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New coordinators of the PhD Program in Plant Biology

Carlota Vaz Patto and Jörg Becker step in as the new Coordinator and Co-Coordinator of the PhD Programme in Plant Biology

Carlota Vaz Patto, ITQB NOVA researcher and Lab Head, is the new Coordinator of the PhD Program in Plant Biology - Plants for Life. She replaces Nelson Saibo, who we thank for his contributions for so many years. ITQB NOVA researcher and Lab Head Jörg Becker will now be the Co-Coordinator.

The international PhD Program Plants for Life aims to train future world-class researchers in plant sciences able to address key biological questions related to plant growth and development, to plant responses to environmental stress and to the improvement of crop varieties and plant products. The innovative training provided by Plants for Life PhD Program is unique in the country, representing an opportune and highly valuable input to increase the competitiveness and innovation ability in an area of crucial importance for the sustainable development and future of human society.

The PhD Program Plants for Life, coordinated by ITQB NOVA, associates five of the most recognized plant research centers in Portugal (ITQB NOVA, iBET, IGC, INIAV, and FCUL) with four world-class research centers in Europe (VIB-Plant Systems Biology-Gent Univ., Max Planck Institute of Molecular Plant Physiology, The Sainsbury Laboratory and The Sainsbury Laboratory - Cambridge University). 

Learn more about the PhD Program Plants for Life.