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Ana Petronilho Lab

Research in our group is centred in the synthesis and applications of biologically relevant N-heterocyclic carbenes.

Ana Petronilho
IF Starting Investigator
PhD in 2010, Univ. Sevilla, Spain

Phone (+351) 214469716 | Extension 1716

Research Interests

Research in our group is centred in the synthesis of biologically relevant N-heterocyclic carbenes (NHCs), and on their applications as ligands to stabilize metallodrugs and catalysts. N-heterocyclic carbenes are extremely versatile ligands, as their electronic and steric characteristics can be easily modulated, reason for which they are widely explored in catalysis.

N-Heterocyclic carbenes can also be formed in biologically relevant molecules, such as nucleobases, and have been reported as active intermediates in DNA damage. However, their formation is poorly understood.

The main work developed by our group is focused on the use of biologically relevant heterocycles such as nucleobases to build novel N-heterocyclic carbenes, as a tool to

  1. Develop new anticancer-agents.
  2. Develop new antifungal agents bearing 1,2,3 triazoles
  3. Develop bi-functional catalytic systems
  4. Develop novel tools to understand the reactivity of DNA methylation products

Our research programme exploits three main lines:

  • Synthesis of NHC derived from nucleobases and nucleosides, and applications of the corresponding metal complexes as anti-cancer agents.
  • Synthesis of fungicides derived from purine derivatives modified with triazoles.
  • BioInspired catalytic processes using DNA derived NHCs

Keywords: N-Heterocyclic carbenes, nucleobases, transition metals, coordination chemistry, DNA methylation, anti-cancer agents, medicinal chemistry, catalysis


Group Members

  • Maria Inês Leitão, Research Fellow

  • Andreia Vieira, Master Student

  • Carmen Gonzalez, Erasmus Student-University of Huelva

  • Nikos Giannopoulos, Erasmus Student-University of Athens


Selected Publications

  1. Ligand Exchange and Redox Processes in Iridium Triazolylidene Complexes Relevant to Catalytic Water Oxidation, A. Petronilho, Antoni Llobet, M. Albrecht, Inorg. Chem. 2014, 53, 12896.

  2. Iridium Complexes Containing Mesoionic C-Donors: Selective C(sp3)-H vs C(sp2)-H Bond Activation, Reactivity Towards Acids and Bases, and Catalytic Oxidation of Silanes and Water, A. Petronilho, J. A. Woods, H. Müller-Bunz, S. Bernhard, M. Albrecht, Chem. Eur. J. 2014, 20, 15775

  3. Iridium Induced Isomerization of 2-Substituted Pyridines to N-heterocyclic Carbenes,  E. Álvarez, S. Conejero, M. Paneque, A. Petronilho, M. L. Poveda, O. Serrano, E. Carmona, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2006, 128, 13060.


Laboratory's Website

For further information please visit the laboratory's website (under construction)



O nosso projeto de investigação centra-se na síntese de carbenes N-heterocíclicos de relevância biológica e nas suas aplicações como ligandos na estabilização de medicamentos baseados em metais de transição e em catálise. Estes compostos são extremamente versáteis, uma vez é possível modular de forma simples as suas propriedades electrónicas e estereoquimicas, motivo pelo qual são amplamente utilizados em catálise.

Os carbenos N-heterocíclicos podem igualmente formar-se em moléculas de interesse biológico, tais como base azotadas, tendo sido propostos como agentes ativos na degradação do DNA. No entanto, a formação destes compostos num contexto biológico e a sua função não são ainda evidentes.

A linha de investigação que desenvolvemos centra-se na síntese de NHCs em moléculas de interesse biológico como ferramenta para:

  1. Desenvolvimento de novos agentes anti-cancerigenos.
  2. Desenvolvimento de novos agentes antifungicos baseados em 1,2,3-triazois.
  3. Desenvolvimento de catalisadores bi-funcionais
  4. Desenvolvimento de novas ferramentas para entender a reactividades de productos de degradação de DNA.


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