Bolseiro de Investigação Científica, aprovado pela Lei nº 40/2004, de 18 de agosto, alterado e republicado pelo Decreto-Lei nº 202/2012, de 27 de agosto e alterado pelo Decreto-Lei nº 233/2012, de 29 de Outubro e pela Lei nº 12/2013, de 29 de Janeiro e pelo Decreto-Lei n.º 89/2013, de 9 de Julho, e pelo Decreto-Lei nº ; 123/2019, de 28 de Agosto; Regulamento da Formação Avançada e Qualificação de Recursos Humanos da FCT em vigor (
Local de trabalho: O trabalho será desenvolvido no ITQB-NOVA, sob a orientação da Doutora Raquel Sá-Leão.
Duração da bolsa: A bolsa terá a duração de 4 meses, eventualmente renovável, com início previsto em Junho de 2023 em regime de exclusividade, conforme Regulamento de Bolsas de Investigação da Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P. e regulamento de bolsas do ITQB.
Valor do subsídio de manutenção mensal: O montante da bolsa corresponde a 1199,64€ conforme tabela de valores das bolsas atribuídas directamente pela FCT, I.P. no País ( O pagamento será efectuado, mensalmente, por transferência bancária.
Métodos de selecção: A selecção será feita com base na avaliação curricular. Em caso de empate poder-se-á recorrer a entrevista.
Composição do Júri de Selecção: Doutora Raquel Sá-Leão (ITQB NOVA, Presidente do Júri); Doutora Alexandra Simões (ITQB NOVA, vogal); Doutora Sónia Almeida (ITQB NOVA, vogal); Doutora Ana Cristina Paulo (ITQB NOVA, vogal suplente).
Documentos de candidatura: As candidaturas devem ser formalizadas, obrigatoriamente, por correio electónico indicando a referência da bolsa a que concorre e acompanhado dos seguintes documentos compilados num único ficheiro pdf: Carta de motivação com identificação da bolsa a concurso; Curriculum vitae; Cópias de Certificados de Habilitações; Contactos de duas referências. Caso o grau tenha sido conferido por instituição de ensino superior estrangeira, o candidato tem de apresentar o certificado de reconhecimento do mesmo, passado pela Direcção Geral do Ensino Superior (DGES) ou por uma universidade pública Portuguesa, até á assinatura do contrato. Sobre este assunto poderá ser consultada a página da DGES:
Forma de notificação dos resultados: Todos os candidatos serão notificados do resultado final através de e-mail.
Prazos e procedimentos de reclamação e recurso: Caso o resultado seja desfavorável à concessão da bolsa requerida, os candidatos têm um prazo de 10 dias úteis, após a divulgação dos resultados, para se pronunciarem, querendo, em sede de audiência prévia de interessados, nos termos previstos no Código do Procedimento Administrativo.
Prazo de candidatura: O concurso encontra-se aberto no período de 27 de março a 10 de abril de 2023.
As candidaturas devem ser remetidas para: Doutora Raquel Sá-Leão Email: Anúncio Ref. 037/BI/2023 Bolsa de Investigação - Mestre
Reference: 038/BI/2023
Start Date: 2023/03/27 00:00:00 GMT+0 End Date: 2023/04/28 00:00:00 GMT+0 Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica António Xavier Application for a Master Fellowship within the Project UIDP/04612/2020
Applications are invited for a Master Fellowship in the scope of the project entitled “Unravelling ecological interactions leading to antimicrobial tolerance in polybacterial communities of the human gut microbiota” (Internal reference ICA35723) through MOSTMICRO, Ref. UIDP/04612/2020, financed by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia I.P./MCTES, under national funding (PIDDAC).
Scientific Area: Microbial Biology / Biochemistry / Biological Sciences.
Academic degree: Bachelor and Master degree in Biology, Microbiology, Molecular Biology, or related areas.
Other requisites: - Laboratory experience in Microbiology and Molecular Biology - Experience in bioinformatics will be valuable - Fluence in English (spoken and written) - Strong motivation for scientific research, and ability to work independently - Good organizational and teamwork skills - Being enrolled in a PhD, or in a non-academic degree course by the time of the signature of the contract, in accordance with number 2 of the Article 6th of “Regulamento de Bolsas de Investigação da Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P. from FCT”, law in force.
Working Plan: The researcher will conduct phenotypic characterizations and and mechanistic studies on both bacterial monocultures and communities of the gut microbiota, with the aim of gaining insight into the ecological interactions that drive varying responses to antibiotics across different growth scenarios.
Applicable Law and Regulations: Status of Scientific Research Fellow, approved by Law number 40/2004, of August 18th, changed and republished by Ordinance 202/2012 of August 27th and changed by Ordinance 233/2012 of October 29th and by Law 12/2013 of January 29th and by Ordinance 89/2013 of July 9th and by the Ordinance 123/2019 of August 28th; Regulations for Research Fellowships from Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P., in force (
Working Place: The work will be carried out in the Human Microbiota – Xenobiotics Interactions Lab at ITQB NOVA, under supervision of Dr. Sarela Garcia-Santamarina.
Duration of the fellowship: The fellowship will have the duration of 6 months, eventually renewable, expected to start in July 2023, on a full-time basis, according to Fellowship Regulations of Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, I.P.
Stipend amount: EUR 1.199,64, according to the table of values of grants awarded directly by the FCT, I.P. in the Country ( and payment will be made, monthly, through bank transfer.
Selection procedure: The evaluation procedures will be based on the analysis of the candidates´ CV (60%), motivation letter (10%), references (10%) and if needed an interview of preselected candidates (20%).
Juri composition: Doctor Sarela Garcia-Santamarina (president), Doctor Felipe Conzuelo, Doctor Pedro Matos Pereira, Doctor Ana Pina (substitute)
Application documents: The application should be formalized in a cover letter indicating the corresponding fellowship reference together with the following documents: - detailed Curriculum Vitae, - degrees certificates - name and contact of one or two referees, or recommendation letters of one or two referees - motivation letter (include details of previous works related to the project)
All documents should be preferably sent by email in a single pdf file.
If the degree has been conferred by a non-Portuguese higher education institution, the selected candidate must obtain the certificate of the degree recognition, issued by the Portuguese Directorate General for Higher Education or by a Portuguese Public Higher Education Institution, until the signature of the contract. Regarding this issue, please consult the website of the Portuguese Directorate General for Higher Education:
Notification of candidates: All the candidates will be informed of the final result by e-mail.
Deadlines and procedures for complaints and appeals: If the result is not favorable, the candidates have a period of 10 working days, after the disclosure of the results, to comment, if desired, in a prior hearing of interested parties, in the terms provided for in the Code of Administrative Procedure.
Application period: From 27 of March to 28 April 2023.
Applications should be sent to: Doctor Sarela Garcia Santamarina Email: Ref. 038/BI/2023 ITQB NOVA OEIRAS Bolsa de Investigação - Mestre
Reference: 035/BI/2023
Start Date: 2023/03/22 00:00:00 GMT+0 End Date: 2023/04/04 00:00:00 GMT+0 Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica António Xavier – ITQB NOVA Anúncio para atribuição de uma Bolsa de Investigação para Mestre no âmbito do projecto PRR Project “Vertical Algas”, Sub-Project 3-Alto Valor: Desenvolvimento de aplicações inovadoras e de alto valor para os mercados da Nutracêutica e Cosmecêutica
Encontra-se aberta candidatura a uma bolsa de investigação para Mestre, no âmbito do projecto intitulado ““Vertical Algas”, Sub-Project 3-Alto Valor: Desenvolvimento de aplicações inovadoras e de alto valor para os mercados da Nutracêutica e Cosmecêutica”, financiado pelo Plano de Recuperação e Resiliência - Agendas/Alianças mobilizadoras para a reindustrialização.
Área Científica: Ciências Biológicas; Biologia.
Formação Académica: licenciatura em Biologia, Microbiologia, ou áreas afins, com média igual ou superior a 15 valores e grau de Mestre, em Microbiologia, Microbiologia Médica ou áreas afins, com a média igual ou superior a 17 valores.
Outros requisitos: - Experiência laboratorial igual ou superior a um ano em biologia celular e genética bacteriana; - Experiência laboratorial específica na manipulação genética de organismos de Gram(+); - Capacidade de desenvolver trabalho independente; - Grande motivação para o trabalho; - Bom domínio do inglês falado e escrito; - Estar inscrito num doutoramento ou num curso não conferente de grau académico, à data da assinatura do contrato, conforme o nº 2 do Artº 6º do Regulamento de Bolsas de Investigação da Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P., em vigor.
Plano de Trabalhos: O trabalho consiste na construção de duas coleções de estirpes congénicas de Bacillus subtilis com fusões transcricionais lacZ e gfp, que respondem a stress gerado ao nível do envelope celular e da parede celular especificamente, da estrutura e da segregação do nucleoide, síntese proteica, e outros. O trabalho consiste ainda em validar a coleção mediante a análise qualitativa e quantitativa da resposta a agentes de modo de ação (MOA) conhecido.
Legislação e regulamentação aplicável: Estatuto do Bolseiro de Investigação Científica, aprovado pela Lei nº 40/2004, de 18 de agosto, alterado e republicado pelo Decreto-Lei nº 202/2012, de 27 de agosto e alterado pelo Decreto-Lei nº 233/2012, de 29 de Outubro e pela Lei nº 12/2013, de 29 de Janeiro e pelo Decreto-Lei n.º 89/2013, de 9 de Julho, e pelo Decreto-Lei nº 123/2019, de 28 de Agosto; Regulamento da Formação Avançada e Qualificação de Recursos Humanos da FCT em vigor (
Local de trabalho: O trabalho será desenvolvido no grupo de Desenvolvimento Microbiano do ITQB NOVA” do Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica António Xavier da Universidade Nova de Lisboa, sob a orientação científica do Professor Adriano O. Henriques.
Duração da bolsa: A bolsa terá a duração de 6 meses, eventualmente renovável, com início previsto em Maio de 2023, em regime de exclusividade, conforme Regulamento de Bolsas de Investigação da Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P.
Valor do subsídio de manutenção mensal: O montante da bolsa corresponde a 1199,64€, conforme tabela de valores das bolsas atribuídas directamente pela FCT, I.P. no País ( O pagamento será efectuado, mensalmente, por transferência bancária.
Métodos de selecção: A selecção será efectuada por análise curricular de acordo com os critérios solicitados. Em caso de necessidade, será conduzida uma entrevista e nesses caso, a ponderação final é de 50% para a avaliação curricular e 50% para a entrevista.
Composição do Júri de Selecção: Presidente: Professor Adriano O. Henriques; vogais: Professora Lígia Martins; Professora Mariana G. Pinho; vogal suplente: Doutora Mónica Serrano.
Documentos de candidatura: As candidaturas devem ser formalizadas, obrigatoriamente, através do envio dos seguintes documentos: Carta de motivação, Curriculum Vitae detalhado, Cópia dos certificados de habilitações, Caso o grau tenha sido conferido por instituição de ensino superior estrangeira, o candidato tem de apresentar o certificado de reconhecimento do grau, passado pela Direcção Geral do Ensino Superior (DGES) ou por uma universidade pública Portuguesa, até á assinatura do contrato. Sobre este assunto poderá ser consultada a página da DGES:
Forma de notificação dos resultados: Todos os candidatos serão notificados do resultado final através de e-mail.
Prazos e procedimentos de reclamação e recurso: Caso o resultado seja desfavorável à concessão da bolsa requerida, os candidatos têm um prazo de 10 dias úteis, após a divulgação dos resultados, para se pronunciarem, querendo, em sede de audiência prévia de interessados, nos termos previstos no Código do Procedimento Administrativo
Prazo de candidatura: O concurso encontra-se aberto no período de 22 de março a 4 de abril de 2023.
As candidaturas devem ser remetidas exclusivamente por via electrónica (indicar no \"subject” o nome do candidato e Referência do anúncio) para: Professor Adriano O. Henriques Anúncio Ref. 035/BI/2023 (NB: o email deverá incluir a referência acima no assunto) ITQB NOVA OEIRAS Bolsa de Investigação - Mestre
Reference: 029/BI/2023
Start Date: 2023/03/07 00:00:00 GMT+0 End Date: 2023/04/06 00:00:00 GMT+0 Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica António Xavier – ITQB NOVA Applications for a Research Fellowship for Masters within the project EXPL/BIA-BQM/0473/2021
ITQB NOVA opens a call for one research grant for Master, within the scope of the project entitled “Unravel structure-function relationships for enhanced biocatalysts”, Ref. EXPL/BIA-BQM/0473/2021, funded by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia I.P./MCTES, through national funding (PIDDAC).
Scientific Area: Biological Sciences
Academic degree: Bachelor and Master in the areas of Biochemistry, Biotechnology, Biological Sciences and similar, with a final score equal or higher than 16.
Other requisites: Proficiency in English, written and spoken and strong motivation to pursue post-graduation studies at the doctoral level. Preference will be given to candidates with an interest or experience in enzymology, protein crystallography or protein molecular modeling methodologies; Being enrolled in a PhD or in a non-academic degree course before contract signature, in accordance with number 2 of the Article 6th of “Regulamento de Bolsas de Investigação da Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P. from FCT”, law in force.
Working Plan: Structural studies using X-ray crystallography and molecular dynamic (MD) simulations to investigate enzymes that have potential for biotechnological applications, namely in the conversion of plant biomass into value-added bio-products and bio-materials. Structural information is essential for the characterization of variants obtained by protein engineering tools and that present enhanced stability and specificity for the substrates of interest. The generated results represent knowledge beyond the state of the art, and will be very helpful for future design of new enzymes to be applied in Industrial Biotechnology field.
