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2016 Publications

Publications in International Peer-reviewed Journals

1. Almeida, H. F. D.; Freire, M. G.; Marrucho, I. M., Improved extraction of fluoroquinolones with recyclable ionic-liquid-based aqueous biphasic systems. Green Chemistry 2016, 18 (9), 2717-2725. doi:10.1039/c5gc02464a

2. Almeida, H. F. D.; Lopes, J. N. C.; Rebelo, L. P. N.; Coutinho, J. A. P.; Freire, M. G.; Marrucho, I. M., Densities and Viscosities of Mixtures of Two Ionic Liquids Containing a Common Cation. Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data 2016, 61 (8), 2828-2843. doi:10.1021/acs.jced.6b00178

3. Alvarez-Bautista, A.; Duarte, C. M. M.; Mendizabal, E.; Katime, I., Controlled delivery of drugs through smart pH-sensitivenanohydrogels for anti-cancer therapies: synthesis, drug release and cellular studies. Designed Monomers and Polymers 2016, 19 (4), 319-329. doi:10.1080/15685551.2016.1152542

4. Alves, P. C.*; Hartmann, D. O.*; Nunez, O.; Martins, I.; Gomes, T. L.; Garcia, H.; Galceran, M. T.; Hampson, R.; Becker, J. D.; Pereira, C. S., Transcriptomic and metabolomic profiling of ionic liquid stimuli unveils enhanced secondary metabolism in Aspergillus nidulans. Bmc Genomics 2016, 17(1), 284. (*equally contributing authors) doi:10.1186/s12864-016-2577-6

5. Alves, M.N.; Fernandes, A.P.; Salgueiro, C.A.; and Paquete, C.M., Unraveling the electron transfer processes of a nanowire protein from Geobacter sulfurreducens, BBA-Bioenergetics 2016, 1857, 7-13. doi:10.1016/j.bbabio.2015.09.010

6. Antonio, C.; Papke, C.; Rocha, M.; Diab, H.; Limami, A. M.; Obata, T.; Fernie, A. R.; van Dongen, J. T., Regulation of Primary Metabolism in Response to Low Oxygen Availability as Revealed by Carbon and Nitrogen Isotope Redistribution. Plant Physiology 2016, 170 (1), 43-56. doi:10.1104/pp.15.00266

7. Araújo, SS.; Balestrazzi, A.; Fae, M.; Morano, M.; Carbonera, D.; Macovei, A., MtTdp2α-overexpression boosts the growth phase of Medicago truncatula cell suspension and increases the expression of key genes involved in the antioxidant response and genome stability. Plant Cell Tissue and Organ Culture 2016, 127, 675–680 doi:10.1007/s11240-016-1075-5

8. Araujo, S. S.; Paparella, S.; Dondi, D.; Bentivoglio, A.; Carbonera, D.; Balestrazzi, A., Physical Methods for Seed Invigoration: Advantages and Challenges in Seed Technology. Frontiers in Plant Science 2016, 7. doi:10.3389/fpls.2016.00646

9. Assuncao, M.; Canas, S.; Cruz, S.; Brazdo, J.; Zanol, G. C.; Eiras-Dias, J. E., Graft compatibility of Vitis spp.: the role of phenolic acids and flavanols. Scientia Horticulturae 2016, 207, 140-145. doi:10.1016/j.scienta.2016.05.020

10. Carbas, B.; Vaz-Patto, M. C.; Bronze, M. R.; Bento-Da-Silva, A.; Trigo, M. J.; Brites, C., Maize flour parameters that are related to the consumer perceived quality of 'broa' specialty bread. Food Science and Technology 2016, 36 (2), 259-267. doi:10.1590/1678-457x.6674

11. Carvalho, L. C.; Coito, J. L.; Goncalves, E. F.; Chaves, M. M.; Amancio, S., Differential physiological response of the grapevine varieties Touriga Nacional and Trincadeira to combined heat, drought and light stresses. Plant Biology 2016, 18, 101-111. doi:10.1111/plb.12410

12. Carvalho, R.F.; Szakonyi, D., Simpson, C.G.; Barbosa, I.C.R.; Brown, J.W.S.; Baena-González, E.; Duque, P., The Arabidopsis Sr45 splicing factor, a negative regulator of sugar signaling, modulates Snf1-related protein kinase 1 (Snrk1) stability 2016, Plant Cell 28(8), 1910-1925. doi: 10.1105/tpc.16.00301

13. Chaves, M. M.; Costa, J. M.; Zarrouk, O.; Pinheiro, C.; Lopes, C. M.; Pereira, J. S., Controlling stomatal aperture in semi-arid regions-The dilemma of saving water or being cool? Plant Science 2016, 251, 54-64. doi:10.1016/j.plantsci.2016.06.015

14. Cordeiro, A. M.; Figueiredo, D. D.; Tepperman, J.; Borba, A. R.; Lourenco, T.; Abreu, I. A.; Ouwerkerk, P. B. F.; Quail, P. H.; Oliveira, M. M.; Saibo, N. J. M., Rice phytochrome-interacting factor protein OsPIF14 represses OsDREB1B gene expression through an extended N-box and interacts preferentially with the active form of phytochrome B. Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta-Gene Regulatory Mechanisms 2016, 1859 (2), 393-404. doi:10.1016/j.bbagrm.2015.12.008

