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Mostmicro news

27th May ITQB NOVA opens the doors
A day to get to know ITQB NOVA researchers and their work
Prémio António Xavier 2017
Call for proposals
Evolution in a test tube
Engineering a bacterial enzyme to degrade natural raw material
Master in Biochemistry for Health
Applications are now open
Biotechnology and sustainable agriculture debated at ITQB NOVA
Experts and stakeholders in farming, trading and research come together to debate present and future
How selenium does the trick
ITQB NOVA researchers unravel the molecular basis for high activity and oxygen tolerance in a special hydrogenase
2nd Summer Science @ ITQB NOVA
Applications open for ITQB NOVA Summer School 24-28th July
40 years of science career in a book
Claudina Rodrigues Pousada autobiography to be released this Friday
Calling all PhD candidates
ITQB NOVA welcomes graduates to apply to FCT call for PhD scholarships
PhD Fellowships for PTNMR PhD Program
Call for applications at the Doctoral Programme in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Applied to Chemistry, Materials and Biosciences
10 years of the highest field NMR spectrometer in Portugal
A celebration for CERMAX, ITQB NOVA NMR facility
Regulating the regulators
Novel silencing enzyme acts on double and single-stranded RNAs with important consequences for host-microbe interactions
Annual meeting MOSTMICRO research unit
ITQB NOVA research unit welcomes new members and gathers with Scientific Advisory Board
MolBioS PhD Program 2017: day 1
PhD Program officially starts on January 5
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