Applicable Law and Regulations: Status of Scientific Research Fellow, approved by Law number 40/2004, of August 18th, changed and republished by Ordinance 202/2012 of August 27th and changed by Ordinance 233/2012 of October 29th and by Law 12/2013 of January 29th and by Ordinance 89/2013 of July 9th and by the Ordinance 123/2019 of August 28th; Regulations for Research Fellowships from Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P., in force (
Working Place: The work will be developed in the Microbial Enzyme Technology and in Macromolecular Crystallography Unit at ITQB NOVA under the supervision of Doctor Patrícia Borges and Professor Lígia O. Martins. Short stays are also planned at ZYMVOL (Barcelona, Spain), a company at the forefront of emerging computational tools for enzyme engineering, under the supervision of Doctor Laura Masgrau.
Duration of the fellowship: The fellowship will have the duration of four months, eventually renewable if the project has an extension, and expected to start in April 2023, on a full-time basis, accordingly the Fellowship Regulations of Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, I.P.
Stipend amount: € 1.199,64 according to the table of values of grants awarded directly by the FCT, I.P. in the Country ( and payment will be made, monthly, through bank transfer.
Selection procedure: The evaluation procedures will be based on the analysis of the candidates CV and an eventual interview for the selected candidates. The CV evaluation and the interview will have a weight of 50 % each.
Jury composition: Doctor Patrícia Borges, Professor Lígia O. Martins and Doctor Vânia Brissos. Substitute: Doctor Carlos Frazão.
Application documents: The application should be formalized through a 1) motivation letter, 2) detailed Curriculum vitae, 3) Degree certificates, 4) One or two reference letters.
Notification of candidates: All the candidates will be informed of the final result by e-mail.
Deadlines and procedures for complaints and appeals: If the result is not favorable, the candidates have a period of 10 working days, after the disclosure of the results, to comment, if desired, in a prior hearing of interested parties, in the terms provided for in the Code of Administrative Procedure.
Application period: From 7 March to 6 April, 2023.
Applications should be sent to: Doctor Patrícia Borges e-mail: Anúncio Ref. 029/BI/2023 ITQB NOVA Bolsa de Investigação - Mestre
Reference: 036/BI/2023
Start Date: 2023/03/27 00:00:00 GMT+0 End Date: 2023/04/10 00:00:00 GMT+0 Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica António Xavier – ITQB NOVA Anúncio para atribuição de uma Bolsa de Investigação para Mestre no âmbito do projeto PTDC/BIA-FBT/4942/2020
Encontra-se aberta candidatura a uma bolsa de investigação para Mestre, no âmbito do projeto intitulado “Impacto da sinalização do acido abscísico na regulação do crescimento das plantas e na arquitetura da raiz”, Ref. PTDC/BIA-FBT/4942/2020, financiado pela Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia I.P./MCTES, através de fundos nacionais (PIDDAC).
Área Científica: Ciências Biológicas – Botânica.
Formação Académica: Mestrado em Biologia de Plantas/Biologia Molecular com média igual ou superior a 16/20.
Outros requisitos: 1) Experiência comprovada em trabalho com Arabidopsis (incluindo genotipagem e fenotipagem); 2) Experiência comprovada na produção e purificação de proteínas recombinantes em E. coli; 3) Experiência comprovada em ensaios in vitro de fosforilação de proteínas; 4) Experiência de trabalho laboratorial no estrangeiro; 5) Excelentes conhecimentos de língua Inglesa, falada e escrita; 6) Mínimo de uma publicação em biologia de plantas em revistas indexada; 7) Estar inscrito num doutoramento ou num curso não conferente de grau académico, à data da assinatura do contrato, conforme o nº 2 do Artº 6º do Regulamento de Bolsas de Investigação da Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P., em vigor.
Plano de Trabalhos: O candidato irá confirmar a interação de várias proteínas obtidas em rastreios com a cinase SnRK1. Irá também testar se estas proteínas são fosforiladas pela SnRK1 in vitro.
Legislação e regulamentação aplicável: Estatuto do Bolseiro de Investigação Científica, aprovado pela Lei nº 40/2004, de 18 de agosto, alterado e republicado pelo Decreto-Lei nº 202/2012, de 27 de agosto e alterado pelo Decreto-Lei nº 233/2012, de 29 de Outubro e pela Lei nº 12/2013, de 29 de Janeiro e pelo Decreto-Lei n.º 89/2013, de 9 de Julho, e pelo Decreto-Lei nº 123/2019, de 28 de Agosto; Regulamento da Formação Avançada e Qualificação de Recursos Humanos da FCT em vigor (
Local de trabalho: O trabalho será desenvolvido no Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica António Xavier da Universidade Nova de Lisboa, sob a orientação científica de Elena Baena-González.
Duração da bolsa: A bolsa terá a duração de 12 meses, eventualmente renovável, com início previsto em Junho de 2023, em regime de exclusividade, conforme Regulamento de Bolsas de Investigação da Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P.
Valor do subsídio de manutenção mensal: O montante da bolsa corresponde a 1199,64 euros, conforme tabela de valores das bolsas atribuídas diretamente pela FCT, I.P. no País ( O pagamento será efetuado, mensalmente, por transferência bancária.
Métodos de seleção: • Avaliação Curricular (AC), por via da avaliação do curriculum vitae e da carta de motivação • Entrevista de Seleção (ES)
A classificação final será expressa na escala de 0 a 20 valores, resultando da aplicação da seguinte fórmula: Classificação final = 70% * AC + 30% * ES. Em caso de empate na pontuação, será realizada uma entrevista individual aos candidato(a)s resultado da qual representará 50% da nota final.
Composição do Júri de Seleção: - Doutora Elena Baena-González, ITQB NOVA (Presidente) - Doutora Paula Duque, Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência (Vogal efetivo) - Doutor Jorg Becker, ITQB NOVA (Vogal efetivo) - Doutora Isabel Abreu, ITQB NOVA (Vogal suplente)
Documentos de candidatura: As candidaturas devem ser formalizadas, obrigatoriamente, através do envio dos seguintes documentos: Carta de motivação, Curriculum Vitae detalhado, Cópia dos certificados de habilitações, Contactos de duas referências. Caso o grau tenha sido conferido por instituição de ensino superior estrangeira, o candidato tem de apresentar o certificado de reconhecimento do mesmo, passado pela Direção Geral do Ensino Superior (DGES) ou por uma universidade pública Portuguesa, até á assinatura do contrato. Sobre este assunto poderá ser consultada a página da DGES:
Forma de notificação dos resultados: Todos os candidatos serão notificados do resultado final através de e-mail.
Prazos e procedimentos de reclamação e recurso: Caso o resultado seja desfavorável à concessão da bolsa requerida, os candidatos têm um prazo de 10 dias úteis, após a divulgação dos resultados, para se pronunciarem, querendo, em sede de audiência prévia de interessados, nos termos previstos no Código do Procedimento Administrativo
Prazo de candidatura: O concurso encontra-se aberto no período de 27 de março a 10 de abril de 2023.
As candidaturas devem ser remetidas exclusivamente por via electrónica (indicar no \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"subject” o nome do candidato e Referência do anúncio) para: Doutora Elena Baena Email: Anúncio Ref. 036/BI/2023 ITQB NOVA OEIRAS Bolsa de Investigação - Mestre
Reference: 041/BI/2023
Start Date: 2023/04/04 00:00:00 GMT+0 End Date: 2023/04/18 00:00:00 GMT+0 Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica António Xavier Application for a Master Fellowship within the 2022.03561.PTDC
Applications are invited for a Master Fellowship in the scope of the project entitled “Glycofoldamers as bacterial toxin inhibitors” with the Ref. 2022.03561.PTDC, funded by FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia I.P./MCTES.
Scientific Area: Chemistry
Academic degree: We seek candidates with a Master’s degree in Master’s degree in Chemistry, Biochemistry, Pharmaceutical Sciences or related areas, with bachelor’s degree classification of 14 (or higher) and a Master’s degree classification of 16 (or higher).
Other requisites: - Experience in organic synthesis and characterization techniques. - Good English language knowledge, spoken and written; - Motivation to pursue PhD studies - Being enrolled in a PhD, or in a non-academic degree course, until the signature of the contract, in accordance with number 2 of the Article 6th of “Regulamento de Bolsas de Investigação da Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P. from FCT”, law in force.
Working Plan: We seek to explore a new class of multivalent glycoconjugates for bacterial toxin/adhesin inhibition. The selected candidate will prepare and purify oligomeric multivalent scaffolds; conjugate them with carbohydrate ligands; characterize the interaction between the glycoconjugates and toxins/adhesins by biophysical techniques; elucidate the structure of the complexes formed and evaluate the inhibition of adhesion to host cells.
Applicable Law and Regulations: Status of Scientific Research Fellow, approved by Law number 40/2004, of August 18th, changed and republished by Ordinance 202/2012 of August 27th and changed by Ordinance 233/2012 of October 29th and by Law 12/2013 of January 29th and by Ordinance 89/2013 of July 9th and by the Ordinance 123/2019 of August 28th; Regulations for Research Fellowships from Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P., in force (
Working Place: The work will be carried out in the Bio-oriented Supramolecular Chemistry laboratory at ITQB NOVA, under supervision of Doctor Pedro Mateus.
Duration of the fellowship: The fellowship will have the duration of 6 months, eventually renewable, expected to start in May 2023, on a full-time basis, according to Fellowship Regulations of Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, I.P.
Stipend amount: 1 199,64 €, according to the table of values of grants awarded directly by the FCT, I.P. in the Country ( and payment will be made, monthly, through bank transfer.
Selection procedure: The evaluation procedures will be based on the analysis of the candidates´ CV and an interview for the selected candidates. The curriculum evaluation and the interview will have a weight of 70 and 30% each, respectively.
Juri composition: Doctor Pedro Mateus (president), Doctor Rita Ventura, Doctor Luís Lima (efective members) and Doctor Peter Kis (substitute member).
Application documents: The application should be formalized in a cover letter indicating the corresponding fellowship reference together with the following documents: detailed Curriculum Vitae, degree certificate, transcript detailing the courses taken and the contact of 2 references. All documents should be preferably sent by email in a single pdf file. If the degree has been conferred by a non-Portuguese higher education institution, the selected candidate must obtain the certificate of the degree recognition, issued by the Portuguese Directorate General for Higher Education or by a Portuguese Public Higher Education Institution, until the signature of the contract. Regarding this issue, please consult the website of the Portuguese Directorate General for Higher Education:
Notification of candidates: All the candidates will be informed of the final result by e-mail.
Deadlines and procedures for complaints and appeals: If the result is not favorable, the candidates have a period of 10 working days, after the disclosure of the results, to comment, if desired, in a prior hearing of interested parties, in the terms provided for in the Code of Administrative Procedure.
Application period: From 4 to 18 April, 2023.
Applications should be sent to: Doctor Pedro Mateus Email: Ref. 041/BI/2023 ITQB NOVA OEIRAS Bolsa de Investigação - Mestre
Reference: 039/BI/2023
Start Date: 2023/03/30 00:00:00 GMT+0 End Date: 2023/04/21 00:00:00 GMT+0 Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica António Xavier – ITQB NOVA Anúncio para atribuição de Uma Bolsa de Investigação para Mestre No âmbito do projeto PTDC/BIA-CEL/6982/2020
Encontra-se aberta candidatura a uma bolsa de investigação no âmbito do projeto “Regulation of peptidoglycan hydrolases in the bacterial pathogen Staphylococcus aureus”, Ref. PTDC/BIA-CEL/6982/2020, financiado pela Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia I.P./MCTES, através de fundos nacionais (PIDDAC).
Área Científica: Biologia
Formação Académica: Licenciatura e mestrado, ou mestrado integrado em Microbiologia, Biologia, Biologia Molecular, Química Aplicada, Bioquímica, ou áreas afins, com média final de licenciatura igual ou superior a 14 valores e mestrado igual ou superior a 16 valores.
Outros Requisitos: Forte motivação para a investigação científica; vontade de prosseguir para doutoramento; dá-se preferencia a candidatos com experiência em Biologia Molecular ou Microbiologia; domínio do Inglês, falado e escrito; estar inscrito, ou inscrever-se até à data de inicio do contrato, num curso não conferente de grau académico (ex pós graduação) ou num curso de doutoramento, conforme o nº 2 do Artº 6º do Regulamento de Bolsas de Investigação da Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P., em vigor.
Plano de Trabalhos: O candidato irá integrar uma equipa dinâmica e internacional, e terá como objetivo estudar a parece celular da bactéria patogénica Staphylococcus aureus, cuja síntese é o alvo de várias classes de antibióticos. Especificamente, o candidato irá caracterizar estudar autolisinas, proteínas que degradam a parede bacteriana e que podem ser interessantes agentes antimicrobianos.
Legislação e regulamentação aplicável: Estatuto do Bolseiro de Investigação Científica, aprovado pela Lei nº 40/2004, de 18 de agosto, alterado e republicado pelo Decreto-Lei nº 202/2012, de 27 de agosto e alterado pelo Decreto-Lei nº 233/2012, de 29 de Outubro e pela Lei nº 12/2013, de 29 de Janeiro e pelo Decreto-Lei n.º 89/2013, de 9 de Julho, e pelo Decreto-Lei nº 123/2019, de 28 de Agosto; Regulamento da Formação Avançada e Qualificação de Recursos Humanos da FCT em vigor (
Local de trabalho: O trabalho será desenvolvido no Laboratório de Biologia Celular e Molecular do Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica António Xavier (ITQB NOVA), sob a orientação científica da Professora Doutora Mariana Gomes de Pinho e da Doutora Helena Veiga.
Duração da bolsa: A bolsa terá a duração de 6 meses, eventualmente renovável, com início previsto em maio de 2023, em regime de exclusividade, conforme Regulamento de Bolsas de Investigação da Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P.
Valor do subsídio de manutenção mensal: O montante da bolsa corresponde a 1199,64 euros, conforme tabela de valores das bolsas atribuídas diretamente pela FCT, I.P. no País ( O pagamento será efetuado, mensalmente, por transferência bancária.
Métodos de seleção: Os métodos de seleção a utilizar serão os seguintes: avaliação curricular (70%) e entrevista, caso considerada necessária pelo júri (30%).
