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Dia do ITQB / ITQB Day

20th anniversary within Universidade NOVA

Oeiras, 05.07.2012

ITQB celebrates today the 20th anniversary of its inclusion in Universidade NOVA de Lisboa. Marking this important moment in the institute’s life, the day is also dedicated to the memory of the scientist and founder of ITQB, António Xavier, whose name is now formally linked to the institute’s designation. The annual celebration ceremony includes the usual presentation of the António Xavier Prize and the best ITQB PhD Thesis Prize.

With a special participation of the choir of NOVA University, the session includes testimonies about the life and legacy of António Xavier by FCT-UNL Professor and former ITQB Director, Manuel Nunes da Ponte, and by Eduardo Marçal Grilo, administrator of Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian and a relevant figure in the institute consolidation. The welcome address is done by ITQB Director, Cláudio Soares, the NOVA Rector, António Bensabat Rendas, and the President of the Institute’s Council, Francisco Murteira Nabo. Following the prizes’ award ceremonies, the awardees will make brief presentations about their work. The anniversary ceremony will be closed by the Portuguese Minister of Science and Technology.

Best ITQB PhD Thesis


Magda Atilano

"Bacterial peptidoglycan biosynthesis and recognition by the innate immune system"

Cláudia Queiroga

"Disclosing Carbon Monoxide Protection in Cerebral Ischemia: Insights into the cellular mechanisms"


António Xavier Prize

Aldino Viegas, FCT-UNL


Menção Honrosa: M. Leonor Morgado

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