15. Costa, J. M.; Vaz, M.; Escalona, J.; Egipto, R.; Lopes, C.; Medrano, H.; Chaves, M. M., Modern viticulture in southern Europe: Vulnerabilities and strategies for adaptation to water scarcity. Agricultural Water Management 2016, 164, 5-18. doi:10.1016/j.agwat.2015.08.021

16. Costa, O. C.; Oliveira, D. L.; Silva, A. R.; Barradas, A.; Crespo, J. P.; Duque, A. S.; Fevereiro, P., Reducing etiolation-like effect and flowering in an in vitro micropropagated Trifolium resupinatum elite genotype. Plant Cell Tissue and Organ Culture 2016, 125 (1), 177-181. doi:10.1007/s11240-015-0925-x

17. Crozet P.; Margalha L.; Butow R.; Fernandes N.; Elias A.; Orosa B.; Tomanov K.; Teige M.; Bachmair A.; Sadanandom A.; and Baena-González E., SUMOylation represses SnRK1 signaling in Arabidopsis. Plant J 2016, 85(1), 120-133 doi: 10.1111/tpj.13096

18. Cunha, J.; Ibañez, J.; Teixeira-Santos, M.; Brazão, J.; Fevereiro, P.; Martínez-Zapater, J.M.; Eiras-Dias, J.E., Characterisation of the Portuguese grapevine germplasm with 48 single-nucleotide polymorphisms. Australian Journal of Grape and Wine Research 2016, 22(3), 504-516 doi:10.1111/ajgw.12225

19. Cugno, G.; Parreira, J. R.; Ferlizza, E.; Hernandez-Castellano, L. E.; Carneiro, M.; Renaut, J.; Castro, N.; Arguello, A.; Capote, J.; Campos, A. M. O.; Almeida, A. M., The Goat (Capra hircus) Mammary Gland Mitochondrial Proteome: A Study on the Effect of Weight Loss Using Blue-Native PAGE and Two-Dimensional Gel Electrophoresis. Plos One 2016, 11 (3). doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0151599

20. Dias, J. C.; Correia, D. C.; Lopes, A. C.; Ribeiro, S.; Ribeiro, C.; Sencadas, V.; Botelho, G.; Esperanca, J.; Laza, J. M.; Vilas, J. L.; Leon, L. M.; Lanceros-Mendez, S., Development of poly(vinylidene fluoride)/ionic liquid electrospun fibers for tissue engineering applications. Journal of Materials Science 2016, 51 (9), 4442-4450. doi:10.1007/s10853-016-9756-3

21. Dias, J. C.; Martins, M. S.; Ribeiro, S.; Silva, M. M.; Esperanca, J.; Ribeiro, C.; Botelho, G.; Costa, C. M.; Lanceros-Mendez, S., Electromechanical actuators based on poly(vinylidene fluoride) with N-1 (1) (1) (2(OH)) NTf2 and C(2)mim C2SO4. Journal of Materials Science 2016, 51 (20), 9490-9503. doi:10.1007/s10853-016-0193-0

22. do Carmo, C. S.; Nunes, A. N.; Silva, I.; Maia, C.; Poejo, J.; Ferreira-Dias, S.; Nogueira, I.; Bronze, R.; Duarte, C. M. M., Formulation of pea protein for increased satiety and improved foaming properties. Rsc Advances 2016, 6 (8), 6048-6057. doi:10.1039/c5ra22452g

23. Doná, M.; Sabatini S.; Biggiogera, M.; Confalonieri, M.; Delledone, M.; Minio, A.; Giraffa, G.; Carbonera, D.; Araújo, S.S.; Balestrazzi, A., (2016) MtTdp1a-depleted Medicago truncatula plants show reduced cuticle permeability and altered expression of defense genes. Biologia Plantarum. doi:10.1007/s10535-016-0664-9

24. Duarte, A. G.; Santos, A. A.; Pereira, I. A. C., Electron transfer between the QmoABC membrane complex and adenosine 5 '-phosphosulfate reductase. Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta-Bioenergetics 2016, 1857 (4), 380-386. doi:10.1016/j.bbabio.2016.01.001

25. Duque, A.S.; López-Gómez, M.; Kráčmarová, J.; Gomes, C.N.; Araújo, S.S.; Lluch, C.; Fevereiro, P., Genetic engineering of polyamine metabolism changes Medicago truncatula responses to water deficit. Plant Cell Tissue and Organ Culture 2016, 127, 681–690 doi: 10.1007/s11240-016-1107-1

26. Ferreira, A. M.; Esteves, P. D. O.; Boal-Palheiros, I.; Pereiro, A. B.; Rebelo, L. P. N.; Freire, M. G., Enhanced tunability afforded by aqueous biphasic systems formed by fluorinated ionic liquids and carbohydrates. Green Chemistry 2016, 18 (4), 1070-1079. doi:10.1039/c5gc01610j

27. Ferreira, A.M.; Marques, A.T.; Fontanesi, L.; Thulin, C-G.; Sales-Baptista, E.; Araújo, S.S.; Almeida, A.M., Identification of a Bitter-Taste Receptor Gene Repertoire in Different Lagomorphs Species. Frontiers in Genetics 2016, 7, 55 doi:10.3389/fgene.2016.00055