Composição do Júri de Seleção: Professora Doutora Mariana Gomes de Pinho (Presidente do Júri), Doutor Pedro Matos Pereira e Doutora Helena Veiga (vogais efetivos) e Professor Doutor Sérgio Filipe (vogal suplente).
Documentos de candidatura: As candidaturas devem ser formalizadas preferencialmente por email, acompanhadas dos seguintes documentos: Curriculum Vitae, carta de motivação e contactos de duas referencias. Caso o grau tenha sido conferido por instituição de ensino superior estrangeira, o candidato tem de apresentar o certificado de reconhecimento do mesmo, passado pela Direção Geral do Ensino Superior (DGES) ou por uma universidade pública Portuguesa, até á assinatura do contrato. Sobre este assunto poderá ser consultada a página da DGES:
Forma de notificação dos resultados: Todos os candidatos serão notificados do resultado final através de e-mail.
Prazos e procedimentos de reclamação e recurso: Caso o resultado seja desfavorável à concessão da bolsa requerida, os candidatos têm um prazo de 10 dias úteis, após a divulgação dos resultados, para se pronunciarem, querendo, em sede de audiência prévia de interessados, nos termos previstos no Código do Procedimento Administrativo
Prazo de candidatura: O concurso encontra-se aberto no período de 30 de março a 21 de abril de 2023.
As candidaturas devem ser remetidas, por email, para: Professora Doutora Mariana G. Pinho Anúncio Ref. 039/BI/2023 ITQB NOVA Laboratório de Biologia Celular e Molecular OEIRAS Bolsa de Investigação - Mestre
Reference: 045/BI/2023
Start Date: 2023/04/19 00:00:00 GMT+0 End Date: 2023/05/03 00:00:00 GMT+0 Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica António Xavier Application for a Master Fellowship within the Ref. of the Project UIDP/04612/2020
Applications are invited for a Master Fellowship in the scope of the project entitled “Characterization of the differential antimicrobial activity of endogenous fatty acids in pathogenic/commensal Staphylococcus epidermidis strains using a 3D-skin model” (Internal reference ICA35441) through MOSTMICRO, Ref. UIDP/04612/2020, financed by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia I.P./MCTES, under national funding (PIDDAC).
Scientific Area: Microbiology / Biochemistry / Biological Sciences
Academic degree: Bachelor and Master degree in Biology, Biochemistry, Microbiology, Molecular Biology, or related areas. Master degree final grade>17
Other requisites: - Laboratory experience in cell culture or microbiology; - Experience in bioinformatics will be valuable; - Fluence in English (spoken and written); - Strong motivation for scientific research, and ability to work independently; - Good organizational and teamwork skills; - Being enrolled in a PhD, or in a non-academic degree course, in accordance with the Article 6th of “Regulamento de Bolsas de Investigação da Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P. from FCT”, law in force.
Working Plan: The present project proposes to investigate the antimicrobial activity of endogenous fatty acids (AFAs) on Staphylococcus epidermidis clinical strains using an ex vivo model. Obtained results will set the basis for the validation of these AFAs as new preventive/therapeutic strategy aimed at selectively targeting pathogenic strains.
Applicable Law and Regulations: Status of Scientific Research Fellow, approved by Law number 40/2004, of August 18th, changed and republished by Ordinance 202/2012 of August 27th and changed by Ordinance 233/2012 of October 29th and by Law 12/2013 of January 29th and by Ordinance 89/2013 of July 9th and by the Ordinance 123/2019 of August 28th; Regulations for Research Fellowships from Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P., in force (
Working Place: The work will be carried out in the Proteomics of Non-Model Organisms Lab at ITQB NOVA, under supervision of Doctor Ana Varela Coelho.
Duration of the fellowship: The fellowship will have the duration of 4 months, expected to start in June 2023, on a full-time basis, according to Fellowship Regulations of Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, I.P.
Stipend amount: EUR 1.199,64, according to the table of values of grants awarded directly by the FCT, I.P. in the Country ( and payment will be made, monthly, through bank transfer.
Selection procedure: The evaluation procedures will be based on the analysis of the candidates´ CV (60%), motivation letter (10%), references (10%) and if needed an interview of preselected candidates (20%).
Juri composition: Doctor Ana Varela Coelho Doctor Luis Gafeira Gonçalves Doctor Abel Oliva Doctor Maria Miragaia (substitute)
Application documents: The application should be formalized in a cover letter indicating the corresponding fellowship reference together with the following documents: - detailed Curriculum Vitae, - degrees certificates - name and contact of one or two referees, or recommendation letters of one or two referees - motivation letter (include details of previous works related to the project) All documents should be preferably sent by email in a single pdf file.
If the degree has been conferred by a non-Portuguese higher education institution, the selected candidate must obtain the certificate of the degree recognition, issued by the Portuguese Directorate General for Higher Education or by a Portuguese Public Higher Education Institution, until the signature of the contract. Regarding this issue, please consult the website of the Portuguese Directorate General for Higher Education:
Notification of candidates: All the candidates will be informed of the final result by e-mail.
Deadlines and procedures for complaints and appeals: If the result is not favorable, the candidates have a period of 10 working days, after the disclosure of the results, to comment, if desired, in a prior hearing of interested parties, in the terms provided for in the Code of Administrative Procedure.
Application period: From 19 of April to 3 of May, 2023.
Applications should be sent to: Doctor Ana Varela Coelho Email: Ref. 045/BI/2023 ITQB NOVA OEIRAS Bolsa de Investigação - Mestre
Reference: 049/BI/2023
Start Date: 2023/05/10 00:00:00 GMT+0 End Date: 2023/05/23 00:00:00 GMT+0 Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica António Xavier Application for a Master Fellowship within the project H2020 DIVINFOOD (reference nº 101000383)
Applications are invited for a Master Fellowship in the scope of the project entitled “DIVINFOOD- Co-constructing interactive short and mid-tier food chains to value agrobiodiversity in healthy plant-based food” with the reference nº 101000383, funded by the European Commission H2020 Program.
Scientific Area: Biology
Academic degree: Master degree in Biology, Agronomy, Biotechnology or related fields, with a final grade equal or higher than 18.
Other requisites: - Bachelor degree with a final score equal or higher than 15; - Extensive experience in plant participatory research, with the establishment and monitoring of field experiments with farmers participation, - Experience on sample preparation and analysis of complex samples with spectrometric methodologies (NMR, FTIR), - Experience in statistical data analysis, - Good knowledge of English, written and spoken, - Being enrolled in a PhD, or in a non-academic degree course, by the time of the signature of the contract, in accordance with the Article 6th of “Regulamento de Bolsas de Investigação da Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P. from FCT”, law in force.
Working Plan: The fellow will have as main objectives the creation of new legume diversity through cross breeding and its participatory agronomic characterization under different production systems, together with farmers. There will be also a socio-economic characterization component. Additionally, the fellow will also contribute to the participatory selection of the most interesting legume materials, using expedite and low cost quality measurements in collaboration with small processors. To attain these objectives the following tasks will be performed: 1) Acquirement and management of experimental data in the field and Lab conditions; 2) Statistical data analysis of acquired data; 3) Report development of all the performed activities and dissemination of project outcomes.
Applicable Law and Regulations: Status of Scientific Research Fellow, approved by Law number 40/2004, of August 18th, changed and republished by Ordinance 202/2012 of August 27th and changed by Ordinance 233/2012 of October 29th and by Law 12/2013 of January 29th and by Ordinance 89/2013 of July 9th and by the Ordinance 123/2019 of August 28th; Regulations for Research Fellowships from Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P., in force (
Working Place: The work will be carried out in the Genetics and Genomics of Plant Complex Traits – PlantX laboratory at ITQB NOVA and Alvaiázere experimental fields, under the supervision of Doctor Maria Carlota Vaz Patto.
Duration of the fellowship: The fellowship will have the duration of 3 months, eventually renewable, expected to start in July 2023, on a full-time basis, according to Fellowship Regulations of Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, I.P.
Stipend amount: 1199,64 €, according to the table of values of grants awarded directly by the FCT, I.P. in the Country ( and payment will be made, monthly, through bank transfer.
Selection procedure: The evaluation procedures will be based on the analysis of the candidates´ CV and if needed an interview for the selected candidates may take place. In this case, the curriculum evaluation and the interview will have a weight of 50 % each.
Juri composition: Doctor Maria Carlota Vaz Patto (president of the jury), Doctor Carmen Santos (effective member), Doctor Susana Leitão (effective member) and Doctor Estefanía Uberegui (substitute member).
Application documents: The application should be formalized in a cover/motivation letter indicating the corresponding fellowship reference together with the following documents: detailed Curriculum Vitae, certificates of Bachelor and Master Degrees (with classification marks), and names and contacts of 2 reference persons. All documents should be preferably sent by email in a single pdf file. If the degree has been conferred by a non-Portuguese higher education institution, the selected candidate must obtain the certificate of the degree recognition, issued by the Portuguese Directorate General for Higher Education or by a Portuguese Public Higher Education Institution, until the signature of the contract. Regarding this issue, please consult the website of the Portuguese Directorate General for Higher Education:
Notification of candidates: All the candidates will be informed of the final result by e-mail.
Deadlines and procedures for complaints and appeals: If the result is not favourable, the candidates have a period of 10 working days, after the disclosure of the results, to comment, if desired, in a prior hearing of interested parties, in the terms provided for in the Code of Administrative Procedure.
Application period: From 10 to 23 of May 2023.
Applications should be sent to: Doctor Maria Carlota Vaz Patto Email: Ref. 049/BI/2023 ITQB NOVA OEIRAS Bolsa de Investigação - Mestre
Reference: 043/BI/2023
Start Date: 2023/04/14 00:00:00 GMT+0 End Date: 2023/05/11 00:00:00 GMT+0 Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica António Xavier Application for a Master Fellowship within an ITQB NOVA funded project
Applications are invited for a Master Fellowship in the scope of the project entitled “Developing an approach for zinc biofortification in plants”, funded by ITQB NOVA, reference ICV3822
Scientific Area: Biological Sciences, Biology
Academic degree: We seek candidates with a Master’s degree in Biology, Biochemistry, Biotechnology, Agricultural Sciences or related areas, with bachelor’s degree classification of 14 (or higher) and a Master’s degree classification of 16 (or higher).
Other requisites: - Highly motivated and passionate Master researcher; - Interested in studying the molecular mechanisms underlying plant responses to environment; - Previous experience in molecular biology; - Good organizational and teamwork skills; - Fluency in spoken and written English; - Strongly motivated to pursue a Ph.D. in Plant Biology; - Experience in vitro cultures and plants transformation; - Being enrolled in a PhD, or in a non-academic degree course, in accordance with the Article 6th of “Regulamento de Bolsas de Investigação da Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P. from FCT”, law in force.
Working Plan: The successful candidate will prepare vectors (whenever necessary) and transform rice with different constructions (using CRISPR/cas9 gene editing) that are intended to modulate the plant response to Zinc. After confirming rice transformation and the expected gene edition, transgenic plants will be characterized at molecular level and the most promising ones will be analyzed at physiological level, using a High Throughput phenotyping platform.
Applicable Law and Regulations: Status of Scientific Research Fellow, approved by Law number 40/2004, of August 18th, changed and republished by Ordinance 202/2012 of August 27th and changed by Ordinance 233/2012 of October 29th and by Law 12/2013 of January 29th and by Ordinance 89/2013 of July 9th and by the Ordinance 123/2019 of August 28th; Regulations for Research Fellowships from Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P., in force (
Working Place: The work will be carried out in the Plant Gene Regulation at ITQB NOVA, under supervision of Nelson Saibo.
Duration of the fellowship: The fellowship will have the duration of six months, eventually renewable, expected to start in June 2023, on a full-time basis, according to Fellowship Regulations of Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, I.P.
Stipend amount: € 1199,64, according to the table of values of grants awarded directly by the FCT, I.P. in the Country ( and payment will be made, monthly, through bank transfer.
Selection procedure: The evaluation procedures will be based on the analysis of the candidates´ CV and if needed an interview for the selected candidates may take place. In this case, the curriculum evaluation and the interview will have a weight of 50 % each.
Juri composition: Doctor Nelson Saibo (President); Doctor Ana Assunção (effective member); Doctor Tiago Lourenço (effective member); Doctor Isabel Abreu (substitute member).
Application documents: The application should be formalized in a cover letter indicating the corresponding fellowship reference together with the following documents: a) detailed Curriculum Vitae; b) degree certificate; c) A motivation letter detailing previous work experiences related to the project; d) contacts information or letter of recommendation of two referees. All documents should be preferably sent by email in a single pdf file. If the degree has been conferred by a non-Portuguese higher education institution, the selected candidate must obtain the certificate of the degree recognition, issued by the Portuguese Directorate General for Higher Education or by a Portuguese Public Higher Education Institution, until the signature of the contract. Regarding this issue, please consult the website of the Portuguese Directorate General for Higher Education:
Notification of candidates: All the candidates will be informed of the final result by e-mail.
Deadlines and procedures for complaints and appeals: If the result is not favorable, the candidates have a period of 10 working days, after the disclosure of the results, to comment, if desired, in a prior hearing of interested parties, in the terms provided for in the Code of Administrative Procedure.
Application period: From 14 April to 11 May, 2023.
Applications should be sent to: Doctor Nelson Saibo Email: Ref. 043/BI/2023 ITQB NOVA OEIRAS Bolsa de Investigação - Mestre
Reference: 046/BI/2023
Start Date: 2023/05/04 00:00:00 GMT+0 End Date: 2023/05/17 00:00:00 GMT+0 Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica António Xavier – ITQB NOVA Anúncio para atribuição de uma Bolsa de Investigação para Mestre no âmbito do projecto PRR Project “Vertical Algas”, Sub-Project 3-Alto Valor: Desenvolvimento de aplicações inovadoras e de alto valor para os mercados da Nutracêutica e Cosmecêutica
Encontra-se aberta candidatura a uma bolsa de investigação para Mestre, no âmbito do projecto intitulado ““Vertical Algas”, Sub-Project 3-Alto Valor: Desenvolvimento de aplicações inovadoras e de alto valor para os mercados da Nutracêutica e Cosmecêutica”, financiado pelo Plano de Recuperação e Resiliência - Agendas/Alianças mobilizadoras para a reindustrialização.
