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Resources for Teaching Staff

Teaching activities at ITQB NOVA are strongly intertwined with research. Teaching is organized in courses - PhD Programmes, Master Courses, Post-graduation, and Short courses - and includes both teaching within curricular units and supervision of younger researchers.

All ITQB NOVA PhD researchers are part of the Teaching Staff, which also includes researchers from partner institutions. Their active role in ongoing research projects and their commitment to scientific knowledge ensures state-of-the art scientific training for students at all levels. The collaborative spirit of the institution also ensures a supportive pedagogic environment for both students and teaching staff. 

The quality assurance system for teaching and learning at NOVA helps monitoring teaching activities and fuels reflection for improvement, whenever necessary.


Teaching and Academic platforms 

  •  Academic Portal @ ITQB NOVA - NetPA
  • Learning Management System - Moodle@ITQB 
  • Plagiarism detection tool Turnitin (also available within Moodle)
  • NOVA Repository for thesisRUN 


Pedagogical Support

  • Teaching Tools - A collaborative ITQB NOVA page (within Moodle) with teaching resources and tips 
  • "Teaching Tips and Tricks" sessions
    Past sessions: 2 April 2020; 2 May 2021
  •  NOVA Teach
    This website, accessible by NOVA teaching staff, serves both as a repository of teaching materials and as a platform for sharing resources and ideas. 
  • Pedagogical Training for Faculty Course
    This fully online course for NOVA teaching staff covers the basic principles of teaching, organized around the sections of a curricular unit form. Registrations


Quality System for Teaching and Learning

NOVA SIMAQ is NOVA's Internal Quality Monitoring and Evaluation System. One of its five core domains is the Teaching-Learning domain, where it ensures the envolvement of both students and teaching staff in the continuous improvement of NOVA's teaching activities. 


Teaching Staff tasks within NOVA SIMAQ:


  • All Teaching Staff
    • Must write summaries for all taught classes.
    • Make sure to answer to the teaching staff survey when asked.


  • Coordinators of Curricular Units
    • Update Ficha de Unidade Curricular (FUC) before each curricular year starts
    • Elaborate Relatório de Unidade Curricular (RUC) at the end of the semester (using data from student survey, teaching staff survey, and academic data)
    • Ensure implementation, at the curricular unit level, of the improvement measures identified in the previous year.


  • Master courses and PhD Program coordinators
    • Validate all Relatórios de Unidades Curriculares 
    • Promote meetings of the course Scientific and Pedagogic Committees and write the respective minutes
    • Make sure to monitor the course at the end of the 1st semester.
    • Elaborate Relatório Ciclo de Estudos (Master) or Relatorio Anual do Programa Doutoral (PhD) in January (using data from RUC, student surveys, teaching staff survey, and academic data)
    • Ensure implementation, at the course level, of the improvement measures identified in the previous year.


  • Coordinator for Advanced Teaching 
    • Validate all Relatórios de Ciclos de Estudos (RCE) and Relatorios Anuais dos Programas Doutorais (RAPD).
    • Elaborate Balanço da Qualidade do Ensino e Aprendizagem in March (using data from RCE and RAPD and further academic data)
    • Ensure implementation, at the institution level, of the improvement measures identified in the previous year . 

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