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News 2021

Fascination of Plants Day 2021 | Dia do Fascínio das Plantas
The International Fascination of Plants Day is celebrated every two years, on 18 May. In 2021, online activities are being streamlined all over the world! Learn more about the initiatives organized in Portugal to celebrate this day.
Dia Aberto Virtual do ITQB NOVA 2021
A Ciência move-nos para o futuro! | Edição Online
Nuno Maulide elected member of Austrian Academy of Sciences
The visiting professor at ITQB NOVA has become the first Portuguese to be elected a permanent member of the Austrian Academy of Sciences.
Inês Cardoso Pereira elected EMBO Member
The ITQB NOVA Principal Investigator’s work on Bioenergetics and biocatalysis in anaerobic bacteria is recognized by the prestigious European organization.
Paula Alves awarded with Gold Medal of Merit by Oeiras City Council
The Principal Investigator at ITQB NOVA and iBET CEO was recognised for her valuable contributions to Science and Technology
Asymptomatic adults may be reservoirs of Streptococcus pneumoniae
Study by ITQB NOVA researchers identifies role played by adults in the carriage of pneumococci
ITQB NOVA scientists distinguished with Medal of Scientific Merit
Ministry for Science, Technology and Higher Education recognized the contributions of Maria Arménia Carrondo and Cândido Pinto Ricardo to Portuguese science.
Oral SARS-CoV-2 vaccine uses bacteria to induce antibodies
First phase of research reveals promising data on immune system activation
InnovPlantProtect considered most relevant investment of 2021
The award was attributed on June 30, 2021, during the 8th edition of AgroIn, an Annual Agribusiness Congress.
New insight on the reproductive evolution of land plants
International consortium, including then IGC, now current ITQB NOVA PI and GREEN-IT member Jörg Becker, offers novel insight into the reproductive evolution of land plants, in new study published in Nature Plants.
Detected the structural points that allow SARS-CoV-2 to deceive the immune system
A multidisciplinary team has revealed two structural points in one of the proteins of the virus that causes COVID-19, which are prone to evolve into variants that escape the immune response, going more unnoticed by the antibodies generated after vaccination or infection.
Nanopores: the how and the why (and hopefully the where)
International study reveals the mechanisms of conduction and breakdown during nanopore formation and suggests a roadmap to complex, integrated nanopore devices.
Discover the ITQB NOVA Masters
Learn more about the ITQB NOVA Masters with open applications, which are developed with the best partners in each field, and in close connection with the industry.
6M euros for Neglected Crops
ITQB NOVA PI Carlota Vaz Patto is part of DIVINFOOD, an international collaboration to promote sustainability in food systems.
A look into the formation of centrioles in the first land plants
New study looks into the 3D architecture of centrioles in moss, revealing that these structures are more diverse than previously thought.
Expression of Interest: Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship
Candidates will benefit from the support of ITQB NOVA’s pre-award team
A picture of MRSA in the PALOP Countries
Study sheds light in the colonization of multi-drug resistant Staphylococcus aureus in Cape Verde
Dia Internacional do Microrganismo 2021
No dia 17 de setembro celebra-se o Dia Internacional do Microrganismo. Neste dia, os investigadores do ITQB NOVA irão levar a ciência até às ruas de Oeiras, dando aos participantes a oportunidade de explorar este "mundo invisível.
Noite Europeia dos Investigadores chega a Oeiras
Oeiras recebeu a primeira Noite Europeia dos Investigadores, inteiramente dedicada à ciência produzida no município. A Marina de Oeiras foi o local escolhido para esta primeira edição e o ponto de encontro entre investigadores e novos públicos.
Reunião Anual do Projeto TIMB3
O consórcio TIMB3 convida investigadores a participar no Mini-Simpósio TIMB3 intitulado “O Papel da Dinâmica na Biocatálise e os Métodos para o seu Estudo”
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