Área Científica: Ciências Biológicas; Biologia.
Formação Académica: grau de Mestre, em Microbiologia, Genética, Biotecnologia ou áreas afins, com a média igual ou superior a 17 valores.
Outros requisitos: - Experiência laboratorial superior a dois anos em biologia celular e genética bacteriana; - Experiência laboratorial na manipulação genética e biologia celular de organismos de Gram(+) aeróbicos e anaeróbicos; - Capacidade de desenvolver trabalho independente; - Disponibilidade imediata - Grande motivação para o trabalho; - Bom domínio do inglês falado e escrito; - Estar inscrito num doutoramento ou num curso não conferente de grau académico, à data da assinatura do contrato, conforme o Artº 6º do Regulamento de Bolsas de Investigação da Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P., em vigor.
Plano de Trabalhos: O trabalho consiste na construção de fusões transcripcionais entre promotores que respondem a diferentes stresses e a mNeoGreen (em Bacillus subtilis) ou SNAP/FAST tags (em Clostridioides difficile). As estirpes serão avaliadas monitorizando a produção dos repórteres a nível da célula individual, por microscopia de contraste de fase e de fluorescência e avaliando parâmetros citológicos associados. O efeito de diferentes compostos ou frações será estimado por comparação com compostos com efeitos conhecidos.
Legislação e regulamentação aplicável: Estatuto do Bolseiro de Investigação Científica, aprovado pela Lei nº 40/2004, de 18 de agosto, alterado e republicado pelo Decreto-Lei nº 202/2012, de 27 de agosto e alterado pelo Decreto-Lei nº 233/2012, de 29 de Outubro e pela Lei nº 12/2013, de 29 de Janeiro e pelo Decreto-Lei n.º 89/2013, de 9 de Julho, e pelo Decreto-Lei nº 123/2019, de 28 de Agosto; Regulamento da Formação Avançada e Qualificação de Recursos Humanos da FCT em vigor (
Local de trabalho: O trabalho será desenvolvido no grupo de Desenvolvimento Microbiano do Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica António Xavier da Universidade Nova de Lisboa, sob a orientação científica do Professor Adriano O. Henriques.
Duração da bolsa: A bolsa terá a duração de 6 meses, eventualmente renovável, com início previsto em Junho/Julho de 2023, em regime de exclusividade, conforme Regulamento de Bolsas de Investigação da Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P.
Valor do subsídio de manutenção mensal: O montante da bolsa corresponde a 1199,64€, conforme tabela de valores das bolsas atribuídas directamente pela FCT, I.P. no País ( O pagamento será efectuado, mensalmente, por transferência bancária.
Métodos de selecção: A selecção será efectuada por análise curricular de acordo com os critérios solicitados. Em caso de necessidade, será conduzida uma entrevista e nesses caso, a ponderação final é de 50% para a avaliação curricular e 50% para a entrevista.
Composição do Júri de Selecção: Presidente: Professor Adriano O. Henriques; vogais: Professora Lígia Martins; Professora Mariana G. Pinho; vogal suplente: Doutora Mónica Serrano.
Documentos de candidatura: As candidaturas devem ser formalizadas, obrigatoriamente, através do envio dos seguintes documentos: Carta de motivação, Curriculum Vitae detalhado, Cópia dos certificados de habilitações, Caso o grau tenha sido conferido por instituição de ensino superior estrangeira, o candidato tem de apresentar o certificado de reconhecimento do grau, passado pela Direcção Geral do Ensino Superior (DGES) ou por uma universidade pública Portuguesa, até á assinatura do contrato. Sobre este assunto poderá ser consultada a página da DGES:
Forma de notificação dos resultados: Todos os candidatos serão notificados do resultado final através de e-mail.
Prazos e procedimentos de reclamação e recurso: Caso o resultado seja desfavorável à concessão da bolsa requerida, os candidatos têm um prazo de 10 dias úteis, após a divulgação dos resultados, para se pronunciarem, querendo, em sede de audiência prévia de interessados, nos termos previstos no Código do Procedimento Administrativo.
Prazo de candidatura: O concurso encontra-se aberto no período de 4 a 17 de maio de 2023.
As candidaturas devem ser remetidas exclusivamente por via electrónica (indicar no \"subject” o nome do candidato e a Referência do anúncio) para: Professor Adriano O. Henriques Anúncio Ref. 046/BI/2023 (NB: o email deverá incluir a referência acima no assunto) ITQB NOVA OEIRAS Bolsa de Investigação Pós-Doutoramento
Reference: 040/BIPD/2023
Start Date: 2023/04/04 00:00:00 GMT+0 End Date: 2023/05/19 00:00:00 GMT+0 Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica António Xavier Application for a Post-Doctoral Fellowship within the Project 2022.02027.PTDC
Applications for a Post-Doctoral Fellowship in the project’s scope entitled “Biocat4Suschem: Broadening the spectrum of biocatalysts, bioprocesses, and bio-products in industrial biotechnology” with Ref. 2022.02027.PTDC, funded by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia I.P./MCTES - OE).
Scientific Area: Biochemistry / Computational Structural Biology
Academic degree: Recent Ph.D. in Biochemistry, Biophysics, Computational Biology, Bioinformatics, Structural Biology, or related areas.
Other requisites: - Highly motivated and passionate Ph.D. holder; - Interested in bridging experimental and computational enzyme engineering; - Previous experience in enzyme design/protein modeling/molecular dynamics simulations/quantum mechanics/ comparative modeling methods/molecular docking/structural biology analysis; - Capable of working independently; - Good organizational and teamwork skills; - Fluency in spoken and written English.
Working Plan: Biocat4Suschem aims to generate efficient and robust bacterial ligninolytic and other carbohydrate oxidase auxiliary enzymes taking advantage of laboratory-based enzyme engineering and emerging computational approaches. Understanding the structure and function of new oxidoreductive enzymes and obtaining molecular insights into their mechanisms will facilitate their future engineering and application for enzymatic lignocellulose valorization. The selected candidate will work on computational tools for evaluating laboratory-engineered biocatalysts, including molecular modeling, and developing and applying algorithms for computational enzyme engineering. This fellow will establish a key profitable liaison between ITQB, ZYMVOL, and FCUL. The B-Ligzymes H2020-RISE project will fund up to 12 months’ stays at ZYMVOL, Barcelona, Spain. The candidate will be trained in experimental and computational protein engineering techniques.
Applicable Law and Regulations: Status of Scientific Research Fellow, approved by Law number 40/2004, of August 18th, changed and republished by Ordinance 202/2012 of August 27th and changed by Ordinance 233/2012 of October 29th and by Law 12/2013 of January 29th and by Ordinance 89/2013 of July 9th and by the Ordinance 123/2019 of August 28th. Regulations for Research Fellowships from Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P., in force (
Working Place: The work will be carried out in the Microbial & Enzyme Technology Lab at ITQB NOVA, headed by Dr. Lígia Martins, MMS Lab at FCUL, headed by Dr. Miguel Machuqueiro, and Zymvol Biomodeling (SP).
Duration of the fellowship: The fellowship will have a duration of 6 months (with the possibility of renewal) and is expected to start in May 2023, on a full-time basis, according to Fellowship Regulations of Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, I.P.
Stipend amount: 1741,00 €, according to the table of values of grants awarded directly by the FCT, I.P. in the Country ( and payment will be made, monthly, through bank transfer.
Selection procedure: Applications will be evaluated according to the analysis of the documents presented - Curriculum (60%), motivation letter (10%), references (10%), and interview, if considered necessary by the jury, of the selected candidates (20%). The results will be presented on a scale from 0 to 100.
Juri composition: Presidente do Júri: Professora Doutora Lígia O. Martins. Vogais: Dr. Patrícia Borges, Dr. Miguel Machuqueiro, Suplente: Dr. Vânia Brissos.
Application documents: i) Full Curriculum Vitae, ii) A motivation letter detailing previous work experiences related to the project; iii) Degree certificate*, iv) Contacts information or recommendation letters of two referees.
All documents should preferably be sent by email in a single pdf file.
*If the degree has been conferred by a non-Portuguese higher education institution, the selected candidate must obtain the certificate of degree recognition issued by the Portuguese Directorate General for Higher Education or by a Portuguese Public Higher Education Institution until the signature of the contract. Regarding this issue, please consult the Portuguese Directorate General for Higher Education website:
Notification of candidates: All the candidates will be informed of the result by e-mail.
Deadlines and procedures for complaints and appeals: If the result is not favorable, the candidates have a period of 10 working days after the disclosure of the results, to comment, if desired, in a prior hearing of interested parties, in the terms provided for in the Code of Administrative Procedure.
Application period: From 4 April to 19 May 2023.
Applications should be sent to: Professor Lígia Martins Email: Ref. 040/BIPD/2023 ITQB NOVA OEIRAS Bolsa de Investigação - Mestre
Reference: 048/BI/2023
Start Date: 2023/05/09 00:00:00 GMT+0 End Date: 2023/05/22 00:00:00 GMT+0 Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica António Xavier Application for a Master Fellowship within the project PTDC/BIA-BFS/0391/2021
Applications are invited for a Master Fellowship in the scope of the project entitled “HUBs – The architecture of a pathogen-driven signaling Hub” with the Ref. PTDC/BIA-BFS/0391/2021, funded by FCT- Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia I.P./MCTES.
Main Scientific Areas & Sub Research Fields: Chemistry – Biochemistry; Physics – Biophysics
Academic degree: We seek candidates with a Master’s degree in Chemistry/Biochemistry/Biophysics to participate in a multidisciplinary research program focused on signaling and host-pathogen interactions.
Other requisites: • Research interests should lie at the interface between chemistry and biology; • Eager to dissect molecular mechanisms at the host-pathogen interface; • Highly motivated and passionate junior researcher; • Prior experience with ITC, SAXS and NMR will be a plus; • Good organizational and teamwork skills; • Fluency in spoken and written English; • Bachelor’s degree classification of 14 (or higher) and a master’s degree classification of 17 (or higher); • Being enrolled in a PhD or a non-academic degree course, by the time of the signature of the contract, in accordance with number the Article 6th of Regulations for Research Fellowships from Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P., law in force.
Working Plan: Pathogenic microbes that invade a human host have developed sophisticated strategies to rewire host-signaling pathways and down-regulate host immune responses. Bacterial pathogens use a plethora of secreted effectors and cell-associated proteins to achieve this goal during infection. The HUBs project aims to illuminate how pathogen-encoded proteins hijack host cells from an integrative structural biophysics perspective. Within this framework, we offer an opportunity to dissect the complex structural dynamic facets of a prominent effector produced by life-threatening human pathogens. To this end, the selected candidate will be engaged in protein expression and purification and experimental and computational approaches, receiving training small-angle scattering, and NMR hybrid applications.
Applicable Law and Regulations: Status of Scientific Research Fellow, approved by Law number 40/2004, of August 18th, changed and republished by Ordinance 202/2012 of August 27th and changed by Ordinance 233/2012 of October 29th and by Law 12/2013 of January 29th and by Ordinance 89/2013 of July 9th and by the Ordinance 123/2019 of August 28th; Regulations for Research Fellowships from Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P., in force (
Working Place: The work will be done in the Dynamic Structural Biology Lab (Supervisor: Tiago N Cordeiro).
Duration of the fellowship: The fellowship will have the duration of 6 months, eventually renewable, expected to start in June 2023, on a full-time basis, according to according to Fellowship Regulations of Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, I.P.
Stipend amount: EUR 1199,64 €, according to the table of values of grants awarded directly by the FCT, I.P. in the Country ( and payment will be made, monthly, through bank transfer.
Selection procedure: Applications will be evaluated according to the analysis of the documents presented - Curriculum (60%), motivation letter (10%), references (10%), and interview, if considered necessary by the jury, of the selected candidates (20%). The final results will be presented on a scale from 0 to 100.
Jury composition: Doctor Tiago N. Cordeiro (President); Doctor Pedro Domingos (member); Doctor Zach Hensel (member); Doctor Tiago Gomes (substitute member).
Application documents: • Full Curriculum Vitae; • A motivation letter detailing previous work experiences related to the project; • Degree certificate*; • Contacts information or letter of recommendation of two referees. All documents should preferably be sent by email in a single pdf file. *If the degree has been conferred by a non-Portuguese higher education institution, the selected candidate must obtain the certificate of degree recognition issued by the Portuguese Directorate General for Higher Education or by a Portuguese Public Higher Education Institution until the signature of the contract. Regarding this issue, please consult the Portuguese Directorate General for Higher Education website:
Notification of candidates: All the candidates will be informed of the final result by e-mail.
Deadlines and procedures for complaints and appeals: If the result is not favorable, the candidates have a period of 10 working days, after the disclosure of the results, to comment, if desired, in a prior hearing of interested parties, in the terms provided for in the Code of Administrative Procedure.
Application period: From 9 to 22 of May 2023
Applications should be sent to: Dr. Tiago N Cordeiro Ref. 048/BI/2023 OEIRAS Bolsa de Investigação - Mestre
Reference: 047/BI/2023
Start Date: 2023/05/08 00:00:00 GMT+0 End Date: 2023/05/29 00:00:00 GMT+0 Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica António Xavier – ITQB NOVA Anúncio para atribuição de uma Bolsa de Investigação para Mestre no âmbito do projecto Ref.: PRIMA-H2020-n.1934
Encontra-se aberta candidatura a uma bolsa de investigação para Mestre, no âmbito do projeto internacional “TRACE-RICE - Tracing rice and valorizing side streams along Mediterranean blockchain”, financiado pelo PRIMA-H2020 European Union’s Framework Programme for Research and Innovation (Ref. PRIMA-H2020-n.1934) e da Unidade de Investigação GREEN-IT Bioresources for Sustainability.