28. Figueira, M. E.; Oliveira, M.; Direito, R.; Rocha, J.; Alves, P.; Serra, A. T.; Duarte, C.; Bronze, R.; Fernandes, A.; Brites, D.; Freitas, M.; Fernandes, E.; Sepodes, B., Protective effects of a blueberry extract in acute inflammation and collagen-induced arthritis in the rat.Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy 2016, 83, 1191-1202. doi:10.1016/j.biopha.2016.08.040

29. Florindo, C.; Tomé L.C. and Marrucho I.M. *, Thermodynamic Study of Aggregation of Cholinium Perfluoroalkanoate Ionic Liquids, J. Chem. Eng. Data. 2016, 61, 3979–3988. doi:10.1021/acs.jced.6b00455

30. Garcia-Tejero, I. F.*; Costa, J. M.*; Egipto, R.; Duran-Zuazo, V. H.; Lima, R. S. N.; Lopes, C. M.; Chaves, M. M., Thermal data to monitor crop-water status in irrigated Mediterranean viticulture. Agricultural Water Management 2016, 176, 80-90. (*, identical contribution, co-corresponding author) doi:10.1016/j.agwat.2016.05.008

31. Gomez-Galvan, F.; Perez-Alvarez, L.; Matas, J.; Alvarez-Bautista, A.; Poejo, J.; Duarte, C. M.; Ruiz-Rubio, L.; Vila-Vilela, J. L.; Leon, L. M., Preparation and characterization of soluble branched ionic beta-cyclodextrins and their inclusion complexes with triclosan. Carbohydrate Polymers 2016, 142, 149-157. doi:10.1016/j.trsl.2016.02.001

32. Goncalves, V. S. S.; Gurikov, P.; Poejo, J.; Matias, A. A.; Heinrich, S.; Duarte, C. M. M.; Smirnova, I., Alginate-based hybrid aerogel microparticles for mucosal drug delivery.European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics 2016, 107, 160-170. doi:10.1016/j.ejpb.2016.07.003

33. Goncalves, V. S. S.; Matias, A. A.; Poejo, J.; Serra, A. T.; Duarte, C. M. M., Application of RPMI 2650 as a cell model to evaluate solid formulations for intranasal delivery of drugs.International Journal of Pharmaceutics 2016, 515 (1-2), 1-10. doi:10.1016/j.ijpharm.2016.09.086

34. Goncalves, V. S. S.; Poejo, J.; Matias, A. A.; Rodriguez-Rojo, S.; Cocero, M. J.; Duarte, C. M. M., Using different natural origin carriers for development of epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) solid formulations with improved antioxidant activity by PGSS-drying. Rsc Advances 2016, 6(72), 67599-67609. doi:10.1039/c6ra13499h

35. Gouveia, A. S. L.; Oliveira, F. S.; Kurnia, K. A.; Marrucho, I. M., Deep Eutectic Solvents as Azeotrope Breakers: Liquid-Liquid Extraction and COSMO-RS Prediction. Acs Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 2016, 4 (10), 5640-5650. doi:10.1021/acssuschemeng.6b01542

36. Gouveia, A. S. L.; Tome, L. C.; Marrucho, I. M., Density, Viscosity, and Refractive Index of Ionic Liquid Mixtures Containing Cyano and Amino Acid-Based Anions. Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data 2016, 61 (1), 83-93. doi:10.1021/acs.jced.5b00242

37. Gouveia, A. S. L.; Tome, L. C.; Marrucho, I. M., Towards the potential of cyano and amino acid-based ionic liquid mixtures for facilitated CO2 transport membranes. Journal of Membrane Science 2016, 510, 174-181. doi:10.1016/j.memsci.2016.03.008

38. Grimplet, J.; Agudelo-Romero, P.; Teixeira, R. T.; Martinez-Zapater, J. M.; Fortes, A. M., Structural and Functional Analysis of the GRAS Gene Family in Grapevine Indicates a Role of GRAS Proteins in the Control of Development and Stress Responses. Frontiers in Plant Science 2016, 7. doi:10.3389/fpls.2016.00353

39. Guerra-Guimaraes, L.; Pinheiro, C.; Chaves, I.; Barros, D. R.; Ricardo, C. P., Protein Dynamics in the Plant Extracellular Space. Proteomes 2016, 4 (3). doi:10.3390/proteomes4030022

40. Gutierrez-Sanz, O.; Natale, P.; Marquez, I.; Marques, M. C.; Zacarias, S.; Pita, M.; Pereira, I. A. C.; Lopez-Montero, I.; De Lacey, A. L.; Velez, M., H-2-Fueled ATP Synthesis on an Electrode: Mimicking Cellular Respiration. Angewandte Chemie-International Edition 2016, 55 (21), 6216-6220. doi:10.1002/anie.201600752

41. Hartmann, D. O.; Petkovic, M.; Pereira, C. S., Ionic Liquids as Unforeseen Assets to Fight Life-Threatening Mycotic Diseases. Frontiers in Microbiology 2016, 7, 111. doi:10.3389/fmicb.2016.00111

42. Jardak-Jamoussi, R.; Zarrouk, O.; Ben Salem, A.; Zoghlami, N.; Mejri, S.; Gandoura, S.; Khiari, B.; Mliki, A.; Chaves, M.; Ghorbel, A.; Pinheiro, C., Overexpressing Vitis vinzfera YSK2 dehydrin in tobacco improves plant performance. Agricultural Water Management 2016, 164, 176-189. doi:10.1016/j.agwat.2015.09.023

