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Science Communication


Science Communication

Ana Sanchez

Other lecturers
Ana M. Sanchez, James Yates and other science communication experts paricipate in this curricular unit.

By the end of the Curricular Unit the students will be able to:

  1. Identify the specificities of academic scientific writing and organize their ideas and results in that format
  2. Be able to outline an idea visually and construct a graphical abstract
  3. Make the most out of a poster presentation and oral communication
  4. Understand how scientific issues can be communicated to non-specialist audiences


The Science Communication curricular unit focuses on the tools necessary for clear and effective presentation of scientific subjects, both directed to peers (eg. writing papers or attending scientific meetings) and to lay audiences.

This practical module envisages communication as a whole process, training students in the different topics;

  • How to read a scientific paper
  • Writing different sections of a scientific paper
  • Working with images
  • Public speaking – posture, voice, content
  • Talking to lay public
  • Talking to the media
  • Designing a science outreach activity

Assessment relies on the successful completion of the proposed exercises throughout the module, namely: writing and editing an abstract, preparing figures, designing a simple infographic, suggesting science outreach activities involving scientists, writing a news story, being interviewed, speaking in public.

Main bibliography

  • Doumont, J., ed. English Communication for Scientists. Cambridge, MA: NPG Education, 2010.

  • European Commission, Communicating EU research and innovation guidance for project participants, Version 10, 2014

  • European Commission, Social media guide for EU funded R&I projects, Version 1.1, 2020


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