Área Científica: Bioinformática, Biologia Computacional e Ciências Biológicas.
Formação Académica: Licenciatura em Biologia e Mestrado no domínio da Bioinformática, Biologia Computacional, ou áreas afins, com média igual ou superior a 18.
Requisitos gerais: • O candidato a selecionar deverá ser detentor de habilitação académica mínima ao nível de Mestrado em Bioinformática, Biologia Computacional, ou áreas afins; • Estar inscrito/a ou a frequentar curso de pós-graduação na área da Bioinformática aplicada a Biologia Molecular de Plantas, à data da assinatura do contrato, conforme o Artº 6º do Regulamento de Bolsas de Investigação da Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P., em vigor; • Ter conhecimentos gerais em biologia molecular, interesse em adquirir formação pós-graduada em Bioinformática aplicada às Ciências de Plantas.
Requisitos específicos: • Experiência em ciências de computação e/ou bioinformática; • Experiência em programação no contexto da análise e gestão de dados, (e.g. Python, R, SQL); • Domínio das línguas: i) Portuguesa, falada e escrita; e ii) Inglesa falada e escrita; • Disponibilidade para iniciar atividade em Julho de 2023.
Caraterísticas a valorizar: • Motivação e capacidade de organização; • Gosto pela aprendizagem e capacidade de resolução de problemas; • Polivalência, flexibilidade e capacidade de adaptação, aliadas a espírito de iniciativa e autonomia. Plano de Trabalhos: O bolseiro irá integrar uma equipa já com 2 anos de actividade neste projecto internacional, e usufruir da experiência já adquirida no laboratório de acolhimento. O plano de trabalhos para esta bolsa inclui: • O desenvolvimento de modelos preditivos para avaliar a autenticidade do arroz usando estratégias de machine learning com base nos dados disponíveis; • A testagem dos modelos para previsão de parâmetros relacionados com a qualidade, a segurança e a autenticidade do arroz; • A anotação de dados usando vocabulários e ontologias controlados; • A curadoria e submissão de conjuntos de dados (produzidos pela equipa do projeto) para bancos de dados predefinidos, usando padrões tais como MIAPPE (Minimal Information About Plant Phenotyping Experiment).
Legislação e regulamentação aplicável: Estatuto do Bolseiro de Investigação Científica, aprovado pela Lei nº 40/2004, de 18 de agosto, alterado e republicado pelo Decreto-Lei nº 202/2012, de 27 de agosto e alterado pelo Decreto-Lei nº 233/2012, de 29 de Outubro e pela Lei nº 12/2013, de 29 de Janeiro e pelo Decreto-Lei n.º 89/2013, de 9 de Julho, e pelo Decreto-Lei nº 123/2019, de 28 de Agosto; Regulamento da Formação Avançada e Qualificação de Recursos Humanos da FCT em vigor (
Local de trabalho: O trabalho será desenvolvido no grupo “Plant Functional Genomics, GPlantS”, do Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica António Xavier da Universidade Nova de Lisboa, sob a direcção científica da Professora M. Margarida Oliveira, Pedro Barros e Tiago Lourenço.
Duração da bolsa: A bolsa terá a duração de 6 meses, eventualmente renovável, com início previsto em Julho de 2023, em regime de exclusividade, conforme Regulamento de Bolsas de Investigação da Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P.
Valor do subsídio de manutenção mensal: O montante da bolsa bolsa corresponde a 1199,64€, conforme tabela de valores das bolsas atribuídas directamente pela FCT, I.P. no País ( O pagamento será efectuado, mensalmente, por transferência bancária.
Métodos de selecção: A selecção será efectuada por análise curricular de acordo com os critérios solicitados. No caso de se justificar entrevista esta terá o valor de 40%.
Composição do Júri de Selecção: Presidente de júri: Professora M. Margarida Oliveira; Vogais efectivos: Doutor Pedro Barros; Doutor Tiago Lourenço; vogal suplente: Doutor Nelson Saibo.
Documentos de candidatura: As candidaturas devem ser formalizadas, obrigatoriamente, através do envio dos seguintes documentos: Carta de motivação, Curriculum vitae detalhado, Cópia dos certificados de habilitações. O candidato seleccionado terá de apresentar, aquando da assinatura do contrato, documento comprovativo de inscrição em pós-graduação. Caso o grau tenha sido conferido por instituição de ensino superior estrangeira, o candidato tem de apresentar o certificado de reconhecimento do mesmo, passado pela Direcção Geral do Ensino Superior (DGES) ou por uma universidade pública Portuguesa, até à assinatura do contrato. Sobre este assunto poderá ser consultada a página da DGES:
Forma de notificação dos resultados: Todos os candidatos serão notificados do resultado final através de e-mail.
Prazos e procedimentos de reclamação e recurso: Caso o resultado seja desfavorável à concessão da bolsa requerida, os candidatos têm um prazo de 10 dias úteis, após a divulgação dos resultados, para se pronunciarem, querendo, em sede de audiência prévia de interessados, nos termos previstos no Código do Procedimento Administrativo
Prazo de candidatura: O concurso encontra-se aberto no período de 8 a 29 de maio de 2023.
As candidaturas devem ser remetidas exclusivamente por via electrónica (indicar no \"subject” o nome do candidato e Referência do anúncio) para: Professora M. Margarida Oliveira Anúncio Ref. 047/BI/2023 ITQB NOVA OEIRAS Bolsa de Investigação - Mestre
Reference: 050/BI/2023
Start Date: 2023/05/17 00:00:00 GMT+0 End Date: 2023/05/30 00:00:00 GMT+0 Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica António Xavier Application for a Master Fellowship within the project UIDB/04612/2020
Applications are invited for a Master Fellowship in the scope of the project entitled “How is mycobacterial cell division rapidly arrested to evade innate immunity? Probing divisome interactions in isolation and in vivo” (Internal reference ICA35393), funded by MOSTMICRO, Ref. UIDB/04612/2020, financed by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia I.P./MCTES, through national funding (PIDDAC).
Scientific Area: Biological Sciences
Academic degree: Master in Molecular Biology, Biophysics, Microbiology, and/or related areas. The Master´s average must be equal to or greater than 17 points (0-20 scale).
Other requisites: • At least two years of laboratory experience in relevant topic(s) such as microbiology, microscopy, image analysis, and/or synthetic biology; • Motivation to develop skills in scientific research; • Good planning, organization, and experimental design skills; • Proficient in spoken and written English; • Being enrolled in a PhD, or in a non-academic degree course, by the time of the signature of the contract, in accordance with number 2 of the Article 6th of “Regulamento de Bolsas de Investigação da Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P. from FCT”, law in force
Working Plan: This project will explore a protein-protein interaction from M. tuberculosis in isolation when proteins are expressed in E. coli cells using fluorescence microscopy, including single-molecule techniques. Hypotheses will be developed in the E. coli system and tested in mycobacteria to determine how a protein-protein interaction implicated in chronic infection is regulated by environmental stress conditions. The work plan will be adjusted to meet the skills and training/career goals of the selected candidate. This project has the potential to expand into the topic of a PhD research project.
Applicable Law and Regulations: Status of Scientific Research Fellow, approved by Law number 40/2004, of August 18th, changed and republished by Ordinance 202/2012 of August 27th and changed by Ordinance 233/2012 of October 29th and by Law 12/2013 of January 29th and by Ordinance 89/2013 of July 9th and by the Ordinance 123/2019 of August 28th; Regulations for Research Fellowships from Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P., in force (
Working Place: The work will be carried out in the Single Molecule Microbiology laboratory at ITQB NOVA, under supervision of Doctor Zach Hensel.
Duration of the fellowship: The fellowship will have the duration of 12 months, expected to start in June 2023, on a full-time basis, according to Fellowship Regulations of Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, I.P.
Stipend amount: 1199,64 €, according to the table of values of grants awarded directly by the FCT, I.P. in the Country ( and payment will be made, monthly, through bank transfer.
Selection procedure: The evaluation procedures will be based on the analysis of the candidates´ CV and, if needed, interviews of the 3 top-ranked candidates may take place. In this case, the curriculum evaluation and the interview will have a weight of 50% each.
Juri composition: Doctor Zach Hensel (president of the jury) Doctor Tiago Cordeiro (effective member) Doctor James Yates (effective member) Doctor Rita Ventura (substitute member)
Application documents: The application should be formalized in a cover letter indicating the corresponding fellowship reference together with the following documents: (1) detailed Curriculum Vitae, (2) degree certificate, (3) names and email addresses of two references, and (4) brief letter of motivation focused on how training and experience in this project will contribute to the applicant’s career goals.
All documents should be preferably sent by email in a single pdf file. If the degree has been conferred by a non-Portuguese higher education institution, the selected candidate must obtain the certificate of the degree recognition, issued by the Portuguese Directorate General for Higher Education or by a Portuguese Public Higher Education Institution, until the signature of the contract. Regarding this issue, please consult the website of the Portuguese Directorate General for Higher Education:
Notification of candidates: All the candidates will be informed of the final result by e-mail.
Deadlines and procedures for complaints and appeals: If the result is not favorable, the candidates have a period of 10 working days, after the disclosure of the results, to comment, if desired, in a prior hearing of interested parties, in the terms provided for in the Code of Administrative Procedure.
Application period: From 17 to 30 of May, 2023.
Applications should be sent to: Doctor Zach Hensel Ref. 050/BI/2023 ITQB NOVA Bolsa de Investigação Pós-Doutoramento
Reference: 052/BIPD/2023
Start Date: 2023/05/30 00:00:00 GMT+0 End Date: 2023/06/13 00:00:00 GMT+0 Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica António Xavier Application for a a Post-doctoral Fellowship within the InnoValley IOVPoC-2022-08
Applications are invited for a Post-doctoral Fellowship (BPD) in the scope of the project entitled “Computational engineered proteins for Flavivirus diagnostics and vaccine development” with the Ref. IOVPoC-2022-08, funded by Câmara Municipal de Oeiras and ITQB NOVA.
Scientific Area: Biological Sciences, Biochemistry.
Academic degree: Recent PhD in biochemistry, biology, structural biology or related areas.
Other requisites: - Highly motivated and passionate PhD holder; - Previous experience in protein production and characterization; - Knowledge in 3D macromolecular structure determination by X-ray crystallography/cryo electron microscopy; - Proficient in spoken and written English; - Spirit of initiative and motivation to work in a team; - Good planning and organizational skills.
Working Plan: The work plan is part of a project that aims to unravel the structural basis of flavivirus antibody neutralization for diagnostics and vaccine development. The computational engineered proteins mimic neutralizing antibodies against flaviviruses, such as Zika, Dengue and Chikungunya. The selected candidate will be involved in several tasks: gene cloning, overexpression and purification of engineered proteins in E.coli, production of viral proteins in mammalian cells, biophysical characterization, formation of complexes and preparation of samples for structural studies (by crystallography and cryo electron microscopy). The candidate will receive training in protein production, funcional and structural analysis.
Applicable Law and Regulations: Status of Scientific Research Fellow, approved by Law number 40/2004, of August 18th, changed and republished by Ordinance 202/2012 of August 27th and changed by Ordinance 233/2012 of October 29th and by Law 12/2013 of January 29th and by Ordinance 89/2013 of July 9th and by the Ordinance 123/2019 of August 28th; Regulations for Research Fellowships from Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P., in force (
Working Place: The work will be carried out in the Membrane Protein Crystallography Laboratory at ITQB NOVA, under supervision of Doctor Margarida Archer.
Duration of the fellowship: The fellowship will have the duration of 6 months, eventually renewable, expected to start in July 2023, on a full-time basis, according to Fellowship Regulations of Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, I.P.
Stipend amount: 1741 €/month, according to the table of values of grants awarded directly by the FCT, I.P. in the Country ( and payment will be made, monthly, through bank transfer.
Selection procedure: Applications will be evaluated according to the analysis of the documents presented – Curriculum vitae (60%), motivation letter (20%), references (20%). If needed, an interview of the selected candidates may take place. In this case, the curriculum evaluation and the interview will have a weight of 50% each.
Juri composition: Doctor Margarida Archer (president of the jury), Doctor José Brito and Doctor Célia Romão (effective members), and Doctor Pedro Matias (substitute member)
Application documents: The application should be formalized in a cover letter indicating the corresponding fellowship reference together with the following documents: detailed Curriculum Vitae, degree certificate and 2 reference letters. All documents should be preferably sent by email in a single pdf file. If the degree has been conferred by a non-Portuguese higher education institution, the selected candidate must obtain the certificate of the degree recognition, issued by the Portuguese Directorate General for Higher Education or by a Portuguese Public Higher Education Institution, until the signature of the contract. Regarding this issue, please consult the website of the Portuguese Directorate General for Higher Education:
Notification of candidates: All the candidates will be informed of the final result by e-mail.
Deadlines and procedures for complaints and appeals: If the result is not favorable, the candidates have a period of 10 working days, after the disclosure of the results, to comment, if desired, in a prior hearing of interested parties, in the terms provided for in the Code of Administrative Procedure.
Application period: 30 May to 13 June, 2023.
Applications should be sent to: Doctor Margarida Archer Email: Ref. 052/BIPD/2023 ITQB NOVA OEIRAS Bolsa de Investigação - Mestre
Reference: 051/BI/2023
Start Date: 2023/05/19 00:00:00 GMT+0 End Date: 2023/06/30 00:00:00 GMT+0 Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica António Xavier Application for a Master Fellowship within PTDC/BIA-BQM/4056/2020
Applications are invited for a Master Fellowship in the scope of the project entitled “Biocatalytic synthesis of oligoarabinosides for the study of drug targets and development of novel anti-tuberculosis drugs” with the Ref. PTDC/BIA-BQM/4056/2020, funded by FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia I.P./MCTES.
