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Paula Alves interview for RTP / RDP Internacional

Paula Alves, CEO of iBET, was interviewed on International Women’s Day for the national radio show “Holofote” (RTP / RDP International) about her career path on Biochemical Engineering and the importance of diversity and equality in Science.

Paula Alves, CEO of iBET, was interviewed on International Women’s Day for the national radio show “Holofote” (RTP / RDP International) about her career path on Biochemical Engineering and the importance of diversity and equality in Science.

Click here to listen the full interview (in Portuguese).

Selected interview highlights:

  • Being an engineer is an attitude. Being an engineer is being someone who love problem solving.
  • I have been privileged because I never felt discriminated in my professional life as a result of being a woman. At iBET and ITQB, for example, there are more women than men.
  • During recruitment processes, excellence, competence and attitude are evaluated, not gender. Diverse environments, composed of both women and men, are much more productive, due to the different and complementary characteristics.
  • As an international member of US National Academy of Engineering, one of my roles will be bridging the gap between academia and industry.
  • For me, the most important thing is people. I want people to feel good, and fulfilled. And if, with this election for US NAE, I can stand as a role model, the election has already been worth it.
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