43. Jardak-Jamoussi R.; Abdelwahed D.; Zoghlami N.; Ben Salem A.; Zarrouk O.; Mliki A.; Chaves MM.; Ghorbel A.; Pinheiro C., Grapevine RD22a constitutive expression in tobacco enhances stomatal adjustment and confers drought tolerance. Theoretical and Experimental Plant Physiology 2016 28, 395. doi:10.1007/s40626-016-0077-3

44. Jorge TF, Mata AT, António C (2016) Mass Spectrometry as a quantitative tool in plant metabolomics. Phyl Trans R Soc A 374: 20150370. doi:10.1098/rsta.2015.0370

45. Jorge, T. F.; Rodrigues, J. A.; Caldana, C.; Schmidt, R.; van Dongen, J. T.; Thomas-Oates, J.; Antonio, C., Mass spectrometry-based plant metabolomics: Metabolite responses to abiotic stress. Mass Spectrometry Reviews 2016, 35 (5), 620-649. doi:10.1002/mas.21449

46. Kazana, V.; Tsourgiannis, L.; Iakovoglou, V.; Stamatiou, C.; Alexandrov, A.; Araujo, S.; Bogdan, S.; Bozic, G.; Brus, R.; Bossinger, G.; Boutsimea, A.; Celepirovic, N.; Cvrckova, H.; Fladung, M.; Ivankovic, M.; Kazaklis, A.; Koutsona, P.; Luthar, Z.; Machova, P.; Mala, J.; Mara, K.; Mataruga, M.; Moravcikova, J.; Paffetti, D.; Paiva, J. A. P.; Raptis, D.; Sanchez, C.; Sharry, S.; Salaj, T.; Sijacic-Nikolic, M.; Tel-Zur, N.; Tsvetkov, I.; Vettori, C.; Vidal, N., Public attitudes towards the use of transgenic forest trees: a crosscountry pilot survey. Iforest-Biogeosciences and Forestry 2016, 9, 344-353. doi:10.3832/ifor1441-008

47. Kurth JM.; Brito JA.; Reuter J.; Flegler A.; Koch T.; Franke T.; Klein E-M.; S Rowe.; Butt JN.; Denkmann K.; Pereira IAC.; Archer M.; Dahl C, Electron Accepting Units of the Diheme Cytochrome c TsdA, a Bifunctional Thiosulfate Dehydrogenase/Tetrathionate Reductase. J. Biol. Chem. 2016, 291, 24804-24818 doi:10.1074/jbc.M116.753863

48. Leavitt W.D., Venceslau S.S., Pereira I.A., Johnston D.T., Bradley A.S. (2016) Fractionation of sulfur and hydrogen isotopes in Desulfovibrio vulgaris with perturbed DsrC expression. FEMS Microbiol Lett 363(20): fnw226 doi:10.1093/femsle/fnw226

49. Lima, R. S. N.; Garcia-Tejero, I.; Lopes, T. S.; Costa, J. M.; Vaz, M.; Duran-Zuazo, V. H.; Chaves, M.; Glenn, D. M.; Campostrini, E., Linking thermal imaging to physiological indicators in Carica papaya L. under different watering regimes. Agricultural Water Management 2016, 164, 148-157. doi:10.1016/j.agwat.2015.07.017

50. Lopes, J. N. C.; Esperanca, J.; de Ferro, A. M.; Pereiro, A. B.; Plechkova, N. V.; Rebelo, L. P. N.; Seddon, K. R.; Vazquez-Fernandez, I., Protonic Ammonium Nitrate Ionic Liquids and Their Mixtures: Insights into Their Thermophysical Behavior. Journal of Physical Chemistry B 2016, 120 (9), 2397-2406. doi:10.1021/acs.jpcb.5b11900

51. Lourenco, T. F.; Serra, T. S.; Cordeiro, A. M.; Swanson, S. J.; Gilroy, S.; Saibo, N. J. M.; Oliveira, M. M., Rice root curling, a response to mechanosensing, is modulated by the rice E3-ubiquitin ligase HIGH EXPRESSION OF OSMOTICALLY RESPONSIVE GENE1 (OsHOS1). Plant Signaling & Behavior 2016, 11 (8): e1208880. doi:10.1080/15592324.2016.1208880

52. Luis, A.; Shimizu, K.; Araujo, J. M. M.; Carvalho, P. J.; Lopes-da-Silva, J. A.; Lopes, J. N. C.; Rebelo, L. P. N.; Coutinho, J. A. P.; Freire, M. G.; Pereiro, A. B., Influence of Nanosegregation on the Surface Tension of Fluorinated Ionic Liquids. Langmuir 2016, 32 (24), 6130-6139. doi: 10.1021/acs.langmuir.6b00209

53. Luis, I. M.; Alexandre, B. M.; Oliveira, M. M.; Abreu, I. A., Selection of an Appropriate Protein Extraction Method to Study the Phosphoproteome of Maize Photosynthetic Tissue. Plos One 2016, 11 (10). : e0164387. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0164387