Scientific Area: Biological Sciences, Biochemistry, Chemistry
Academic degree: Master degree in Biochemistry, Biology, Chemistry or related areas
Other requisites: - Strong motivation for scientific research and ability to work independently - Fluence in English (spoken and written) - Good organizational and teamwork skills - Motivation to pursue PhD studies - Being enrolled in a PhD, or in a non-academic degree course, until the signature of the contract, in accordance with the Article 6th of “Regulamento de Bolsas de Investigação da Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P. from FCT”, law in force.
Working Plan: Arabino (furanosyl) transferases are promising therapeutic targets for the development of molecules capable of inhibiting these enzymes and with potential for the development of compounds with anti-tuberculosis activity. The candidate will be involved in the tasks of bacterial growth, molecular biology, protein purification and characterization, biophysical and functional assays, and structural analysis.
Applicable Law and Regulations: Status of Scientific Research Fellow, approved by Law number 40/2004, of August 18th, changed and republished by Ordinance 202/2012 of August 27th and changed by Ordinance 233/2012 of October 29th and by Law 12/2013 of January 29th and by Ordinance 89/2013 of July 9th and by the Ordinance 123/2019 of August 28th; Regulations for Research Fellowships from Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P., in force (
Working Place: The work will be carried out in the Membrane Protein Crystallography Laboratory at ITQB NOVA, under the supervision of Doctor Margarida Archer.
Duration of the fellowship: The fellowship will have the duration of 6 months, eventually renewable, expected to start in July 2023, on a full-time basis, according to Fellowship Regulations of Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, I.P.
Stipend amount: 1 199,64 €/monthly, according to the table of values of grants awarded directly by the FCT, I.P. in the Country ( and payment will be made, monthly, through bank transfer.
Selection procedure: The evaluation procedures will be based on the analysis of the documents presented – Curriculum vitae (60%), motivation letter (20%), references (20%). If needed, an interview of the selected candidates may take place. In this case, the curriculum evaluation and the interview will have a weight of 50% each.
Jury composition: Doctor Margarida Archer (president of the jury), Doctors José Brito and Célia Romão (effective members), and Doctor Pedro Matias (substitute member)
Application documents: The application should be formalized in a cover letter indicating the corresponding fellowship reference together with the following documents: detailed Curriculum Vitae, degree certificate and 2 reference letters. All documents should be preferably sent by email in a single pdf file. If the degree has been conferred by a non-Portuguese higher education institution, the selected candidate must obtain the certificate of the degree recognition, issued by the Portuguese Directorate General for Higher Education or by a Portuguese Public Higher Education Institution, until the signature of the contract. Regarding this issue, please consult the website of the Portuguese Directorate General for Higher Education:
Notification of candidates: All the candidates will be informed of the final result by e-mail.
Deadlines and procedures for complaints and appeals: If the result is not favorable, the candidates have a period of 10 working days, after the disclosure of the results, to comment, if desired, in a prior hearing of interested parties, in the terms provided for in the Code of Administrative Procedure.
Application period: From 19 May to 30 June, 2023.
Applications should be sent to: Doctor Margarida Archer E-mail: Ref. 051/BI/2023 ITQB NOVA OEIRAS Bolsa de Investigação - Mestre
Reference: 054/BI/2023
Start Date: 2023/06/19 00:00:00 GMT+0 End Date: 2023/07/07 00:00:00 GMT+0 Universidade Nova de Lisboa Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica António Xavier Anúncio para atribuição de Bolsa de Investigação para Mestre no âmbito do projecto PTDC/BII-BBF/2050/2020
Encontra-se aberta candidatura a uma Bolsa de Investigação para Mestre no âmbito do Projecto “Compreender a redução enzimática de CO2 para optimizar catalisadores híbridos\" (PTDC/BII-BBF/2050/2020), financiado por fundos nacionais através da Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia/MCTES (PIDDAC).
Área Científica: Biotecnologia – Biocatálise
Formação Académica: Licenciatura e Mestrado ou Mestrado Integrado, nas áreas de Bioquímica, Biotecnologia, Microbiologia, Biologia, Química Aplicada, ou áreas afins, com média ponderada (Licenciatura e Mestrado) ou média final de curso (Mestrado Integrado) igual ou superior a 15 valores.
Outros Requisitos: - Dar-se-à preferência a candidatos com experiência laboratorial nas áreas de Bioquímica e Microbiologia, nomeadamente em caracterização bioquímica/biofísica de proteínas, expressão e purificação de proteínas; - Motivação para investigação e boa capacidade de trabalho em equipa; - Bons conhecimentos de língua inglesa, falado e escrito; - Motivação para prossegir para doutoramento; - o/a candidato/a selecionado/a terá formação em Prática de Investigação no âmbito de um curso de extensão universitária ou de pós-graduação (, disponíveis no ITQB NOVA, onde terá de se inscrever após ser selecioando/a e até à data de contratualização da bolsa, conforme o Artº 6º do Regulamento de Bolsas de Investigação da Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P., em vigor, e concluirá essa formação no âmbito desta bolsa.
Plano de Trabalhos: O trabalho implicará estudos de biocatálise para produção de compostos de valor acrescentado a partir de CO2, usando enzimas. O trabalho implicará técnicas bioquímicas e de microbiologia incluindo: engenharia de enzimas, produção de proteínas recombinantes, purificação de proteínas, catálise enzimática, métodos enzimáticos e espectroscópicos de caracterização proteica, bioelectroquímica e fotocatálise.
Legislação e regulamentação aplicável: Estatuto do Bolseiro de Investigação Científica, aprovado pela Lei nº 40/2004, de 18 de agosto, alterado e republicado pelo Decreto-Lei nº 202/2012, de 27 de agosto e alterado pelo Decreto-Lei nº 233/2012, de 29 de Outubro e pela Lei nº 12/2013, de 29 de Janeiro e pelo Decreto-Lei n.º 89/2013, de 9 de Julho, e pelo Decreto-Lei nº 123/2019, de 28 de Agosto; Regulamento de Bolsas de Investigação da Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P. em vigor
Local de Trabalho: Trabalho a ser desenvolvido no Laboratório de Metabolismo Energético Bacteriano do ITQB em Oeiras, sob a orientação científica da Doutora Inês Cardoso Pereira.
Duração da bolsa: Bolsa com duração de 3 meses, renovável, com início previsto para Setembro de 2023, em regime de exclusividade, conforme Regulamento de Bolsas de Investigação da Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P.
Valor do subsídio de manutenção mensal: O montante da bolsa corresponde a € 1199,64, conforme tabela de valores das bolsas atribuídas directamente pela FCT, I.P. no País ( O pagamento será efectuado, mensalmente, por transferência bancária.
Métodos de selecção: O método de selecção será por avaliação curricular (CV e carta de motivação) com nota de 1 a 10, e de acordo com os requisitos de admissão, e uma entrevista no máximo aos 5 candidatos classificados com a melhor avaliação curricular, desde que superior a 7. A classificação final terá a ponderação de 60% para a avaliação curricular e de 40% para a entrevista no caso dos candidatos seleccionados para a mesma, e 100% da avaliação curricular para os restantes candidatos.
Composição do Júri de Selecção: Presidente do Júri: Professora Inês Cardoso Pereira, Vogais efectivos: Doutor Américo Duarte e Doutora Andreia Pimenta. Vogal suplente: Doutora Mónica Martins.
Documentos de candidatura: As candidaturas devem ser formalizadas, obrigatoriamente, através de candidatura indicando a referência da bolsa a que concorre e acompanhada dos seguintes documentos: Curriculum Vitae detalhado (com classificações de licenciatura e mestrado), carta de motivação, cópia dos certificados de habilitações, e contactos para duas referências. Caso o grau tenha sido conferido por instituição de ensino superior estrangeira, o candidato tem de apresentar o certificado de reconhecimento do mesmo, passado pela Direcção Geral do Ensino Superior (DGES) ou por uma universidade pública Portuguesa, até à assinatura do contrato. Sobre este assunto poderá ser consultada a página da DGES: Toda a documentação deve ser enviada num documento único em formato PDF.
Forma de notificação dos resultados: Todos os candidatos serão notificados do resultado final através de e-mail.
Prazos e procedimentos de reclamação e recurso: Caso o resultado seja desfavorável à concessão da bolsa requerida, os candidatos têm um prazo de 10 dias úteis, após a divulgação dos resultados, para se pronunciarem, querendo, em sede de audiência prévia de interessados, nos termos previstos no Código do Procedimento Administrativo.
Prazo de candidatura: O concurso encontra-se aberto no período de 19 de junho a 7 de Julho de 2023.
As candidaturas devem ser remetidas para: Professor Inês Cardoso Pereira Email: Anúncio Ref. 054/BI/2023 Laboratório Metabolismo Energético Bacteriano Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica Universidade Nova de Lisboa Av. da República (EAN), 2780-157 Oeiras, Portugal Bolsa de Investigação Pós-Doutoral
Reference: 053/BIPD/2023
Start Date: 2023/06/07 00:00:00 GMT+0 End Date: 2023/08/31 00:00:00 GMT+0 Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica António Xavier Application for a Post-Doctoral Fellowship within Project 2022.02027.PTDC
Applications for a Post-Doctoral Fellowship in the project’s scope entitled “Biocat4Suschem: Broadening the spectrum of biocatalysts, bioprocesses, and bio-products in industrial biotechnology” with Ref. 2022.02027.PTDC, funded by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia I.P./MCTES - OE).
Scientific Area: Biochemistry / Structural Biology
Academic degree: Recent Ph.D. in Biochemistry, Biophysics, Structural Biology, or related areas.
Other requisites: - Highly motivated and passionate Ph.D. holder; - Previous experience in the experimental protein science and technology field. - Interested in bridging experimental and computational enzyme engineering; - Motivation to receive training in enzyme design/protein modeling/molecular dynamics simulations/ molecular docking; - Must be academically competitive, self-motivated, and passionate, with good oral and writing skills, initiative, responsibility, and team spirit;
Working Plan: Biocat4Suschem (a partnership of ITQB with Zymvol Biomodeling, BA, SP) aims to generate efficient and robust bacterial ligninolytic enzymes and other carbohydrate oxidases, utilizing laboratory-based enzyme engineering and emerging computational approaches. The final goal is enlarging the toolbox of biocatalysts targeting lignocellulose components, supporting the bio-based economy vision of the XXI century. Furthermore, understanding the structure and function of new enzymes and obtaining molecular insights into their mechanisms will facilitate their future engineering and application for enzymatic lignocellulose valorization. The B-Ligzymes H2020-RISE project will fund up to 9 months’ stays at Zymvol. The candidate will be trained in experimental and computational protein engineering techniques.
Applicable Law and Regulations: Status of Scientific Research Fellow, approved by Law number 40/2004, of August 18th, changed and republished by Ordinance 202/2012 of August 27th and changed by Ordinance 233/2012 of October 29th and by Law 12/2013 of January 29th and by Ordinance 89/2013 of July 9th and by the Ordinance 123/2019 of August 28th. Regulations for Research Fellowships from Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P., in force (
Working Place: The work will be done in the Microbial & Enzyme Technology Lab at ITQB NOVA, headed by Dr. Lígia Martins.
Duration of the fellowship: The fellowship will have a period of 3 months (eventually renewed up to 36 months) and is expected to start in September 2023, on a full-time basis, according to Fellowship Regulations of Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, I.P.
Stipend amount: 1714,00 €, according to the table of values of grants awarded directly by the FCT, I.P. in the Country ( and payment will be made, monthly, through bank transfer.
Selection procedure: Applications will be evaluated according to the analysis of the documents presented - Curriculum (60%), motivation letter (10%), references (10%), and interview, if considered necessary by the jury, of the selected candidates (20%). The results will be presented on a scale from 0 to 100.
Juri composition: Presidente do Júri: Professora Doutora Lígia O. Martins. Vogais: Dr. Vânia Brissos and Dr. Patrícia Borges. Suplente: Dr. Paulo Durão.
Application documents: i) Full Curriculum Vitae, ii) A motivation letter detailing previous work experiences related to the project; iii) Degree certificate*, iv) Contacts information or recommendation letters of two referees.
All documents should preferably be sent by email in a single pdf file.
*If the degree has been conferred by a non-Portuguese higher education institution, the selected candidate must obtain the certificate of degree recognition issued by the Portuguese Directorate General for Higher Education or by a Portuguese Public Higher Education Institution until the signature of the contract. Regarding this issue, please consult the Portuguese Directorate General for Higher Education website:
Notification of candidates: All the candidates will be informed of the result by e-mail.
Deadlines and procedures for complaints and appeals: If the result is not favorable, the candidates have a period of 10 working days after the disclosure of the results, to comment, if desired, in a prio r hear ing of interested parties, in the terms provided for in the Code of Administrative Procedure.
Application period: From June 07 to August 31, 2023.
Applications should be sent to: Professor Lígia Martins Email: Ref. 053/BIPD/2023 ITQB NOVA OEIRAS Bolsa de Investigação - Mestre
Reference: 060/BI/2023
Start Date: 2023/07/12 00:00:00 GMT+0 End Date: 2023/07/25 00:00:00 GMT+0 Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica António Xavier – ITQB NOVA Anúncio para atribuição de uma Bolsa de Investigação para Licenciado no âmbito do projecto PTDC/QUI-QOR/0712/2020
Encontra-se aberta candidatura a uma bolsa de investigação para Licenciado, no âmbito do projeto intitulado “1Pot2Cat: Catálise bimetálica one-pot para a síntese de compostos N-heterocíclicos”, Ref. PTDC/QUI-QOR/0712/2020, financiado pela Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia I.P./MCTES, através de fundos nacionais funding (PIDDAC).
Área Científica: Química, Química Inorgânica, Química Orgânica, Catálise Homogénea.
Formação Académica: Serão considerados Licenciados em Química, com média superior a 15 valores na licenciatura.
Outros requisitos: - Motivação para investigação e boa capacidade de trabalho; - Motivação para trabalhar na área de química organometálica; - Experiência laboratorial na área de química orgânica ou/e organometálica - Bons conhecimentos de língua inglesa; - Estar inscrito num doutoramento, mestrado, ou num curso não conferente de grau académico, conforme o Artº 6º do Regulamento de Bolsas de Investigação da Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P., em vigor.
