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New international project to develop a more effective malaria vaccine

A new vaccine for malaria highlighted in several national media: Renascença, Exame Informática, Pontos de Vista

[Click here to read the original article]

Despite intensive control efforts over the past decade, malaria remains one of the most significant global public health problems, leading to substantial morbidity and mortality. Impelled by the low efficacy of the current lead malaria vaccine candidate, a consortium between iBET, the Ehime University and the European Vaccine Initiative (EVI) proposed the development of a second generation malaria vaccine based in a novel blood-stage antigen.  

The main goal is to develop a new asexual blood-stage malaria vaccine candidate, based on a novel antigen discovered by researchers in Ehime University in collaboration with Sumitomo Dainippon Pharma Co., Ltd., Japan. The immunogenicity of malaria PfRipr5 antigen produced in different expression systems and formulated with two different adjuvants will be evaluated to assess vaccine efficacy. 

The project will be coordinated by the European Vaccine Initiative (EVI) which will also be responsible for vaccine formulation. iBET will be responsible for antigen production, whereas Ehime University will be responsible for evaluating the immunogenic potential of the different vaccine candidates.

This project is funded by the Global Health Innovative Technology (GHIT) Fund, a public-private partnership dedicated to global health R&D, which partners include the Government of Japan, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Wellcome Trust, and global life sciences companies.

@ Renascença

Portugal, Japão e Alemanha unem esforços para desenvolver vacina contra a malária – Read the full article here (only in Portuguese) 

@ Exame Informática

“Investigadores portugueses participam no desenvolvimento de vacina para a malária” – Read the full article here (only in Portuguese) 

@ Pontos de Vista

“Portugal, Japão e Alemanha juntos no desenvolvimento de uma vacina de nova geração contra a Malária” – Read the full article here (only in Portuguese)

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