54. Macovei, A.; Pagano, A.; Leonetti, P.; Carbonera, S.; Balestrazzi, A.; Araújo, SS., Systems biology approaches to unveil the molecular players involved in the pre-germinative metabolism: Implications on seed technology traits. Plant Cell Reports. 2016, doi:10.1007/s00299-016-2060-5

55. Martins, M.; Mourato, C.; Morais-Silva, F. O.; Rodrigues-Pousada, C.; Voordouw, G.; Wall, J. D.; Pereira, I. A. C., Electron transfer pathways of formate-driven H-2 production in Desulfovibrio. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 2016, 100 (18), 8135-8146. doi:10.1007/s00253-016-7649-7

56. Mata, A.; Ferreira, J. P.; Semedo, C.; Serra, T.; Duarte, C. M. M.; Bronze, M. R., Contribution to the characterization of Opuntia spp. juices by LC-DAD-ESI-MS/MS. Food Chemistry 2016, 210, 558-565. doi:10.1016/j.chroma.2016.11.031

57. Matias, A. A.; Rosado-Ramos, R.; Nunes, S. L.; Figueira, I.; Serra, A. T.; Bronze, M. R.; Santos, C. N.; Duarte, C. M. M., Protective Effect of a (Poly)phenol-Rich Extract Derived from Sweet Cherries Culls against Oxidative Cell Damage. Molecules 2016, 21 (4). doi:10.3390/molecules21040406

58. Mata A.T.; Jorge T.F.; Ferreira J.; Bronze MR.; Branco D.; Fevereiro P.; Araújo S.; António C. Analysis of low abundant trehalose-6-phosphate and related metabolites in Medicago truncatula by hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography–triple quadrupole mass spectrometry. J Chromatogr A 2016, 1477, 30–38. doi:10.1016/j.chroma.2016.11.031

59. Mendes, S.; Banha, C.; Madeira, J.; Santos, D.; Miranda, V.; Manzanera, M.; Ventura, MR.; van Berkel, W.J.H.; Martins, LO., Characterization of a bacterial Pyranose 2-Oxidase from Arthrobacter siccitolerans J Mol Catalys. B, Enzymatic. 2016,

60. Miguel, A.; Milhinhos, A.; Novak, O.; Jones, B.; Miguel, C. M., The SHORT-ROOT-like gene PtSHR2B is involved in Populus phellogen activity. Journal of Experimental Botany 2016, 67 (5), 1545-1555. doi:10.1093/jxb/erv547

61. Moriuchi, K. S.; Friesen, M. L.; Cordeiro, M. A.; Badri, M.; Vu, W. T.; Main, B. J.; Aouani, M. E.; Nuzhdin, S. V.; Strauss, S. Y.; von Wettberg, E. J. B., Salinity Adaptation and the Contribution of Parental Environmental Effects in Medicago truncatula. Plos One 2016, 11 (3). doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0150350

62. Neto, M. J.; Dunach, E.; Esperanca, J.; Esteves, A. P.; Medeiros, M. J.; Silva, M. M., Ionic Liquids for the Electroreductive Radical Cyclization of Unsaturated Bromo Derivatives Catalyzed by Nickel(II) Complexes. Journal of the Electrochemical Society 2016, 163 (3), G21-G25. doi:10.1149/2.0691603jes

63. Nukarinen E.; Nägele T.; Pedrotti L.; Wurzinger B.; Mair A.; Landgraf R.; Börnke F.; Hanson J.; Teige M.; Baena-González E.; Dröge-Laser W.; and Weckwerth W., Quantitative phosphoproteomics reveals the role of the AMPK plant ortholog SnRK1 as a metabolic master regulator under energy deprivation. Sci Rep 6. 2016, 6:31697. doi: 10.1038/srep31697

64. Oliveira, F. S.; Cabrita, E. J.; Todorovic, S.; Bernardes, C. E. S.; Lopes, J. N. C.; Hodgson, J. L.; MacFarlane, D. R.; Rebelo, L. P. N.; Marrucho, I. M., Mixtures of the 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium acetate ionic liquid with different inorganic salts: insights into their interactions. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2016, 18 (4), 2756-2766. doi:10.1039/c5cp06937h

65. Oliveira, F. S.; Dohrn, R.; Pereiro, A. B.; Araujo, J. M. M.; Rebelo, L. P. N.; Marrucho, I. M., Designing high ionicity ionic liquids based on 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium ethyl sulphate for effective azeotrope breaking. Fluid Phase Equilibria 2016, 419, 57-66. doi:10.1016/j.fluid.2016.03.004

66. Oliveira, F. S.; Dohrn, R.; Rebelo, L. P. N.; Marrucho, I. M., Improving the Separation of n-Heptane plus Ethanol Azeotropic Mixtures Combining Ionic Liquid 1-Ethyl-3-methylimidazolium Acetate with Different Inorganic Salts. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 2016, 55 (20), 5965-5972. doi:10.1021/acs.iecr.6b00810

67. Parreira, J. R.; Bouraada, J.; Fitzpatrick, M. A.; Silvestre, S.; da Silva, A. B.; da Silva, J. M.; Almeida, A. M.; Fevereiro, P.; Altelaar, A. F. M.; Araujo, S. S., Differential proteomics reveals the hallmarks of seed development in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Journal of Proteomics 2016, 143, 188-198. doi:10.1016/j.jprot.2016.03.002

