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Felipe Conzuelo will represent NOVA in the EUTOPIA YLA

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The ITQB NOVA PI will act as an EUTOPIA Ambassador until OCT 2025

Oeiras, 02 November 2023

Felipe Conzuelo, leader of the Bioelectrochemistry and Electrobiotechnology lab at ITQB NOVA, has been selected to represent Universidade NOVA de Lisboa as part of the EUTOPIA Young Leaders Academy (YLA)

This cohort supports research exchanges between high-potential, early to mid-career researchers, coming from all EUTOPIA partner universities, and promotes their career development. 
Felipe will act as an ambassador, promote the broader objectives of EUTOPIA and engage in scientific exchange and research collaborations among the EUTOPIA research community. He will contribute to the development of a challenge-based and student-shaped curriculum, through the development of research-led learning units open to undergraduate and graduate students.
Fellows will also be able to develop leadership skills through a dedicated training programme, visit universities in the alliance and participate in EUTOPIA week, a global meeting for researchers, students and staff taking place every six months. "I am excited to be part of the EUTOPIA Young Leaders Academy, a great opportunity to contribute to the progress of science and education through cooperation and development in an international academic community”, the researcher said.
Felipe will be part of EUTOPIA Young Leader Academy for two years, from 1 NOV 2023 to 31 OCT 2025. Felipe is one of the 22 Young Leaders fellows selected in the 2023 call, out of 56 applicants. The other NOVA representative comes from the NOVA School of Law

Felipe studied Chemistry at the Complutense University of Madrid, Spain, where he continued to obtain his PhD (2014, Advanced Chemistry). During his doctoral work, he conducted research in the design and fabrication of electrochemical biosensors. He performed postdoctoral research at the Ruhr University Bochum (Germany) in the field of electrochemical energy conversion and storage. He later became leader of the Local (Photo)Bioelectrochemistry Group at the same University, performing research devoted to the investigation of semi-artificial photosynthetic devices. At the end of 2021, he moved to the Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica António Xavier of the Nova University Lisbon, where he is the head of the Bioelectrochemistry and Electrobiotechnology Lab. His core research focuses on the study of biological redox processes and the implementation of biotechnological devices, ranging from biosensors for health care and quality control to the development of bioelectrochemical devices for energy conversion.

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