Plano de Trabalhos: O candidato selecionado irá desenvolver trabalho na área da química organometálica, tendo em vista a síntese de compostos organometálicos de manganês e molibdénio, e a sua aplicação como catalisadores em reações de transferência de hidrogênio.
Legislação e regulamentação aplicável: Estatuto do Bolseiro de Investigação Científica, aprovado pela Lei nº 40/2004, de 18 de agosto, alterado e republicado pelo Decreto-Lei nº 202/2012, de 27 de agosto e alterado pelo Decreto-Lei nº 233/2012, de 29 de Outubro e pela Lei nº 12/2013, de 29 de Janeiro e pelo Decreto-Lei n.º 89/2013, de 9 de Julho, e pelo Decreto-Lei nº 123/2019, de 28 de Agosto; Regulamento da Formação Avançada e Qualificação de Recursos Humanos da FCT em vigor (
Local de trabalho: O trabalho será desenvolvido no grupo “Grupo de Catalise Organometálica do ITQB NOVA” do Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica António Xavier da Universidade Nova de Lisboa, sob a orientação científica da Doutora Beatriz Royo.
Duração da bolsa: A bolsa terá a duração de 6 meses, eventualmente renovável, com início previsto em Agosto de 2023, em regime de exclusividade, conforme Regulamento de Bolsas de Investigação da Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P.
Valor do subsídio de manutenção mensal: O montante da bolsa corresponde a € 930.98, conforme tabela de valores das bolsas atribuídas diretamente pela FCT, I.P. no País ( O pagamento será efectuado, mensalmente, por transferência bancária.
Métodos de selecção: A selecção será efectuada por avaliação curricular e experiencia laboratorial nas áreas pretendidas. Mérito científico (40%), a adequação do perfil do candidato para o projeto (30%), a motivação e a experiência profissional relevante para o desenvolvimento do projeto (30%). Caso se justifique, os três melhores candidatos selecionados na primeira seriação serão chamados para efetuar entrevista, sendo depois classificados com a ponderação 50% (classificação primeira seriação) e 50% (classificação entrevista).
Composição do Júri de Seleção: Presidente de júri: Doutora Beatriz Royo, vogais efetivos: Doutora Maria Manuel Marques e Doutor Pedro Góis, e vogal suplente: Doutor Luís Lima.
Documentos de candidatura: As candidaturas devem ser formalizadas, obrigatoriamente, através do envio dos seguintes documentos: Carta de motivação, Curriculum Vitae detalhado, Cópia dos certificados de habilitações, Caso o grau tenha sido conferido por instituição de ensino superior estrangeira, o candidato tem de apresentar o certificado de reconhecimento do grau, passado pela Direcção Geral do Ensino Superior (DGES) ou por uma universidade pública Portuguesa, até á assinatura do contrato. Sobre este assunto poderá ser consultada a página da DGES:
Forma de notificação dos resultados: Todos os candidatos serão notificados do resultado final através de e-mail.
Prazos e procedimentos de reclamação e recurso: Caso o resultado seja desfavorável à concessão da bolsa requerida, os candidatos têm um prazo de 10 dias úteis, após a divulgação dos resultados, para se pronunciarem, querendo, em sede de audiência prévia de interessados, nos termos previstos no Código do Procedimento Administrativo
Prazo de candidatura: O concurso encontra-se aberto no período de 12 de Julho a 25 de Julho de 2023.
As candidaturas devem ser remetidas exclusivamente por via electrónica (indicar no \"subject” o nome do candidato e Referência do anúncio) para: Doutora Beatriz Royo E-mail: Anúncio Ref. 060/BI/2023 ITQB NOVA OEIRAS Bolsa de Investigação
Reference: 062/BI/2023
Start Date: 2023/07/20 00:00:00 GMT+0 End Date: 2023/08/02 00:00:00 GMT+0 Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica António Xavier – ITQB NOVA Application for a Bachelor Fellowship within the SONG Project
Applications are invited for a Bachelor Fellowship in the scope of the project entitled SONG: Suberin Production and exploitation for modulating fungal development with the Ref. 2022.06750.PTDC, funded by Fundação da Ciência e Tecnologia I.P./MCTES.
Scientific Area: Agricultural Sciences
Academic degree: Bachelor’s in Biology, Agronomy, Microbiology or related areas.
Other requisites: - Bachelor’s degree classification of 14 (or higher); - Highly motivated and passionate about research; - Good organizational and teamwork skills; - Fluency in spoken and written English. - Being enrolled in a PhD, a Master course or in a non-academic degree course, in accordance with the Article 6th of “Regulamento de Bolsas de Investigação da Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P. from FCT”, law in force.
Working Plan: Suberin and cutin are plant apoplastic barriers that act as mechanical support, stress protection, and developmentally important barriers between a plant and its environment. The scope of the SONG project is to better understand the fungal interaction with the suberin. The selected candidate will be involved in the i) optimization of an in vitro system to increase the suberin ability to modulate fungal development and ii) identifying molecules present during the fungal polyester degradation that influence fungal development. This fellow will contribute understanding plant polyester´s impact on phytopathology, fungal evolution, and soil services which is crucial for sustainable biotech strategies.
Applicable Law and Regulations: Status of Scientific Research Fellow, approved by Law number 40/2004, of August 18th, changed and republished by Ordinance 202/2012 of August 27th and changed by Ordinance 233/2012 of October 29th and by Law 12/2013 of January 29th and by Ordinance 89/2013 of July 9th and by the Ordinance 123/2019 of August 28th; Regulations for Research Fellowships from Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P., in force (
Working Place: The work will be carried out in the Applied and Environmental Mycology laboratory at ITQB NOVA, under supervision of Doctor Isabel Martins and Professor Cristina Silva Pareira.
Duration of the fellowship: The fellowship will have the duration of 3 months, eventually renewable for 9 months, expected to start in September 2023, on a full-time basis, according to according to Fellowship Regulations of Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, I.P.
Stipend amount: 930,98 €, according to the table of values of grants awarded directly by the FCT, I.P. in the Country ( and payment will be made, monthly, through bank transfer.
Selection procedure: The evaluation procedures will be based on the analysis of the candidates´ CV and if needed an interview for the selected candidates may take place. In this case, the curriculum evaluation and the interview will have a weight of 50 % each.
Juri composition: President do Júri: Professor Doctor Cristina Silva Pereira. Vowels: Doctor Isabel Martins and Doctor Carlos Moreira. Substitute: Doctor Vanessa Correia.
Application documents: The application should be formalized in a cover letter indicating the corresponding fellowship reference together with the following documents: detailed Curriculum Vitae, degree certificate. All documents should be preferably sent by email in a single pdf file. If the degree has been conferred by a non-Portuguese higher education institution, the selected candidate must obtain the certificate of the degree recognition, issued by the Portuguese Directorate General for Higher Education or by a Portuguese Public Higher Education Institution, until the signature of the contract. Regarding this issue, please consult the website of the Portuguese Directorate General for Higher Education:
Notification of candidates: All the candidates will be informed of the final result by e-mail.
Deadlines and procedures for complaints and appeals: If the result is not favorable, the candidates have a period of 10 working days, after the disclosure of the results, to comment, if desired, in a prior hearing of interested parties, in the terms provided for in the Code of Administrative Procedure.
Application period: 20 July to August 2, 2023.
Applications should be sent to: Doctor Patrícia Gonçalves Ref. 062/BI/2023 ITQB NOVA OEIRAS Bolsa de Investigação - Mestre
Reference: 055/BI/2023
Start Date: 2023/06/21 00:00:00 GMT+0 End Date: 2023/09/15 00:00:00 GMT+0 Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica António Xavier Application for a Master Fellowship within a Project funded by the European Stroke Research Foundation
Applications are invited for a Master Fellowship in the scope of the project entitled “Nose to Brain delivery of Bryologs: a potential Fast Acting Stroke Treatment”, funded by European Stroke Research Foundation (ICV67321).
Scientific Area: Biochemistry and Cell Biology
Academic degree: Master in Biochemistry, Biology, Pharmaceutical Sciences or related areas.
Other requisites: -Experience in mammalian cell culture; -Experience in Cell Biology techniques, namely: flow cytometry, microscopy, western blot, ELISA, etc; -Hard working and very organized; -Strong motivation for team work; -Good English language knowledge, spoken and written; - Being enrolled in a PhD, or in a non-academic degree course, until the signature of the contract, in accordance with the Article 6th of Regulations for Research Fellowships from Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P., law in force.
Working Plan: Bryostatins are a class of naturally occurring macrocyclic lactones with important biological activity and with potential clinical applications such as the treatment of AIDS, Alzheimer’s disease and cancer. The aim of the work will be to test bryostatin and its derivatives in cell models of neurons and microglia for their ability as anti-apoptotic and anti-neuroinflammatory.
Applicable Law and Regulations: Status of Scientific Research Fellow, approved by Law number 40/2004, of August 18th, changed and republished by Ordinance 202/2012 of August 27th and changed by Ordinance 233/2012 of October 29th and by Law 12/2013 of January 29th and by Ordinance 89/2013 of July 9th and by the Ordinance 123/2019 of August 28th; Regulations for Research Fellowships from Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P., in force (
Working Place: The work will be carried out in the Molecular Mechanisms of Disease Lab at UCIBIO, NOVA FCT, under supervision of Professor Helena Vieira.
Duration of the fellowship: The fellowship will have the duration of 6 months, eventually renewable, expected to start in 1 October 2023, on a full-time basis, according to Fellowship Regulations of Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, I.P.
Stipend amount: 1199,64 euros, according to the table of values of grants awarded directly by the FCT, I.P. in the Country ( and payment will be made, monthly, through bank transfer.
Selection procedure: The evaluation procedures will be based on the analysis of the candidates´ CV and if needed an interview for the selected candidates may take place. In this case, the curriculum evaluation and the interview will have a weight of 20% each.
Juri composition: Doctor Rita Ventura (president of the juri), Doctor Peter Kis, Professor Helena Vieira and (efective members) and Professor Christopher Maycock (substitute member).
Application documents: The application should be formalized in a cover letter indicating the corresponding fellowship reference together with the following documents: motivation letter, detailed Curriculum Vitae, degree certificate and the contact of 2 references. All documents should be preferably sent by email in a single pdf file. If the degree has been conferred by a non-Portuguese higher education institution, the selected candidate must obtain the certificate of the degree recognition, issued by the Portuguese Directorate General for Higher Education or by a Portuguese Public Higher Education Institution, until the signature of the contract. Regarding this issue, please consult the website of the Portuguese Directorate General for Higher Education:
Notification of candidates: All the candidates will be informed of the final result by e-mail.
Deadlines and procedures for complaints and appeals: If the result is not favorable, the candidates have a period of 10 working days, after the disclosure of the results, to comment, if desired, in a prior hearing of interested parties, in the terms provided for in the Code of Administrative Procedure.
Application period: From 21 of June to 15 of September, 2023.
Applications should be sent to: Doctor. Rita Ventura Ref. 055/BI/2023 ITQB NOVA OEIRAS Bolsas de Investigação
Reference: 059/BI/2023
Start Date: 2023/07/11 00:00:00 GMT+0 End Date: 2023/07/24 00:00:00 GMT+0 Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica António Xavier – ITQB NOVA Anúncio para atribuição de uma Bolsa de Investigação para Licenciado no âmbito do projecto LS4FUTURE
Encontra-se aberta candidatura a uma bolsa de investigação para Licenciado, no âmbito do projecto LS4Future, Ref. LA/P/0087/2020 do ITQB NOVA (linha interna ICA36451), financiado pela Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia através de fundos nacionais funding (PIDDAC).
Área Científica: BioEngenharia
Formação Académica: Licenciatura
Outros requisitos: - Experiência comprovada de pelo menos 6 meses na manipulação de proteínas bacterianas de organismos patógenos. Média de licenciatura igual ou superior a 15. - Excelentes conhecimentos de língua inglesa. - Disponibilidade imediata. - Estar inscrito ou inscrever-se, até à data do início do contrato, num doutoramento, mestrado, ou num curso não conferente de grau académico, conforme o Artº 6º do Regulamento de Bolsas de Investigação da Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P.
Plano de Trabalhos: Bacteria are exposed to nutritional stress imposed during host invasion. The goal of the project is to study the molecular mechanisms that sustain the resistance of these pathogens. In particular, it will be addressed the network of interactions that sustain the biosynthesis of several cofactors that are essential to the function of the bacteria.
Legislação e regulamentação aplicável: Estatuto do Bolseiro de Investigação Científica, aprovado pela Lei nº 40/2004, de 18 de agosto, alterado e republicado pelo Decreto-Lei nº 202/2012, de 27 de agosto e alterado pelo Decreto-Lei nº 233/2012, de 29 de Outubro e pela Lei nº 12/2013, de 29 de Janeiro e pelo Decreto-Lei n.º 89/2013, de 9 de Julho, e pelo Decreto-Lei nº 123/2019, de 28 de Agosto; Regulamento de Bolsas de Investigação da Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P., em vigor (
Local de trabalho: O trabalho será desenvolvido no grupo “Molecular Mechanisms of Pathogen Resistance do ITQB NOVA” do Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica António Xavier da Universidade Nova de Lisboa, sob a orientação científica de Lígia Saraiva.
Duração da bolsa: A bolsa terá a duração de 6 meses, não renovável, com início previsto em Outubro de 2023, em regime de exclusividade, conforme Regulamento de Bolsas de Investigação da Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P.
Valor do subsídio de manutenção mensal: O montante da bolsa corresponde a 930,98 Euros, conforme tabela de valores das bolsas atribuídas directamente pela FCT, I.P. no País ( O pagamento será efectuado, mensalmente, por transferência bancária.
Métodos de selecção: A selecção será efectuada por análise curricular de acordo com os critérios solicitados.
