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News 2013

António Xavier: twenty years of legacy
ITQB Director reflects on the future of ITQB
Transporting the colour of grapes
Researchers characterize anthocyanin transport into the vacuole
Bacterial growth, antibiotic resistance and dormancy
Open mini-symposium on Friday 27
Tackling a difficult bug
Researchers characterize spore formation in Clostridium difficile
A Nobel Prize for protein-dreaming computing
ITQB researchers dwell on its meaning for the life sciences
Frontier Leaders Seminar Series re-starts
Opening session offers perspective on the ERC granting scheme
The eye of the fly
Researchers identify gene required for vision in the fruit fly
November 18 - Antibiotic Awareness Day
ITQB reseachers look into antibiotic resistance in different pathogens
How we are tied to herpes virus
Viral protein takes a piggy-back on chromosomes
O Dia do Fascínio das Plantas em livro electrónico
E-book reúne trabalhos vencedores dos concursos
Glycosylation in ovarian carcinoma cells
Researchers characterize glycoproteins and glycans from exosomes
Season's Greetings
O ITQB deseja a todos umas Festas Felizes
Fighting Helicobacter
CO-releasing molecules also kill antibiotic resistant strains
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