68. Patinha, D. J. S.; Tome, L. C.; Florindo, C.; Soares, H. R.; Coroadinha, A. S.; Marrucho, I. M., New Low-Toxicity Cholinium-Based Ionic Liquids with Perfluoroalkanoate Anions for Aqueous Biphasic System Implementation. Acs Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 2016, 4 (5), 2670-2679. doi:10.1021/acssuschemeng.6b00171

69. Permanhani, M.; Costa, J. M.; Conceicao, M. A. F.; de Souza, R. T.; Vasconcellos, M. A. S.; Chaves, M. M., Deficit irrigation in table grape: eco-physiological basis and potential use to save water and improve quality. Theoretical and Experimental Plant Physiology 2016, 28 (1), 85-108. doi:10.1007/s40626-016-0063-9

70. Pinto, M. F.; Cardoso, B. D.; Barroso, S.; Martins, A. M.; Royo, B., Chelating bis-N-heterocyclic carbene complexes of iron(II) containing bipyridyl ligands as catalyst precursors for oxidation of alcohols. Dalton Transactions 2016, 45 (34), 13541-13546. doi:10.1039/c6dt02718k

71. Pires, A. S.; Azinheira, H. G.; Cabral, A.; Tavares, S.; Tavares, D.; Castro, M.; Varzea, V.; Silva, M. C.; Abranches, R.; Loureiro, J.; Talhinhas, P., Cytogenomic characterization of Colletotrichum kahawae, the causal agent of coffee berry disease, reveals diversity in minichromosome profiles and genome size expansion. Plant Pathology 2016, 65 (6), 968-977. doi:10.1111/ppa.12479

72. Pistone, L.; Ottolina, G.; De, S.; Romero, A. A.; Martins, L. O.; Luque, R., Encapsulated Laccases for the Room-Temperature Oxidation of Aromatics: Towards Synthetic Low-Molecular-Weight Lignins. Chemsuschem 2016, 9 (7), 756-762. doi:10.1002/cssc.201501427

73. Ribeiro, I. C.; Pinheiro, C.; Ribeiro, C. M.; Veloso, M. M.; Simoes-Costa, M. C.; Evaristo, I.; Paulo, O. S.; Ricardo, C. P., Genetic Diversity and Physiological Performance of Portuguese Wild Beet (Beta vulgaris spp. maritima) from Three Contrasting Habitats. Frontiers in Plant Science 2016, 7. doi:10.3389/fpls.2016.01293

74. Ribeiro, T.; Barrela, R.M.; Bergès, H.; Marques, C.; Loureiro, J.; Morais-Cecílio, L.; Paiva, J.A. P., Advancing Eucalyptus Genomics: Cytogenomics Reveals Conservation of Eucalyptus Genomes. Frontiers in Plant Science 2016, 7, 510. doi:10.3389/fpls.2016.00510

75. Ribeiro-Barros, A. I.; da Costa, M.; Duro, N.; Graca, I.; Batista-Santos, P.; Jorge, T. F.; Lidon, F. C.; Pawlowski, K.; Antonio, C.; Ramalho, J. C., An integrated approach to understand the mechanisms underlying salt stress tolerance in Casuarina glauca and its relation with nitrogen-fixing Frankia Thr. Symbiosis 2016, 70 (1), 111-116. doi:10.1007/s13199-016-0386-y

76. Ricroch, A.; Harwood, W.; Svobodova, Z.; Sagi, L.; Hundleby, P.; Badea, E. M.; Rosca, I.; Cruz, G.; Salema Fevereiro, M. P.; Marfa Riera, V.; Jansson, S.; Morandini, P.; Bojinov, B.; Cetiner, S.; Custers, R.; Schrader, U.; Jacobsen, H. J.; Martin-Laffon, J.; Boisron, A.; Kuntz, M., Challenges facing European agriculture and possible biotechnological solutions. Critical Reviews in Biotechnology 2016, 36 (5), 875-883. doi:10.3109/07388551.2015.1055707

77. Rodrigues, L.; Silva, I.; Poejo, J.; Serra, A. T.; Matias, A. A.; Simplicio, A. L.; Bronze, M. R.; Duarte, C. M. M., Recovery of antioxidant and antiproliferative compounds from watercress using pressurized fluid extraction. Rsc Advances 2016, 6 (37), 30905-30918. doi:10.1039/c5ra28068k

78. Santos, R. B.; Abranches, R.; Fischer, R.; Sack, M.; Holland, T., Putting the Spotlight Back on Plant Suspension Cultures. Frontiers in Plant Science 2016, 7. doi:10.3389/fpls.2016.00297

79. Sapeta, H.; Lourenco, T.; Lorenz, S.; Grumaz, C.; Kirstahler, P.; Barros, P. M.; Costa, J. M.; Sohn, K.; Oliveira, M. M., Transcriptomics and physiological analyses reveal co-ordinated alteration of metabolic pathways in Jatropha curcas drought tolerance. Journal of Experimental Botany 2016, 67 (3), 845-860. doi: 10.1093/jxb/erv499

80. Shaplov, A. S.; Morozova, S. M.; Lozinskaya, E. I.; Vlasov, P. S.; Gouveia, A. S. L.; Tome, L. C.; Marrucho, I. M.; Vygodskii, Y. S., Turning into poly(ionic liquid)s as a tool for polyimide modification: synthesis, characterization and CO2 separation properties. Polymer Chemistry 2016, 7 (3), 580-591. doi:10.1039/c5py01553g