Composição do Júri de Selecção: Presidente – Professora Lígia Saraiva Vogal efetivo – Doutora Sandra Carvalho Vogal efetivo – Doutora Mafalda Almeida Vogal suplente – Professor Miguel Teixeira
Documentos de candidatura: As candidaturas devem ser formalizadas, obrigatoriamente, através do envio dos seguintes documentos: Carta de motivação, Curriculum Vitae detalhado, Cópia dos certificados de habilitações, Caso o grau tenha sido conferido por instituição de ensino superior estrangeira, o candidato tem de apresentar o certificado de reconhecimento do mesmo, passado pela Direcção Geral do Ensino Superior (DGES) ou por uma universidade pública Portuguesa, até á assinatura do contrato. Sobre este assunto poderá ser consultada a página da DGES:
Forma de notificação dos resultados: Todos os candidatos serão notificados do resultado final através de e-mail.
Prazos e procedimentos de reclamação e recurso: Caso o resultado seja desfavorável à concessão da bolsa requerida, os candidatos têm um prazo de 10 dias úteis, após a divulgação dos resultados, para se pronunciarem, querendo, em sede de audiência prévia de interessados, nos termos previstos no Código do Procedimento Administrativo.
Prazo de candidatura: O concurso encontra-se aberto no período de 11 a 24 de julho de 2023.
As candidaturas devem ser remetidas exclusivamente por via electrónica (indicar no \"subject” o nome do candidato e Referência do anúncio) para: Professora Lígia Saraiva Email: Anúncio Ref. 059/BI/2023 ITQB NOVA OEIRAS Bolsa de Investigação - Mestre
Reference: 061/BI/2023
Start Date: 2023/07/20 00:00:00 GMT+0 End Date: 2023/08/02 00:00:00 GMT+0 Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica António Xavier – ITQB NOVA Application for a Master Fellowship within the project PTDC/BIA-BQM/4056/2020
Applications are invited for a Master Fellowship in the scope of the project entitled “Biocatalytic synthesis of oligoarabinosides for the study of drug targets and development of novel anti-tuberculosis drugs” with the Ref. PTDC/BIA-BQM/4056/2020, funded by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia I.P./MCTES.
Scientific Area: Biological Sciences, Biochemistry, Chemistry
Academic degree: Master degree in Biochemistry, Biology, Chemistry or related areas
Other requisites: - Strong motivation for scientific research and ability to work independently - Fluence in English (spoken and written) - Good organizational and teamwork skills - Motivation to pursue PhD studies - Being enrolled in a PhD, or in a non-academic degree course, until the signature of the contract, in accordance with the Article 6th of “Regulamento de Bolsas de Investigação da Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P. from FCT”, law in force.
Working Plan: Arabino(furanosyl)transferases are membrane proteins involved in the synthesis of components for the cell wall of mycobacteria. They represent promising therapeutic targets to develop compounds with potential anti-tuberculosis activity. The candidate will be involved in the tasks of protein purification and characterization, establishment of activity assays by NMR, computational and experimental studies on the most promising compounds along with their structural analysis.
Applicable Law and Regulations: Status of Scientific Research Fellow, approved by Law number 40/2004, of August 18th, changed and republished by Ordinance 202/2012 of August 27th and changed by Ordinance 233/2012 of October 29th and by Law 12/2013 of January 29th and by Ordinance 89/2013 of July 9th and by the Ordinance 123/2019 of August 28th; Regulations for Research Fellowships from Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P., in force (
Working Place: The work will be carried out in the Membrane Protein Crystallography Laboratory at ITQB NOVA, under the supervision of Doctor Margarida Archer.
Duration of the fellowship: The fellowship will have the duration of 6 months, eventually renewable, expected to start in August 2023, on a full-time basis, according to Fellowship Regulations of Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, I.P.
Stipend amount: 1 199,64 €/monthly, according to the table of values of grants awarded directly by the FCT, I.P. in the Country ( and payment will be made, monthly, through bank transfer.
Selection procedure: The evaluation procedures will be based on the analysis of the documents presented – Curriculum vitae (60%), motivation letter (20%), references (20%). If needed, an interview of the selected candidates may take place. In this case, the curriculum evaluation and the interview will have a weight of 50% each.
Jury composition: Doctor Margarida Archer (president of the jury), Doctors José Brito and Pedro Matias (effective members), and Doctor Célia Romão (substitute member)
Application documents: The application should be formalized in a cover letter indicating the corresponding fellowship reference together with the following documents: detailed Curriculum Vitae, degree certificate and 2 reference letters. All documents should be preferably sent by email in a single pdf file. If the degree has been conferred by a non-Portuguese higher education institution, the selected candidate must obtain the certificate of the degree recognition, issued by the Portuguese Directorate General for Higher Education or by a Portuguese Public Higher Education Institution, until the signature of the contract. Regarding this issue, please consult the website of the Portuguese Directorate General for Higher Education:
Notification of candidates: All the candidates will be informed of the final result by e-mail.
Deadlines and procedures for complaints and appeals: If the result is not favorable, the candidates have a period of 10 working days, after the disclosure of the results, to comment, if desired, in a prior hearing of interested parties, in the terms provided for in the Code of Administrative Procedure.
Application period: 20 July to August 2, 2023.
Applications should be sent to: Doctor Margarida Archer E-mail: Ref. 061/BI/2023 ITQB NOVA OEIRAS Bolsa de Investigação - Mestre
Reference: 063/BI/2023
Start Date: 2023/07/24 00:00:00 GMT+0 End Date: 2023/08/04 00:00:00 GMT+0 Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica António Xavier Application for a Master Fellowship within the project UIDP/04612/2020
Applications are invited for a Master Fellowship in the scope of the project entitled “Stressing Out: Promoting Antifungal Activity by Fostering Reductive Stress with Metal Complexes” (Internal reference ICA35433), through MOSTMICRO, Ref. UIDB/04612/2020, financed by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia I.P./MCTES, under national funding (PIDDAC).
Scientific Area: Chemistry, biochemistry and related areas.
Academic degree: We are seeking candidates with a Master degree in Chemistry, Biochemistry or related areas.
Other requisites: - Motivation for research and good work capacity; - High capacity for independent planning, organization, communication and teamwork; - Motivation to work in synthesis of organic, organometallic compounds and click chemistry approaches; - Good knowledge of the English language; - Being enrolled in a PhD, or in a non-academic degree course by the time of the signature of the contract, in accordance with the Article 6th of “Regulamento de Bolsas de Investigação da Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P. from FCT”, law in force.
Working Plan: The researcher will work on the development of a new class of antifungal agents based on metal complexes. The work comprises the synthesis of triazoles based on purines and pyrimidines and the corresponding metal complexes. Evaluation of the antifungal activity of the compounds will be performed using Candida spo as a model compound.
Applicable Law and Regulations: Status of Scientific Research Fellow, approved by Law number 40/2004, of August 18th, changed and republished by Ordinance 202/2012 of August 27th and changed by Ordinance 233/2012 of October 29th and by Law 12/2013 of January 29th and by Ordinance 89/2013 of July 9th and by the Ordinance 123/2019 of August 28th; Regulations for Research Fellowships from Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P., in force (
Working Place: The work will be carried out in the Bioorganometallic Lab at ITQB NOVA, under supervision of Ana Petronilho.
Duration of the fellowship: The fellowship will have the duration of 6 months, eventually renewable, expected to start in September 2023, on a full-time basis, according to Fellowship Regulations of Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, I.P.
Stipend amount: 1199,64 €, according to the table of values of grants awarded directly by the FCT, I.P. in the Country ( and payment will be made, monthly, through bank transfer.
Selection procedure: The evaluation procedures will be based on the analysis of the candidates´ CV and if needed an interview for the selected candidates may take place. In this case, the curriculum evaluation and the interview will have a weight of 70% and 30% respectively.
Juri composition: Doctor Ana Petronilho (president) Doctor Catarina Pimentel Doctor Ana Pina Doctor Rita Ventura (substitute)
Application documents: The application should be formalized in a cover letter indicating the corresponding fellowship reference together with the following documents: detailed Curriculum Vitae, degree certificate. All documents should be preferably sent by email in a single pdf file. If the degree has been conferred by a non-Portuguese higher education institution, the selected candidate must obtain the certificate of the degree recognition, issued by the Portuguese Directorate General for Higher Education or by a Portuguese Public Higher Education Institution, until the signature of the contract. Regarding this issue, please consult the website of the Portuguese Directorate General for Higher Education:
Notification of candidates: All the candidates will be informed of the final result by e-mail.
Deadlines and procedures for complaints and appeals: If the result is not favorable, the candidates have a period of 10 working days, after the disclosure of the results, to comment, if desired, in a prior hearing of interested parties, in the terms provided for in the Code of Administrative Procedure.
Application period: 24 July to 4 August, 2023.
Applications should be sent to: Doctor Ana Petronilho Email: Ref. 063/BI/2023 ITQB NOVA OEIRAS Bolsa de Investigação - Mestre
Reference: 090/BI/2023
Start Date: 2023/11/30 00:00:00 GMT+0 End Date: 2023/01/04 00:00:00 GMT+0 Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica António Xavier – ITQB NOVA Anúncio para atribuição de Uma Bolsa de Investigação para Mestre No âmbito do projeto PTDC/BIA-MIC/6982/2020
Encontra-se aberta candidatura a uma bolsa de investigação para Mestre no âmbito do projeto “Regulation of peptidoglycan hydrolases in the bacterial pathogen Staphylococcus aureus”, com a referência PTDC/BIA-MIC/6982/2020, financiado pela Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia I.P./MCTES, através de fundos nacionais (PIDDAC).
Área Científica: Biologia
Formação Académica: Licenciatura e mestrado, ou mestrado integrado em Microbiologia, Biologia, Biologia Molecular, Química Aplicada, Bioquímica, ou áreas afins, com média final de licenciatura igual ou superior a 14 valores e mestrado igual ou superior a 16 valores.
Outros Requisitos: Forte motivação para a investigação científica; vontade de prosseguir para doutoramento; dá-se preferencia a candidatos com experiência em Biologia Molecular ou Microbiologia; domínio do Inglês, falado e escrito; estar inscrito, ou inscrever-se até à data de inicio do contrato, num curso não conferente de grau académico (ex pós graduação) ou num curso de doutoramento, conforme o Artº 6º do Regulamento de Bolsas de Investigação da Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P., em vigor.
Plano de Trabalhos: O candidato fará parte de uma equipa dinâmica e internacional e irá estudar o processo de síntese e degradação do peptidoglicano, alvo dos antibióticos beta-lactamicos, em Staphylococcus aureus resistentes à meticilina (MRSA). Esta bactéria patogénica é actualmente uma das principais causas de infeções resistentes a antibióticos nos hospitais. O/A candidato/a irá caracterizar proteínas que degradam o peptidoglicano, podendo levar a lise e morte das células bacterianas, usando uma combinação de técnicas de microscopia de super-resolução, microbiologia, genética, bioquímica e biologia molecular já estabelecidas no laboratório.
Legislação e regulamentação aplicável: Estatuto do Bolseiro de Investigação Científica, aprovado pela Lei nº 40/2004, de 18 de agosto, alterado e republicado pelo Decreto-Lei nº 202/2012, de 27 de agosto e alterado pelo Decreto-Lei nº 233/2012, de 29 de Outubro e pela Lei nº 12/2013, de 29 de Janeiro e pelo Decreto-Lei n.º 89/2013, de 9 de Julho, e pelo Decreto-Lei nº 123/2019, de 28 de Agosto; Regulamento de Bolsas de Investigação da Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P. em vigor (
Local de trabalho: O trabalho será desenvolvido no Laboratório de Biologia Celular e Molecular do Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica António Xavier (ITQB NOVA), sob a orientação científica da Professora Doutora Mariana Gomes de Pinho e da Doutora Helena Veiga.
Duração da bolsa: A bolsa terá a duração de 6 meses, eventualmente renovável, com início previsto em Fevereiro de 2024, em regime de exclusividade, conforme Regulamento de Bolsas de Investigação da Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P.
Valor do subsídio de manutenção mensal: O montante da bolsa corresponde a 1199,64, conforme tabela de valores das bolsas atribuídas diretamente pela FCT, I.P. no País ( O pagamento será efectuado, mensalmente, por transferência bancária.
Métodos de seleção: Os métodos de seleção a utilizar serão os seguintes: avaliação curricular (70%) e entrevista, caso considerada necessária pelo júri (30%).
Composição do Júri de Seleção: Professora Doutora Mariana Gomes de Pinho (Presidente do Júri), Doutora Helena Veiga e Doutor Simon Schäper (vogais efetivos) e Doutor Pedro Matos Pereira (vogal suplente)
Documentos de candidatura: As candidaturas devem ser formalizadas por email, acompanhadas dos seguintes documentos: Curriculum Vitae, carta de motivação, certificado de licenciatura e de mestrado (caso o certificado final de mestrado ainda não esteja disponível, uma declaração da universidade é suficiente) e contactos de duas referencias. Caso o grau tenha sido conferido por instituição de ensino superior estrangeira, o candidato tem de apresentar o certificado de reconhecimento do grau, passado pela Direção Geral do Ensino Superior (DGES) ou por uma universidade pública Portuguesa, até à assinatura do contrato. Sobre este assunto poderá ser consultada a página da DGES:
Forma de notificação dos resultados: Todos os candidatos serão notificados do resultado final através de e-mail.
Prazos e procedimentos de reclamação e recurso: Caso o resultado seja desfavorável à concessão da bolsa requerida, os candidatos têm um prazo de 10 dias úteis, após a divulgação dos resultados, para se pronunciarem, querendo, em sede de audiência prévia de interessados, nos termos previstos no Código do Procedimento Administrativo
Prazo de candidatura: O concurso encontra-se aberto no período de 30 de novembro de 2023 e 4 de janeiro de 2024.
As candidaturas devem ser remetidas, por email, para: Professora Doutora Mariana G. Pinho Anúncio Ref. 090/BI/2023 ITQB NOVA Laboratório de Biologia Celular e Molecular2780-157 OEIRAS |
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