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Molecular Microbiology and Infection Biology


detail program Biopharmaceutical Technology Molecular Mechanisms Molecular Microbiology Plants for Life Core Units Biopharmaceutical Tecnology plants for life Molecular Microbiology Molecular Basis Thesis work MolBioS program


In the Molecular Microbiology and Infection Biology profile students learn about the intricate and dynamic organization of microbial cells during growth and development, and about the mechanisms microbes use to specify which genes to express, namely when reacting and adapting to new surroundings. Particular focus is placed on host-microbe interaction, in the context of health and disease, including the main mechanisms and strategies used by pathogenic or commensal bacteria upon contact with the host, as well as the details of the overall molecular and cellular host response to microbial infection or colonization.

Profile Coordinator: Mariana Pinho


Molecular Microbiology and Infection Biology Units (1.5 ECTS each)

Mechanisms of Gene Expression

Microbial Cell and Developmental Biology

Ecology and Evolution of Microbial Populations

Bacterial Pathogenesis

Host Responses to Microbial Infection


Students may replace up to two curricular units with those of a different Profile





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