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PhD Programs

GREEN-IT and its researchers are involved in several PhD degrees in Plant Sciences, Chemistry, Biochemistry and Biology.

All GREEN-IT PhD students are registered in one of the following PhD Programs

Coordinated by GREEN-IT

The International PhD Program Plants for Life aims to train a prominent body of future top researchers in plant sciences able to address key biological questions related to plant growth and development, plant responses to environmental stress, and improvement of crop varieties and plant products.
ITQB NOVA is the coordinating institution.

Participation of GREEN-IT

Phd Molbios

The PhD Program in Molecular Biosciences is a flexible state-of-the-art research oriented program in life sciences. The Program trains students in molecular approaches needed to understand the mechanisms of life.
ITQB NOVA is the coordinating institution.

PhD Host

The Biology at the Host Microbe Interface PhD program was created on the premise that understanding the general principles guiding host-microbe interactions is a major scientific endeavor per se with a potential global translational impact on therapeutic intervention against infectious as well as non-communicable diseases. The B@HMI PhD program aims at fulfilling a current gap of knowledge at the interface of these multidisciplinary scientific areas.
ITQB NOVA is the coordinating institution.

 sustainable chemistry

The PhD in Sustainable Chemistry is a multidisciplinary program in the central/broad area of chemistry, aiming at providing new focus on sustainable research strategies towards the development of new chemical, processes and products in line with current needs of the Chemical Industry and the demands of society.
ITQB NOVA is a participating institution.

The aim of the Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Applied to Chemistry, Materials and Biosciences doctoral training program is to foster the development of NMR spectroscopy in Portugal by training students within a specific research plan, to take the maximum advantage of this powerful technique in a variety of key research areas. ITQB NOVA is a participating institution.

The PhD Programme on Catalysis and Sustainability (CATSUS) aims to strengthen the advanced teaching and research in modern Catalysis, promoting a synergic cooperation of the different types of Catalysis, in Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, by gathering teams with complementary expertises in various institutions and favouring their interaction.
ITQB NOVA is a participating institution.


The PhD in Advanced Integrated Microsystems  provides advanced training in the design and implementation of miniaturized multifunctional devices and systems, fabricated using top-down and bottom-up micro and nanofabrication techiques, to be applied to bioprocessing, biotechnology, biomedicine, pharmaceutical sciences, biosensing for biomedical, environmental and food safety, and physical sensing.
ITQB NOVA is a participating institution


The Doctoral Program in Applied and Environmental Microbiology is an inter-university and inter-research centre program offering multidisciplinary training that includes in-depth understanding of molecular and cellular microbiology and of the contemporary view of genome-based microbiology, microbial diversity and evolution.
ITQB NOVA is a participating institution.



NOVA Doctoral School


The NOVA Doctoral School offers a range of complementary and transferable activities that support the personal and professional development of PhD students and supervisors from Universidade NOVA de Lisboa.



Useful information for PhD students

Becoming a PhD Student

Doing your PhD at ITQB NOVA

European Doctorate


Admission and Enrolement (PT)

PhD thesis prize

ITQB NOVA Ombudsperson

ITQB NOVA PhD Degree Areas [PT] (*.pdf)


ITQB NOVA student’s Forum (ITQB NOVA Master and PhD students only)


Scheduled PhD Thesis Public Discussions at ITQB NOVA

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PhDs awarded at ITQB NOVA since 1995  

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