81. Silva, N.; Pinto, R. J. B.; Freire, C. S. R.; Marrucho, I. M., Production of lysozyme nanofibers using deep eutectic solvent aqueous solutions. Colloids and Surfaces B-Biointerfaces 2016, 147, 36-44. doi:10.1016/j.colsurfb.2016.07.005

82. Sousa, A.C., Piedade, M.F.M.M., Martins, L.O.; and Robalo., Eco-friendly synthesis of indo dyes mediated by a bacterial laccase. Green Chemistry 2016, 18, 6063 – 6070. doi:10.1039/c6gc02050j

83. Tapia, C.; Zacarias, S.; Pereira, I. A. C.; Conesa, J. C.; Pita, M.; De Lacey, A. L., In Situ Determination of Photobioproduction of H-2 by In2S3- NiFeSe Hydrogenase from Desulfovibrio vulgaris Hildenborough Using Only Visible Light. Acs Catalysis 2016, 6 (9), 5691-5698. doi:10.1021/acscatal.6b01512

84. Teles, A. R. R.; Correia, H.; Maximo, G. J.; Rebelo, L. P. N.; Freire, M. G.; Pereiro, A. B.; Coutinhoa, J. A. P., Solid-liquid equilibria of binary mixtures of fluorinated ionic liquids. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2016, 18 (36), 25741-25750. doi:10.1039/c6cp05372f

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86. Trindade, I. B.; Fonseca, B. M.; Matias, P. M.; Louro, R. O.; Moe, E., A putative siderophore-interacting protein from the marine bacterium Shewanella frigidimarina NCIMB 400: cloning, expression, purification, crystallization and X-ray diffraction analysis. Acta Crystallographica Section F-Structural Biology Communications 2016, 72, 667-671. doi:10.1107/s2053230x16011419

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88. Ventura, M.; Tabernero, V.; Cuenca, T.; Royo, B.; Jimenez, G., Cyclopentadienyl-Silsesquioxane Titanium Catalysts: Factors Affecting Their Formation and Activity in Olefin Epoxidation with Aqueous Hydrogen Peroxide. European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry 2016, (17), 2843-2849. doi:10.1002/ejic.201501474

89. Vieira, A.; Cabral, A.; Fino, J.; Azinheira, H. G.; Loureiro, A.; Talhinhas, P.; Pires, A. S.; Varzea, V.; Moncada, P.; Oliveira, H.; Silva, M. D.; Paulo, O. S.; Batista, D., Comparative Validation of Conventional and RNA-Seq Data-Derived Reference Genes for qPCR Expression Studies of Colletotrichum kahawae. Plos One 2016, 11 (3).

90. Vieira, N. S. M.; Luis, A.; Reis, P. M.; Carvalho, P. J.; Lopes-da-Silva, J. A.; Esperanca, J.; Araujo, J. M. M.; Rebelo, L. P. N.; Freire, M. G.; Pereiro, A. B., Fluorination effects on the thermodynamic, thermophysical and surface properties of ionic liquids. Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics 2016, 97, 354-361. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0150651

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92. Zarrouk O.; Brunetti C.; Egipto R.; Pinheiro C.; Genebra T.; Gori A.; Lopes CM.; Tattini M.; Chaves MM., Grape ripening is regulated by deficit irrigation/elevated temperatures according to cluster position in the canopy. Frontiers in Plant Science 2016, 7, 1640 doi:10.3389/fpls.2016.01640

93. Zarrouk, O; Garcia-Tejero, I.; Pinto, C.; Genebra, T.; Sabir, F.; Prista, C.; David, T. S.; Loureiro-Dias, M. C.; Chaves, M. M., Aquaporins isoforms in cv. Touriga Nacional grapevine under water stress and recovery-Regulation of expression in leaves and roots. Agricultural Water Management 2016, 164, 167-175 doi:10.1016/j.agwat.2015.08.013

Books (book chapters)

1. Almeida D.M.*, Almadanim M.C.*, Lourenço T., Abreu I.A., Saibo N.J.M., Oliveira M.M. (2016) Screening for abiotic stress tolerance in rice: salt, cold and drought. In: Duque P (ed). “Environmental Responses in Plants, Methods in Molecular Biology”, Vol. 1398, pp.155-182. ISBN: 978-1-4939-3356-3. Springer, New York, NY, USA. doi: 10.1007/978-1-4939-3356-3_14 (*both first authors)

2. Confraria A., Baena-González E. (2016) Using Arabidopsis Protoplasts to Study Cellular Responses to Environmental Stress. Methods Mol Biol (Environmental Responses in Plants), Paula Duque (ed.), Springer ISBN 978-1-4939-3356-3

3. Diego O. Hartmann, Cristina Silva Pereira (2016) Toxicity of ionic liquids: past, present and future in Ionic Liquids in Lipid Processing and Analysis.( Xuebing Xu, Zheng Guo and Ling-Zhi Cheong (eds)). Chapter 13, pp.403-421. ISBN: 978-1-63067-047-4. Elsevier B.V.

