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Researcher Profiles

Researcher ID (ISI)
is a global, multi-disciplinary scholarly research community. With a unique identifier assigned to each author in ResearcherID, you can eliminate author misidentification and view an author’s citation metrics instantly. Search the registry to find collaborators, review publication lists and explore how research is used around the world.

The DeGóis Curricula Platform is an instrument for gathering, supplying and analyze the intellectual and scientific production of the portuguese researchers. It consists of a portal having as main features the individual management of the curricular information, the visualization of national science and technology indicators and the search for curricula according to content related queries.

Lattes Database is a Curriculum and institutions database of Science and Technology areas in Brazil.

Scopus Author Identifier
The Author Search in Scopus allows you to locate a particular author simply by entering the author’s last name and an initial or first name and then click on Search.
You will be presented with the preferred author name along with the variants of the name that have been grouped into an author profile. All results include the number of documents that an author has published. You can choose to display the results alphabetically or by document count.

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