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Fundamentals of Bioengineering


Fundamentals of Bioengineering  

Manuel Carrondo / António Roldão

This Curricular Unit will provide an introduction to the important principles that are used in the design and analysis of biopharmaceutical processes. The major objective for students is the attainment of core knowledge in both upstream and downstream engineering aspects of bioprocesses, scale-up, scale-down models and PAT Process analytical Technology, specific requirements of different products and awareness of emerging trends in the biopharmaceutical industry.


The first part, Biopharmaceutical Production, will cover fundamental topics in development and design of bioreaction for different biological systems including kinetics, transfer and scaling up-or down. The second part, Purification of Complex Biopharmaceuticals, will focus on aspects of unit operation, design principles and economics of downstream processes for complex products, the impact of different biological systems on purification strategies and an overview of classical and cutting edge approaches entering the biopharmaceutical industry.

The main topics covered will be:

Part I - Biopharmaceutical Production

• Fundamentals in bioreaction

Part II - Purification of Complex Biopharmaceuticals

• Unit operation and design principles for different bioproducts

• Purification processes used in the biopharmaceutical industry

• Impact of host cell/expression system on downstream processing

• PAT – Process Analytical Technology

• Economics of downstream processing; cutting-edge strategies

Evaluation will consist on the preparation of an abstract from a scientific publication selected by the coordinators in one of the topics presented in the Curricular Unit.

Main Bibliography
  • Matthew DeLisa, Fikret Kargi, Michael L. Shuler, Bioprocess Engineering: basic concepts, 3rd Edition, Prentice Hall, 2017

  • Ozturk, S.S., Hu, W.-S., Cell culture technology for pharmaceutical and cell-based therapies, 1st Edition, Taylor and Francis, 2005.

  • John Villadsen, Jens Nielsen, Gunnar Lidén, Bioreaction Engineering Principles, 3rd Edition, Kindle Edition, 2011.

  • Recent research and review papers published in high impact peer-review journals such as Nature Biotechnology, Trends in Biotechnology, Biotechnology and Bioengineering, Journal of Biotechnology.



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