4. Kazana V, Tsourgiannis L, Iakovoglou V, Stamatiou Ch, Alexandrov A, Araújo SS, Bogdan S, Bozic G, Brus R, Bossinger G, Boutsimea A, Celepirovic N, Cvrcková H, Fladung M, Ivankovic M, Kazaklis A, Koutsona P, Luthar Z, Máchová P, Malá J, Mara K, Mataruga M, Moravcikova J, Paffetti D, Paiva JAP, Raptis D, Sanchez C, Sharry S, Salaj T, Šijacic-Nikolic M, Tel-Zur N, Tsvetkov I, Vettori C, Vidal N. (2016) Public attitudes towards the use of transgenic forest trees: A cross-country pilot survey. Public knowledge and perceptions of safety issues towards the use of genetically modified forest trees: A cross-country pilot survey. In: Vettori C, Fladung M, Pilate G, Gallardo F, Kazana V and Migliacci F (Eds). Biosafety of Forest Transgenic Trees. Springer

5. Lelu-Walter M-A, Klimaszewska K, Miguel C, Aronen T, Hargreaves C, Teyssier C, Trontin J-F. Somatic embryogenesis for more effective breeding and deployment of improved varieties in Pinus spp.: bottlenecks and recent advances. In: Somatic Embryogenesis - Fundamental Aspects and Applications. Loyola-Vargas VM, Ochoa-Alejo N (eds), Springer Verlag. Chap 19, pp 319-365, ISBN 978-3-319-33704-3

6. Lourenço T.F., Barros P.M., Saibo N.J.M., Abreu I.A., Santos A.P., António C., Pereira J.S., Oliveira M.M. (2016) Genomics of Drought. In: Edwards D, Batley J (eds). “Plant Genomics and Climate Change”. New York, NY: Springer Science, pp 85-135. (ISBN 978-1-4939-3534-5) doi: 10.1007/978-1-4939-3536-9_5 .

7. Margalha L., Valerio C., Baena-González E. (2016) Plant SnRK1 kinases: structure, regulation and function. In “AMP-activated Protein Kinase”, Cordero M. and Viollet, B (eds), Springer ISBN 978-3-319-43589-3

8. Mata A.T., Jorge T.F., Pires M.V., and António C. (2016) Drought stress tolerance in plants: insights from metabolomics. In: Molecular and Genetic Perspectives, Vol. 2, eds. MA Hossain, SH Wani, S Bhattachajee, DJ Burritt & LS Phan Tran. Springer Publishing (ISBN 978-3-319-32421-0).

9. Miguel CM, Rupps A, Raschke J, Rodrigues AS, Trontin J-F. Impact of molecular studies on somatic embryogenesis development for implementation in conifer multi-varietal forestry. In: Park YS, Bonga JM, Moon HK (eds) Vegetative Propagation of Forest trees. National Institute of Forest Science. Seoul, Korea, pp 373-421.

10. Parreira J.R., Branco D., Almeida A.M., Czubacka A., Agacka-Moldoch M., Paiva J.A.P., Tavares-Cadete F., Araújo S.S. (2016) Systems biology approaches to improve drought stress in plants: state of the art and future challenges. In: Hossain M.A., Wani S.H., Bhattachajee S., Burritt D., Tran L.S.P., eds. Drought stress tolerance in plants. Volume 2 - Molecular and Genetic Perspectives. pp 433-471. Springer International Publishing.

11. Remy, E., Duque, P. (2016) Assessing tolerance to heavy-metal stress in Arabidopsis thaliana seedlings. In: Duque P (ed). “Environmental Responses in Plants, Methods in Molecular Biology”, Vol. 1398, pp.197-208. ISBN: 978-1-4939-3356-3. Springer, New York, NY, USA.

12. Royo, B, S. M. Podhajsky, M. S. Sigman (2016). Oxidation Reactions with NHC-Metal Complexes. In N-Heterocyclic Carbenes: from laboratory curiosities to efficient synthetic tools, RSC Catalysis Series, Ed. S. Díez-González, Chapter 12, pag. 456-483.

13. Zarrouk O, Costa JM, Francisco R, Lopes C, Chaves MM (2016). Chapter 5. Drought and water management in Mediterranean vineyards. In: Grapevine in a Changing Environment: a Molecular and Ecophysiological Perspective. Geros H., Chaves M., Medrano H. and Delrot S. (Eds.), Wiley-Blackwell Books, UK. pp. 38–67;


Books (edition)

1. Duque P (ed). “Environmental Responses in Plants, Methods in Molecular Biology”, Vol. 1398, pp.155-182. ISBN: 978-1-4939-3356-3. Springer, New York, NY, USA. doi: 10.1007/978-1-4939-3356-3_14

2. New Challenges in Seed Biology: Basic and Translational Research driving Seed Technology (2016) Araújo SS and Balestrazzi A (Eds). InTech, Rikeja. Available at:


Publications in National Journals

1. António C (2016) A Espectrometria de Massa como Técnica Analítica de Excelência em Metabolómica de Plantas. In: QUÍMICA - Boletim da Sociedade Portuguesa de Química (SPQ), 143: 11-13.

2. Santos, C.; Machado, H.; Serrazina, S.; Gomes, F.; Gomes-Laranjo, J.; Correia, I.; Zhebentyayeva, T.; Duarte, S.; Bragança, H.; Fevereiro, P.; Nelson, C.D.; Costa, R., Comprehension of resistance to diseases in chestnut. Revista de Ciencias Agrarias, 39, 189-193.